My Wife, His Property (Ch.03 New Sensations) Part 2 [M24] [W21] [Cuckold] [Hotwife] [Interracial] [Qos]

And that’s how Olivia found out about my fantasy. It wasn’t planned that way, but I was glad to finally have this part behind me.

Now you’re wondering how our story went on? I’ll tell you.

For the next couple of weeks, we didn’t talk about my fantasy anymore, and I let Olivia process our whole conversation first. I don’t know whether she researched ‘hotwife’ on the internet herself, or not, but we lived our lives just like a normal couple would.

As Olivia mentioned during the meal, she signed up for the gym around the corner. She even got herself her own trainer, lea, and trained with her once a week, and the rest of the time she trained alone.

As for the dildo, I haven’t used it since the housewarming party. I didn’t want to push Olivia too much with my fantasy, so I left the dildo in my closet, and as for our sex life, I tried to avoid sex with her.

Why I tried to avoid sex, you ask yourself?

Well, the answer is simple. Olivia knew where the dildo was, and I hoped that because we had less sex than usual, she would start masturbating. I was hoping that one day she would feel an urge for the dildo and use it to please herself, while I’m at work.

I was at work from 9 to 5, 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday. Olivia, on the other hand, had more free time. This semester she only had to go to university three times a week and that on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Saturday, she sometimes worked as a waiter in a café to earn a little money. The rest of the time she was at home and took care of the household or went to the gym.

For this reason, I hope that someday when she will be home alone, she will start masturbating. In order to check whether she was also using the dildo, I put the dildo in a plastic bag and tied the ends of the bag shut so that you could only get to the dildo if you ripped the bag open.

Then I made a small red dot on the bag with a marker to distinguish whether the dildo is on the bag I put it in or whether it is a new bag.

Over the next few weeks, I checked whether Olivia had used it, but for a long time nothing happened. I was beginning to have doubts, but then, at the beginning of April, I noticed that the dildo was no longer in the plastic bag I marked with a red dot, but in a new one.

I wasn’t sure if she pulled the dildo out of the bag to masturbate or if she had other reasons to do it, but what was certain was, that she showed interest in the dildo and didn’t forget my fantasy. I marked the new bag with a red dot again and noticed that, a few days later, that the dildo was in a new plastic bag again.

That gave me new hope, but still I didn’t speak to Olivia about my fantasy, but rather let her think about everything in peace.

Fast-forward a couple of weeks, it was the middle of may and my birthday is on May 27th. Olivia and I had a movie night together. As we were cuddled up under the covers and enjoyed the movie, Olivia asked me,

“Babe, it’s your birthday soon, do you have any wishes?”

I looked her straight in the eyes and answered,

“you know what I really wish for, Liv.”

That was the first time I mentioned my fantasy since Olivia and I talked about it.

Olivia said nothing, but her look showed me that she was really thinking about what to respond. Finally, when the film ended and we both went to bed, she said,

“I will try it, Ben.”

I was confused because I didn’t know what she was talking about, so I asked,

“What? What are you talking about?”

She turned her head to the side and looked straight at me,

“Your fantasy, I will try it for you.”

Surprised I replied,

“I…. thank you… I don’t know what else to say. I am speechless.”

She said in a serious voice,

“But I want you to know, that I’m only doing this for you, and not for myself. You are a good man, Ben, and I want to make you happy, so I try to be your hotwife. But as soon as I’m not comfortable with it, I won’t continue with your fantasy anymore.”

“Okay, darling. I’m proud of you for trying it out for me.” I answered.

“But there is more, Ben.” She continued, “I thought about how the bull should be. I mean what criteria he should meet.”

“OKed, I am all ears.” I said.

“First, I want it to be someone we both don’t know. I think it will be easier for me if it’s just a stranger.”

“This is exactly how I imagined it too, what else?” I asked.

She continued,

“Secondly, I want the person not to be locally from here. It shouldn’t just be a person that we don’t know, but it should be a person that our relatives and friends don’t know either. And in order to ensure that, the person has to live farther away from here. We have a lot to lose, if anyone finds out about this, Ben.”

I liked what she said, so I replied,

“That’s a good point, do you have anything else?”

Olivia thought about it for a moment, but then she said,

“that’s all for now. What about you?”

I directly looked at her and said,

“Just one, he needs to be a black guy.”

She replied, confused,

“Really? I don’t mind, but this surprises me now. Is it because everyone always says that black guys have long dicks?”

