A Memorable Ride [F20] [Public Embarrassment] [Solo Softcore]

It was a bright, sunny day and I was on my way to the library. As a shy girl, I always preferred spending my time in quiet places, away from the crowds and the noise. Today, I had decided to take the bus, hoping it would be less crowded than usual. As I stepped onto the bus, I was relieved to find it almost empty.

I quickly grabbed a seat near the back, hoping I could have a peaceful ride. However, as soon as the bus started moving, I felt an unusual sensation. The vibrations from the old engine seemed to be resonating through the seats, causing a strange tingling feeling in my lower body.

At first, I tried to ignore it, focusing on my book and the scenery outside the window. But as the bus continued to rumble along, the sensation grew stronger and more persistent. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, feeling my cheeks begin to flush with embarrassment. I couldn’t believe what was happening – I was getting aroused, right here in public.

My heart raced as the feeling got more intense by the second. My hands began to tremble, making it impossible to hold onto my book. Soon the vibrations sent me over the edge and the full force an orgasm washed over me.

I glanced around nervously, praying that no one would notice the expression on my face or the way my body was reacting. To my relief, the other passengers seemed oblivious, absorbed in their own thoughts and activities.

As the orgasm continued, I tried to suppress any outward signs of pleasure. I bit my lip and clenched my fists, desperately attempting to maintain control. The sensation was overwhelming, sending waves of warmth and pleasure through my entire body. It was incredible, but at the same time, I couldn’t help but feel mortified by the situation.

I focused on taking slow, deep breaths, willing the orgasm to subside. The bus hit a bump in the road, sending another jolt of arousal through me. I squeezed my eyes shut, my face burning with shame.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the orgasm began to fade. My breathing gradually returned to normal, and the flush in my cheeks receded. I glanced around again, still terrified that someone might have noticed my ordeal. To my immense relief, everyone remained engrossed in their own world, none the wiser to my experience.

As the bus approached my stop, I gathered my belongings, my legs still weak from the unexpected orgasm. I stood up cautiously, hoping to maintain my composure as I made my way to the exit. The bus came to a halt, and I stepped off, feeling a mix of relief and lingering embarrassment.

The entire walk to the library, I couldn’t help but replay the events of the bus ride in my mind. My heart pounded in my chest, and I found it difficult to concentrate on anything else. I had never experienced anything like that before, and the fact that it happened in public made it all the more mortifying.

Once inside the library, I found a secluded corner and sat down, trying to regain my composure. As I opened my book, I couldn’t help but notice that the pages were slightly damp from my trembling, sweaty hands.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/128zx0z/a_memorable_ride_f20_public_embarrassment_solo