I [M] am a Massage Therapist and Love When My Recurring Clients [F] Build Sexual Tension, PT 9

Hi again – I clearly took some time off from writing and the internet, and have switched accounts again. Maybe it’s a bad habit, but when I start feeling a little too drawn into Reddit I just delete my account entirely to force a bit of a break. Anyways, I’ve had the urge to write again and continue my stories, so I hope you enjoy for however long this round lasts.

I’ll start with a quick summary to refresh everyone’s memory, but for those that have never read my story or want to read them again, I’ve reposted all 8 parts to this profile. Part 10 is ready and will be posted tomorrow!


I’m Oliver, and I work part time as a massage therapist. I work at a small co-operative studio, which really just means I split the cost of a small space with several other therapists and we all rotate our hours and available times. In addition to my love of massage, I have some unconventional views on the role of sex/sexual energy and how it can benefit us.

I’m very interested in the connection between mind and body, and believe that a lot of mental anxiety and stress can manifest physically. When the body is stressed and anxious, a lot of our mental energy is then put in a fight or flight state. The role of my massage is to help my clients feel better physically, but also help them see if there is a deeper reason why they are holding that tension.

I also think that our sexuality, sex drives, and sexual energy are a natural and powerful energy within us. I think sexual energy, when channeled in a healthy and mindful way, can result in some very beneficial effects. Often to truly harness that sexual energy in a healthy way, we need to be completely de-stressed and at ease; able to focus completely on those energies swelling within. I think that massage can create an environment where that sexual energy can flourish and really work its magic.

I had done some private sensual (I’m hesitant to use the word Tantric) massage work outside of my official practice, but that changed with Sarah. Sarah, a beautiful woman who worked as a nurse in her early 30’s, came to me having never had a massage before. We got along great, and she quickly became a recurring client. Our sessions got a little flirty before getting more and more sexual, with her taking the lead and wanting to reveal more and more of herself to me.

After we finally crossed over the line of professionalism, I began giving Sarah more and more sexual massage experiences. Eventually this led to her returning the favor after a “date” outside of a massage setting where she went down on me, and confessed to having told one of her friends about me.

Her friend, Emma, turned out to be really cool and understanding of what was happening, and also came to see me for a few massages. Since Emma knew all the details about the “massages” I was giving to Sarah, our sessions took a uniquely sensual and flirty twist, and also led to me giving her several sexual massages. That’s where I left off in my last post (part 8) – after the third session with Emma which culminated in getting her off several times.

__________ Part Nine

We’re going to jump back to Sarah for this chapter. If you remember from part 7, Sarah and I met up outside of the massage studio for the first time for a more intimate “date”, which ended up with her going down on me and us planning another dinner date between us to give her a full massage experience outside of the studio. At first, we planned to meet up the following week, but life got in the way with my other job, massage appointments, and her nursing shifts, and it was almost a month before we finally saw each other again.

We had been texting on and off, mostly little updates or teasing messages about the series of sessions I was having with her friend Emma. Like I said, Emma and Sarah seemed to tell eachother everything, and after each session I would inevitably have a text from Sarah commenting on what happened.

Anyways, our schedules eventually aligned for a Thursday. Sarah had a Wednesday night shift that ended at midnight and then was off work for three days, so the plan was for her to get home and sleep in, then come over to my apartment in the early afternoon for dinner followed by a no limits full body massage. We didn’t clearly establish whether or not she would be sleeping over, but it was implied enough for me to prepare ahead of time.

I only had one appointment in the morning on Thursday, and afterwards I returned home to clean up my apartment, wash sheets, and walk down to the market near my house to pick up some ingredients for dinner. The last time we had hung out we had talked for a bit about cooking and food, and I remembered that she said she loved seafood, so for the main course I prepped one of my favorites – salmon with a citrus salsa verde (I think the original is a bon app recipe).

I picked up some other fresh looking veggies and cheese to make a little appetizer board and a bottle of wine, and grabbed a nice looking little bouquet of white daisies on the way out. After returning home and making the final touches to the apartment – setting up my bedroom with my portable massage table, setting out some fresh candles ready to light in the bedroom and bathroom, and making sure everything was clean and orderly – I took a quick shower and prepped most of dinner so everything was ready to cook.

