She asked me to set her up with my friend, but I had other plans… [PART 2] [FM]

[Part 1 here!](

Morgan was kind of insufferable about it for the days after we talked. She texted every day about how nervous she was that he had no interest in her, so I kept telling her the truth, which was that she could probably pull anyone.

But in reality, side from how attractive she was, I actually wasn’t sure. She seemed to be really excited that Luke had a “huge dick,” but depending on the type of huge, I wasn’t sure she could even handle it. She knew I tended to…really enjoy…bigger cock. When we exchanged stories, her eyes would light up a little when I described how my ex would stretch me open while murmuring filthy shit in my ear or sucking on my neck, making me squirm.

“Like it feels like that every time?” she asked once, head tilting to the side like a puppy.

I nodded vigorously, body reacting a little to the memory. The guy was insane, but we had *incredible* sex. “Every time. His cock is…”

Morgan would lean forward somewhat unconsciously, clearly curious.

“It’s thick. Girthy, you know?”

She’d nod, turning pink.

“How does it not hurt?”

The comment confused me, because I always told her to use lube so there was little chance of it hurting in a way that wasn’t…fun. We gently argued for a bit as she reassured me she always uses lube, “But they’re all normal-sized, you know?”

I pause, thinking about how thick his cock is. To be honest, I have always been insanely tight. When I get off by myself, I’m rarely stuffing myself full with anything, I prefer clit stimulation and edging that way, letting my hole get leaky and desperate from being left untouched. But it’s like my body knows it’s about to take something big, something that will literally stretch me and leave a little gape. So I put it simply.

“Morgan, TMI, but…I get insanely wet knowing a huge cock is about to fuck me,” I say. She stares at me, mouth parting a little. “Like, *insanely* wet. Every time I get like…fingerfucked? He always tells me I’m soaking wet. And honestly, I know it’s because of his dick.”

She makes a little noise of surprise. In that moment, I feel a little bad for her. Genuinely bad, because I’m not sure how to fix her problem. I react the same way almost every time, I hear the same thing a lot. My ex went slowly at first, and I could always *hear* how wet I was. If we used thin condoms, we just put some lube on the tip (something I told all of my girl friends to do) to aid the initial push in, because I already had my own lubrication waiting inside me. I didn’t know what it was like to take something big and have it actually hurt in a way that I would have to ask for them to stop.

I remember we talked a little more about her situation. I could tell she wanted to try it, and honestly, she probably really wanted to fuck my boyfriend at the time. But she funnily enough just didn’t seem ready for it. She seemed *intrigued*, and maybe that turned her on a little, but that didn’t mean she could handle it.

It was funny I knew instantly that from the moment she told me about Luke’s size, I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it — because I really hadn’t. It bothered me so much that I didn’t know what it looked like or how big it was. And it *really* bothered me that I had no idea how it felt.

We had classes together. I always sat across the room from him, which was enough distance that I could avoid actively daydreaming about whatever he had in his pants. I felt really weird about it, honestly. But then I’d remember that soft little groan he made when I pulled at my bikini in the sauna.

He was everywhere. We sat together to eat, he walked to class with me, and when he was near me he was touchy. Hugging me and tossing me around a little. We were overly comfortable with one another — looking at the way we acted made it clear why Morgan begged me to put in a good word for her. If nothing else, we were pretty close.

And now, I just wanted to get a little closer to a good friend.

I didn’t bother saying or doing anything until Friday. I knew I’d have a free place to invite him to if things worked out for me, and if they didn’t, then I could console myself without having to stifle any moans.

When Luke met me outside my second class of the day, I smirked a little at the expression that flashed across his face when he took in what I was wearing. I purposefully went with tight leggings, a pair I usually hid underneath large sweaters because it deterred random creepy men from harassing me in public when I was just trying to run errands. Today, however, I wore a cropped shirt and cropped hoodie combination, showing off my waist, the high waisted leggings hugging the small of my back before swelling out, the fabric stretched around my ass. It just made everything look good, and Luke already seemed to be affected.

