Our First Swing – Part 1 [MF] [MF]

So my wife and I have been “swingers” for a few years now. I use quotation marks because we’re not big on the swinger party scene, we’re fairly picky with who we play with. But I certainly wouldn’t go as far as to say we’re poly.

Anyways, labels aside, it started with a mini vacation we did with a few of our friends. In grad school I met two women I got along really well with, Mary and Jenni. After our masters program was over we remained good friends, and when Mary started seeing another guy from our university, Oliver, all 5 of us would hang out regularly.

As far as swinging goes, my wife and I joked about it for years. We have a tendency to never really sit down and talk seriously about things. We joke for a while about it, teasing the other, kind of gauging how the other feels about it. I could tell based on our jokes as well as our pillow talk that both of us were somewhat interested in it.

On top of that, we’re not really big on porn. It’s all fake and over the top and doesn’t do much for either of us. But we had come across a series from Playboy where people would spend a night in a “swinger mansion” and get to experience the lifestyle. We absolutely loved that series and watched any episodes we could. We particularly loved the episodes with Daniel and Nikki (who are on Reddit, btw). We’d often lay in bed watching it and quickly end up naked and having sex as it played in the background.

A few summers ago we decided to go on a weekend trip. We rented a cabin near the beach a few hours drive away. I was excited to have a short getaway with my wife, and to be honest, seeing our friends in swimsuits may have crossed my mind a couple of times…

After checking into the cabin and settling in, we went out to the beach. It was a hot, sunny day, perfect for lounging on the beach, going for a few short swims, and generally just being out in the water and letting waves crash all over you as you stand there for what seems like hours.

A note about our friends. Mary and Jenni are both a couple years younger than my wife and I. They were probably in their late 20s at this point. Mary is half black, half latina. She’s short and curvy in the right places. Not the biggest boobs, but they match her body perfectly. Jenni’s also pretty short, but very slim. She’s white with very pale skin that contrasts beautifully with her jet black hair and petite breasts.

They were both dressed in two piece bikinis (as was my wife), but nothing too extravagantly revealing. Just very basic outfits that showed off their bodies very nicely. I was wearing basic swimming shorts and a short sleeve swimming t-shirt, kind of like a scuba suit, but looser. I usually wear it when at the beach or swimming under the pretense of not wanting to get sunburned, but to be honest, I’m a bit self conscious about my chest hair, so I keep it on just to feel a bit better.

After a few hours at the beach, we headed back to the cabin, ordered pizza for dinner, and hung out for a while. The cabin had a hot tub, so after a while we all decided to get back in our swimsuits and get in to cap the night off.

I was the last to emerge from my bedroom and was wearing my swim shorts and the same shirt I had on earlier. I approached the hot tub, where everyone else was already sitting and getting used to the temperate. As I stepped in, Mary teased me about my shirt. “Oh come on dude, you’re not going to get suburned, take the shirt off.”

Her and I in particular have a fun, laid back relationship. So I shot back, “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” without missing a beat.

That earned a laugh from everyone as I sat in the tub next to my wife. “Deal,” Mary said with a tone of seriousness in her voice.

“Yeah right,” I teased back.

“Seriously. You think I want to be sitting here constricted by this annoying swim top? If it was socially acceptable I’d be topless.”

I looked her in the eye, trying to gauge how much of what she was saying was fake bravado and how much was sincere. I looked over at my wife who had a curious look on her face. Fine.

I pulled my shirt up over my head and threw it to the side of the tub. The three girls all gave out joking hoots and fake cat calls. I figured that would be all. There’s no way Mary was actually going to go topless. She glanced over at her boyfriend for a few seconds silently, then reached behind her back, undid her top, and let it fall off her shoulders. She flicked the top out of the tub, where it landed on the ground with a wet splat.

I was mind-blown at this point. Up until this point I thought it was all a joke and the usual teasing between us. But seeing her boobs so casually was a shock. Everyone in the tub was silent for what felt like 10 minutes but in reality was probably only a few seconds.

“What? Has no one here ever seen tits before?” she said, breaking the awkward quiet that had descended over us. “I’m going to go ahead and declare this cabin a top-optional facility for the weekend,” she added, with a tone of fake authority.

“Damn girl, way to put us on the spot like that,” Jenni chimed in with a laugh.

“I said optional. No pressure, I just got sick of wearing that top all day.”

As much as I was appreciating the view, and would have loved to see Jenni topless, I didn’t want to ruin the mood of the evening with sexual tension or pressure, so I tried to steer the conversation away from that. I forgot exactly what topic I brought up, but it was something that had to do with grad school (literally the most unsexy topic ever invented) as a way to get everyone to relax a bit.

