A View [F20s M30s] [female pleasure] [oral] [fingering] [public]

“We don’t know how we got so lucky. I was sure the observation deck wouldn’t even be open this late- it’s a weekday after all – but you insisted that we should at least check. ‘It’s just a block away,’ you said, ‘We might as well.’ I couldn’t argue. It’s not like we come to this part of the city often.

We held hands and hurried across the street from the restaurant, not bothering to find a crosswalk. There was nobody else in the plaza; the empty tables and benches painted a dreamlike scene, as if everyone had vanished in some cataclysmic event. We, the last humans on earth, strolled between circles of illumination cast by street lamps.

The lights inside the tower were off, but the automatic doors slid open when we approached. ‘Did they forget to lock them?’ I wondered out loud. We felt like kids out past our bedtime, alone in the wide, dark lobby. Our footsteps echoed on the bare marble as we searched for an elevator. You jerked my hand with surprise when we heard a noise down the hall. We held our breath, fighting the irrational urge to hide. A woman with gray-streaked hair rounded the corner pushing a cart loaded with custodial supplies. She looked as surprised to see us as we were to see her.

‘Sorry, we were just looking for…’ I fumbled.

Her face lit up. “The observation deck?’ she offered in a friendly tone.

‘Oh. Uh, yeah. Is it still open?’

A smile deepend the wrinkles around her eyes, but she somehow looked youthful. There was a hint of mischief in her voice: ‘Technically no, but I won’t tell anyone.’

‘No, it’s ok. We’ll go,’ you said.

‘It’s not a problem, as long as you two behave yourselves,’ she replied.

I forced a laugh. ‘Of course. Are you sure?’

She nodded and motioned for us to come. ‘The elevator’s this way,’ she said.

We exchanged glances as we followed, equal parts thrilled and baffled

‘Date night?’ she asked once the doors slid shut. She motioned to our clothes – your floral dress and my button-up shirt and jacket.

‘Yeah,’ I said.

You added, ‘We thought it would be nice to come here after dinner. We didn’t realize it would be so late.’

‘Well, it’s a romantic view. I don’t blame you for wanting to see it,’ she said. We ascended the remainng floors in silence. When the doors finally opened with a ding, she gestured. ‘Here we are.’

‘Thank you so much,’ I said, ‘We won’t be very long.’

She shook her head. ‘No, no, take your time. I still have to clean the lobby. You might as well enjoy it while you’re here.’ She delivered the last line with a wink and a half-grin. I wonder if she knew what we were up to before we did. She added, ‘When you’re ready to leave, exit through the parking garage in the basement. The security guard will let you out. He’s a nice guy.’

We waved and offered a few more thank-yous before stepping out. The doors closed and we listened to the whirring cables as the elevator sank back down.

And now here we are.

We make our way to one end of the glass-walled room. The city stretches out below us like night sky reflected in the sea. The streets are blurred bands of stars. Clusters of restaurants and bars form brilliant constellations. Above it all you gaze out, your eyes wide in wonder, reflecting the millions of tiny lights. You look like the queen of the universe.

We find landmarks. You take my hand and point out the street we arrived on, then trace our route back to the ink-black in the far distance. I try to find the neighborhood where your favorite café is. We search out parks and rivers. When we’ve exhausted every familiar location, we enjoy the nightscape in silence. We interlace our fingers and you rest your head on my arm.

After a while you say, ‘I wonder how many people are looking up at us.’ A few moments later you add, ‘I wonder how many people down there are having sex.’

Your musings always make me smile. I squeeze your hand. ‘Any guesses?’

You turn your face up, still leaning on my arm. ‘It could be two more.’

It takes me a moment to register what you mean. My cheeks take on a hint of pink. ‘Oh. Uh, yeah. It could. Should we go?’

Your dark waves of hair bounce as you shake your head. ‘No.’

It takes me another moment.

We glance at the elevator doors at the same time.

We catch each other’s eyes at the same time.

With a subtle step you turn to face me. I wrap my arms around your waist and pull you close. Our lips meet. With one hand I sweep your hair back from your face. Our tongues flick out and dance around, feeling each other, tasting each other.

