My Last Day With Dignity part 1 – Involuntarily exposed [MF20] [Blackmailing] [Exhibitionism] [Anxious good girl turned bad]

Originally posted on []( by me

This is a story about how I, Annie, a straight-A goody girl with a crush on the German exchange student Mark, was stripped of my self-dignity after commiting one, admittedly perverted, mistake.

We were on a field trip as part of our college studies in biology to a lake in the mountains and lived in a set of barracks owned by our school in the vicinity of an old research building.

Going on a field trip does something to you. Living in a remote place with all of your classmates creates an intimacy and sense of freedom that one never experiences in the normal class room or the corridors of the campus.

It all started on the bus ride to the location, where I had the great luck of sitting next to my crush. Mark is the most handsome, funny and intelligent guy I have ever met. He is the stereotype of the typical manly German: well-built, blond hair and amazing blue eyes, but also incredible humor and intelligence, and he had a slight german accent that I found oh so sexy. He got to our college thanks to a top-brass stipend that is only awarded to the best performing students of Germany.

Although I can also claim to be smart and top of my class, I am not what one would consider the typical beauty. I am rather skinny and mostly lack curves and I have always been self-conscious of my small A-cup breasts and although my face isn’t ugly, nobody would think it remarkable either, especially my quite ordinary brown hair. I am really just kinda average.

During the bus ride, sitting next to Mark got me all flustered at first, I could barely stutter a greetings as he sat next to me and it didn’t take long for him to lose interest and start to talk to his friends across the aisle when I was only able to give single letter responses to his initial polite questions. He probably thought I was trying to avoid him.

However, I didn’t mind too much, because once his attention was elsewhere, I was fully able to project my attention on him and admire him from far closer up than I ever had. Each time he moved and accidentally touched me, it was like a lightning bolt shot through my body and into my brain.

However, each time he directed his attention to me, I was so afraid that I would say something stupid and make a fool of myself, that I froze and could barely speak.

When we arrived at the research station, we all got our bags out and moved into our annex. We girls lived in the eastern barrack, while the boys lived in the western barrack. The barracks was made up of several rooms, each with four beds and it was in one of these rooms that I made the gravest mistake of my life in a perverted moment of mindless horniness.

I ended up in a room with three other girls, two of them were average girls like me, Jessica, a brunette like me, and Freya, a blond, but the fourth was Rebecca, or Becky as she was called. Becky was the kind of girl that all guys dream of. She had the looks, the smarts and the humor and she knew it. She had perfectly kept golden hair, breasts that were at least C-cups and a hip-to-waist ratio to die for.

Although I admired her in many ways she was so bossy and a know-it-all and I just knew that living with her would be a bother. However, never could I have imagined that it would be as bad as it actually was.

Having sat next to Mark all day, feeling his warmth and smelling him all day I couldn’t stop thinking about him and my thoughts always turned dirty and naughty. I may seem like a good girl on the outside, but inside my brain I had the most perverted fantasies about Mark and the things I wished he would do to me.

Thinking about him while lying in bed in the rooms with the other girls was so frustrating. All I wanted to do was masturbate while fantasizing about him, but I obviously couldn’t do that while the other girls were awake. I was therefore left with my fantasies, driving me hornier and hornier the further into the night we got.

Around one o’clock I couldn’t take it anymore. Feeling certain that the other girls were asleep I decided to quickly rub one out to get it out of my system and allow me to sleep.

I quietly wiggled myself out of my sleeping shorts under the cover. Already feeling the sheets against my naked lower body filled me with excitement both from the elation of being naked, but also from the knowledge that I was doing something really bad and taboo.

I slowly rubbed my fingers over my clit and vulva and immediately felt a jolt of pleasure that made my entirely pussy throb. I had to make a conscious effort to not sigh in pleasure and relief.

It was at this moment of complete mind-numbing horniness that I thought it would be a great idea to take out my phone, bring up the group picture that we took when we arrived and was shared in our class chat, zoom in on Mark so I could make my fantasies of him more real by looking a this gorgeous face.

