Chloe the Roommate 2 [TF/M][20s][Masturbation][Spying]

Thankfully since it was a busy day at work my little imagination mishap didn’t throw me off too much. However when I got in my car the image of her cute face, slender body with a nice looking dick on it took over my thoughts. My growing hard-on was getting increasingly uncomfortable. My first thought was to be honest but what would she think if this random guy that just moved in told her that he’s been picturing her small frame naked playing with a dick that doesn’t even go on her. So I scrapped that idea.

After racking my brain with what to do next I decided to just head back. The heavy traffic and music kept my mind from wandering too far. I parked the car and sat in there for a little while wondering what to do next. What have I got myself into? All I did was see a picture she drew and now I’m intentionally looking at similar porn and imagining her with different parts. This has never happened to me before. One time I saw my high school crush topless because she jumped in the pool the wrong way and when she came up so did her perky boobs with her reddish brown nipples pointing right at me. The next time I saw her, It was hard to picture her without a top. But this girl, Chloe, drew one picture of a fake person and suddenly it’s all I can think about. Hell it even has me kinda hoping that maybe one day I might be able to catch her in the nude and a part of me wants there to be a dick standing straight up looking at me.

“What the fuck Jay, what are you thinking about?” I slap my hands on my face, “stop it, stop it, you’re roommates and that is that.”

After about 30 minutes of trying to clear my head, I finally headed up to our dorm. I walked in and she was on the couch on her phone. She looked over at me and gave a tiny smile. “Hey” she turned back to her phone.

I looked at the back of her head. And could feel another thought brewing so I kinda just went straight into my room and closed the door. The idea of not saying hi back didn’t even occur to me. I felt like my brain was moving a mile a minute. But I also felt like my brain was moving in slow motion. Soon I just started to think of nothing. I had no idea how much time passed but then I heard a knock at my door. Uh oh. I didn’t want to be rude but I also wasn’t feeling like seeing her.

“Yeah?” I answer

“Are you okay?

No I’m not, “Yeah”

“Oh okay well, are you doing anything tonight?”

“Not really”

“Oh okay”

I just stared at the off white door that split us up. What was she saying? Did she want to go out on a date? Did she want me to stay in with her? Why was she asking me this? Should I change my mind and spend time with her? Should I try to escape?

“Well I’m uhh I. having the last of my pizza from the other night so there won’t be anything to eat. We should buy food before school starts” She says as I hear her walk away and turn on the oven.
What is wrong with me? Why did I just completely over analyze the situation? I let out a long sigh and got up and started to draw.After a while, I heard another knock and I slightly jumped.

“Can I come in?”

Why did she wanna come in? No Jay, stop it. I cleared my throat, “yeah.”
Chloe came into my room. She was wearing a hoodie again and she had a paper plate with two slices of reheated pizza on it. She kinda just stood in my doorway.

“What’s up?” I say.

“Nothing. I just… Felt weird eating in another room while you didn’t eat anything”

“So you decided to eat in front of me?”

Her face starts to go red, “Oh my god Im so-”

“Im joking”

“Oh” She stood there again and looked down at her pizza to blow on it but the heat from it steamed up her glasses. “Ah not again.”

I let out a light laugh. And she had a tiny smile.

“Would you like to sit down?” I cleared off a space on my desk.

“Yeah, haha. Guess it’s kinda weird i just stand here,”

I got up and sat down on the side of my bed. She moved the chair so she could still eat but also talk to me.

“Whaa woo erkng inn.”

“I’m sorry what?”

She swallowed her food, “what are you working on?”

“Oh.” I got up and pulled one of my papers out, “This is an animal in a world I created.”

“Wow that’s really good, I wish I could draw animals.”

“You’re better at people than I am”

She froze, “what”

“I said you draw people better than I do”

“How do you know?”

“I saw your drawings”

“When” she said quickly.

Realizing what she is thinking I try to remedy it, “Uhhh… When I passed you yesterday and then you noticed so you hid them.” I could see the wheels moving in her head.

“Ohh… That’s fine.” She seemed to relax a little.

“What’s fine?”

“Those drawings you saw.”

“Could I see more?”

She tenses up again. “Uhh, what do you mean?”

“I didn’t get a good look”

“Do you have a bunch hanging in your room like I do?

Her face got really red, “not my room” she looked down

“Oh sorry for asking”

I guess she could sense an inflection in my voice. Because she came back with, “I’m sorry it’s just I have a lot of explicit drawings hanging up.” She started rubbing her arm. I responded to that apparently dissatisfied because she spoke up again. “Umm… I guess if you really want to see them you have to promise me not to judge me”

My curiosity was peaked enough that the word nevermind left my vocabulary. “Deal”

“Promise me.”

