Aussie and Kiwi’s London Renovations, Unexpected Chemistry, Friendship and Romance [FM]

In 2008, I was living in London, living for new opportunities and adventures. Travelling when I could find the time. I lived for the weekend, and had a good life. It was a time when the global financial crisis was starting to take hold, and London, like the rest of the world, was feeling its effects. The city was still recovering from the 7/7 bombings in 2005, and security was tighter than ever. But despite these challenges, London remained a vibrant and bustling metropolis, with its famous red buses, the tube, black taxis, and busy high streets.

My previous job was in construction in Slough, a town west of London. The long and tiresome train rides to and from work, coupled with the unfulfilling job, made it a struggle to make ends meet. One day, I got lucky and heard about a construction job renovating a pub in South Kensington, and I jumped at the chance. The pay was good, and the best part was that we got a cold shell to sleep in, right above the pub. It beat sleeping on a friend’s couch, and it was a step up from my previous gig.

It was there that I met Luke, a big Kiwi bloke who quickly became my mate.

“Oi, Mike, you’re from Oz, right?” Luke asked me in his New Zealand accent.

“Yeah, that’s right mate. And you sound like you’re from the land of the long white cloud,” I replied with a grin.

We hit it off immediately, working together day in and day out on the renovation and sharing a few cold ones after work, bantering and talking shit from dawn ’til dusk. Despite the hard work, life was good.

That’s when I first heard about his missus, Emma. They’d met in London a couple of years earlier and were dating on and off again but hadn’t moved in together or really taken their relationship further than being long-term friends with benefits.

Luke showed me a few photos of her on his phone, and I have to admit, she was a stunner but at that time, I didn’t really know Emma well. She was a tall Kiwi bird in her mid twenties with a nice, slim, sporty body, and her beautiful face had a big smile with sun-kissed skin and thousands of tiny freckles. Luke had mentioned a few things about her while we were working, but Emma and I hadn’t talked much more than saying g’day knowing she was spoken for.

That all changed the night when Emma came to our pub for the grand reopening. We were all sitting around a table, chatting and drinking, I was feeling especially happy with my achievements that night since I’m a Fridgy and the beer was cold and the beers were flowing well.

“Hey Mike, what are you going to do now that the project’s finished?” Emma asked with a smile, touching my arm and looking me in the eyes.

“Yeah na, no idea, Emma. I think a few more of these and I’ll come up with a plan,” I replied, gesturing while lifting my beer and having a laugh. At first, I thought it was the beer, but her sweet New Zealand accent and her steady eye contact made my heart flutter a bit.

We didn’t talk much more that night because I was keen on another Scottish chick that turned up late, but I couldn’t help but steal a couple of glances throughout the night and each time feel surprise and tightness in my pants when our glances caught one another. I had to remind myself that this was Luke’s girlfriend, and whatever I had going on in my head and pants was not cool.

That night Emma stayed over with Luke and I had the pleasure of the Scottish chick warming my bed. It was a good night to be alive and given that Luke and I lived in basic empty rooms with unfinished walls and no comfort; it was nice to have some female company.

The next morning, Luke and I talked to the pub owner and were relieved as he agreed to let us continue to stay on with him as we still had to finish off renovating the accommodation upstairs. It was a good deal, but we were definitely nearing the end of our time and both thinking of what to do next.

After a few days and without much discussion from what I could tell, Emma and Luke broke up but decided to stay friends, as Luke told me, they have done so many times before.

It was just before Emma’s birthday and Luke was saying that she goes through these cycles of being hot and cold around this time of year. She invited us all to a house party with her friends and flatmates in Fulham. I was excited to see her again, and we flirted more than ever before. I could feel the chemistry between us growing stronger.

At the party, Emma looked stunning in a short colourful dress, her hair styled to perfection. She greeted us with a big smile and a hug, and I couldn’t help but notice how good she smelled. We mingled with her friends, and I found myself drawn to her, wanting to be close to her. We chatted and did a little dancing and had fun together. I could feel the electricity between us and it gave me conflicting feelings still.

Meanwhile, Luke and I bantered as usual, and we had a few drinks together. We talked about Emma and how she seemed to be enjoying herself. Luke seemed a little down, but he didn’t say anything. I wondered if he still had feelings for her, but I didn’t want to pry.

As the night wore on, Emma and I found ourselves sitting together on a sofa in a quiet corner of the house.