As can be expected, I didn’t last long, within a few minutes I reached climax and was rewarded with an incredible orgasm and it was only barely that I was able to withhold a moan of pleasure.

It was only several seconds later, after the post-orgasm bliss had passed, that I heard the rustling from the bed where I knew Becky was sleeping. First I felt like a stone had fallen into my stomach. Has she heard or seen me? How could I have been so stupid as to masturbate, and to a picture of Mark nonetheless, right here with a bunch of classmates?

If they found out I would be known as the class pervert and nobody would ever want to talk to me. But the rustling stopped and I realized if Becky had seen or heard anything, she sure would have let me know. She was not the one to just go back to sleep without letting her opinion be heard. Oh boy, was I wrong.


In the morning everything seemed fine and we all awoke to the alarm that we had agreed to set. I decided to linger in bed, faking being too sleepy to get up, but in reality I felt so ashamed and I didn’t want to face my classmates right here in the room where I had just done it. However, it seemed that Becky was also still feeling sleepy and as the two other girls left, it was just me and her left in the room.

As soon as the other girls had left, Becky threw her covers off of herself and got up, fully dressed. She approached my bed with the most vicious smirk I had ever seen in my life. My heart sank into my stomach and I knew that she had seen or heard something and was about to confront me about it. Part of me was grateful that she did it while it was just the two of us.

“So Annie, did you also hear one of the girls in the room masturbating? Gosh, to think that one of them would be such a dirty whore who couldn’t keep themselves from touching their horny little cunt.”

I simply froze. I had no idea what to say. Becky continued walking up to me until she stood in front of my bed. I felt like a doe in the headlights.

“Or maybe it was you, Annie?” She said as she tossed my covers off my bed.

“I would never have thought it, you are always such a good girl, always obedient and doing what the teacher tells you to do. I guess we all have a darker side.”

I finally managed to get my wits about me and tried to stutter out an apology.

“I-I I am sorry, Becky! I am so stupid and …” Was all I managed before Becky cut me off.

“On the other hand, who would be so horny at the sight of Mark? You did get to sit next to him all day long on the bus! Must have really gotten you flustered.”

My heart started pounding. Had she seen me looking at the picture of him or was it just a coincidence? I had indeed sat next to him and it was well known that he was the hottest guy in our class.

“I mean couldn’t you at least have waited until we girls left in the morning before you brought out that picture of him and rubbed one out? God, Annie you must really have the hots for him to do something so stupid.”

I wanted to die right there. This was so embarrassing. She had seen me at my most vulnerable and most stupid moment in my life and she was throwing it in my face. Hard. I felt the tears of shame well up in me.

“I am sorry Becky,” I tried again in between sobs. “Please don’t tell anyone, I will do anything, please I am such an idiot and I was caught up in the moment!”

Becky laughed at my attempt at an apology and started to pull out her phone and started to browse it while saying: “Oh I can imagine you don’t want this to become public knowledge. God, the embarrassment you must feel. It could only be made worse if someone had, oh I don’t know, filmed you while you were rubbing your horny little cunt.”

She turned her phone to me and I couldn’t believe my eyes. On it played a video which had been recorded at an angle from behind me where you could simultaneously see my face lit up my phone screen and the picture of Mark on the screen.

I felt like my insides had frozen. She had incontrovertible proof of me masturbating to a picture of Mark while in the barracks bed. My life would be over if she ever spread that to the other. I was speechless, I could barely breathe. Even my sobbing stopped.

I looked back up at Becky’s face, searching for mercy. I found none, only that malicious smile that told me that she was definitely going to use this to make me do something I didn’t want to do.

“You know Annie,” Becky said with a disapproving gaze, “I do feel bad for you, I saw how nervous and anxious you were when you sat next to Mark on the bus. It was such a great opportunity for you to talk to him and flirt a bit. You are not a completely unattractive girl, I am sure you could have gotten laid when we arrived here. Instead of masturbating last night you could have fucked with Mark. Honest, such a waste, I bet any of the girls would have traded places with you.”