Sarah arrived a little after four – I got a rush of nervousness during the 30 seconds between buzzing her into my apartment and her walking in through my door, but as soon as I saw her it all drifted away. She smiled wide as we saw each other in person for the first time in several weeks. She quickly set down a small shoulder bag and duffle as I closed the door, followed by her arms wrapping tight around me. Immediately I was engulfed in her – her freshly showered hair falling across my arm, the smell of her lightly floral perfume hitting me, and the feeling of her warm body pulling itself into me.

We kissed briefly, just a little more than a friendly peck, then both let out a little laugh as any tension left in the room melted. She looked great in her very casual outfit – a loose long sleeve band tee, a pair of small gray running shorts, and some black converse. Kicking off her shoes, I took her hand and gave her a quick two minute tour of my apartment. Walking into my bedroom and seeing the massage table all set up and ready, she playfully walked up to it and slid her hands across it, jokingly saying to the table “ooo baby how I’ve missed you”.

We both laughed, and she leaned on the table while looking around my bedroom, making a few borderline crude jokes about my sex life and asking if I “do this for a lot of girls”. I told her the truth – she’s the first in a while, and other than her it’s just Emma at the moment. Satisfied with my answer, we chatted for a bit longer, mostly her asking questions about the various posters or art pieces or books in my room.

After a few minutes while she was thumbing through a photo book of mine, I stood in front of her and placed my palms on the table, my arms framing her chest. I leaned down looking at the photos she was paging through, our foreheads pressing together. She looked up at me and tilted her head back, which quickly led to us kissing. She leaned back slightly, and as we continued to kiss my arms slid around her and supported her weight, lifting her up fully onto the table. Her legs wrapped around me, pulling me into her as she let out a soft moan into my lips.

After kissing for a minute or so, I decided to pull back, not wanting to get carried away too quickly. Her face was flush and she let out a heavy breath, but quickly said “okay I’m hungry – what’s for dinner chef” with another playful grin.

We walked to the kitchen as I told her the plan for the night – we’ll make a little appetizer plate as dinner cooks, then eat, then maybe go for a sunset walk, then come back for her massage. While telling her this I opened the bottle of wine and poured her a glass. She hopped up and sat on the kitchen counter, then took the glass from my hand and took a sip. She swirled the wine around a few times in the glass, then in another joking tone said “this will do, now feed me please”.

It was honestly really refreshing and cute to see this playful and joking side of her – something that had started to come out in our last few meetups. I stole another quick kiss from her, then set off on assembling a little appetizer platter for us to snack on while I cooked. We chatted as I worked, occasionally snacking, occasionally kissing, and occasionally refreshing our wine glasses.

Our conversation started mostly light and playful, filling me in on the latest nurse/coworker drama, me talking about my massage appointments and my other work, the few meetups with friends we had, and so on. Within about 40 minutes we were nearly done with the wine, both definitely feeling a little tipsy and giddy, and I was making the last touches on our dinner.

I had her sit at my tiny table between my kitchen and living room, and made a show of presenting her dinner, lighting a candle, and then taking a seat next to her. She wordlessly started eating, and after a few bites just said “oh my god this is so good”.

As I’m sure some of you know, it never gets old getting compliments on your food, and safe to say I was buzzing. A beautiful girl, good food and wine, a sensual night ahead … definitely my happy place.

Anyways, we ate pretty quickly, chatting here and there, but mostly savoring the moment. This was still late summer/early fall, so when we finished dinner there was about an hour and a half or so of time before sunset. After quickly cleaning up the kitchen and both feeling a little tipsy from the wine, we got our shoes on and headed out for a stroll through my quiet corner of the city. I walked her past a few of my favorite cafes and little shops, reaching one of my favorite parks a little over a mile from my place.

The park is one of the biggest in my city, centered around a big hill with lots of west coast fir and pine trees, essentially a small urban forest. Our conversation continued to flow effortlessly, I’m sure assisted a little by the wine, and as golden hour started to really come into effect we reached a nice overlook of the city on a somewhat secluded path. While standing and admiring the view, Sarah reached into the small shoulder bag she had been carrying and pulled out a joint, asking me if I wanted to share (yes, legal state).