We talked about our lives, our travels, our hopes, and our dreams. We laughed and joked, and I felt like I was the only person in the world who mattered to her at that moment. She looked at me with her big grey eyes, and I felt like I was falling in love with her.

“Mike, you’re a great guy,” she said, touching my arm.

“I’ve always thought so” I smirked, “I think you’re pretty amazing too, Emma,” I replied, leaning in closer to her.

We looked at each other for a moment, and I felt like I was about to kiss her. But then someone came up to us and interrupted the moment, and the spell was broken. We continued to chat and flirt, but the intensity of the moment was gone.

As the party came to an end, we all said our goodbyes and headed back to the pub where we were staying. Luke and I went up to our rooms, and I could tell that he was upset.

“Are you okay, mate?” I asked him.

“Yeah, I’m fine bro,” he replied, but I could tell that he wasn’t.

“Listen cunt, if you need to talk, I’m here,” I said, patting him on the back.

He looked at me for a moment, and then he sighed. “It’s just hard, you know? Seeing Emma with someone else.”

“I understand,” I said. “But you know she’s not with anyone else right now. And even if she was, that doesn’t mean you can’t find someone else too. Plenty of fish in the sea and all that mate.”

“I guess you’re right,” he said, giving me a small smile.

We talked a bit more, and then we both went to bed. I lay there, thinking about Emma and how I felt about her. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I knew one thing for sure: I wanted to be in her.

A few nights later we all went out for drinks again and had plans to head to a club in Soho later. We were all dressed up more than usual and we had a good-looking crew. Emma and I restarted the energy from her house party. The energy was electric and full of accidental touches and fleeting glances. We were being super cool and totally not obviously into each other or so I thought.

Luke pulled me aside and had the same kind of serious look from the night previous.

“Oi, bro, you keen on my missus?” Luke asked me as we stepped outside for a smoke.

“I don’t want to step on your toes, mate,” I replied, trying to be respectful.

“Nah, it’s all good. I reckon she needs a bit of fun after the breakup. Just don’t go getting her hopes up for anything serious,” he said, patting me on the back with his big hand.

It was completely awkward but that was Luke giving me the okay to get in there. I wasn’t going to miss this shot.

We all caught the tube across the city and Emma and I were standing next to each other holding onto the rail, our bodies touching. As the train lurched forward, Emma lost her balance and stumbled against me, causing me to wrap my arms around her waist to steady her. Our bodies were pressed tightly against each other now, and I could feel her curves against me. I couldn’t help but lean in a little closer, the scent of her perfume intoxicating me.

She looked up at me with those mesmerizing grey eyes, and we both knew that we were feeling the same thing. There was an undeniable chemistry between us, and the sexual tension was palpable.

Luke noticed the charged atmosphere between us and raised his eyebrows with a sly grin on his face. “Looks like you two are getting pretty cozy,” he teased.

Emma blushed and looked away, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to flirt back. “Can you blame me?” I replied, flashing them both a cheeky grin.

The rest of the ride was filled with playful banter and flirting, and by the time we arrived at the club, the sexual tension between Emma and I felt like it had reached its peak. I couldn’t wait to see what the rest of the night had in store for us

As we got settled in the club, Emma leaned in closer to me, her lips grazing my ear. “You know, Mike,” she whispered seductively, “I’ve always thought you were incredibly handsome.”

I grinned, feeling a heat rising inside me. “Is that so?” I replied, taking a swig of my drink.

Emma nodded, her eyes fixed on mine. “Mm-hmm. And I have to say, you’re even better looking up close.”

I chuckled, feeling the tension building between us. “Well, I’m not going to beat around the bush, I think we are both pretty well put together,” I joked, gesturing to my toned arms and her legs.

Emma giggled, her hand resting on my bicep.

As the night wore on, we continued to flirt and tease each other, our bodies inching closer together. I could feel the heat radiating off her as she leaned in even closer, her breath hot on my neck.

“I think it’s time for another drink,” she murmured, standing up and taking my hand.

I followed her to the bar, watching as she leaned over to order our drinks. I gazed upon her, the sight of her tantalizing dress with a seductive semi-exposed back ignited a fire within me. The way it hugged every curve of her body left me breathless, and I was powerless to resist the urge to run my fingers down her spine, sending shivers of anticipation through her body

Emma turned to me, her gaze burned into me, her eyes darkening with a primal hunger that sent a rush of blood straight to my groin. “You’re such a naughty boy,” she purred, her fingers brushing teasingly against my thigh as she handed me a drink.