She looked at me, considering, then a malicious smile formed on her face. She continued:

“You know, I think I am going to help you. Help you fulfill your dream to get closer to Mark. I realize that your anxiety is crippling when it comes to talking to him, but there are other ways of communicating interest. Although I am sure they are even more nerve-wracking, they don’t require you to talk or even think for that matter.”

I did not like where this was going. A solid ball of anxiety formed in my stomach and I felt my heart pounding harder and harder. I feared what was coming next.

“However, I am sure you would never do it voluntarily, what with your annoying nervousness and anxiety. Honestly, I find it repulsing how you just don’t take matters into your own hands and try to get what you want. I am pretty sure he thinks you are cute, he seemed disappointed that you wouldn’t talk to him on the bus.”

She then turned the phone back to herself and swiped it a few times, then showed it to me again. This time it was a photo zoomed in on my face, showing it all screwed up, presumably taken just as I orgasmed. I felt waves of shame and my stomach turned.

She had such horribly embarrassing proof of how perverted and shameless I was. I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn’t find any words. More tears of shame ran down my cheeks and my vision got blurry.

Becky was wearing a huge wicked smile.

“I like that one in particular.”

She then looked back at her phone, swiping through more of her shameful pictures of me, and said:

To fix your little issue, you need proper motivation to face your fears. This will be your motivation. If you do not do exactly as I say, I will share the video and all of the pictures I took of you in the class chat and condemn you as a disgusting shameless little perverted slut.“

She looked back at me, staring me straight in the eyes and even though I wanted to look away I couldn’t. Shen the continued.

“Which you kind of are, but they all don’t need to know that. No. We only want one person to know this. The man that you will seduce using your pervertedness and… Shall we call it, your body language, since you seem to lack proper language and conversational skills when you are near him. That should end this miserable display of yours that honestly offends me so much.”

My throat felt constrained, like someone was choking me and my heart was racing like a scared rabbit caught in a fox’s mouth. I had no way out.

I didn’t know what to say. This was the worst thing that I could ever imagine happening. I almost wished that she would just share them, but the thought of Mark seeing me in that video and those pictures was unbearable. I didn’t know what Becky had in mind, but surely it couldn’t be worse than that.

“Do you understand?” Becky asked, her eyebrows furrowed in disapproval.

I just nodded, not trusting my voice.

In response to my nod, Becky smiled mischievously and patting me on the head softly, then said:

“Cheer up Annie. We are going to have a lot of fun this trip. I promise you that. If you obey me properly, you won’t regret it. Now get up.”

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of my bed.

“Lets see what you brought with you, anything skimpy and revealing?”

She pulled out my bag from under my bed and opened it without asking for permission.

She pulled out various clothing, mostly looking disapproving. When she saw my panties, all of them regular and not at all “skimpy”, she clicked her tongue disapprovingly.

“You have really made my work difficult. What kind of style is this? How do you hope to get the boys’ attention with any of this?”

‘I am not hoping to get any boy’s attention’ I wanted to say to her, but I was too afraid to say anything, instead I just stood there in silent embarrassment as she rummaged through my most intimate clothing.

Finally she handed over to me a white top, a pair of jeans shorts and a pair of light blue panties and said:

“We are just going to have to work with what we have. Put these on.”

I took them and realized that she hadn’t handed me a bra to wear under it. I reached down to grab a white one, but Becky slapped my hand away and said:

“You won’t need that.”

“What do you mean?” I said, “This top is really thin, my nipples will show through it!”

Becky just smiled wickedly at me and said:

“That is exactly the point, dear Annie. If you had brought some properly revealing clothing we wouldn’t have to do this. It is your own fault.”


At breakfast I felt so embarrassed. Indeed my nipples showed through the fabric, not much since they were still quite soft, but enough for everyone to notice, including Mark.

I ate my cereal pretending that I didn’t notice, but I could tell that the boys kept glancing my way, trying to get a look at my nipples, and tried to strike up a conversation with me, which usually never happened.

My heart was pounding, equally from fear and embarrassment and from excitement. Although I struggled to talk to the boys, some part of me really appreciated the attention and as long as it wasn’t Mark that was talking to me I could act at least semi-normal.

