HER Cock – Jan want’s to know about the cock of Tina’s husband (Part 1) [F/M, 28-40, straight sex]

“Hey Jan,” Tina said as she sat at the table, setting her purse in the empty seat next to her. “I hope you weren’t waiting long.”

The restaurant was busy, but not crowded. It was a local place with some healthy options, and some unhealthy ones for those days when they just needed to indulge. It wasn’t well known in town. So there were never big crowds, just some of the locals. It was the perfect place for what had become their weekly lunch meets after Jan’s divorce almost three years ago.

“Not long,” Jan said. “I came a little early. I had to get out of the house. The kids were driving me crazy today.” She had two kids, a four-year-old, Steven, and an almost two-year-old Samantha. Samantha was conceived when Jan was desperately trying to save her marriage. Her ex didn’t have the same idea. He’d left town with his girlfriend, ditching Jan and the kids to fend for themselves. He didn’t even stick around for Samantha’s birth.

“Georgia watching the kids again?”

“Yeah,” Jan said. “She’s a saint. It’s good to have a neighbor like her.”

Georgia lived across the street from Jan. She’d been trying to have her own kids, but either she or her husband seemed incapable. All Tina knew was that they really wanted kids and they’d spent a lot of money trying to make it happen. So far though, nothing. So Georgia was always happy to take Jan’s kids for a few hours. It seemed to fill the hole of emptiness she felt, at least a little bit.

“I’m going to have a light lunch with you, then hit the gym,” Jan continued. “Hopefully by then, I’ll be ready to face the kids again.”

“It can’t be that bad,” Tina laughed. Jan was obviously in one of her moods.

“It’s not really,” Jan said, a bit begrudgingly. “It’s just that, other than you, and sometimes Georgia, I don’t really get any adult talk. It’s all cartoons and Cheerios. Every. Single. Day.”

“I know what you mean,” Tina laughed again. “Some days can really wear on you.”

“Ah, your kids are ten and fourteen. I’d even take ten-year-old conversation at this point. Plus, you have Hank.”

Hank was Tina’s husband. They’d been married fifteen years and he was as solid a husband as she could ask for. He made a good income. He was kind to her friends and generally liked by everyone. He’d slipped into a dad-bod a few years ago, but somehow it seemed to make him even more attractive. And he took care of Tina and the kids. She couldn’t ask for anything more really.

“Yeah, Hank is pretty great,” Tina said with a shrug.

“Plus I bet he has a great cock,” Jan said offhandedly.

“Jan!” Tina said, simultaneously shouting in surprise and trying to keep her voice down so as to not draw attention. Even with the noise of the busy restaurants a few heads turned briefly her way.

“I can’t believe you said that,” Tina whispered, dropping her head conspiratorially.

“Oh, come on,” Jan said. “We’re adults, and it’s been so long for me. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had sex?”

“Well, no,” Tina said with a small, nervous laugh. “I guess I don’t.”

“It’s been since the night Samantha was conceived. That’s how long.”

Tina was shocked. She didn’t think Jan was the kind to just sleep around. On the other hand, she was gorgeous. Her figure had snapped right back after Samantha’s birth, and the pregnancy had left her with fuller breasts than she’d had before. She had a slight hourglass figure, a clear complexion, and blonde hair that fell to just below her shoulders. Tina had assumed she’d been with at least a couple of guys since the divorce.

“It’s been like three years, Tina,” Jan went on. “Indulge me a little. Let me live vicariously through you a little.”

“Why not just find a guy?” Tina asked.

“Why do you think?” Jan asked, a bit of annoyance creeping into her voice. “Sure, I could find a guy to rip my clothes off and throw me on a bed. But I can’t just sleep with anyone. I need someone I can trust. And with the two little ones, I just don’t have time to find someone I can trust. Now stop dodging. We were talking about Hank’s cock. He has a nice one, right? I bet he does.”

“Stop saying that!” Tina whisper-screamed again, embarrassed.

“Oh, come on,” Jan said.

“You sound like you’ve been thinking a lot about it,” Tina accused, and Jan put on a very false look of innocence. “You have! How much have you been thinking about my husband?”

“First,” Jan said, lifting a finger. “I have not been thinking about your husband. I’ve been thinking about his cock. And, second, you don’t want to know how much I’ve been thinking about it.” The last she said with a challenging raise of the eyebrow. Tina couldn’t help but laugh.