A sly grin spread across my face as I took a long, slow sip of my drink. “You know what they say, Emma. The devil made me do it.”

She leaned in close, her lips grazing my earlobe as she whispered, “Am I the devil? Does the devil unleash your darkest desires?”

My heart raced as her hand traveled higher up my thigh, her touch setting my body ablaze with need.

She breathed wordless words into my ear, barely audible over the beat of the club, her words sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine her accent only made it more enticing.

We made our way to the dancefloor with the others, our bodies moving in sync with the pulsing beat of the music. Emma’s hips swayed hypnotically as she pressed her body against mine, grinding against me in a sexually charged frenzy that left me breathless with desire.

The heat between us was palpable, our bodies slick with sweat as we lost ourselves in the moment. With each passing second, the intensity of our dance grew, our movements becoming more urgent and primal.

As the song reached its climax, Emma’s lips brushed against my ear, her breath hot and heavy. “Let’s get out of here,” she whispered, her voice thick with lust.

Without a word, I took her hand and led her off the dancefloor, eager to explore the raw passion that simmered between us. In front of the club, we hailed a black cab and quickly jumped in, our bodies still pulsing with the raw energy of the nightclub. As soon as the door closed, Emma straddled my lap, her lips finding mine in a fierce kiss.

Our tongues tangled together, exploring every inch of each other’s mouths as the cab skillfully sped through the streets. My hands roamed hungrily over her body, my fingers tracing the curves of her hips and the softness of her breasts through her dress.

I could feel her desire mounting, her body grinding against mine with an urgency that left me dizzy with need. As the cab pulled up to her house, we broke apart, panting with the intensity of our desire.

With one last hungry look, we climbed out of the cab, eager to continue exploring the depths of our mutual passion.

With fumbling steps, we tiptoed through the darkened house and made our way up the creaky stairs to her bedroom. The scent of her perfume filled my senses, heightening my desire as we stumbled towards the door.

I closed the door softly behind us, acutely aware of our slightly drunken state. But I knew that this was a night that neither of us would forget.

As Emma turned to face me, her eyes smoldering with desire, I felt a surge of electricity between us. We were both eager to explore the depths of our passion, despite our tipsy state.

With a fierce hunger, we tore off each other’s clothes, her dress falling to the floor exposing her small breasts, her long nipples, and her silky black panties. Her body was a work of art, every curve and contour begging to be explored. I couldn’t resist running my hands over her smooth skin, feeling the electric spark of desire that crackled between us.

With a low moan, she pressed her body against mine, her hands tracing the outline of my muscles as we lost ourselves in the moment. Our kisses grew more urgent and passionate, our bodies writhing together in a frenzy of desire.

As we collapsed onto the bed, our bodies still entwined, her soft breaths on my neck, the heat of her body against mine, the air thick with the sound of our ragged breaths and whispered moans. We were lost in a sea of passion, our bodies entwined in a fiery embrace that left us both gasping for breath. We were both naked hungry for each other and my cock was throbbing with desire.

With a wicked grin, I flipped Emma around and gently guided her onto the bed, positioning her with her face buried into the softness of her pillow and her ass up in the air.

Kneeling behind her, I ran my hands over the curves of her hips and the smoothness of her skin, feeling the heat of her desire radiating through her body. With a slow, deliberate motion, I slid my fingers between her thighs, teasing her with a gentle touch that left her gasping for more.

As I explored her pussy with my tongue and my fingers, I could feel her body tense with desire, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as I drove her to the edge of ecstasy. With each passing moment, her moans grew louder and more urgent, until finally, she shattered in a shuddering climax that left her trembling with pleasure.

She came easily and so much for us trying to be quiet. She was vocal with her panting and her cries of pleasure.

She sat up and lay me down and took my long thick hard cock in her hand and lowered her body down onto it, only pausing to kiss me and then bringing her body back up again. After her first moan and my thrust, she coated my whole cock with her juices and began to increase her tempo. She was tight but I could feel that she was loving every centimeter of my cock inside her.

We were both thrusting, our bodies moving in unison with her hands pushing against my chest and her small tits swelling and falling with each movement of our bodies. She began to climax again as our bodies became slick with sweat and her screams were waking the neighbours.

