Me & My Clitoris [M35Dom&F23Sub][Teasing][Denial][Orgasm Control] Part 1

He tapped the tabletop twice with his middle finger and my legs instantly parted in response. He was sitting sideways in his chair, one arm slung across the back of mine, the other slid under the table cloth, up my thigh and two fingers slowly circled my clit.

I blushed, furiously worried that someone in the restaurant might notice. Sir chuckled, as he sensed my apprehension, before he leaned forward to whisper in my ear.

“You’re absolutely soaking my pet. You love this; don’t you? Such a beautiful slut. You’re so wet at the idea that someone might see you. See what a needy pussy you have.”

I bit my lip. He wasn’t wrong, the idea of being caught made my pussy spike hot. Of course it could have been from the teasing on the drive over as well. Sir had been driving with one hand on the wheel with the other dipping in and out of my aching pussy. But I knew my pussy wasn’t just the edging earlier. Sir knew it, too. He knew all my quirks and all my fantasies. I had never imagined that in telling him he’d one day make me live all of them out.

“Hi there! Are you ready to order?”

The waitress said with a big smile. I stiffened and flashed a smile back. I was terrified she might see. Sir’s fingers didn’t falter from their slow, torturous purpose as they continued to circle around my clit. Instead he calmly ordered for us both, and slid two fingers between my folds.

As the waitress departed, he turned his head back to my ear.

“Do you like her? Our pretty little waitress?”

I watched her petite form sashay away, stopping at another table. A table to her left toasted to someone, their cheers clearly audible from where we sat.

“Wouldn’t it be such a treat if she watched me fuck you? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

I blushed, again. He’s fingers probing in and out. He paused, waiting for my response. Someone behind us laughed, and started sharing a story about their work.

“Yes Sir.” I whispered back.

“Yes Sir, what?”

I could tell by his tone of his voice that he was going to make me say it out loud. My pussy clenched around his fingers as they stroked in and out, in and out. My hips rocked ever so slightly against my chair. I ignored the sound of cutlery being picked up and used, the gentle conversation at the table next to us.

“Yes Sir, it would be a treat if she watched you fuck me.”

I blushed furiously, embarrassed at being made to admit it. Imagining her sweet face, intensely watching Sir take me caused a fierce mix of humiliation and arousal. I’d not had someone watch before, but the idea was intoxicating. My face was flaming, but it did turn me on like nothing else. Sir knew it, too, as he chuckling replied.

“You’re such a good nerdy slut, aren’t you? Perhaps I’d let you taste her pussy too, you’ve never done that before either. Perhaps I’ll have you ask her if she’d like to use your tongue. I’d let you suck her clit into oblivion before I allowed you to come, having you lick her into cumming again as I fucked you, pushing your face into her pussy with every thrust.”

I practically moaned. My hips were definitely thrusting onto his fingers now. I grabbed his wrist and turned to him, desperate for him to see how ready I was, hoping for some leniency and kindness.

“Please Sir, please please please may I come? Please?”

His fingers didn’t stop though, as my needy pussy lapped up his attentions.

“Oh, you’d like to come? Here? In the restaurant?”

I nodded, still a bit lost in my wet pussy, his fingers still moving in an out, his thumb occasionally brushing my clit.

“Please, Sir? Please, please, please, please!?!”

Sir waited a beat. I was close, so close, so near the edge.

“Mm. Do you have asking privileges right this minute?”

Aarrgh!!! I scream in my mind. I was so close cumming, but in my desperation I had forgotten my place. No, I did not currently even have permission to cum. I had lost it as punishment for coming without permission the previous week. My disappointment must as clearly shown on my face, because Sir kissed my cheek. He removed his fingers from my pussy and resumed the slow, torturous circles around my clit.

“Here your drinks?” The waitress announced as she sat down two drinks and appetizers onto the table.

It took everything I had not to moan in her face. Sir smiled at her with thanks, and started up a short conversation, who she was, how she enjoyed working here, how her night was going. I couldn’t listen, I was all too aware of how sensitive my clit was, how close the waitress was standing and how Sirs fingers were still, slowly, ever so slowly circling my sweet spot. I tried not to think about how I wasn’t allowed to ask to come and how that meant that I was likely not going to be coming at all.

When Sir finally withdrew his fingers the pretty waitress had gone, and he was wiping his fingers on a napkin.

We ate, and between meals Sir would ask me how wet my pussy was. Having me touch myself, and show him my glistening fingers. I was in a constant state of arousal. It felt very out of place for a fancy restaurant, with people celebrating promotions and birthdays, first dates and anniversaries around us. I couldn’t imagine anyone else was as desperate to come and dripping wet onto their chairs under the crisp white tablecloths.

We skipped dessert. Sir said he had other plans. He paid the bill, leaving a generous tip. He scribbled something at the bottom and with a smile at the waitress, stood, holding out a hand for me.

Sir took my hand and led me from the restaurant into the night. Instead of heading to the car, he led me left, into a nearby public park.



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