[MF] UK Holiday Encounter

This happened back in 2003, before smartphones and social media apps. Recently I’ve been thinking back to my sexual encounters. This particular one happened in the summer when I was 18. Hope you enjoy!

Everyone is over the age of 18. at the time.

I was on holiday with my family down in Cornwall for 7 days (cant remember exactly where) during August. We had a lodge on a complex and it was one ,if not the, final holiday with my parents and my older brother (A year older than me).

Upon arrival my parents wanted to unload the car and sent my brother and I to ‘go find something to do’. We found a table tennis table which was free to use. As we paddled the ball back and forth a group came over to us, and looked to be around our age and a mix of guys and girls. We made conversation and it turned out that they all lived locally and hanged around the complex. One of the girls parents were the onsite/live-in managers, and she stood out to me. She also seemed to be the overall leader of the group. Although I can remember a lot of detail her name escapes me. she looked hot wearing summer wear. She had brownish shoulder length hair, a grey strappy top, which followed the outline shape of her tits, and tight shorts. I defiantly checked her out and not doubt she spotted it. After chatting to the group for some time my brother and I headed back to our lodge.

That evening my parents, my brother and I went down to see what the evening entertainment was like, usually live music in a bar settings. To be honest most of the time, from memory, it was truly awful. I spotted the group we were talking to earlier and the live-in managers daughter, to make things easier I will reference her as *hot girl*. My brother and I walked over and started chatting to them again. We grabbed a drink from the bar (18+ can drink in the UK) and headed to a picnic bench outside. Other than hanging out and chatting nothing happened. The group knew each other from school and were like ‘brothers and sisters’ meaning they weren’t ‘seeing’ each other. I did ask for * hot girls* number on a basis of ‘texting’ the group to see where they were during the week I was staying there. They all seemed a ‘cool’ group to be around. I rang her number so she had my number, and also to check the number worked :)

The next day after going to some local attraction I sent a text to *hot girl* asking ‘where they are at’ and she replied with next to the swimming pool. The complex only had an outdoor heated pool. The weather was sunny and warm (a rare occasion in the UK). My brother was lined up to go fishing on the lakes near by, so I went to find the group by myself. I put on my swim shorts, t-shirt and grabbed a towel. When I arrived at the pool, wow!, *Hot girl* was in a tight bikini, a jaw dropping bikini. Her tits were hand grabbing size and the way her bikini bottoms were worn she was shaved, or at least neatly kept. I asked how their day was and they asked about mine. We all swam, played ball games in the pool and spent some time sitting around the pool. I made sure I was close or close by *hot girl*.

That evening we of course went to the crappy live entertainment and I hung out with the group. *Hot girl* was wearing a tight tube dress with no bra. You could clearly see her nipples. Some girls just know how to flaunt it and maybe seek the attention. Well in my eyes it was working and she could tell. Before I headed to bed that night I built up the courage to send *hot girl* a text, complimenting her on her dress that evening. I didn’t want to say anything in front of the group, possible due to the embarrassment. A text message you can somewhat hide behind..? She replied back with ‘I’m glad you noticed’. I think I replied back with something like ‘Well it certainly got my attention!’ which now seems rather lame thing to say. As I was drifting off to sleep when my phone buzzed and the reply was ‘how big of an attention’. My heart raced away I was thinking of how to reply. I settled with ‘Maybe you will find out before I leave at the end of the week…’. I managed to drift off to sleep with one eye on my phone.. no reply.

I woke up the next day with no text reply on my phone.., crap have I messed this up. I headed out with my parents and brother, a bit downbeat that I may have lost any chance with ‘Hot girl’. When we returned I sent a text asking where the group was. A reply came back with ‘The pool’. Same as the previous day I headed over, slightly nervous on what I would find or how *hot girl* would be in person. *hot girl* greeted me warmly and had a slight mischievous character to her, almost edging on flirtatious. After splashing in the pool *hot girl* asked me to help her get some drinks, The group had access to ‘soft drinks’ free of charge. Alcohol they had to pay for. I started walking with her and she grabbed my hand a went through a door with ‘no entry on’.

*Sex bit*

It turned out to be the pool filtration/pump room. She seemed a confidant kind a girl and promptly said. ‘Finger me! I want to bring you up to full attention.’ Wow all my Christmases and birthdays had come at once. Like a deer caught in headlights I froze and finally said ‘Sure’. what a dumb thing to say back’. I put my right arm around her, facing her, and with my left hand – yes I’m a lefty, started to slide under her bikini bottoms. She was cleanly shaved. I ran two fingers around her pussy lips and gently squeezed my two fingers together. Her breathing started to change. I ran a finger over her pussy lips and I got a first feel of how wet she was. I slid one finger in followed by a second finger feeling her juices. I found her G-spot. When I was ‘younger’ I read up on how to finger a girl *how lame* and it referenced the g-spot as a bumpy button, haha! Back to the story… I worked her G-Sport bringing up the speed to a good rhythm. I moved to be behind her and with the right hand I pulled on her bikini strap around her neck and her bikini fell to expose her tits. from my view they were teardrop shaped tits, medium sized areola and nipples that could cut glass. I cupped her right tit and gently squeezed it and pinched her nipple. At the same time I started to kiss her neck. I had a massive raging hard on, trying to escape from my swim shorts. Stimulation overdrive and she didn’t last long and started to reach orgasm. With my fingers still inside her I could feel the orgasm wave and more juices. She went weak at the knees and started to shudder with heavy breathing. She turned to me and gave me a passionate kiss. I pulled my fingers out and made sure she was stable/stood up all ok. She looked so flustered. Looking into her eyes I tasted my fingers and she gave me a cheeky smile with her mouth and her eyes…..

There’s more to my Holiday encounter if you would like to read / hear more about it. I’m aware this post is already getting a bit too long.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12axbeb/mf_uk_holiday_encounter


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