As her body tensed it sent me over the edge and my cock gave the indication it was about to spill its creamy white cum inside her. She could feel that I was close and even though her wave had passed she squeezed her pelvis and her pussy milked the cum out of me. With a deep groan and wave after wave of euphoria I was done and I had successfully spread my seed.

She climbed off and some of my cum immediately spilled out of her onto the sheets and down her leg. She lay on her back with her legs bent and with her index finger she played with my cum that was oozing out of her. She asked me to suck on her nipples while she was using her fingers and with the slightest touch of my tongue to her right nipple, her body instantly was covered with goosebumps. She let out a moan and put her fingers inside her.

I focused my breathing on her nipple and then up to the nape of her neck while my hand explored her left breast. She snapped from the moment and pushed me off rolling over to the bedside table and pulling out a bottle of lube and her pink vibrator.

I was surprised but at the same time turned on and urging my cock to get hard again. She laid back down and switched on her vibe. She instructed me to get back down between her legs and kiss her clit while she lubed up her vibe and brought it between her legs. While I had been licking her clit my cum was still leaking out of her and her lips were glistening and swollen. She pulled on my ear to bring me back up and inserted her toy inside her. Its pulses make a chatter as her toy struggles against the forces of her pussy.

She kissed me deeply as my cock began to get hard again. She brought me up and began to stroke my hardening cock in unison with her vibrator. Her breathing quickened and her body tensed. My cock had become fully erect again now. She stopped stroking my cock and let go of her vibrator with it still buried inside her.

Emma flipped over, took the bottle of lube, and coated my cock between her legs. Then guided my slippery cock to her cute little asshole that was squeezing waiting for my pressure. We hadn’t talked about this and it was a major turn-on that she knew what she wanted and was willing to do whatever she needed to get it.

She lined me up and then let go to bury her head in her pillow again while I took hold of her hips, her hand reached to her vibrator and changed it from pulsing to a slow murmur. I gave her steady pressure and my slick fat cock pushed beyond her opening and buried half inside her. She took control of her toy and pulled it out then pushed it back in and turned it on to the fastest setting while asking me to fuck her harder.

It was like music to my ears, the high-pitched buzzing, her moaning with every move, and the feeling of complete control and completeness of the situation. I thrust hard as her ass released and loosened up, her screams reached a crescendo and I once again felt the tightness in my balls that I was about to cum.

This time I warned her but she was in heaven and there were no words computing. She was pulsing her vibrator fast inside her pussy while I was filling her from behind. Her face turned to the side of her pillow and was completely red. I released my cum and felt it spurt from my balls down my engorged cock through my buried cockhead into her ass. As my body lost control, my head and chest crashed down onto her back. My lips kissed the back of her neck and the side of her face while my cock pulsed the last of my cum inside her.

With a contented sigh, Emma switched off her vibrator and gently pulled it out, a soft moan escaping her lips as she rolled over to face me. We both lay down together, her back pressed against my chest as we settled into a comfortable spooning position.

Our bodies were spent, our hearts racing as we caught our breath after an intense round of passion. As we lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, I knew that this was only the beginning of what promised to be an unforgettable night.

As the soft glow of the moon filtered through the window, I pressed my lips to the back of her neck, savoring the taste of her sweaty skin as we drifted off to sleep, our bodies entwined in a blissful haze of pleasure and desire.

Over the next few months, Emma became the center of a passionate love triangle between Luke and me, as we each vied for her attention and affection. We created a love triangle that was both thrilling and intense full of untamed passion and exploration. Although we never all three got together, Emma enjoyed playing between the two of us, her body a tantalizing invitation that Luke and I couldn’t resist.

As we explored the depths of our passion, we pushed the boundaries of what we thought was possible, our bodies entwined in a frenzy of desire and pleasure. Every moment with Emma was like a dream come true, her touch igniting a fire within us that burned hotter and hotter with each passing day. Emma reveled in the attention and affection of two men who couldn’t get enough of her. We each brought out different aspects of her personality, and she enjoyed the challenge of keeping us both satisfied and coming back for more.

But as our time together drew to a close and our work in the area was finished, It was time for me to move on. As I write this sitting here now in Sydney, I will never forget the intense, unforgettable moments that we had shared.

Hope you enjoyed this, feedback is welcomed as always. Bushydad.


1 comment

  1. Any more details and your stories are turning into a film script 😅
    Keep it up :)

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