The girls meanwhile stared daggers at me, clearly jealous of the attention I was getting. Except for Becky, she was in an unusually bright mood, laughing at all the jokes and was friendly to everyone. She looked at me more than once, beaming an approving smile at me.

After my embarrassing breakfast, we went up to prepare for our first day at the research station. I went to pee before packing and when I pulled my panties down and sat down, I noticed a dark spot on my panties. They were wet.


I brought my hand down to my pussy and felt between my labia. Indeed I was already wet from my embarrassing display. It seemed that although my brain didn’t like my exposure, my body certainly did.

After peeing, I went back to my room and started packing. It was just me and Becky in the room.

I was about to pull on a sweater to wear while we walked to the research station. It was May and it was still chilly in the morning and the research build was maybe a 15 minute walk away from the barracks.

“What are you doing?” Becky said disapprovingly and snatched the sweater from me.

“I did not tell you to wear that.”

“But it is cold outside!” I said. Becky just smiled at my protest.

“Exactly and what will happen to your already exposed nipples when they get cold?”

At first I was just silent, thinking it was a rhetorical question. But when she rose her eyebrows impatiently, I realized she actually wanted me to answer.

“T-they will get harder and more visible.”

Becky smiled mischievously and replied more calmly.

“That right, and that is exactly what we want. We want Mark to get a good look at your tits!”

Again embarrassment filled me. She was really going to expose me as much as possible to Mark and this was just the beginning.


While walking to the research station, my nipples predictably started to grow more pronounced under my top and soon they were poking provocatively through the fabric and they would be visible from a long way away.

I tried to linger behind and away from other people, hoping that nobody would notice, but Becky had other plans.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me with her to catch up with Mark, who was walking together with three other boys, John, Trevor and Erik, laughing and making jokes.

Becky strode right through the group, dividing it in the middle so that I, on her left side, ended up right next to Mark on my right side, and said:

“Hey boys! Nice day isn’t it?”

The boys immediately noticed that the girl with no bra was in the group and their eyes automatically searched for my nipples on my chest, including Mark. The attention was overwhelming, but also overwhelmingly erotic and I felt my nipple if possible getting ever harder.

Becky and the boys bantered for a bit as we walked, making jokes. She was very popular and was very skilled at having fun conversations with the boys.

I on the other hand felt so small and vulnerable. My brain was empty and all I could think about was that they could see my nipples and every time Mark looked at my nipples my heart pounded and I felt like I would trip from going stiff with nervousness.

Becky drew attention to me a lot, asking me questions and giving the boys an excuse to look at me and glace at my nipples. My heart was racing from the attention and the nervousness, and that combined with the cold made me really shiver. I was trembling both from cold and nervousness.

“Wow, you are shivering Annie, you must be really cold. Forgot to bring your sweater?”

It was Mark. I looked up embarrassed at his face, thinking he would be grinning knowingly at me, but his face showed genuine concern and his eyes didn’t drop from mine for even a second.

“Y-yes,” I said, nervously and with a shaky voice, “silly me huh?”

“Nah, anyone could make that mistake. May is always such a deceptive month, it is usually warm during the day, but the mornings are often cold, taking you off guard. I have more than once been in your position!”

Mark said to me, smiling friendly and chuckling.

“Here, take this.”

He unzipped his hoodie and took it off.

“No it is fi…”

Was all I managed to say before he had swept his hoodie around my shoulders.

I was warm from his body heat and I could smell his scent. The sensations along with the gesture sent my heart racing and I looked up at him with anxious, but grateful, eyes and said:

“T-Thank you, it is very warm.”

He was so gorgeous in the morning sun. The sun shone brightly behind him and I had to squint in order to see him. He was smiling back at me and now that his hoodie was off, I could see his long and lean arms.

Mark wasn’t some gym freak that hung out at the gym and built huge grotesque muscles, rather he was of the more natural type with lean and practical muscles. Just the way I like them and seeing them up close turned me on a little bit.

“Of course it is, I warmed it up for you.”

