A Week to Remember: 25 Anniversary, 2 Birthdays, 2 fantasies fulfilled – Prt 1- (M48, F45, F38) (MF+)(Oral, Consensual-surprise)

My husband and I are a unique pairing in that we have the same birthday, just 3 yrs apart. We didn’t discover this until after we began dating. So when we got married we figured we would make it a triple holiday and got married on our birthday.

This year was a milestone year as it is our 25th anniversary, My 45 Birthday and my husbands 48th.

I was anticipating something big for the celebration this year as it was a big milestone. We are normally pretty low key when it comes to Birthdays, but every now and again, my husband will surprise me with something out of the ordinary like he did [for my 40th birthday.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/y8fgv7/husband_tied_me_to_the_bed_and_blindfolded_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Being that it was our 25th, several of our friends and my Daughter wanted to do something special, and I was conspiring with a friend of mine to do something special for my husband. Little did i know (but had hoped) that he had plans for me.

The night of our actual anniversary, our friends and family threw us a party. It was fun to see some people we have not seen in a while, and my daughter had put together a video that was a bunch of pictures and clips from throughout our time together. It was very sweet and fun and romantic. Almost like a wedding reception where we got to dance together as everyone looked on and toasts and other things. All in all it was a great night. As a surprise gift, My daughter surprised us with a weekend at a local upscale resort. I am sure she got some help from friends and family. The stay included a dinner and a couples spa escape. She got a very big hug for that. i am excited for that trip.

After the party, my husband and I returned home. My daughter stayed to help clean up and then was going to stay at my mother in laws house so that we could be alone. My daughter had mentioned her plans to me earlier, so i made some plans of my own.

As we drove home from the party, my husband and I were very flirty and very much in the mood to celebrate the way we did on our wedding night. Our wedding night was our first time together and the night my husband took my virginity. It is a night that I look upon fondly and a moment that we have relived many times through role play.

The moment we got home and inside the house, our hands and lips were on each other. He pulled me in for a very long and passionate kiss as his hands traced up and down my body, I could not help but shiver at his touch. I moved his mouth to his ear and whispered to him, I want to relive our wedding night again, touch me like it is your first time with me. Show me how good a man can make a woman feel.

As i whispered this I heard his breath catch and his hands grip my body.

I took him by the hand and led him to our bedroom and sat him on the bed. I went into the closet and grabbed a silk chemise like the one I wore that night and a scarf. As i walked out of the closet i held up the scarf and said, “I want you to wear this, i want you to envision the young beautiful woman you married on that night and make love to her, not to your old wife and the body you have pleasured a million times since that night”.

He protested that I was still a beautiful woman and that he want to make love to me a million times more, but he eventually conceded and I tied the scarf tightly over his eyes. I then told him to undress as i returned to the closet for my next surprise.

Waiting in the closet was my friend Diane. She had left the party shortly before we had and raced to my house to get ready,parking her car a few doors away and hid in the closet the moment she heard the garage door. She had removed her cloths she wore to the party and was now wearing a silk chemise like the one I had been holding when i came out to blindfold my husband. If you have read some of my other posts, you will be aware that I have been trying [set my husband up with Diane](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/ypzc2r/arranged_for_my_husband_47m_to_meet_up_with_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for some time, and have failed many times.

I came to Diane and gave her a light kiss as she began to help me undress. Once my cloths were off i slid on the Chemise i was holding and we walked together back into the room. My husband was now sitting on the bed in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs. I moved behind Diane as she moved to stand right in front of my husband and said over her shoulder “Ok, I think i am ready”, which were the first words i said to my husband on that night forever ago, but that only felt like yesterday.

He stood and raised his hands out for ‘me’ and placed them on Diane’s arms. Diane is within a half an inch of my height with similar length and style of hair, only hers is a dark brown color and mine is ready. I have a slightly thinner build than Diane because of the distance running and swimming that I do, but Diane is similarly tone form her gym work outs. Diane also has slightly larger breasts than I do. i never really considered my self gifted in that department, where Diane as beautiful full breast that just fill a C cup perfectly as opposed to my “Barely B’s).

The biggest difference is Diane has the most wonderfully soft beautiful skin. i swear when I am with her it is like touching a cloud. i could just lay there and run my fingertips over her body for hours (and i have). Due to an accident i was in when I was 15, I have a large patch of long burn scars that cover most of my right side and partway onto my back and front along the underside of one breast.