A few minutes into that conversation though, Jenni, who was sitting immediately to my right, reached behind her back and discreetly took her top off. I didn’t want to be a creep and stare, but I couldn’t help but notice her perky tits just above the water line. The sentence I was saying at that moment trailed off into some convoluted mess, again getting everyone around me chuckling at the very obvious effect the sight of boobs was having on me. I noticed Oliver across the tub couldn’t take his eyes off Jenni’s breasts too.

My wife, on my left, leaning close to me and whispered, “Enjoying the views, are you?”

I just smiled in return. And then to my absolute shock, she quickly pulled her top off, leaving everyone in the hot tub exposed from the waist up. While Mary certainly wasn’t shy and had her boobs well out of the water and on display for everyone to see, my wife was being a bit more coy, leaning back enough that her nipples were just under the water line, especially with the jets on and creating a ton of bubbles.

It had been a long day and I’m sure all of us were pretty exhausted after being out in the sun all day. But that doesn’t mean my body wasn’t going to react to what was going on around me. I was fully hard at this point and very glad that the water obscured that. My wife reached over to my lap, knowing I’d be hard and gave me a firm squeeze.

“Hey babe, can you get me a gatorade? I’m sure this heat is making me sweat and I don’t want to get dehydrated,” she said immediately afterwards.

I looked over at her and she had this evil smile on her face. She knew what she was doing and I’m sure everyone else did too.

“Yeah, cmon dude, get drinks for everyone,” Jenni chimed in with a laugh.

I tried to do that trick where you flex your thigh muscles to drain blood from your penis and get rid of an erection. It didn’t work. I sighed and got out of the tub, trying to shield my front from everyone else, but it was very clear with the way the water makes the swimming shorts stick to your body that I was sporting a hard on.

“Well then, nice to see you’re having a good evening,” Mary teased, laughing at my embarrassment as she very obviously looked at my hard on.

I went over to the kitchen, grabbed a bunch of water bottles and gatorades and headed back. As I approached I could see my wife was gaining a bit of confidence and didn’t seem to be hiding her boobs as much. Oliver, across from her, was clearly enjoying, his eyes darting back and forth between my wife and Jenni.

I sat next to my wife and whispered to her, “Enjoying showing off?”

“Not as much as you,” she whispered back.

We sat in the tub for about another hour, chatting, oftentimes as if everyone was fully clothed, but the semi-nudity was probably never far from anyone’s mind. My wife casually had her hand resting on my hardness most of the time, oftentimes slipping under my waistband to grab it. I could tell Mary was oftentimes doing the same to Oliver.

Jenni certainly noticed, being the only one without a partner. “I’m really glad I brought a couple toys with me this weekend,” she blurted at one point. “Looks like everyone else is going to have a ton of fun anyways.”

This caught me off guard. She’s usually the quiet, reserved one in our friend group. Hearing her talk that openly about playing with herself was a shock. Even more shocking was what my wife said next.

“Awwww, no need for that. You can always borrow my husband,” she said with a laugh as she tugged on my dick. “This is a clothing optional resort anyways, I think normal rules of engagement can be amended.”

When I say it took everything I had to not cum right in that moment, I mean it. Everyone seemed shocked at what she just said. At least until Mary interjected.

“I said top-optional,” she said with a smirk.

“Oh, potatoe-potato,” replied my wife. “I mean I can sit here with my tits out, giving my husband a handy, but actually seeing it is crossing the line?”

Mary, ever the one to push the envelope, laughed at my wife’s suggestion. “Alright Ms. Rationality, lead the way.”

I don’t know what had gotten into my wife. She lifted herself out of the water and sat at the edge of the tub. Without fanfare, she lifted her hips, pulled her bikini bottom down her legs, and was suddenly sitting in front of everyone entirely naked.

I’ve never been known for my self-control. I felt like a wall had been broken through and there was no going back. I pushed her knees aside and took a nice, long look at her shaved pussy. I could tell everyone else behind me had their eyes on her as well. I leaned in and immediately began to kiss and lick her smooth lips.

Her moans were immediate and not subtle. A switch was flicked in that moment. We went from 5 friends who are dancing around the idea of nudity and sex to horny teenagers who needed to get off. As my wife wrapped her legs around my head, I could see out of the corner of my eye Jenni also sit on the edge of the tub, with her hands inside her panties furiously rubbing herself.

It didn’t take long for my wife to cum. I had two fingers inside her pussy as I flicked my tongue across her clit repeatedly. I felt her body stiffen up, her legs tense, and the orgasm take over her body. She moaned as loud as she ever had, and as she came down from her orgasm and I pulled my head away from her, I looked around.

Everyone was staring at my naked wife. Mary was bent over, with Oliver balls deep in her from behind, but they were motionless, watching my wife orgasm. Jenni was building up to her own, and when I made eye contact with her, careful to very obviously look down at her boobs and her covered pussy, she went over the edge.

It was clear this was about to be a very unique and memorable weekend.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/1238kdp/our_first_swing_part_1_mf_mf


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