“I promise.” I held out my pinky.

She had a slight smile. She wraps her pinky around mine. And I realize that this is the first time we touched. She leaves a slice of pizza on the plate as she gets up. She is still visibly red at this point. We get to her room and she takes a deep breath.

“I don’t have to go in if you don’t want me to.”

“No no it’s fine…we are both adults. It may be good to be more open about my art.” She turns around to me. “Remember you promised ” She looks up at me. Her eyes were indeed amazing. Some people think eyes are better without glasses but for some reason the dark frames really highlighted her irises. Our faces were really close at this point. I started to feel a tad nervous so I swallowed and nodded. She turned back around and I had a feeling of excitement run through me. I had no idea why but for some reason I felt like I was in line for the new roller coaster.

She opened the door and it just looked like a normal room like mine just reversed. She had a vanity in her room though with more clothes on the floor. Our beds in fact did share a wall. I could see pictures all over the wall. She invited me in and that’s when I saw it. Her wall was covered with naked pencil drawings of people. Some looked like black and white photos, others were a tad rougher and some even have monochromatic themes. My eyes went from top to bottom all over her room. I was honestly impressed. I hated my life drawing classes. She started to fidget around with her hands, “So yeah…” She stretched her arms out wide in front of her, “this is my room and these are my-” she kicked something under the bed. I pretend not to notice but I kinda figured what she kicked.

“-anyways yeah.”

“These are so good” I started to walk around


“Yeah, I’m jealous. Like I said I can’t draw people for shit”

She had a smile spread across her face. I stopped looking at the pictures and stared at her. Her smile was so friggen cute. She caught my gaze and her face got red, “well I’m a…. Glad you really like them. I tend to be umm embarrassed by them.”

I start looking around again, “why they are just drawings.”

“I don’t know people tend to judge me for how much I draw them.

“Like who?”

“Parents, some friends, but especially my last roommate. She said it made her uncomfortable and I was…a pervert” she looked sad. I don’t know what drove me to do so but I made my way over to her and hugged her. She seemed really startled but loosened up pretty quickly.
“Ahh forget her… You’re good at art and that’s all that matters.”

We just stood there with my arms around her and hers by her side. She lightly pushed me away. “Sorry I didn’t mean to be rude. Just long hugs make me feel weird, thank you though for saying those nice things.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you feel weird.” Kinda glad she pushed away because I felt like I was about to get aroused. Call me weird but physical contact does that to me. She looked at me and seemed to have a certain warmth to her she didn’t have before. I feel my stomach grumble and excuse myself to grab some dinner.

When I come back she is back on the couch on her phone. I ate my food and pulled out my phone to watch some youtube videos. Ten minutes into me watching my videos, I sense that she is also watching what I am. I pull out an ear bud and ask if she wants to listen. She denies saying she will just turn hers off. We watch and then that is when it happens. She puts her head on my shoulder.

“Oh my god. I’m so sorry” she jumps up and keeps apologizing. I tell her it’s okay and she stops. Looks me in the eyes and runs into her room and locks the door.

I sat there dumbfounded. What just happened. Did she not mean to do that? I will try to shake it off and watch more videos. I think about everything that happened today and man was it long. Hugging her keeps popping back into my head and gives me a tiny warm feeling inside. So I decided to see if she is okay. I make my way to her room and then I stand in front of it. I heard her shuffling around.

“Chloe, are you okay?

I hear a loud bonk, “Owww! Yeah yeah I’m fine.”

“That sounded like it hurt”

“I’m okay!”

“I’m sorry about before”

“You didn’t do anything”

“I didn’t mind you putting your head on me”

Silence… With a door between us yet again.

“Well i’m going to bed”

She didn’t respond but I heard more moving. I don’t know why I felt bad, she’s right I didn’t do anything. I crawled in bed and tried to go to bed but then I heard it again… The faintest moans. I try my best to not listen for like 5 minutes but the cute noises and soft low moans are too much and I start jacking off without any porn. I get as close to the wall as possible and try to make out more noises. As I get close to cumming I hear her.


She was thinking of me! I’ve known this girl for two nights and she is already masturbating to me! I was shocked but honestly flattered. You don’t realize how great a feeling it is until it happens but it was just a huge confidence booster. I listen more and hear my name said sporadically mixed in with tiny moans and deep sighs.

I ended up cumming to one of the times she said my name. However I wasn’t careful enough and hit my elbow against the wall. “Shit!!!”



  1. This is fun. Good job. I like the slow build-up and the progression of character connection. I like a balance of romance and smut. You seem to be doing an excellent job at trying to balance the two.

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