“Well, if you’re going to get fucked by someone, it should be someone with a big cock, so that’s one thing. But there’s more to a black guy than just his big dick, trust me, Olivia.” I said.

We talked for a while about how we would find a suitable bull for Olivia. I had already thought about it beforehand, so we were able to find a solution quickly. There are not many black people in Germany, so our idea was that we would find a club that was known for black music, and then we would go to a party hoping there would be some black guys that Olivia would like.

Olivia liked the idea and over the next few days I set about finding a suitable event. I found an ideal party on the Friday before my birthday, which was in the city of Dortmund, just over an hour drive from us.

The distance was necessary as we didn’t want to run into anyone we knew. But that also meant that if Olivia found someone at the club, we couldn’t drive home. So I rented us a room in a hotel not too far from the club…

Finally, Friday came, and we made our way to Dortmund. I thought that Olivia would ask me more questions or that she would be more nervous, but she was rather calm. When I asked her why she was so relaxed, she just replied that she hadn’t fully realized it yet, that she might be hooking up with someone else today and that she’ll probably be nervous at the club, but not now.

Her outfit today was a black strapless dress which showed off her beautiful curves. I was the one who chosen her dress, because she called me into the bedroom just before we left and asked for my advice.

She looked absolutely gorgeous for the evening, and I had no doubt that Olivia would attract a lot of men.

Olivia has always been a beautiful woman. Every school always has that one girl that all guys have a crush on, and that’s exactly what she was back then, when she went to school.

Finally, we arrived at the party. The club was packed and, as I had hoped, there were some hot black guys too.

I offered to buy Olivia a drink to loosen her up a bit, but she said no and said,

“If I decide to sleep with one of these guys today, I want to do it out of free will and not because of the alcohol.”

I respected her decision, and we went dancing together to get in the mood.

As a guy, when you’re out with your beautiful girl, you notice other men staring at her. Of course, this happened all the time in the club, and I caught other men staring at her several times. Even if that would annoy a lot of men, on the contrary, it turned me on. That was a part of my fetish.

Eventually, after a while, I pulled Olivia aside and told her that I would leave her alone now. I reassured her again that she can do anything with a guy and that I won’t be mad at her. So, we kissed, and we parted ways. Since we would be spending the night in the hotel anyway, I went to the bar and got myself a drink.

Olivia knew where I would be watching her from, so she found a nice spot on the dance floor that would allow me to see everything.

When I got back to my spot with my drink, I looked for Olivia in the crowd, and I noticed a blond German guy approaching her.

For the next few minutes, he tried to get Olivia to dance with him, but she remembered our agreement, that the guy had to be black, and kept pushing him away.

“Fuck…. what is the idiot doing there. If this continues, Olivia won’t be able to focus on the black guys.” I thought and set off to get him off her.

I had barely gone a few steps when I saw a tall black guy pushing between Olivia and the German, separating him from her.

He has probably been watching Olivia the whole time, and when he saw that she wasn’t interested in German, he put himself between the two to have her to himself.

Next, he said something into the German’s ear, and the German turned and walked away.

After that, he turned his attention to Olivia and the two chatted for a moment before starting to dance together.

“Yes, the plan is working!” I yelled in my mind as I took a sip of my drink.

Of course, the black guy didn’t start making out with her on the dance floor right away, but took it slowly, so that Olivia gets used to him.

At first, they danced side by side, but soon, he was taking her by the hand and eventually, he laid his large hands on her perfect hips.

But not only the black guy dared more and more, but also Olivia. At the beginning, she was a bit shy, but soon, she laid her hands on him as well.

My heart was racing as I watched this black guy seduce my girlfriend. Suddenly, I saw him run his hand down Olivia’s back and grab her ass. I felt my cock tingle with excitement as I watched Olivia being grabbed where only I have touched her until now.

“What are you going to do now, Olivia? Will you allow him to touch you?” I asked myself nervously.

As if she could hear my thoughts, she glanced at me, and then she ran her hand over the bulge in his pants.

I just saw the guy smile, then a new group jostled onto the dance floor, and I lost sight of Olivia as he and Olivia were pushed farther into the crowd.

I hastened to find a new spot from which to observe them. After a while, I spotted the guy in the crowd, as he was a bit taller than most people in the club.

What I saw next made me extremely hard, and I hoped no one noticed my boner in my pants. Olivia danced with her back turned to him and rubbed her butt against his cock like she did with me back in Spain. At the same time, the black guy explored her beautiful body with his hands.

Because the crowd blocked my view and the lights in the club were flickering, I couldn’t see everything he was doing to her, but I saw him touch her on the breast several times.