He said with a grin while squinting one eye.

*Wait, was he just blinking or was that a flirt?*

Uncertainty wracked my body and I didn’t know how to respond. My heart started racing even faster. I grew stiff and suddenly found my legs got all tangled, feeling like jelly.

I tripped and started to fall.

*Oh god, I cannot believe I am about to fall in front of Mark!*

Was all I could think.

But I didn’t fall. An arm rapidly shot out in front of me, grabbed me and pulled me upright again.

It was Mark. He had managed to get an arm across my chest and kept me from falling. However, his hand was right on top of my right breast, my hard nipple between his two of his fingers. He would obviously be able to feel them.

However, he didn’t linger, rather he drew his hand back, running it diagonally downwards over my chest and then it was gone. However, that brief touch and that brush across my chest set my body on fire.

I felt immediate and strong arousal throughout my body, my heart pounding.

“Are you okay Annie? You almost fell there.” He asked, laughing softly.

I felt so embarrassed and mixed with the arousal of his touch I was dumbfounded. I stared at the asphalt at my feet, too embarrassed to look up. I opened my mouth to speak, but it took several seconds before I could get my brain to function again.


Then I felt his hand on my back briefly and then something suddenly covered my head.

I looked up and noticed that he had pulled the hoodie over my head. It felt warm and snugly and I felt grateful to have something to hide my embarrassed face.

“You are not having a good day, I best keep an eye on you.”

Mark said jokingly, but the thought of Mark keeping his eyes on me all day both excited and frightened me.

“What are you two doing over there, an early morning romance?”

It was Becky, she was looking at me with a huge grin, mixed with both glee and approval.

“It is never too early for romance!”

Mark said in a joking exaggerated tone, neither confirming or denying it, while smoothing brushing off the question.

*Smooth. As. Fuck.*

I thought to myself.

*How could I, a clumsy skinny girl who continuously gets tongue-tied, ever stand a chance with a guy like Mark. He was leagues above me!*


The rest of the day was far too exciting for my taste. The attention I was getting from the boys never really stopped. I had my nipples exposed to them all day and by lunch I had realized that my panties were completely drenched with juices from my pussy, I was so turned on.

Thankfully we went back to the barracks for lunch so I had the opportunity to change panties. However, if I kept going through panties at this pace I would have no clean ones left by the end of the trip!

I hadn’t really had time to reflect upon what Becky meant by seducing Mark with my pervertedness and body language, but I think I was starting to get the idea. By exposing my intimate parts I sure as hell was getting his attention and by body language I guess she meant how hopelessly turned on I was getting from the experience… But it was so embarrassing, I would become known as the class slut and all the girls would hate me. But the alternative was to have them know about my shameful masturbation session and that was far far worse…

It was evening and the sun was about to set and we were cleaning up in the research building when Becky pulled me aside and whispered to me:

“Hey Annie, I walked past Mark just now. He is going up to the terrass at the top floor of the research building to look at the sunset. Why don’t you go up there and spend some more time with him?”

I looked down at my feet and felt my heart flutter at the prospect. Watch a sunset together with Mark. Could I really do that? Would he be okay with that? I wanted to, but I was also afraid of freezing up again and making it awkward.

I looked up again at Becky and she looked at me knowingly, seemingly having anticipated my nervousness.

“I know what you are thinking: What do I do? What should I say? What if it gets awkward? Because I don’t want you to ruin my attempt to fix your miserable little life, I will tell you what to do: start by standing as close to him as possible, close enough that your arm is touching his. Then say that you think the sunset is really beautiful and that it reminds you of how although our lives might be gloomy and dim at times, there will always be a new and bright tomorrow. Trust me, whatever he says after that you can just roll with.”

That was actually some pretty good advice, maybe Becky wasn’t so bad after all, maybe she really just wanted the best for me.

“Oh and also, if he at any time looks at your prettily exposed nipples again, which is almost guaranteed, men’s brains are wired to automatically look at women’s breasts, they have to make a deliberate effort not to and they very frequently fail that effort, you have to ask him if he wants to touch your boobs.”

