[F] A weirdly interesting experience at the gym

One day earlier this month, I was at the gym in the morning at dawn, as usual. I had just gotten there, and I was stretching before my workout. A guy, around 20, who I had seen before but never talked to, came and said “Hey how are you today?” He seemed like a nice guy, so I didn’t mind chatting. After some small talk, I got a feeling that he assumed that I knew him. I asked “I’m sorry, do I know you?” He laughed and was a little embarrassed. He said “Umm yeah we’ve met before.” I replied “We have? I am so sorry, I don’t recollect it.” Then he made me guess where I had seen him before, which was a fun little game, but I couldn’t figure it out. Then he told me that he used to date the girl my son is currently dating, and then I remembered that I had seen him recently with her at a restaurant, and I had a brief chat with both of them. I replied “I’m sorry I didn’t know you two dated before.” He said “Oh well” and avoided the topic but I couldn’t keep myself from cracking a joke and said “Oh well at least she’s doing better in that regard” and laughed and gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder. He laughed and checked me out and said “I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” It looked like he wanted to say something more but stopped himself.

Anyway, I was enjoying the slightly teasing slightly flirty slightly friendly conversation that we were having. I could notice him trying to steal a glance when I was looking away. That morning, I noticed that he checked me out more than usual when I was working out, and the part of me that liked his eyes on me kept finding excuses to be around him at the gym. This continued for a while. We would chat, flirt a little, and he’d check me out, but nothing more happened.

Fast forward to earlier this week. He was around and I asked him if he could spot me. I was dressed well, in leggings and a crop top. Having him standing that close to me was getting me quite excited. I think he must’ve gotten a good view too, because after my session, he came to talk to me and said “You look extra pumped today.” I smiled and said “Yeah?”

We started talking and out of nowhere, he asked “You didn’t tell your son about seeing me with her, right?” I replied that I didn’t, and asked why he’d ask that, and what if she had told him herself. He had a little smirk on his face and said “She won’t, kinda like how you won’t tell him that you asked me to spot you.” I don’t know why but I laughed. I think I shouldn’t have. I said “Maybe I will” and he said “Be my guest.”

He then did something that I had not expected at all. He said “nice weights today” and leaned a bit to the side and looked at my butt. I made a confused expression and said “Umm thanks.” He then took a step back and said “You let me know the next time you need a spotter.” I was so confused that I blurted out “You too” and then realizing it, I laughed, and he laughed too. He then said mockingly, “that’s cute, I will let you know for sure” and while saying it, he patted on my shoulder and my back. I was wearing a top with a deep back, and his hand touched my skin.

I thought about it for a long time. It was all very weird but very hot too.

Fast forward to earlier today. I was parking and he was just getting out of his car. He saw me and waved hi. I got out of the car and we started walking towards the gym. The building the gym is in has underground parking and we had to take stairs to get to the gym. He was walking slightly in front of me but as we approached the stairs, he slowed down and let me go ahead. I knew why. I was in leggings again. I knew he would look, and I walked a nice walk. It felt hot to know that his eyes must have been glued to my butt. I think he knew what I was doing. He said “those squats are showing gains huh.” I looked back and laughed and said “Yeah?” He said “yeah” and just then as I was about to open the door that led to the gym from the stairs, he said “yeah for sure, that looks more toned than J’s” (J is the girl my son is dating).

That was just so weird. As I was working out, I kept thinking, what did he just say? Did he compare my features with those of my son’s date? Did he compare it to his ex? Is there a difference? Why is still thinking about J? What was his intention? Should I have said something? Stopped it? I don’t know. It was all so weirdly hot that I was getting horny in the gym.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12634wt/f_a_weirdly_interesting_experience_at_the_gym


  1. Sounds a tad creepy to me. You might want to be careful with your interactions with this guy. BTW have you discussed this goof with your son ? Maybe he’s hoping to rail you to get back at your son.

  2. Sounds like he is so getting it from his ex while she dated your son, and now he wants a piece of you as well

  3. Kid sounds super creepy. Possibly jealous of the son with his ex gf so rail his mom as revenge. Also for some reason I was imagining Clair dunfy / Dylan while reading this.

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