It was the first time that Olivia let anyone but me get close to her, and it made me go crazy. I wanted to get my cock out and jerk off while I watched them both, but of course I didn’t do that as I was surrounded by people.

Horny, I watched them from my new spot, and imagined in my mind what was going to happen in the hotel. Suddenly he took her by the hand and turned her, so that she was facing him again, and pulled her into a kiss. Inside, I exploded with lust. She’s never kissed anyone but me.


Out of nowhere, I saw Olivia slap the guy in the face. I watched confused as she walked out of the crowd towards the club exit. I quickly followed her and asked.

“What happened?”

But Olivia didn’t want to talk, instead she pointed in the direction of the exit, signaling that she wanted to leave.

When we left, she still didn’t want to talk, so I suggested we go to the hotel, but she answered briefly,

“I didn’t have any alcohol today, so I can drive us home.” and we made our way to the car.

It was only on the drive home that she calmed down, and I was able to talk to her about everything.

“So, are you going to tell me what happened or not?” I carefully asked her.

“Ahhh….” exhaled Olivia deeply, then she said,

“Ben, I’m sorry for my behavior.”

“Honey, you did really well, I’m actually very proud of you, but what did that guy do that made you so angry.” I asked.

“Actually…. he didn’t do anything wrong.” She replied.

I asked, confused,

“What? I saw you slap him in the face. Of course, he must have done something wrong.”

Olivia coughed, then she spoke,

“I think it would be best if I start from the beginning. When we parted ways, a blond guy tried to talk me into dancing with him.”

I interrupted her and said,

“Yeah, I saw that. I was about to intervene, but the black guy was faster.”

She continued,

“Exactly, he sent him away and introduced himself as Alex. He also said that he told the blond guy that I was his girlfriend, so now we have to dance together so that he won’t notice it.”

“Well, that was a good line to get you dancing with him. Clever.” I replied amazed.

“Eventually, one thing led to another, and we danced closer and closer together, until we were touching each other through our clothes. I felt his bulge, and he felt my breasts and ass. It wasn’t exactly easy for me to be touched by someone other than you, but I got over it. What helped me was just having you in my mind the whole time and thinking how happy that makes you.” she told.

“And you made me very proud today too, you know. Tell me, did he only touch you through your clothes, or did he dare more.” I asked her and couldn’t wait for the answer.

Olivia thought for a moment, then she answered,

“There was a one moment when he put his hand under my dress and felt my inner thighs. He then ran a finger over my panties, but he did this only once.”

“Shit, that’s really hot, babe. But I don’t understand now why you suddenly slapped him.” I asked her confused.

Olivia exhaled and said,

“Ah, Ben….. it was the kiss. I can’t explain it, but somehow, it’s easier for me to give my body to someone than to kiss them. A kiss to me means passion, love and intimacy and when Alex kissed me, I snapped and slapped him.” she paused for a moment and thought, then added, “I’m sorry I screwed up your birthday present, honey.”

I put a hand on her lap and replied,

“Liv, you didn’t screw up. Quite the opposite, I told you that I’m proud of you.”

“Yeah, but…” she tried to say something, but I cut her off and said,

“No but. You forget that my fantasy isn’t about me, it’s about us together as a couple. And if you didn’t want to kiss him, then so be it. I think that we still took a big step towards my sex dreams together today, and I’m very happy about that.”

She smiled at me and replied,

“I love y…. OH damn, you have a boner, Ben?!”

During our conversation, a visible bulge formed in my pants, which Olivia only now noticed. I responded to her reaction,

“of course. Hearing how he touched you, makes me go crazy.”

“I….. I… I mean…” Olivia stuttered, but she slowly understood the nature of my fetish. She was beginning to understand how to tease me, and she liked it, so she said,

“Would you prefer if Alex ran his finger over my clit instead of my panties, Ben?”

Olivia’s sudden tease surprised me, but I loved it.

“It would be so hot…” I replied while looking at her.

In a calm but naughty voice, she continued,

“Or would you prefer him fingering me on the dance floor, Darling? You know what? Until now, I have told you how it was for me, but how was it for you? Did you like the little show I did for you?”

Turned on I replied,

“If we were alone in the club, just you, Alex and i, I would get my cock out and jerk off in front of you guys.”

Olivia smiled. She liked that she knew how to turn me on now, and She also realized that she might not be able to fulfill my fantasy today, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t give me good sex tonight….


In a hurry, we opened the door to our apartment, and rushed inside.