Not wanting to be rude, I gladly accepted. As we passed the joint back and forth, silently admiring the view, our hands eventually found each others. After finishing a few minutes later, starting to feel a little lighter and gigglier, we set off back down the path and out of the park. Neither of us were too high, but we definitely had a solid buzz going and were in a great headspace – a combination of the slowly building sexual tension, the beautiful sky as sunset approached, the nice weather, and the weed.

As we walked back to my apartment, I’m sure grinning like idiots, our conversation got decidedly more sexual. We talked about our last massage, things she especially liked and remembered. We also asked each other more sexually charged questions about each other’s pasts, and talked about a few more things she had been reading and thinking about in the last weeks.

I’ll be honest in that I don’t remember the full details of our conversation on that walk back, but I do remember quite a few kiss breaks, and a general aura of excitement and anticipation to be back in private. We did also talk about how we were feeling about each other – both still in agreement that we were enjoying the casual and intense nature of our relationship, and both expressing that we would be fine crossing the line of having sex if it happened naturally.

As soon as we made it into my apartment and I had closed my door, Sarah had me pressed against the wall and was kissing me, her fingers interlocked on the back of my neck. I briefly forgot all about the massage I was set to give her as I melted into her lips, the weed amplifying my lust for her. Within minutes we had shuffled over to my couch, our lips barely separating as I sat her back against it, straddling her spread legs with one of my own as I leaned down into her. While we made out, my hands slipped under her soft cotton shirt, feeling the warm skin of her lower back for the first time that night.

Mid kiss, she quickly raised her arms up, assisting me as I lifted the shirt over her head, revealing a beautifully soft dark green bra. Her eyes met mine, a smirk across her face as she pulled me back into her. Besides the obvious rush of arousal I felt as my hands returned to her back, I also noticed how tense the muscles in her shoulders were, and my mindset shifted immediately.

I pulled away from her slightly and made a light hearted comment about almost forgetting about her massage. Sarah giggled in response as I stood from the couch, and with a slightly teasing pout on her face said “I wouldn’t be too upset as long as you made it up to me another time.”

I kissed her again, but then said “A promise is a promise”, took her by the hand and led her to my bedroom. My thoughts were rushing a little as we moved between kisses, lighting the candles, running my hands across her back, turning on some soft music, unclasping her bra, gently caressing her beautiful breasts, shimmying her out of her shorts, her hands pulling my own shirt off over my head …

Before I knew it she was crawling up onto the massage table, lifting her hips up while on all fours and peeling her matching dark green panties off for me while I poured some massage oil onto my hands. My thoughts slowed once I saw her body lie still, the flickering orange light from the candles illuminating the curve of her spine and toned back. I took a deep breath and heard her mirror me as I pulled a sheet over her feet and legs, selfishly leaving most of her butt exposed.

Once I finally placed my hands and the base of her shoulder blades, I pressed down ever so gently and told her to breathe. I guided her through a few slow breaths, in, then out … in, hold, then out. As we breathed together, I felt my concentration coming back, the rushing sexual energy slowing down within me – the tension and heat in my body cooling off.

On her exhale, I pressed deeper, grounding her into the table. My hands started to move, pushing down her back, dragging up, repeating this simple motion as I started to feel and notice the state of her muscles. Other than occasionally re-centering her breath I stayed silent, quickly zoning in on the details of her muscles and skin under my hands, noticing the pull and resistance as my fingers rhythmically kneaded into her.

My hands went into autopilot, working through my usual flow, starting with broad gentle strokes, honing in on tight or tender areas, working deeper as time progressed. Eventually I was focusing fairly deep on her upper left shoulder, working on a few knots in the center of her trapezius (between the shoulder and neck). Her deep rhythmic breaths started to turn into moans, soft quiet ones at first, but with a little encouragement to let go she became louder, letting out the most heart-melting “oh fuuuck” or “right there”.

