She wanted to be set up with my friend, but I had other plans… [FM]

“I don’t know. I think he’s *really* cute. Do you think he’s interested?”

I stifled a sigh, making a mental note that this was the new boy of the month. Funnily enough, she was after my friend this time, and looking the way she did, she’d obviously get him.

“He’s really nice, too,” she continued, attention off somewhere else. I sipped at my drink passively. “He’s not really my type, right, but I think he’s boyfriend material.”

I watched Morgan bite her lip. She was suddenly looking for a boyfriend? Out of nowhere? “Boyfriend material?” I repeated, barely masking my scoff.

She finally remembered I was right in front of her. I took another sip just to have something to do as she focused in on me. “He has a huge dick. Are you somehow completely unaware of this?”

I choke and splutter dramatically, looking around the cafeteria-type area we’re in to scan for any uptight grandmas. “Jesus, Morgan.” A flicker of a smirk flashes across her lips. “Why the fuck did you think I wanted to know that?”

I shut my eyes tightly, again, dramatically, because now that’s all I’ll be able to think of whenever I see him. Not that I have a lot of experience at this point in time, but…every size queen has their origin story. Now, the mere thought of ‘mybestguyfriend Luke’ would now equate: ‘enormous penis.’ And I hadn’t even seen it. But I was already wondering how big it was. How big could it…feel. It was inappropriate and dirty and wrong to think of a friend that way and all I had in response was to squeeze my thighs together and follow Morgan’s batshit logic.

“Are you implying that Luke is boyfriend material because he has a huge dick? Isn’t that kind of crass?” I get out after opening my eyes again. I’m still wondering if “huge” to her means long or girthy or both or—

Morgan nods aggressively. “Obviously. Listen.” She leans in a little, clearly about to say something even more sensitive. “I heard from this girl in my class that he…”

I lean back in mild shock, taking in what Morgan is saying to me. To my face. My brain immediately latches on to the filthy visuals I conjure up in my mind, of Luke filling and stretching a cunt out, pounding girls good, fucking their throats, and sending them off satisfied. Taking a harsh grip on their long hair and bobbing their cute little teary faces on his fat cock. And the sounds as he thrusts deep, bending girls in half and slapping his heavy balls against their assholes—

“But apparently the girl that fucked him told the girl from my class that he’s only fucked two people,” Morgan finishes, pausing my fantasies.

Well. He could still be good at the job with a small amount of experience.

He could practice on me.

I make eye contact with my straw, wondering what snapped inside me to suddenly full-on lust after someone I considered a genuinely good friend; someone in most of my classes, someone I’d known for three years, someone that was always handsy but never disrespectful…mmm. Ironic to figure this out right after Morgan claims him.

“So he’s basically perfect,” I finally say, as Morgan nods vigorously. She has a thing for men with low body counts correlating with them being good fathers. She’s a little off sometimes.

I shrug, still wondering how fat Luke’s cock is. “Go for it.”

She stills before letting out a sigh. “You’d have to talk to him. It’s *serious*,” she says, voice low again.

“Morgan, I am not talking to him.”

“This could be a matter of long term commitment. You have to. For your best friend’s happiness.”

I roll my eyes, already kind of laughing. I give Morgan a once-over. She’s genuinely beautiful with an incredible body. She has a long torso and long legs, she’s thin, and “doesn’t have much to offer,” but really has quite a cute little ass. Her beach pictures would get to me sometimes, to be completely honest. There’s zero chance Luke would pass that up. Unless she couldn’t take it.

Maybe that was why Luke has such a low “count.” It was…too big.

“I’ll talk to him, obviously,” I say, sounding resigned but still smiling a little. Morgan squeals happily and flails her arms around, her dangerously short crop top riding higher and higher from her excitement. She was kind of a bimbo, a bimbo with smaller tits and brunette, but she was effortlessly hot. Myself in comparison kind of felt like a nightmare, but I had real insecurity issues.

I knew my perky tits were a huge draw, and my long hair really got certain people going when they remembered to use it to pull me back onto the length of their cocks. I wasn’t “thin” in any sense of the word, but I had a flat stomach, a toned back, strong thighs, and an incredible fat ass. Maybe to match Luke’s fat cock. I knew I was attractive to the kind of man that wasn’t obsessed with “petite,” tiny women – men that wouldn’t be afraid to throw me around and plow into me.

Morgan’s chattering on about when I should talk to him. Out of nowhere, as she makes an offhand comment about his blond hair, I remember a moment between us that used to make me cringe, but now stirs heat deep inside me and gives me a little hope that maybe someone would pick me over Morgan once.