For the past 20 minutes we just teased each other and when I grabbed Olivia between her legs during the drive, I noticed that her panties were all wet.

Because of the teasing, we both couldn’t wait to be back home and when we were finally both in our apartment and the door closed with a loud click, we finally knew that we could now let off steam.

As soon as I took my shoes off, she jumped on me and clutched herself tightly.

“Now I got you.” she whispered and pulled me into, and we kissed passionately. After each kiss, she giggled sweetly, so I asked her,

“what’s so funny, babe?”

She answered briefly,

“Nothing, I only love it when you’re horny,” and our tongues met again.

Next, I turned around and held Olivia against the wall, while I kissed her from her neck down to her shoulder.

“Mmmmm.” She gasped as my lips touched her soft skin and I felt her fingernails dig into my back.

“I need this so bad now…” she said and bit her lip. I stopped kissing her skin and turned to look her in the eyes and ask,

“What? What do you need now.”

She gave me a naughty look, then answered,

“Your cockkkkkk.”

“Well, then you shall get what you seek.” I told her and carried her to the dining table, where I put her on the edge. And started taking off her high heels. First, I ran my fingers over her leg until I reached her shoe and then took it off. After that, I kissed her foot softly and repeated the process with the other leg.

As soon as I finished, Olivia grabbed my shirt and said,

“Come to me” and pulled me into a kiss. As I felt her tongue slide into my mouth, I noticed her hands lifting my shirt, signaling that she wanted my naked body. So I took it off quickly, and pushed her down, so that she was flat on the table. Then I pulled her dress over her hips and removed her panties.

Now she laid in front of me, with her legs spread and naked cunt. Even I have seen her naked plenty of times, Olivia’s naked body kept surprising me, as if I had seen her naked for the first time. She was the epitome of beauty to me, a sex goddess whose looks would have driven any man crazy. Her legs were the perfect shape, her waist was slim, and her pussy was worth a million dollars. I’ve had sex with a few women in my life, but none of them were in her league. What gave me the ultimate kick was her pussy. Her smell and taste was out of this world and had something very addictive about it, like a drug. In addition, she shaved her pussy, leaving a trimmed triangle just above her clit.

“If only Alex could see her like this right now… he’ll definitely cum tonight while thinking about Olivia.” I thought and set about kissing her inner thighs eagerly.

As my lips brushed against Olivia’s soft skin, I thought of Alex’s hands that just recently touched her where my lips were now. And my cock was throbbing as images popped into my head of Olivia dancing with him.

I kissed her for a while to tease her a little, but finally I stopped in front of her pussy. Olivia’s hips trembled as my breath hit her clit, showing me that the teasing had made her extremely sensitive. And then I widened my tongue and licked it from bottom to top. Once at the top, I flicked her clit with the tip of my tongue.

“Ohhh!” Moaned Olivia, as she felt my touch, and grabbed my head with her hand. Next, I sucked her clit into my mouth and licked it with circular motions of my tongue.

“Yes Mmm, just like that, Ben.” she said and felt her tug at my hair in pleasure. I continued to lick her and did my best. Then, out of nowhere, she said,

“Uuuuuughh, fuck, Ben. You lick me so good. You must be really horny today” she paused for a moment, then continued, “it’s ’cause I look so hot, or is it because I was such a dirty…. little…. slut today?”

I believe what I heard. Olivia was starting to understand what my fantasy is, and how best to use it to tease me, and this was driving me crazy with pleasure.

“It is both. What happened today at the club is so hot, Liv. I really wish that he would fuck you” I answered and wanted to keep licking her, but Olivia had other plans and got up again.

Afterward, she held my head and stared deep into my eyes. We lingered for a moment, but eventually she pulled me into a passionate French kiss. It was a wild kiss, but that was exactly what showed the passion and lust we felt for each other. Our tongues curled around each other, and I put mine in her mouth. Soon our mouths were covered in a mixture of spit and Olivia’s juices. As we stopped kissing, she said,

“You really want Alex to fuck me? Fine. Let’s go get Alex.”

At first, I didn’t know what she meant and watched her walk into the bedroom. But when she came back with the BBC-dildo in her hand, I understood.

“Does my man want to watch me get fucked?” she said and slowly licked the dildo from bottom to the tip.

I stood still and could only reply, “yes,” as I felt the lust come over me. At the same time, an idea that I had had for a while came to my mind. I wanted to fuck Olivia with the Dildo, yes, but I also wanted to show her how much pleasure a woman can feel when she’s being fucked by a BBC. So, I told her,

“Take off your dress and get on the couch. I want to show you something.”