Gradually passion overtakes us. The only sound is our heavy breathing as we explore each other’s mouths. With the back of my hand I brush your cheek, your jaw, your neck, arriving at your breast. I squeeze it gently through your dress, massaging it in a slow circle. You sigh, a quiet ‘Ahhhmm’.

Still grasping your breast, I kiss the side of your face. I make my way to your ear and take your earlobe between my teeth, sucking lightly while I flick it with my tongue. You inhale and squeeze my ribs, one hand on my chest and one on my back. ‘Mmm, that’s nice,’ you breathe. I continue to kiss around your ear. You hear every fleeting sound: the rush of my breath, the old-vinyl-record hiss of my stubble tickling your skin, the parting of my lips.

We instinctually press our hips together. My hand slides from the small of your back to our butt, grabbing through the pleated poplin of your dress. My long fingers grasp and pull as you grind into me. My tongue darts into your ear. You feel it when I whisper, ‘I want to taste your pussy.’

With gentle but steady pressure I guide you to turn around. You brace your hands against the transparent wall and push your butt back. The hard bulge in my pants swells against it. I reach around and cup your breasts, finding your excited nipples – tiny raised spots through the padding of your bra – and pinching them between my thumb and forefinger. From this new angle I kiss your ears and the back of your neck, light kisses that send a shiver from the top of your head.

As I sink to my knees I drag the tips of my fingers along the sides of your ribs. I feel the contour of your waist and hips, then delicately, gingerly, I run my hands down your legs and under your dress. My callouses feel rough on your satin skin. I lift the hem up over your hips and deliberate, worshipful kisses on your lower back and butt. When I pull your white lace panties down a wet string follows, sticking to the inside of your leg. I press my lips against it. You feel my sultry breath creeping up the inside of your thigh as I lick the trail of your wetness, following it to the source.

First my nose touches your outer labia, like a brush spreading wet paint around the canvas between your legs. I fill my lungs with the scent of your arousal. Then, hands on your thighs, I bury my face in your ass and, with boad, flat strokes, caress your vulva with my tongue. You angle your hips so that I can lick from your vagina to your clitoris. I bring one of your inner labia between my lips and run the tip of my tongue along it, savoring the sweet, slightly salty taste. Your short, shallow breaths turn into a gasping ‘Annhh’ when I slide my tongue between yourlips, teasing the opening of your vagina. I tentatively circle the tip around, just barely inside you. The sensation makes your fingers curl on the glass.

I pul y tongue out, then flex it and push it forward. There’s an electric sensation when it passes over your clitoris. I flutter from side to side. With my nose pressed between your cheeks I can feel your butt tense. A tingling begins to build beneath your belly button, a warm feeling that spreads through the muscles in your stomach and pelvic floor.

Your entire vulva vibrates back and forth with my tongue. Tension accumulates like pressure at a fault line. You close your eyes and allow yourself to be surrounded by it. You start to let go. Your voice has a melidic quality as you call out, ‘Yes. Mmm, keep going. Yes. Yes. Yes!’ Each syllable rises in a crescendo until the climactic, ‘YES!’

Your voice gets caught in your chest. Your entire body shivers. Your back arches. Your legs convulse. An earthquake shakes through you with its epicenter between your legs. My tongue still quivers back and forth, intensifying each contraction.

When youfinally release your held breath, it comes out as a loud sigh. Your legs feel weak and your weight starts to collapse onto me. I flatten my tongue and return to long, smooth strokes until you melt into complete relaxation.

You gasp like you’re recovering from a hard sprint while I kiss my way up your back. I lay my hands on your shoulders and dot your neck with light kisses. Then I wrap my arms around your waist and put my face close to yours. ‘How was it?’ I ask. You lean into me and place your hands over mine in response. ‘Should I keep going?’

You nod. ‘Yes, please.’ You squeeze my forearms. ‘God, you make me so horny.’