My shot wide open and I spoke, a little bit too loudly.


Becky looked at me disapprovingly with raised eyebrows. I continued in a more quiet voice.

“I can’t do that! He will think I am really weird, a slut! What if he rejects me? It is too much, it is too embarrassing.”

Becky picked up her phone and unlocked the screen. She didn’t need to say anything else, I got the message.

My heart was pounding, racing as if chased by a lion. I felt like it was about to crawl out of throat. How could I do this?! This was not just me passively showing off, I had to do something actively! Not only were I to have a conversation with him, but she wanted me to invite him to touch my breasts.

“But… Do I…”

I looked at her pleadingly, unable to finish the sentence. Her eyes were cold as ice and she clicked on something on the screen. Sound was coming from the phone. The sound of rustling sheets from regular repeating movements. Then a soft moan. That was me! She is playing the video right here in the research building! Oh my god ,I had been so loud!

“Okay, okay, okay!” I said. “I will do it! But how, I will never have the courage to say it.”

“That is why we have this,” She waved the phone at me. “and why I will also come with you and keep watch. If you fail to say it, I will release your video and picture to the world.”

Anxiety and fear gripped my stomach and twisted it. I felt like I was gonna puke. There was no way I could do it, but I didn’t have any choice, the alternative was so much worse!

We walked up to the terrass, each step building up my anxiety further. My heart was pounding like a smith at work with his hammer and I felt like I was about to faint.

We walked through the corridor and when we got to the door out to the terrass, I saw Mark there.

His gorgeous face was silhouetted by the setting sun, now just an orange ball just above the horizon, and his blond hair took on the color of the setting sun, shining golden.

I stopped at the door, hesitating, I felt so weak, so small, compared to him. He was so beyond me, I didn’t deserve him.

Then I felt a hard push on my back and I stumbled out on the terrass.

Mark turned around, hearing my clumsy scuffling.

“Ah it is you Annie. Did you also come here to look at the sunset?”

His blue eyes were looking into mine, I felt transfixed, my heart skipping a beat for the eye contact with the most gorgeous person I had ever seen. I tried to remember what Becky had told me to say.

“I… The beautiful is really sunset!” I blurted out, immediately cringing at my complete inability to form a coherent sentence.

I heard a soft pained moan from the terrass door, quiet enough that only I could hear it.

Mark laughed briefly then said, smoothing over my bumbling:

“Yes, it really is. The last embers of the day, slowly smoldering on the horizon before finally fading, giving way to the dark warmless night, before being reborn again. It reminds me a lot of our own lives and how good things come and go.”

His poetic little speech was so similar to what Becky had told me to say. I was dumbstruck. I couldn’t say that now, it would just be a repeat of what Mark had said. I felt stupid.

“You know Annie,” Mark continued, saving me from having to come up with something to say, “You have been acting differently today, is something wrong?”

That wasn’t all that much better. What should I say? That I had been blackmailed into exposing myself?

“Never mind, it is none of my business,” He said, sensing my hesitation, “Let’s just enjoy the sunset.”

I walked over to him by the rail. I got as close as I dared, but I was still less than a handspan away from him. Being afraid that Becky would disapprove that I wasn’t touching him, I stretched my hands out along the rail. It was nerve-wracking knowing that I meant to do it to touch his hand. My hand slid slowly along the rail. The closer I got to his hand the harder my heart beat and the harder it was to keep moving my hand. It was like a barrier was preventing me from going further and I had to push myself harder and harder.

Then he turned to look at me, moving his hand. His hand lifted off the rail, then he put it back down right on top of mine, covering my hand with his palm. The movement was smooth, seeming almost unintentional, but I was sure it was to cover for my feeble attempt to approach him. He saved me from anguish again.

His hand was warm and his touch on my skin was absolutely electric, sending a wave of pleasure and excitement through me.

I looked back up at his face just as he spoke. His eyes sparked with the reflections of the orange setting sun.

“Look I am just going to be straight. Did I do something to upset you earlier? On the bus, I felt like you were so tense, I thought maybe I had done something or said something stupid. I feel like there has been this tension all day. Sometimes I just do or say things without thinking and only later do I realize someone took offense.”