While she was doing what I told her to do, I took my phone, selected a blacked porno and connected my phone to the TV, to stream the porn. When she saw what I did she said surprised,

“You want to watch a porn with me?” she wanted to say something more, but I stopped her and said,

“Shhhhh, just watch and learn.” As I sat down on the couch and hug her from behind.

The porn started with a scene where a white woman made out passionately with a black guy. As their tongues met, she slowly jerked his big fat black. I could see Olivia’s eyes widen when she saw how big his dick was. She alternately watched at the TV, then at the dildo, and then back at the TV, while realizing that there are men who are just as well-endowed, maybe even better, than the dildo.

Next in the porn, he picked up the woman and carried her to the bed, where she then gave the guy a sloppy blow job. Olivia watched carefully as the white slut put more and more of the black monster down her throat, inch by inch. Without taking her eyes off the TV, she said,

“Damn, I never thought she’d take it that deep.”

While Olivia’s full attention was on the TV, I took the opportunity and started playing with her beautiful breasts. My fingers stroked her nipples and I felt them slowly but surely harden. As I gently pinched them, she moaned and turned her head towards me to give me a naughty look.

Eventually, the blow job scene ended in the porn. Now it was his turn to satisfy the woman with his mouth. As his tongue touched the woman’s clitoris, I also began to pleasure Olivia’s clit with my fingers to create a connection between the porn and Olivia. When I touched her pussy, I noticed how wet and slippery it was, which showed me, that Olivia liked what she was seeing. Suddenly, in the middle of the scene, Olivia threw her head back said,

“Ohhh, Ben, I love your touch.”

I then kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear,

“Keep looking, baby.”

We lingered like that for a moment, but then the porn continued, and the black guy pulled the woman to the edge of the bed to fuck her now. So, I did the same thing and stood up. Meanwhile, Olivia positioned herself in the same position as the woman. Then I took the dildo in my hand and held it in front of Olivia’s mouth. Without saying a word, she understood what I wanted from her and spat on it. On the contrary to the man’s cock in porn, the dildo was still dry, so we needed some lube. That’s why we needed her spit.

After that, the black guy massaged the woman’s cunt with his huge cock, so I knelt down on the floor in front of Olivia and made the same movements with the dildo as the man in the porn.

All of a sudden, the woman in the porn said,

“Yeees, keep stroking my cunt, make it ready for your big black cock.”

Hearing her words, Olivia smiled at me and said,

“Get that pussy ready for your big black cock, Alex.”

“Oh, Alex is preparing your pussy for a good fuck.” I replied, turned on by her words.

I continued to watch at the TV to copy the man’s movements, and I saw him slapping her clit with his cock. So, I took the dildo and slapped her clit as well.


“Oh” she gasped, as she winced slightly.


“Uuuu” this time she didn’t winced, but rather accepted the pleasure.


“Do you like being slapped, Liv?”

“Yes, I like it when Alex slaps me” she answered and bit her finger lustfully.

Suddenly, I heard the woman from the porn moan loudly, and I realized that they were already fucking. So, I tried to put the dildo inside her as well. But Olivia wasn’t such a trained slut like the woman in porn. Her pussy was still tight, and has just started to get used to a BBC. That is why I felt resistance once again when I tried to get the tip into her, but the resistance wasn’t as big, as the first time I fucked her with the dildo. So, I slowly pre-stretched her pussy with the tip, while Olivia continued to watch the porn.

Then, the porn scene got really rough and the pleasurable moans of the woman, echoed throughout the living room. Carefully, Olivia watched, how the woman got the fuck of her life. Finally, the woman screamed that she was cuming and her whole body started to tremble from the immense pleasure she felt. But the black guy didn’t stop fucking her. Quite the opposite, he kept going and going, choking the woman while giving her a beautiful orgasm. After the woman’s orgasm was over, he stopped and the two kissed lovingly with passion.

Seeing how much she was enjoying being fucked by that BBC, Olivia’s pussy loosened up a little, so I could finally put the dildo inside her. It was as if she finally understood and wanted to feel the same pleasure as this woman.

“Agggggh!” she moaned as the dildo slid inside her, “Alex is inside me, Ben.”

“You want Alex to fuck you, don’t you?” I said.

“Yes” she replied.

“Say it. Tell him what to do with you” I told her, still holding the dildo in her pussy without moving it until I was satisfied with her answer.