Maybe twenty minutes into the massage when I could feel a noticeable improvement in the tension in her shoulder and upper back, I returned to making long sweeping strokes down the sides of her spine. As usual her mid back was pretty balanced, and as I moved to the side of her body I gently kissed my way down her spine, starting at the base of her head. My fingers brushed along the sides of her body, feeling her ribcage and the sides of her breasts as they pressed into the table. With each touch of my lips to her oily skin, her body shivered and she inhaled softly.

Returning back to the massage, I made some sweeping strokes across her lower back, trying to press her hips simultaneously down into the table and outwards away from each other, elongating her lower back. She sighed as I pressed her hips down, letting her body relax deeper. Once her pelvis and hips felt a little more relaxed, I focused in on a common pressure point (QL or Quadratus Lumborum for those interested), eliciting some rather loud groans and sighs of relief from Sarah.

After a few questions and compliments from Sarah, my hands started drifting lower, over the crest of her hips and to the sides of her glutes. I did my usual glute and upper thigh massage, starting with broad strokes with my hands, flattening out to my forearms, applying an even pressure down the side of her leg. After a few passes, I started letting my fingers drift back up along her inner thigh, following the lower crease of her glutes/butt back to the outside of her hips.

My best quick tip for anyone interested in this type of massage is to go slow, be repetitive, and very gradual. When you move very slowly and repetitively, you not only let the person you’re massaging really hone into your touch, but you also can concentrate and feel for the slightest variations in their body and breathing. I would say I spent the next twenty or thirty minutes on the lower half of her body – working down her glutes, thighs and calves, trying to get her muscles to relax a little more each time, then drifting back up slowly, following the same line along her inner thigh and rebuilding that tension.

Every few minutes I would go a little further and deeper up her inner thigh, and, I could tell from her breathing that the arousal was coming back. I also started to feel her hips and pelvis twitch ever so slightly when my fingers turned from her inner thigh to her glutes at the top of my return stroke, signaling her desire for me to go further. With each stroke her legs also parted slightly more, eventually spread enough for me to see her lips, glistening and damp, her seemingly freshly trimmed pubic hair contrasting against the white sheet beneath her.

On one final pass up her thigh, her hips dropped open and her legs rolled outward, her body begging for more. Instead of sliding out from her inner thigh to the side of her glute, I continued higher, the pointer and index finger of my right hand straddling the sides of her lips, my middle finger sliding effortlessly between. I dragged my fingers slowly through her slit, savoring the warm silky feeling of her lips and the sound of her beautiful low moan. I noticed her hands clench into fists along the sides of her body as my middle finger barely dipped into her opening, my left hand running up her spine and pressing her mid back gently into the table.

I repeated this stroke several times, just softly running my fingers through her lips, spreading her wetness around, and acclimating her pussy to the feeling of my fingers. I didn’t focus on her clit or slide into her yet, opting to continue teasing and building tension. She moaned out a few times, saying “Fuck Oliver … ughhh please” over and over.

Maybe it was just the mood I was in that night, but hearing her start to beg for more, hearing her moan my name, her long exasperated “please” … let’s just say it was getting harder and harder to concentrate.

Once it felt like she was fully turned on – my fingers practically being pulled into her with no resistance, only then did I finally start to incorporate some small circles of her clit. I had to reach under her slightly, her body lifting her hips to almost grind into my fingers. My palm pressed against her opening as I focused on making small circles around her already hard clit. After a few minutes of circling, I slipped my pointer and middle finger around it and gently squeezed, feeling it throb against the sides of my fingertips.

I made a few small pulses with my fingers, playing around with the amount of pressure, listening to her moans and responses to each pulse. Her hips were twitching with each pulse, small sharp breaths accompanying them. I noticed that she really liked it when I essentially “jerked off” her clit – for lack of a better term – squeezing and tugging it in a soft rhythmic motion. I could feel the fire in her body building, little beads of sweat forming along her spine, the small light hair on the back of her neck standing up, her hips grinding down into the table.

My palm, still pressed into her lips right above her opening, was starting to get more and more wet as her arousal grew. I could feel the energy between us ramping up, the racing thoughts of desire starting to creep in, her moans and verbal affirmations intensifying the energy.

