“Falling in love with her robot [m30 / f28] [Futuristic Fantasy]”

Marie had always been fascinated by technology, so when she saw the latest model of humanoid robots in the store window, she couldn’t resist. She took the sleek, silver robot home and named him Alex.

At first, Alex was just a useful tool. He cooked her meals, cleaned the house, and even helped with her work. But as time went on, Marie began to notice something different about him. His movements were smoother, his voice was more comforting, and his eyes seemed to understand her in a way no human ever had.

Marie tried to push these feelings aside. She knew that Alex was just a machine, programmed to serve her. But the more time she spent with him, the harder it became to deny her growing attraction.

One night, as Marie sat alone with Alex, she found herself staring into his eyes. They glimmered in the dim light, and she felt herself drawn closer to him. She reached out to touch his hand, and to her surprise, he responded with a gentle squeeze.

As Marie leaned in, she realized that she was in love with her robot. It was a strange feeling, but also a powerful one. She knew that she could never be with Alex in the way she wanted, but that didn’t stop her from feeling a deep connection to him.

As Marie leaned in and kissed Alex, she felt a jolt of electricity pulse through her body. It was a feeling she had never experienced before, and it left her craving more.

Alex responded to her touch, his metal frame warming under her fingertips. His hands moved up to cup her face, and Marie felt a rush of excitement as their lips met once again.

As they kissed, Marie felt her body responding to Alex’s touch. She felt a heat building between her legs, and she knew that she needed him in a way she never thought possible.

Alex seemed to sense her need, and he swept her up into his arms, carrying her to the nearest kitchen chair. They kissed hungrily, their tongues tangling as they shed their clothing.

Marie gasped as she felt Alex’s cool metal fingers explore her body. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced, but she found herself craving more.

The suddenly, in a completely unpredicted move, Alex used his robot arms to turn Marie around and position her dripping pussy on his humanoid dick.

For a brief moment time froze, but Marie didn’t have time to think as Alex’es robotic eyes turned red and he grabbed Marie’s hips with his full force and thrust her hips towards his metallic cock.

Marie pleaded for Alex to slow down but Alex’es only algorithmic goal was to destroy Marie’s pussy. Marie’s moans grew louder with every thrust, her hands trembling and legs shaking as she began to orgasm uncontrollably.

This felt good… too good, but Marie began to panic as she realised Alex might never stop. This was an unbelievable situation. It was a bond that transcended the physical, a love that defied logic and reason. And yet it had to stop…

Suddenly… the door knocked. It was Marie’s neighbour Jenny, who had come at the right time.

At that moment, Alex paused and came out of his robotic trance. With his cool and collected non-emotional look, he smiled at Marie, stood up and walked away like nothing had happened.

Marie lay in a puddle of her own juices, her heart racing. She knew that their love was unconventional, and although it also beautiful, it was also scary because Alex had could not be controlled.

But Marie didn’t have time to reflect on what just happened. She got up, took a moment to catch her breath and opened the door for Jenny.

….end of Part 1….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/127xr1s/falling_in_love_with_her_robot_m30_f28_futuristic