“I should be offended,” Tina started, but Jan cut in.

“That someone thinks your husband has a good cock? It’s your cock. You should be happy and proud to make others jealous.”

Tina did laugh out loud this time.

“My cock?” she asked, mockingly.

“Sure. It might be attached to Hank, but you own it. So, your cock. I never had that with scumbag.” Scumbag was Jan’s term of affection for her ex, whose name was never again to be muttered in her presence.

“Scumbag,” Jan went on, “was apparently giving his cock away to anyone who’d drop their panties for him.”

“Well, he is a scumbag,” Tina agreed.

“But Hank, he’s a good one, Tina. You own his cock. So, tell me about it since he’ll never let me see it on his own.”

“You’re relentless!” Tina said.

“So are these hormones,” Jan replied with a shrug. “So, are you going to spill or not? I need something to get me through the day…and the night.”

“I mean…”

“I knew it!” Jan exclaimed. “Is he huge?”

Embarrassed about the direction the conversation had gone, Tina squirmed a bit in her chair before reluctantly answering.

“It’s not huge,” Tina said, “exactly.”

“You’re going to have to explain that in a little more detail,” Jan said with a chuckle.

“He’s bigger than average, but only an inch, maybe two. I’m not really good at judging measurements,” Tina laughed.

“An inch or two is good,” Jan said. “I’m not into gigantic cocks. There was one guy in college that, well, let’s just say it was big enough to be uncomfortable. But an inch or two bigger than average is about right. What about girth?”


“Yeah, like, when you wrap your hand around it, how far do your finger and thumb overlap?”

“Maybe I don’t understand,” Tina said. “My finger and thumb don’t even touch when I put my hand on his cock.”

Jan’s mouth dropped open.

“Are you serious? Wait, hold up your hand,” Jan said, lifting her own hand, palm facing Tina. Tina lifted her hand and Jan placed her’s against Tina’s, lining up the bottom of their palms. Jan’s fingertips only reached the last knuckles of Tina’s fingers.

“Oh my…”Jan couldn’t even finish the sentence. “That has to feel amazing.”

“It does,” Tina answered with a genuine smile, the embarrassment of the conversation quickly fading. “That first time he pushes inside, and my pussy resists just a little, it’s amazing. I feel so full.”

“I bet,” Jan said. “Then what?”


“Then what!” Jan said. “We’re just getting to the good stuff. He slides in, filling you. Then what?”

Tina hesitated for a second. She’d never talked like this before. Even in her college days, she’d had lots of sex, but she was never one to talk about it. But somehow she was starting to warm to the idea of telling her friend about getting fucked by HER cock.

“Then he usually holds it there for a second,” Tina answered. “I’ll just lay there, enjoying the fullness. But then he’ll start to move.” Jan rolled her hand in the air, gesturing her to go on.

“Well, he usually starts slow. He’ll pull out until the tip is just about to slip out, then he’ll slam it back in.”

“Slam,” Jan repeated, lost in the narrative. “Yeah, that’s good.”

“Exactly, it’s a slow pull-out, then a quick, hard thrust back in. With each thrust I can’t help but arch my back a little, letting him hit all the right spots. My hands slide up and squeeze my tits. Then he’ll reach down and roll my nipple between his thumb and finger. That’s if we’re in missionary, of course. It’s different in other positions.”

“Like what other positions?” Jan asked, completely engrossed now. Her hand had dropped below the table. Tina had no doubt her hand was rubbing her clit through her leggings. Tina sat back, feeling a sudden sense of power and control over her friend.

“I think that’s enough for today,” Tina said with a smirk.

“What? No! Come on. You have to keep going. I need more details.” Jan’s voice was beginning to approach a whine.

“Nope,” Tina said firmly. “There will be more next week when we meet.”

“Okay,” Jan said, with evident relief that there would be more, mingled with excitement for their future conversation.

“Okay,” Jan repeated. “You have no idea how much I’ll be looking forward to that. And if you ever want to share Hank’s cock with me, just let me know, and I’ll be over in a flash.”

“My cock,” Tina corrected. “Remember, it’s my cock.”

“Yes,” Jan said smiling. “Your cock. If you ever want to share your cock with me, I’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/120si2t/her_cock_jan_wants_to_know_about_the_cock_of

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