He had been leaning against a wall, but when I turned out of my classroom, he straightened up, mouth parting slightly at the sight of me. I was holding two textbooks, and when I got close enough, he numbly reached out for them so he could carry them.

“You good?” I giggle a little, genuinely glad to not have to carry the books.

Luke nods, arranging his expression back into something more appropriate. He drags his gaze up to meet my eyes. “Yeah, absolutely. Very good,” he said. “You look nice today.”

“Thanks,” I say, feeling my ears get warm. More evidence of clear interest. My ego was swelling. He looks down at the books in his hand for a moment. I glance down at his crotch for two seconds.

Yup. There was definitely interest.

We start walking together, both of us taking the usual path to the class we share next. We had half an hour before it started, so we walked leisurely.

He glances at me. “Did you work out this morning or something?” he asks, making small talk.

I shake my head ‘no.’

“Gonna hit the gym later then?”

“Nope,” I respond, smirking a little. I had put all my eggs in one basket regarding his attraction to my body, so I felt inordinately confident. Girls dressed like this all the time around us, to be honest, but I usually kept things hidden or covered up until I was going out or at the beach. Everyone would always “jokingly” tell me how they “knew I was hiding all that under there.”

I glance at him, watching as he swallows.

“I actually have something to ask you, wanna know now or later?” I say, nudging him. He’s way taller than I am, and he’s got incredibly nice arms. I kind of want him to hook his arm around my throat and choke me out.

He shrugs, clearly glad to have a neutral topic. “We have time now.”

I nod. We’re matching pace, maybe 5 minutes away from our next class. “You know Morgan, right?”

He laughs a little. “Obviously I know Morgan.”

I run ahead of him a little in order to stop him walking, turning to face him. His gaze snaps up to my face. “What?” he says, stopping immediately.

“We were talking about you. What do you think about her?” I ask, bluntly. My phrasing is weird, but, my situation is weirder.

“What do I think about her?” he repeats. He blinks. “Are we really doing this right now?”

I grin at him. “Yeah. She’s making me.”

Luke seems to be unable to stop himself from rolling his eyes a little. “She should approach people herself if she wants better results,” he states, before leaning down into my space. “And you *really* thought it was a good idea to advocate for your friend wearing that?” he mutters, close to my ear. I feel a rush run down my back from his breath on my skin.

I turn my head a little as he leans back just slightly. We’re still way too close to one another. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” He’s being incredibly bold — but it’s becoming clearer that his answer to the choice I’m giving him is that there was never a choice in the first place.

He sighs at me playing dumb. I can’t help myself from laughing a little. “Should we go to class?” I ask, sounding as innocent as humanly possible.

Luke blinks at me like I’ve grown three heads.

“Hey, actually?” he asks, straightening up fully. “I thought this was about Morgan.” He seems kind of nervous, his gaze going towards the wall beside us. I look at his crotch again. I really asked that for his benefit, considering.

“It can still be about Morgan if you want it to be. But if you want to walk me home after class, I don’t know, that could be fun.” He looks at me again. I smile a little, and he finally smiles back, busting out into laughter.

“Jesus,” he says. “I genuinely never thought this would happen.”

“What would happen?” I parrot back innocently, pretending like the entire conversation never took place.

He groans. “Stop, I wanna enjoy this.”

We start walking again. I assume he managed to get his dick under control. But when we’re almost to the classroom, the pathways get narrow and we’re forced to walk single file. He graciously lets me go first, and I let him take full advantage of my outfit from behind.

At the door to the building, he shuffles up to me and pulls me off to the side by some bushes quickly, getting in my space again. “Okay, now that I know there’s mutual interest, I’m just gonna say it,” he says, sounding slightly strained. “I had to stop looking at your ass while we were walking because I’m so hard right now it fucking hurts.”

I giggle immediately, shaking my head in disbelief. “Should we go to class?” I ask, repeating my earlier question. “You seem stressed.”

He makes an exasperated noise, but he’s smiling amusedly. He seems genuinely happy. Genuinely excited. He pauses for a minute, clearly trying to will his dick to go soft. After a bit, he looks back at me.