Typically this is where I would start to back off and wind down, letting her cool off a little before ramping back up. I think she may have been expecting this as well, not fully releasing into the pleasure out of anticipation and past experience of being denied and brought back down from her first orgasm. Out of habit, I even started to soften the pulsing and stroking of her clit, but a sudden change of heart overcame me, and I selfishly adjusted to the light back and forth rubbing across the top of her clit with my fingertips. I was longing to see her orgasm.

The sudden change in sensation at first might have been surprising to her, as she cried out rather loudly, her hand shooting out to the side and grabbing the fabric of my shorts, pulling me against the table. I continued anyway, her hips quickly propping up higher on the table giving me easier access to make feathery strokes across her clit. Her hand roughly adjusted itself on my leg, sliding down below the hem of my shorts and back up underneath them, her nails digging into the back of my thigh.

Her breathing started to get sporadic and sharper. I tried to re-guide her breathing, telling her to take a slow inhale, but in response she just moaned and gripped my thigh harder. I pulled my hand away from her, the first time in quite a while that my fingers weren’t between her lips. She moaned with a frustrating tone, but before she could say anything I told her more firmly to breathe.

This time she listened, taking a long, slow inhale and exhale. I breathed with her for a few more rounds, then leaned down next to her head, whispering in her ear to keep breathing steadily if she wanted me to continue. She wordlessly nodded her head. I kissed her ear as I pulled away, causing her to shiver as my fingers found their way back between her legs.

She propped up higher onto the table, almost taking a yoga-like posture (balasana), giving me full access to resume massaging her clit. She maintained her breathing as my fingers made contact with her, slowly ramping up from small circles to the same quick and light strokes as before. Her hands both rested on the table now, and as the intensity started to ramp up my free hand found the top of hers, holding it and pressing it down into the table.

I could tell she was making a concerted effort to keep her breathing somewhat steady as her body trembled and her pleasure grew. My fingers could feel her clit pulsing harder and harder with each stroke, and I could visually see her wetness starting to pool at her opening and drip down towards my fingers, a few drops falling to the table below.

Her breathing was starting to get shaky after another minute, but after telling her firmly to breathe she groaned out and let out a loud exhale, her breath getting loud and exasperated. This was the longest I had seen her take to orgasm from this type of clitoral stimulation, but as the pleasure she was feeling seemed to continually grow I forged ahead, keeping with the same stroke back and forth across her. Her moans had turned to almost low groans – I couldn’t tell out of frustration, pleasure, or both.

She abruptly pulled my free hand on top of hers up towards her face, lifting her head slightly off the table. She kissed my hand briefly and squeezed it hard, then half bit down on the side of my hand/thumb. She moaned into my hand, I could feel the breath from her nose across my other fingers, and finally could tell her orgasm was imminent.

She bit down hard against my hand as my fingers continued to work back and forth across her clit. Her legs shot out as her body dropped fully into the bed. I saw her toes curl and her shoulders hunch, her neck tense up and her breathe rapidly inhale and exhale. She moaned loudly, her body spasming and tensing in this rhythmic dance for another thirty seconds. Finally her body tensed one last time, her right leg shooting out at an angle to the side, my fingers now completely soaked by her wetness.

Her head tilted to the side as her grasp on my hand subsided. I curled it up to her hair and gently scratched and massaged her scalp. My fingers rested on her clit as it continued to tremble in little aftershocks. As her breathing slowly returned, she wordlessly laid still, her body looking almost damp with sweat.

I pulled my fingers away from her clit, resting my hand along her inner thigh, my thumb falling to her entrance and gently toying with it. Not penetrating her, but just making little circles between her lips. She moaned quietly in response to this touch, and I transitioned my free hand from massaging her scalp to dragging my nails up and down her back, scratching slightly.

After a few minutes of this, she finally spoke, saying “I think that was the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had from just clit stuff … wow”.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/121smvl/i_m_am_a_massage_therapist_and_love_when_my


  1. Welcome back, glad to see you’re posting again! Love your stories.

  2. Thanks for coming back! You write the some of the best stories on here

  3. !updateme Thanks for bringing this series back. I can’t wait for the next installment!!

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