“What? No!” I replied immediately, my fear immediately erased by his showing of vulnerability.

“No, I am just really awkward and shy. Like. I don’t know what to say sometimes. I get scared that I will say something stupid, so I’d rather just keep quiet.”

“I see,” Mark said, sounding relieved, “You don’t need to worry about that with me, I won’t judge you. I like people who think a bit differently, who aren’t so predictable, I want to know what is going on in your head. Just be straight with me alright? How will you ever know if what you have to say is silly if you never say anything? Maybe there are a lot of really profound and interesting things going on in your head that you preemptively block me from knowing.”

His eyes gazed into mine the entire time as he said those words. God. So fucking smooth. This man was a god with words.

Suddenly his eyes dropped to my chest height. They immediately flicked back up again and instead of calm profoundness his eyes were now apologetic and filled with regret.

*Oh my god, he just looked at my nipples! Why did you have to go and do that!*

He looked back out towards the sun and said.

“I-I am sorry Annie, I didn’t mean to do that. God I fucking swear, it is like my eyes have a life of their own. I am so so sorry for looking.”

I glanced towards to terrass door.

*Did Becky see that!*

Her head was sticking out into the doorway and her eyes were staring at me expectantly.

*Yep she definitely did.*

I turned to Mark, trying to gather my courage.

“N-no it is fine, it is my fault, I didn’t realize that you could see them. D-Do…”

The words got stuck in my mouth.

“D-do you wan…”

This was much harder than I had thought

“W-want to t-t-t…”

I shut my eyes hard then forced the words out, trying to not think about what I was saying.

“Do you want to touch them?!”

Mark turned his head and looked at me, dumbfounded. He clearly couldn’t believe what he had heard

“What? Could you say that again?”

*Are you really going to make me say that again!!!??*

“Do you want to touch my boobs!”

I almost screamed, my voice filled with anxiety.

“Are you sure?”

He had already turned and his hands were raised to waist level, palms facing each other and his fingers were bent as if he was already touching imaginary breasts. He was just looking for final confirmation.

“Yes. Would you like to?”

My heart was beating so fucking hard. I felt like it was going to explode out of my chest.

*What am I doing?! This is crazy! Is he actually going to touch my boobs?!*

His eyes were focused on my breasts as he raised his hands slowly to my chest. My heart started beating faster too, pounding hard and rapidly like machine gun fire. His warm hands finally descended onto my breasts. My cold and hard nipples poked hard against the soft palm of his hand, sending warm shivers of pleasure through my body as his palms heated them up.

He then gently squeezed my tiny tits, the firm touch and the friction of his hands against my nipples as he moved his hand around my breasts crashed waves after waves of arousal through my body, turning me on harder and harder for every second he touched me. It was a thousand times more intense than his brush this morning.

I felt my mouth open involuntarily and a moan slipped out.

He looked up and our eyes met. I could see arousal and desire in his eyes too. Arousal and desire for me.

He started leaning in, his face getting close to mine.

*Oh my god, is he about to kiss me?!*

I felt my heart pumping hard against his hand that was still covering my left breast. I was sure he could feel how hard it was beating.

I close my eyes, anticipating the kiss. I felt the warm air of his breath against my face and even the heat of his face close to mine. Something soft touched my lips, gently. His lips.

A crash from inside the building spurred us both out from the trans.

“Oh shit dude, are you okay?” I heard a boy’s voice say in a concerned tone from inside the building.

“I’m okay. Geez, it is so dark in these stairs and the steps are so tiny. I swear these steps are going to be the death of me.”

It was two of Mark’s friends, Erik and Trevor.

“Talk about fucking bad timing.” I heard Becky whisper to herself.

I felt Mark’s hands disappear from my breasts and felt a pang of disappointment. If only this could have lasted a little bit longer…

Becky stepped out on the terrass, as if she had just arrived.

“There you are Annie, you just vanished on us. Oh hi Mark, you are here too huh? What were you two up to? Looking at the romantic sunset together?”