“I could just walk to my car right now and you’d have to follow me.”

I shrug. “I mean, you can take that risk.”

He smirks down at me. “I’m holding your textbooks.”

He walks away so quickly I nearly trip over myself to catch up, gasping like I just saw the twist in a horror movie. “You dick!”

But he’s fully on the way to his car. And in reality, if I had wanted to go to class, I would have asked him about Morgan after, not before. I roll my eyes at his stupid response, smiling while I run after him.

When I get to his car, he’s already getting into the driver’s seat. I run to the passenger side and take my backpack off, getting in my seat.

“You’re an asshole,” I say, a little breathlessly. He looks at me, grinning.

“I never see you like that. Only if we go out, or at the pool, maybe…” he trails off for a moment. I think about the sauna and his soft reaction to me bending over in front of him. “Today it felt like you kind of dressed like that for me.”

I bite my lip.

“I like that you dressed like that for me,” he says. “A lot.” He turns the key in the ignition and starts up the car as I feel my cheeks go totally red. I feel warm.

I’m slow to respond, so before I say anything, he continues. “Where should we go instead of class?”

I roll my eyes. “I wanted you to walk me home, but this is fine. No one’s here so you can take any parking spot.”

He glances at me quickly again before nodding, beginning to pull out of the lot. On the way to my place, which wasn’t far, we make small talk as I fixate on how I’m about to finally see what he had going on. And I feel a real amount of guilt about Morgan, even though the fact Luke instantly made it clear he wanted *me* had me wet.

“I kinda feel bad about Morgan,” I say as we get closer.

He nods. “I knew you would.” He did, very annoyingly, know me well. “But if it helps, I’ve been jerking off to you ever since we were in that sauna together a while back.” He sounds nervous that he’s confessing it. I can’t believe he is, but it makes it way clearer how comfortable he is with me. “Sorry if that’s wei—“

“It’s not weird.” We’re at the long stoplight before the parking lot. “It helps. It’s hot.” Conjured up images flood my mind of Luke desperately jerking his fat cock to nothing but me bent slightly over in front of him, playing with my bikini thong. I wondered what his fantasies around me were, if he thought about all the other ways he wanted that moment to end, like I had been. I felt my body react to the idea of him desperate, hips bucking for me as he fantasized about something he thought he’d never have.

“I hoped you were interested,” I said casually. The stoplight turned green and Luke swallowed as he drove into the lot, picking a random spot. My stomach fluttered a little as I dug in my bag for my keys. We left everything else in his car and hopped out, powerwalking to my door.

Sorry, Morgan. But I couldn’t give a shit about your feelings right now.

Luke shoved me up against the door, using me to shut it as he crowded up against me. I gasped gently, feeling the length of his cock. It was rock hard. He leaned in and went for my neck, kissing and sucking at the side of it and making me squirm, moaning and gasping quietly. “Fuck,” I whispered.

“You really like this,” he says, definitively. He sounds proud of himself. One of his large hands wraps around my exposed waist, pushing up past my hoodie and shirt. His fingertips graze along the underside of my tits, and I sigh contentedly, dropping my head to the other side so he had full access to my neck. It really was one of my favorite things. Besides…

Right as he presses another kiss to the side of my neck, I remember I can touch him. I tentatively slide my hand between his cock and my hip, palming him outside of his pants. “Fuck,” he breathes into my neck. I press a little harder as I run my hand down his length, trying to take note of what I feel.

He moans, low, and sucks at a spot on my neck, clearly trying to distract himself by leaving marks on me. I bite my lip at the sensation and try to grip his cock through his pants, moaning breathily at how thick he is. His hand, which had been basically gripped around my ribcage, finally slid up further. I wasn’t wearing any kind of bra, so his fingertips immediately made contact with my hard nipples. I hear Luke groan against my neck, and he pulls his head back right as I palm him again.

His other hand goes right to my ass, and he palms and squeezes as much as he can, shoving me up against the door. “You’re so fucking hot,” he says, kind of in disbelief. I blush immediately, watching him observe my body. My tits are completely on display. “I already left a mark, I’m sorry.”