As My husband ran his hands up and down Diane’s arms he stepped in closer to her, leaning down and began to kiss her shoulder. His kisses were very soft and sensual like they were on our first night. As his lips kissed up her shoulder and too her neck, Diane drew in a sharp breath. I could tell that she was fighting every urge in her body to reach out to him and begin to explore his body and kiss him back. But she had been repeatedly told how scared i was that night and how i was too afraid to touch a naked man for the first time. I could see her hands flexing as she fought the urge while also shivering at the kisses working their way up he beautiful neck.

I had to stay near Diane and be quite, I wanted to sit down and enjoy the show and live out this fantasy and also relive this experience, but i knew what was coming next.

They came like they did on that first night, “May I touch you?”

He knew i was afraid and didn’t want to force anything on me, He wanted to be gentle and take things at my pace, when i was ready,

I leaned over Diane’s shoulder and gasped “yes”. I was so turned on by the sight of my husband touching my best friend that when i leaned in and brushed against Diane, feeling the heat of her body, my own breath was taken from me.

He heard my hungry word and moved his hands to “my”, to Diane’s sides and gently began to caress the sides of her body. Running his hands slowly up over the silk, softly brushing the side of her breasts and then back down and over her hips. Stopping when he felt the lace trim of the chemise and then back up again repeating the motion.

The first time his hands grazed against her breasts, Diane let out another, harder gasp and her body shook again. I had stepped back to avoid being accidentally touched and ran my hands up and down my own body trying to mimic the touch of my husband’s hands on his lovers body.

With his hands sending shivers through Diane, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Diane eagerly returned his kiss and played with the tip of her tongue against his lips eagerly seeking his. I knew how to kiss on our wedding night and had done the same, hungry to give back something I already knew how to do.

Diane’s hand’s reach up and cupped the sides of his face and drew him in for a tighter, more passionate kiss. This concerned me, Not because she was kissing my husband more passionately, but because I had not done this and she was going to blow the charade.

My husband hesitated for a second and then continued the kiss, meeting her tongue with his as their tongues dancing and intertwining like hungry snakes.

i almost missed my cue when my husband broke the kiss and asked again, “may I ?”

I leaned forward again and whispered, “please”

My Husbands hands traced one last time down Diane’s sides and back up again, continuing to her shoulders. He felt for the this straps holding up the chemise and slide them over he shoulders and pushed them down over her arms. He then lowered his face and began to kiss along her collar bone to the center of her chest. His hands raising to the top end of the silk and sliding it down exposing the tops of her breasts to the nipple. He kissed down her chest until he felt the rise of her breasts and began to kiss down her left breast, down to the nipple and pressed the nipple between his lips.

Diane let out a gasp followed by a light moan. She was loving the attention and the way he was making her fill. He had kissed her before and had even briefly felt her up as a tease, be she had never gotten to experience something so soft and so sensual from him before.

i moved around them so that I could see more of them and get a better view of what was going on. As i came around I looked at Diane and saw a lost, glazed look in her eyes and a rye smile on her phase. She was in heaven and I completely understood why.

He sucked gently on her nipple and began to lightly brush the tip of it with his tongue, sending another shiver through Diane. He then moved back up and began to give her right breast the same treatment, kissing down over the rise of her breast and onto her nipple, pressing it between his lips and then sucking on hit lightly.

Diane’s fingers began to flex again as she fought her urges to just go after this man who was giving he so much pleasure. The glazed look in her eyes faded and her brow furrowed and she fought for control. She had gone this far, she wanted more, she wanted him to touch and please her more, but if she did anything off script it might ruin it. I had coached her. Relived this experience a dozens times in detail with her. She had to stay on script.

He stood again and faced her. “Can i lay you down?”

Diane took his hand and walked to the bed sitting on the edge guiding him to stand in front of her. She was now faced with her biggest challenge. My husband was now very turned on and very ready to make love to me, fully erect, held captive my his undergarments. All she had to do was reach out and lower the waste band and it would be hers. But she knew what came next, she remembered the script.

“Lay back” came the gentle words from my husband. and she did.

He reached down and found her legs, running his finger tips up her thighs, stopping at the lace hem of her chemise. His fingers pinching at the hem, he looked where he thought my face to be and asked, “May I?”

I stood a stared at this wonderful man. This kind, gentle wonderful lover, who was so concerned with me that he sought my permission with every move. I didn’t know what it meant at the time, but now I understand. Now i know that first night we didn’t have sex, we made love. he made love to me and made me feel like a goddess.

And now i get to watch my husband, my lover, my God, give the same pleasure to my best friend and lover.