The sun was almost gone now, just a tiny sliver still above the horizon.

“Nothin’.” I heard Mark say, flustered. This was the first time I had ever heard him not being all composed.

“Aww,” Becky said, “The sun is already gone.”

“What? It is already over?” I heard Trevor say just as he and Erik stepped onto the terrass too.

Becky and the two boys started bantering with Mark, talking about the first day of the trip and how great it had been and about things they wanted to do in the next few days. Mark quickly got back to his usually calm self and acted as if nothing had happened.

My heart slowly descended from hyperspeed to a more normal speed and the moment was well and truly past.

*I cannot believe that just happened!*

Becky came over to me as the boys where busy bantering with each other and whispered to me:

“Good job Annie, fuck, I never thought that would work. I was sure this was going to blow up in your face.”

I looked at her in shock.

“What?! I thought you told me to do that because you knew it would work!”

“What? How should I know that? I just said that to make you think it was going to work out so you would actually do it. God, watching you ask him to touch your boobs was golden! That was so awkward!”

Becky laughed and then then continued:

“Yet somehow your awkward innocence made it work. It would never work for me, that’s for sure.”

*Oh my god, she did and said all of that just to watch me embarrass myself! It was never meant to work out! She is not trying to help me, at least that is not the main goal, she is just having fun torturing me!*

We talked some more with the boys and I actually managed to get a few words out and didn’t say anything stupid in front of Mark. Although at this point there was hardly anything more embarrassing I could say than what I had already said.

Finally it got dark and me and Becky decided to go back to the barracks.

“Okay we are gonna go back, see you boys tomorrow!” Becky said as she turned to leave.

“Yeah, me too. Bye!” I said.

“What, Annie.”

Mark took a step forward and grabbed my wrist, then leaned forward and whispered into my ear:

“Thanks for letting me touch your breasts, they are really great, I loved them.”

Then he turned around and walked back to his friends, waving goodbye to me and Becky.

*He liked my breasts. Oh my god, he likes my breasts, he said he loved them! Even though they are so small he loved them!*

Never had words affirmed me so much, my heart was fluttering like a butterfly, heavy and light at the same time! Did he really mean that?! I felt so happy and so excited to know that he enjoyed my body, it made me want to offer even more to him, feeling sure that he would appreciate it.

I walked back to the barracks with Becky, only half listening to what she was saying, reveling in the kind words Mark had offered me.


Back at the barracks we got ready to go to bed. Having showered and brushed my teeth, I finally headed back to the shared bedroom. Becky was standing by the door inside the room waiting for me and Jessica and Freya sat on their respective beds.

“Finally you are back!” Becky said, pulling me into the room and closing the door. “We need to plan for what you are going to do with Mark tomorrow.”

“Wait, Becky, Jessica and Freya are here!” I said frantically.

“Oh don’t worry about them, I have already told them.”

“What?! You told them? You said you were going to tell anyone!”

“I never said that, I said I wouldn’t post it in the class chat. Look, I won’t tell anyone else, I have already sworn them to secrecy, and if this leaks out, I promised that I would ruin both of their social lives, just to be sure.”

She said that so casually. I could see slightly worried looks in Jessica’s and Freya’s eyes as they looked at each other.

Nonetheless I felt betrayed. But she was right, in my panic I hadn’t told her that she couldn’t tell anyone, just that she wouldn’t post it in the chat. However, that was a small detail and in principle I still felt betrayed.

“Besides,” Becky continued, “They want to help you! They also want to see you succeed with Mark.”

*More likely they just want to watch the mayhem unfold as Becky forces me to do really dumb and embarrassing things.*

“I will be useful to have more people to help and watch your back.”

*More like help you keep watch on me to ensure I go through with whatever I have to do next.*

“Anyway, tomorrow morning after breakfast we will be going to buy groceries for each group, there will be two going from the boys and two from us girls. I heard that Mark and Trevor will go for the boys and I have already volunteered me and you, Annie, to go.

Becky grinned at me wickedly.

“Oh boy, are we going to have fun tomorrow.”



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