I smile. “Leave more.”

My gaze drops back down to the button on his pants, and I reach out to start undoing them, unzipping them so I can have better access to his cock. I need to finally see it.

He swallows audibly and pulls me up against him by my ass, giving me a good smack that rings throughout the living room. He looks over and sees the couch, and decides to manhandle me over, sitting down while pulling me on top of him simultaneously.

I land on top of his thighs with an ‘oof,’ fully dressed, his cock trapped behind his boxer-briefs. He adjusts us so it’s more comfortable, one hand going right to my ass as he leans in to leave a mark on the side of my breast. I moan a little, scooting forward so my crotch is right on top of his hard cock before beginning to grind gently down. It’s somehow still satisfying through the layer of my leggings. I can feel him through his thin boxers, and the contact caused him to try and muffle his moans with my nipple in his mouth.

I ground my hips down on him, trying to get more noises out. He spanked my ass hard, again, and I wondered if I’d get so wet I soaked through my leggings, too.

“Luke,” I murmured. “Fuck.”

He leaned back from my chest, his hand dropping to my hip so he could help me grind, watching me hump his cock through all the layers of clothing.

“You are unbelievably hot,” he said, sounding a little dumb. I sighed in satisfaction.

After a few minutes of this, Luke started tugging at the top of my leggings, signaling obviously that he wanted them off. But he kept pushing me down to grind more and more, so I didn’t stop. My clit was getting a fair amount of friction and he seemed somehow even harder than he was earlier.

“Get these off,” he said breathlessly, pulling me down so he could whisper in my ear. I shivered at the sensation.

“You want me to stop moving?” I challenged, referring to his hands on my hips that kept me going.

After another 30 seconds, he stilled with a groan. “Okay, okay, off, seriously,” he said, sounding a little desperate.

I stopped moving, the haze in my head thinning just a little to remember how badly I wanted to see his dick. “Okay,” I answered, smiling down at him. He smiled back at me, running a hand down my side.

Then I pulled back, fixing my hair, and got off his lap entirely. “I wanna see you too.”

He nodded, moving to pull his pants off entirely. I pushed my leggings down, stepping out of them, and pulled my hoodie off as well, tossing it aside. I left my crop top on and a pair of cheeky, lacy burgundy panties that had Luke gawking at me. And he hadn’t even seen them from the back yet.

I tugged at his underwear, and he nodded again, moving to push them down, before he stopped entirely.

“This is so stupid,” he begins. I furrow my eyebrows at him in brief alarm. “Not us, not this,” he adds quickly, quelling my fears. “I mean what I’m about to say.”

“You can say anything, it’s me,” I respond without hesitation.

Luke nods, cheeks going a little pink.

“Okay. You’re right, it’s you,” he repeats. He looks me in the eyes. “This is so stupid, but I have kind of. A bigger dick.”

My stomach flops over at his words. I feel dizzy for a second at how excited I am. “That’s more than fine,” I try to say, but he cuts me off.

“It’s wider than most dicks, I mean,” he continues. “And a little longer. So I haven’t really been able to…” he trails off. “I’ve only fucked two girls because no one else could take it.”

I could’ve started drooling, honestly. He was being so sweet and nice. He was “letting me know,” so I wasn’t scared off. He didn’t understand how insanely wet I was. I needed him to understand how badly I wanted him.

When I tried to open my mouth, he spoke again. “We can go slow, with lube and everything. And it’ll probably be hard with oral, but I’m more than happy to just eat you out and fuck you. Slowly.”

He sounded so sincere. I felt like I was soaking my panties at this point.

When it seemed like he was going to keep going, I shook my head and climbed back onto his lap, quieting him. My thighs were spread out, with my knees braced on either side of his lap on the couch. “I haven’t even seen it yet, Luke.”

He laughed a little, still sounding nervous. When I ground onto his cock a little, now that we had less layers on, he felt softer from the anxiety, but reacted to me immediately.

“Do you want to know a fun fact?” I said playfully, leaning further until I was whispering in his ear. I slid down the length of his cock, taking in how big he was again.