We were over at a friend’s house, and his family had a sauna we could use after the pool. It got to a point in the night where everyone but Luke and I had left the pool, and it was starting to get cold. We had just been drinking a ton, splashing each other. Being stupid. But when I started to kind of shiver, my friend’s sister yelled for us to get out and dry off in the sauna so we could eat smores after.

I remember running inside, totally drunk, to get into the heated room, Luke trailing me closely. I was wearing kind of a tiny bikini for the size of my ass, and I remember everyone wanted to take pictures that day, so I picked a top that made my tits look incredible. I could feel everything jiggling as I ran, and I just assumed Luke was enjoying the view.

When Luke and I finally sat down we were a little out of breath, but I turned on the sauna in order to start the mission for warmth as quickly as possible.

“I can’t believe it got so cold that quick,” he muttered bitterly.

The room was so small, our knees and thighs were touching. I leaned back until my head was braced against the wall behind me, maybe showing off a little. I saw him swallow. “It’s definitely warmer in here though, he said, looking at my top.

I glanced at the temperature marker on the wall. It had barely heated up yet.

Looking back, I should have looked at his dick. I should have seen if he was already hard for me, just from seeing my body on display like that. It would’ve made it easier now to seduce him if I knew how he reacted to me.

Instead, I break the mild tension of being in a tiny hot room with another person.

“The funniest part about the sauna is when you get up to leave and you’ve left a butt print behind on the chair,” I say nonchalantly. Luke snickers immediately, laughing to himself.

“How do you even avoid that? How do you leave with a dry ass?” he asks, continuing the bit.

“I guess you’d have to…not sit,” I reason. I get up from the bench unceremoniously, immediately peeking behind me to make eye contact with the spot my ass left behind. “Damn, she thick,” I say, stupidly.

Funnily enough, Luke just doesn’t laugh. Further, he wasn’t even looking at my hilarious sauna ass print. Instead, his eyes were just blatantly transfixed on my actual ass. So I pretend like I don’t notice, naturally.

“Do you work out?” he asks, a little quiet. I don’t look back in case he’s trying to make eye contact. I feel a little awkward, so I do a little 180° spin in the small space, turning to face him. My tits are kind of in his face. I should have looked at his dick.

“I do, but I’m just kinda built like this honestly.” Another stupid comment, and he laughs again.

Suddenly, he reaches out with his index finger, stopping an inch away from my skin. My stomach flutters from the assumption that he was about to touch. “It’s just this—“ he says, as he traces an imaginary line down my curves, dipping in at my stomach and back out for my hips. “— that’s incredible.”

I feel myself blushing a little. I feel the pink in my cheeks. But the sauna has finally heated up, and that’s enough for me to accept as an excuse. “Thanks,” I say softly. I pause, then physically slowly turn around again, pretending like I really need to make eye contact with the thermometer on the wall.

“Wow, it’s getting really hot in here,” I say breathily, knowing Luke is staring directly at my ass as I speak. I lean forward, peering at the digital numbers, sticking my ass out. I tug at the sides of my bikini bottoms, pulling them higher on my hips, and it sounds like there’s a gentle, muffled groan from somewhere behind me.

The door around the corner flies open loudly.

“SMORES, YOU IDIOTS,” my friend yells. “SMORES!!!”

The door doesn’t shut behind them. Luke and I both laugh, totally removed from the haze, and step out of the sauna together.

“…So this weekend, yeah? You’ll mention me to him this weekend?” Morgan says. I shove my straw into my mouth and suck, nodding distractedly.

“Yeah, yeah!” I say. “It’ll be fun.”


this is a story from a few years ago that i wanted to share! if there’s interest i’ll gladly post part two, where this ends up going :)

obviously the names were changed, everyone is 18+ ♡



  1. Don’t understand why I am the first to upvote and comment but yes please post part two. Even if I am the only one that appreciates it.

  2. Part 2 would be amazing, please make one !! 😭 (A part 2 with some examples of how this bikini looked on you would be mind-blowing, but It’d make sense if such things aren’t possible 😔)

  3. This is the best written story, I have ever read on Reddit. PLEASE, post a part 2 soon.

  4. Even without knowing your other posts and stuff, you describe yourself as wayyyyy hotter than your friend…. Granted some guys really like petite girls. I’m with Luke. That hourglass figure with the flat stomach and the perky tits and fat ass… That’s what a man should be looking for! Can’t wait to read part two he definitely wanted to fuck

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