“Uuuuuughh, Alex, fuck me!… fuck me and make me feel special, like Ben promised me when he first used the dildo on me.”

“Very good” I answered, and slowly started to fuck her pussy.

“Oh God….. yeah… Mmmm.” she moaned in lust and then bit her hand while the dildo stretched her pussy open, like she needed it.

I fucked Olivia with a dildo for a while the porn was playing on the TV. Olivia’s pleasurable moans mingled with the moans of the wife in the porn, and before long the moans of two white sluts could be heard all over the room.

After a while, the two changed positions in porn, so I said to her,

“Lay down like that woman, babe. “

Now, Olivia laid flat on the couch and placed a pillow under her stomach so that her butt was slightly lifted. She looked with her head in the direction of the TV, so that she didn’t miss anything.


I spanked her ass with a dildo and said to her,

“You are such a beautiful slut.”

She giggled and replied,

“What are you waiting for, Alex, Ben wants to see how much you stretch me out.” then she wiggled her butt temptingly, while continuing to giggle.

“I am waiting for someone to beg.” I said and spanked her with the dildo again.

“Please, fuck me, Alex. Stretch my pussy with your huge cock.” she begged and pointed to the TV, where you could see that the woman was already getting fucked, to add, “look, they’re fucking already. Don’t you think it’s time to have some fun too?”

“I think it’s about time you got a shaking orgasm again, my love.”

We kissed briefly, and then I shoved the BBC dildo back inside her hungry hole.

“Uh, Uh…. Aughhhhh…. Uhm.” Olivia’s moans grew louder as the dildo slid deeper and deeper with each thrust.

I looked down at her ass and enjoyed the view. The black color of the dildo matched Olivia’s white skin perfectly. After each new thrust, as the dildo slid out, Olivia’s pussy lips clutched tightly around the shaft of the dildo. That’s why it looked like her cunt was screaming, “no dildo, please don’t go away. Stay inside me and fill me up.”

Meanwhile, in the porn, the black guy has started to fuck the woman really hard and rough again. I wasn’t watching the TV, but I could hear the woman screaming in pleasure and the clapping sound of the hard fuck. That’s why Olivia said to me all of a sudden,

“Ben, Ahhh, Ben…. i thi…. I think I can stand it, if you fuck me rough as well….”

Upon hearing her words, I looked straight at her and asked,

“Who Should Fuck You Hard?”

She replied with a groan,

“Alex, Alex was supposed to fuck me hard….”

I stopped fucking her for a moment and pushed the dildo as far as possible inside her.

“Auuuuughhhhhh!” she moaned in pleasure loudly when the dildo hit her limit.

“Then beg Alex to fuck you roughly.” I said to her.

“Pleeeeaasssse, Alex, please fuck me hard and stretch out my pussy. Pleasssse, I really need this right now.”

Satisfied with what she said, I started to fuck her with hard deep thrusts and Olivia moaned, “Yes, yes…. uh ungh ungh uh uh uh AUGH!” while the dildo gave her unbelievable pleasure.

I looked back down to the dildo and noticed that Olivia started to cream on it once again. Then Olivia pressed her face against the couch and screamed in pleasure. But I wanted Olivia to still watch the porn and learn, so I pulled her hair, which forced her to lift her head and continue to watch the TV.

The woman in porn had her orgasm first. She squirted on the bed while shaking with pleasure. When Olivia saw the woman cum, she cried out,

“Ben! I think I’m going to cum as well!”

This was followed by a sweet, passionate cry, and her trembling body made it clear that she too had an unbelievable orgasm as well. Once again, she lay semi-conscious as she savored the immense pleasure. I wanted to fuck her myself today, but I decided that for the night Olivia’s pussy belonged to the dildo, Alex. Therefore, I started to jerk off myself. Overwhelmed by the lust I felt, it only took me seconds to cum, and I busted my nut all over her back.

After two minutes, Olivia recovered. The porn was still playing in the background while she curiously asked me.

“Why did the woman pee during orgasm, Ben”

as I answer her, I looked at her and said,

“Ah, Sweetheart, it isn’t pee. It’s called squirting, and it’s what happens when a woman reaches her ultimate sexual climax. At some point, your body can’t take the intense pleasure anymore, and it releases the pleasure by squirting it out.”

Then Olivia laid motionless on the couch. As me cum slowly ran down her back, and as the tremendous pleasure of the orgasm slowly but surely faded away, the only thing on her mind was if she could squirt too.


Hey my readers! If you like the story, you are welcome to read the next chapter (Chapter 4 Another Man) on my Patreon.

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