He nodded. “Uh, sure.”

I kissed his ear, then the side of his neck, making him shiver. Then I leaned back just a little, bracing myself on the back of the couch. With my free hand, I grabbed one of his and held onto his index and middle fingers, guiding them to my panties. When he caught on, he let out a little noise, gasping as I used his fingers to feel at my cunthole. My panties were in the way, but I helped him move them under the fabric so he could feel how wet I was.

Luke’s gaze snapped back to mine, staring into my eyes. “You’re so fucking wet,” he said, stating the obvious. I let go as he started moving independently. “Fuck, you soaked your panties too.”

I moaned openly, biting my lip. “I did. Do you know why?” I asked, right as his fingers dipped ever so slightly into my pussy, eliciting nasty little wet sounds. I tried to stop from whimpering and failed.

“Why?” he asked, looking almost mesmerized as I took more of the length of his fingers. Without a doubt, he was taking note of how tight I am.

“Because I love getting filled by huge cock,” I said, like I was commenting on the weather. I felt him twitch against my thigh through his underwear, and I smirked. “I love getting pounded. I love taking it.” He groaned, fucking me a little with his fingers so I’d keep making needy little noises. “And I’ve been grinding on your thick cock for so long, I’m fucking soaked.”

The more I spoke, the more desperate I felt. “I need you inside me,” I said, watching his eyes grow darker as his pupils dilated, as he buried his fingers completely inside me. I gasped, moaning and clenching around his fingers.

“You’re so tight,” he said, matter-of-factly.

“Please,” was all I could get out, his fingers curling inside of me. “Need it,” I whimper.

He shakes his head in disbelief, looking between my face and how he’s working my pussy, making these squelching, filthy noises.

“So wet for you,” I get out, gasping. “And I’d be so good, I’d take it,” I say, trying to convince him.

Maybe my desperation was the exact opposite of the trepidation he normally received in response to his monster cock. At that point, I would have done almost anything to get him inside of me. He seemed shocked that anyone wanted him this badly, let alone one of his friends.

His fingers still inside me for a moment. I whine a little. “You make a good argument. I bet you *would* be good for me.”

He pulls his fingers out slowly, staring at how they glisten with my wetness. It’s all over his hand. I feel his cock throb, hard.

“I still can’t believe this is happening, but I gotta be honest, I need to be inside of you right now.”

I smirk at the confirmation that I had really, finally won.

“You look very smug.”

“I’m very happy with this result.”

We laugh together for a bit before he shrugs and tugs at his underwear. “Now I wonder if I’m not as big as you expect.”

I roll my eyes as he reaches in to pull out his cock, and it’s finally right there in front of my eyes. He tucks the fabric under his balls and holds it there, obviously ready to put it away if he has to. I move back a little to get a better view, and feel wetness flooding me again as I really take it in.

It’s the perfect cock, incredibly thick and long but not crazy — so I knew I’d be able to take him balls deep, having him press against my cervix so nicely as he filled me up completely. I bite my lip. Fuck.

“Well?” he asks, nervously.

My eyes snap back to his from the beautiful thing sitting in front of me, and he *looks* nervous.

“You wanna know what I think?” I ask, casually. He nods very quickly.

I smile, moving off his lap completely, off to the side on my knees, taking as much as I can into my soft wet little mouth immediately.

His surprise was clear as he could barely stop his hips from thrusting down into my throat.


thanks so much for liking this so much guys! i put lots of detail in for you, this is a favorite encounter of mine so i wrote more :)

all parties are 18+! part 3 will be the last part of this specific story where i’ll write about how actually fucking him went :P thanks for all the feedback, i really appreciate it!!



  1. Omg, I’ve been waiting for this, the cliffhanger ending was also a nice touch

  2. Really well written, and I’m really happy to see that you got the dialogue formatting done right! So many posts have janky dialog, but yours is done exceptionally well!

    Side note, super fucking hot story. God damn.

  3. Really great story! I was fingering myself the whole time! I can’t wait to hear the next part!

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