24[F] My slutty vacation. 3 days almost naked

Last summer we went to the beach for a weekend for three days. As usual it was more for sex than for a change of scenery haha. While I was packing my suitcase my boyfriend forbade me to take underwear and pants. I didn’t even have the right to take the sexy outfits I had prepared or a bathing suit. So I took t-shirts, a skirt, a beach kimono and a long sweetie. I have never had such an empty suitcase.

The day of departure I had on a summer dress and panties without a bra. We left by car for a few hours on the road. I have small breasts but you could clearly see my nipples through my dress which turned my boyfriend on. He asked me if I had panties on and when I said yes he ordered me to take them off and give him which I did. He took it, opened the window and threw it away. I was a little sad because I liked these panties so I told him and he replied that I had not obeyed. I promised him to obey all these orders from now on. So I had no underwear left for the rest of the weekend.

Before arriving at the hotel, we stopped at McDo to eat. I found myself in the middle of a crowd with just a dress, almost visible pussy and exposed nipples. I think several people noticed that I didn’t have a bra on and that turned me on. Arrived at the hotel I took off my dress and stayed naked all evening. We played a sex game and fucked for hours. Maybe I’ll tell that in another story.

The next day we planned to go to the beach because the weather was nice. Of course I didn’t have a bathing suit. So I put on my kimono with nothing underneath. I did a little topless because I don’t mind while hiding my lower body with my kimono. I was careful because there were families on the beach. In the evening I stayed near the beach, ate at the restaurant and took a walk on the beach. He ordered me to walk with my kimono open which I did. We passed a few people but it was dark enough for them not to notice that I was naked under my kimono. Well I think…

The last day it rained so we stayed home which didn’t stop my man from playing with me. I only had my long sweetie barely covering my ass. We ordered food and he told me I had to open the door in this outfit and with my tail plug. It was stressful but I did it. The delivery guy didn’t notice anything so my boyfriend wasn’t happy. He therefore ordered desserts to start again in a more daring way. This time it was he who went to open it but I had to be completely naked in the bathroom, with the door open. From the front door you couldn’t see into the bathroom but it was right next to it. So I put myself in front of the door with my hands tied behind my back to the shower bar, my legs apart and a blindfold on my eyes. I was super excited to be in this position and exposed when a stranger came right next to me and I could hear him. He opened the door and asked the delivery man to put the desserts on the table. My heart stopped because he had to walk past the bathroom for this. I didn’t make a sound then he left. My boyfriend came to remove the blindfold and fucked me while I was still tied. I asked him if he had seen me and he smiled telling me he had looked there and back.

I didn’t even need to know to be turned on, just thinking about it while blindfolded had already made me all wet. I love being exposed and seen against my will, it’s so exciting.

Next week I’m going back on vacation with my boyfriend and I’d like to do something similar again but it’s too cold not to take warm clothes. Do you have any ideas for other scenarios? Not necessarily exhib, I like a lot of things lol

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/127f6zd/24f_my_slutty_vacation_3_days_almost_naked

1 comment

  1. My wife also wants to look sexy in front of others and it makes me sexy

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