All About Her. (M19-F41) (Cuckolding)

Mags and Sid have been an “item” for close to six months now. He refers to her as his girlfriend when they go out on dates and are seen in public. She’s decided to give up her trolling the personals in search of fuck buddies and give herself “completely” to Sid and his youthful, lusting cock. Over the past months she set him up in a little business in a distant part of the city where she can be his full time girlfriend and partner to their employees. She also bought him a used car an expense I thought was unwise and a bit over the top. How was she to explain his having a car out of our funds when I was not to be aware of their deepening relationship. Her response was it would be a business vehicle used for sales calls and deliveries. Since she was a partner it would be perfectly fine.
She was spending more and more time in his bed. She would send me photos of her in her panties and bra waiting for him to return to “their” bedroom to start another round of 19 into 41 math exercises. She would text me the pictures, tell me she loves me and promise I would get my turn when she returned. More than once Sid’s big sister would comment to him about the moaning and grunts she hears almost every day and/or night coming from his bedroom. Mags said he told her his sis was worried they’d break the bed. Did she know who it was getting pounded by her brother? Mags hadn’t bumped into her other than when she was there helping set up their business or his applying to Uni. All big sis knew was her brother had a seriously horny girlfriend.
About this time Mags returned one evening after work and, after pouring us both a glass of Malbec, said Sid had surprised her with a weekend getaway to celebrate their 6 month anniversary. He had booked a room in a bed and breakfast near the beach in a quaint little coastal village to the south. They were to depart the following Friday and return that Monday. I could tell she was going to go no matter what I said. She put her wine glass down and came to sit on my lap. I stood up, finished my glass and went for the bottle. “So, I am the clueless husband who lets my wife of over 20 years…” “Yes. That’s the role you are playing and have been playing for almost six months. Have you been taken care of in every way during that time? I told you I want this and I don’t see this ending. So it would be best for you to enjoy the ride.” She wasn’t wrong. I would receive photos of her on her knees sucking him off after I left for work or of her flashing her tits coming home late from a bar. The thing is she won’t let me see any shots nor video of them rutting. She said she didn’t want to expose me to anything said or done that could hurt my feelings. At first I wan’t sure what she meant but it didn’t take long for me to see he was constantly ridiculing me for being clueless as to my being cuckolded by a just turned 19 year old. And when he made those comments she agreed with him and how I was impotent and weak. Mags walked over to me, put her glass down and wrapped her arms around me. “Look, he wants to show me off as his girlfriend in a place none knows us. He wants to show me he’s a man who can take care of his girlfriend. I am to tell you I’m going to a buyer’s conference in Brighton. There actually is a conference there but that’s not the hamlet he chose. Less people…more relaxed. Please be understanding and I will thrill you with sexy photos and you can have me to yourself that following week.” I kissed her, smiled and just shook my head. She took my hand and led me upstairs for the reclaiming ceremony.
