[MF] Turning my former church into a house of sin

Many years ago, when my family was exiled from our seemingly very conservative-thinking church in Australia, I openly defected from the religious teachings soon after but still held a grudge. I secretly became a porn bootlegger for the secretly sinful youth of the church who were eighteen and over. My clientele was mainly the boys in the church, who acted like angels of god until they got their first-ever glimpse of a pair of breasts, thanks to me. It all started completely by accident when I was looking for a way to spite the church and needed money. At the time, most of the church wouldn’t engage with my family and would typically heckle us or talk behind our backs if they saw us at a store, but I still had some acquaintances, and one of them was brave enough to ask if I could get them something because I was as they put it “a sinner.” They wanted a copy of penthouse Australia, the pet of the year edition, to be exact. Now at this point in my life, I had bought myself a couple of issues of penthouse and playboy with my nearly non-existent allowance to quench my bi-curiosity, but this also opened an opportunity for me.

Agreeing to get him his magazine, he gave me the money for it, and I went to the seven eleven across the street from the church to get it. The cashiers always gave me that quizzical look when they saw me buying this stuff, but I was never questioned after proving I was of age and with my family’s reputation. However, this is also where my plan started to take shape. I’d take it home, remove it from the plastic wrapper, and having a printer that could scan things; I did my best to scan all the spicy centrefolds and anything with a model posing to have a constant product I could resell. Once I had done that, I met this guy outside the church a couple of days later when he had the means to receive “the package” and gave him his magazine, but before leaving, I asked if he’d ever seen playboy. He hesitated to answer, but I pulled out the copy I had and simply held it open at the centrefold, and his eyes lit up, then asked how much. I told him I could cut him a deal and just give him the pictures for fifteen dollars since, that way; it’d be easier to hide. His horny, religiously brainwashed mind had no problem handing over the money as I pulled out a binder with the scanned photos from my backpack and handed them to him, then told him if anyone else at the church needed this stuff, too, let me know.

We left it at that as I popped over across the street to get a drink from the local seven eleven, and on my way back, I realized I was in business. Walking past the church, I noticed behind it was the boy I had just given the magazine to and a couple of his buddies looking at the girls in the magazines together. Over the next year, I’d end up making close to twelve hundred dollars in the sinful shadows of god’s house. There was also a massive uproar at the church since some of the boys weren’t good at hiding their stashes, and I thought my business would stop there, but it only increased tenfold as guys were desperate to replenish their collections. However, I can say that church became a house of secret sinners, not only because of the boys but some of the older members as well, which I had to disguise myself when interacting with them since they were terrible at keeping secrets. I also think I may have caused a couple of divorces, but I can’t confirm that.

All in all, I was happy with what I had achieved over that year, but there was one thing I wanted more than anything, to drive the final stake through that house of god. Being completely out of control, and prior to shit hitting the fan or hubby claiming me as his, I had no restrictions, and I wanted to fuck the priest’s son. Now the priest’s son wasn’t anything special. He wasn’t some incredible specimen of human proportions. He was simply a typical well-kept guy who didn’t want to disappoint his father. He never bought any erotic materials from me. He didn’t fraternize with the other guys when they were doing shady shit. He was the closest thing to a saint in that church; not even his father could compare since he was having a secret affair, not sure if he still is. Anyway, I wanted to turn his son into a sinner.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to do it, and I merely made it up as I went. One evening during one of the church services, I went to the church, and before even getting a chance to enter, he stopped me since he was like the equivalent of an usher. He told me I was banned, which was obvious, but I told him I was there to see him and asked if we could talk outside. He was reluctant as someone as religious as he would be talking to what he believed was a woman possessed by a demon. Still, I managed to convince him, and we stepped outside and went to the side of the church out of view of the parking lot, where I leaned against the building as he stood in front of me. I made up some bullshit like that I needed to confess my sins to somebody and hoped he would be the one to listen. He willingly accepted and was pleased that maybe I had come to my senses. Hearing that lit a fire in me that I hoped would pay off in my favour.

Spewing more bullshit, I told him that I felt dirty in my skin and wanted to be untainted in the embrace of the holy spirit, and without even thinking, I lifted my tank top, not wearing a bra underneath, then grabbed his hand with my hand that wasn’t holding up my shirt and placed his hand on my breast. At first, he massaged my breast gently but then let go and turned away from me. I honestly didn’t know what to do, as I acted offended, grilling him on why he stopped and if he thought I wasn’t attractive, which was enough to get him to turn around; however, I didn’t expect to see him crying. Immediately my defences were broken as I pulled my shirt down, and I got very protective over him. I apologized, to which he said I didn’t do anything wrong. He was actually thankful I did what I did because it confirmed to him that he wasn’t straight, and I was the first person he ever openly said that to.

We stood there for the next hour talking about it, I mentioned how I was bi to help him not feel so alone, but with his father, there wasn’t a chance in hell he could come out and express himself. That’s when I offered to buy him a playgirl, but he turned that down since he was scared of getting caught with it. It felt like there was really nothing I could do to help him, but then he asked me if it was okay if he told the other guys that I gave him a blowjob, but he didn’t quite say it that openly and was much more awkward about it. I told him that was fine but then asked if he actually wanted to experience it so he wouldn’t be a lying sinner.

We had gotten pretty comfortable with each other over the last hour, and he surprisingly accepted the offer but told me to take my shirt off, which I obliged, then got on my knees. He wore the standard church boy outfit, black dress pants, and a button-up shirt. I didn’t take long to get his belt off and then pulled his pants and underwear down just enough so that his cock was out; then I kissed the tip, then slowly took him into my mouth while looking up at him. He was still very awkward and had his eyes closed the entire time as I started sucking on him more. My tongue twirled around his shaft, and I don’t know what came over him, but he started growing in the warmth of my mouth’s embrace, then put a hand on the back of my head as I rhythmically bobbed down to his base and then back to his tip. I kept doing this, and he really got into it that he even started thrusting into my mouth while holding my head in place as I started drooling all over my chest and just looked up at him. He still had his eyes closed as I let him use me until I felt his cock twitch, and he erupted in my mouth while simultaneously moaning under his breath, “Oh fuck, Liam.”

I couldn’t believe it when I heard it. Liam was the boy, who initially asked me for the penthouse magazine, and now I had just been facefucked in his place to make my former priest’s son into a sinner behind the church while his father was in the midst of giving the evening sermon. I was left speechless, and the priest’s son didn’t say a word to me after. He literally came in my mouth, pulled up his pants, and just walked away while I remained topless, on my knees, covered in my own drool and a mouth full of cum which I ended up spitting onto the side of the church a few feet away from the front doors before getting back into my lemon of a car at the time which I bought using the money I made from the nudey mag sales and drove home.

To this day, I still have no idea if the priest’s son told me the truth about not being straight. I looked him up a while back to see if he ever came out, and found out that he’s married to a woman, has two kids with her, and now occasionally fills in for his father to deliver sermons at the church. Which makes me wonder if he bamboozled me back then just so I’d give him a pity blowjob or if he’s really just living a lie to make his father proud.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/128mnhc/mf_turning_my_former_church_into_a_house_of_sin

1 comment

  1. You’re doing God’s work. Or Satan’s, but as someone else victimised by religion, I admire and respect your commitment to payback.

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