I kiss your cheek. You turn your head and kiss me back. Our tongues meet and you taste the lingering flavor of your pussy. My erection pressed into your back, I start to caress your stomach. We take our time, feeling every touch.

As our kisses become more passionate, I cup your breasts and lovingly pinch your nipples.You take me by the elbows and guide my hands up to your shoulder straps. I slide them down, then pull the strings in back of your dress, untying the knots that fasten it. You shrug, allowing me to pull the straps all the way down off your arms. I unhook your bra and let it fall to the floor.

My hands return to your now free breasts. You inhale sharply through your mouth and dig your fingers into my forearms when I tug at your nipples. I whisper your name into your ear. ‘You’re so beautiful,’ I say, ‘So perfect.’ You reach back and put one hand on my hip. I guide you to put the other on your breast. I wrap one arm around you and pull your body close, then work my hand down your back and under your dress again.

I graze the curves of your butt with my fingertips. The light contact gives you goosebumps. I brush lower and lower, closer and closer. With my middle finger I trace down, between your cheeks, between your legs. I feel your wetness. As my middle and ring fingers slide between your labia, I whisper into your ear, ‘Touch yourself while I finger you.’

You move your free hand down, adding pressure on either side of your clitoris. While you massage it back and forth, I tentatively put my fingers in, little by little. They’re slick with your lubrication. You feel the gradual stretch up to the knuckles, a pleasure bordering on pain, then relief as I push all the way in. One hand on your breast, one on your clitoris, you start to gyrate.

I keep my wrist steady, letting you go at your own pace. With my other arm still wrapped around you, I grab your breast and tease your nipple with my pointer finger. Between kisses on the back of your neck I say, ‘Your pussy feels amazing.’ I move in and out slightly, feeling your vagina’s smooth, tight muscles. Up and down, forward and back, I match your rhythm.

We build to a desperate tempo. Your skin glistens with sweat. I bite playfully where your neck and shoulder meet. Your gasping is a rhythmic ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ The thick sloshing sound of my fingers in your vagina grows faster along with you. ‘Just like that. Yes!’ Your words become less distinct as the feeling of sparks igniting inside you grows. Each time you open your eyes you see the lights twinkling below. They flicker as a tingling spreads from where our hands move in concert. It’s almost as though you can feel them inside you.

Finally, the pleasure culminates into an overwhelming cascade. You close your eyes and suddenly the lights are no longer below you – they’re all around you. You’re drifting among the stars. Nebulae swirl by. You dance through the cosmos. You become nothing and everything all at once, a sweet taste of oblivion.

I hold you tight and you collapse into me, my intrepid stellar explorer. Your entire weight is supported by my arm around your ribs and my hand under your crotch. I cradle you. Our heavy, humid breath pulses in your ears as your orgasm subsides. It turns to an exhausted, satisfied laugh. ‘Wow,’ you say, ‘… Wow.’ I support you while you get your strength back, then I pull my fingers out and lick your nectar off of them.

‘We should get going. Probably best if we don’t push our luck,’ I say.

‘What about you?’ you ask.

‘Let’s see if I last the whole way home.’ I wink.

You rub your palm across the front of my pants. They’re soaked through with pre-cum. You can’t conceal a wide smile. ‘We’ll see,’ you say.

You pick up your bra, white lace that matches your panties, and put it on. You pull your panties up and I re-fasten your dress. We check each other’s hair, doing our best to mask our blushing dishevelment.

The elevator is quiet. We hold hands all the way down. When it dings open at the basement level, we straighten up and try to look natural. It isn’t difficult to find the exit. A lone security guard sits inside the glass booth, a slightly pudgy man with a short, graying beard. We smile and wave, but he buzzes us through without making eye contact. Passing by, we catch a glimpse of the bank of monitors behind him cycling through the building’s security cameras. Both of our faces turn hot whenwe see the top row, labeled ‘Observation Deck: 1-4’. We hurry out.

Once we’re clear of the building, we start to laugh. We don’t stop the entire way home.”

For H.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/128l0fj/a_view_f20s_m30s_female_pleasure_oral_fingering