Diane’s body gently shifted as she nodded her head. i was too breathless in anticipation so i had just nodded. even with the blindfold on he knew what that meant and began to raise the hem up and expose more and more of Diane’s leg. He stopped when he thought he had gone far enough (since he couldn’t see). Then knelt down between her legs and began to kiss her inner thigh. The first kiss sent another jolt through Diane and she began to shake with each kiss of her sensitive skin. Each kissing moving higher and higher up her thighs and to the apex of her womanhood.

He finally reached vulva, reaching out his tongue and running it up her now exposed labia. Diane broke from the script and gasped “Oh My God!”. It was a half gasp half moan, no louder than a whisper, but it was enough for him to pause just a moment. I held my breath until he lowered his face again and stroked her again with his tongue.

By now i was so turned on that my own hands had found their way under the hem of my own silk clothing. I traced my fingers over my own labia, trying as I could to match his motions over Diane. As his movements grew faster so did mine, increasing the pressure and pushing deeper as i knew his tongue was with Diane.

i moved and stood at the other side of the bed, opposite my husband, near Diane’s head, still copying his movements with my fingers on my own body. Suddenly i felt a touch against my leg. Looking down I saw that Diane had raised an arm over her head and was reaching for me. Her sudden touched surprised me, but excited me at the same time. i moved closer to she could reach me with more than just a finger tip, though not much more, it is a large bed. But feeling her touch was wonderful, though slight, and it made me apart of their intimacy.

Diane’s body was now rocking in rhythm with the motions of my husbands tongue, He was still stroking her labia from top to bottom, switching from the outer skin to the more sensitive inner skin and back again. Their bodied moving in sink to the sounds of Diane’s short gasping breath and approaching orgasm. He built the speed slowly, controlling her response and drawing out the pleasure for several minutes.

Finally, As her body began to move faster and out of sync with the dance of his tongue, he moved up and brushed his broad tongue against he clit and pressed it between his lips. Diane’s body immediately convulsed as her growing orgasm finally took her body. tightening every muscle in her body at once as her back arched on the bed. Diane let out a long moan that sounded something like a “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” before he body relaxed and dropped back to the bed.

With a large grin on his face, my husband sat back on his feet and wiped his had across his wet mouth. He stood and then began to crawl onto the bed with Diane’s body beneath him. When her was fully on the bed and almost lined up face to face with Diane, he leaned down and awkwardly kissed lower lip (its hard to line up right when you can’t see). Then moved and kissed her properly and deeply.

Then he broke script.

“Did that feel good…. Diane?”

“Godverdomme!” (dammit) I yelled. as he reached up and pulled the scarf off of his head.

He pushed up and now kneeing upright between Diane’s legs, a blissful lost look on her face. Me standing dumbstruck with my now unmoving hand still between my legs. i looked at his and just said “How?”

He chuckled and said he knew we would try something like this. and then teased me about posting about “Secret plans” to the public since October.

He then stood from the bed and walked around to me, pulled me into his arms and kissed me. I could could feel and taste Diane’s pleasure still on his face and felt my self become even more aroused. He finally broke the kiss and pulled back and looked at me.

He stared at me, looking at what felt like my soul for a long minute and then finally said, “You know I only want you. I hope I have shown you that.”

I nodded sheepishly like a caught child, and softly whispered “yes”

Then he asked, “Do you really want this? Do you really want me to be with Diane?”

with barely a sound I said, “yes”

“and to go all the way with her?”

to this question I looked him straight in the eye, almost pleadingly and said, “please”

He pulled me for another close hug and held me, my face snuggled into his chest. The scent of his body filling my senses along with the warmth of his skin.

I wanted this man. I wanted to give my body to him in every way. anyway he wanted to use me for pleasure I wanted to give it to him. But at that moment , I wanted to watch him, I want to have that out of body experience I had been dreaming of for years, watching as an observer as he pleasured someone else. i wanted to see the wanton lust in his lovers eyes, the passion that i had experienced with him so many times. I wanted to see her body tremble with each thrust of his body into her, his energy and lust flooding her and taking her over the edge. I knew that feeling and has experienced more times that i could count. But i wanted to see it, experience as an onlooker. see his passion with out the distraction of my own pleasure getting in the way of seeing into my lovers eyes. It is a desire i have tried to explain to him countless times and have failed to convey every time.

But now, as i felt his hold on me loosen and his body shift away from me and back onto the bed, I knew i was going to finally be able to see it, to experience it.

He moved back on to the bed and looked down on Diane. “Do you want this as well?”

In a similar whimper to my own she said, “please”

He then looked up at me and reached out for my hand. I reached out and held his hand.

He then leaned down and kissed Diane once more.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/12d25id/a_week_to_remember_25_anniversary_2_birthdays_2