I (M20’s) have a crush on this woman (F20’s) who’s kinda my stepsister (VANILLA, SLOW BURN, SOFT DOM)

Tessa’s plan is not going to work and let me tell you why: I’m a jealous man.

I’m a possessive dominant asshole who likes to spank his brat and really hates it when another man comes near her.

So this whole *Tess pretending to be with Ryan so we can keep fucking without our families realising what’s going on* is really not gonna work for me.

Just thinking about it is already giving me an itch.

*And she didn’t stay for aftercare*. I get really annoyed when she does this… Two years ago, every now and then she’d slip out of my bed so fast I couldn’t hold on to her. We’d fuck hard and rough and when I wanted to take care of her afterwards… *she’d be gone*.

Makes me feel like an incompetent dom, you know?

I need to fuck my girl hard and heavy, I need to make her unlearn how to walk or breathe or speak, I need to shove my cock so deep down her throat that she’ll be tasting me all week… and then I need to take care of her. Then I need to hold her and keep her, and make her feel like the perfect woman that she is.

Every now and then, Tessa denies me that.

It’s what she did yesterday.

So today, I take no mercy when my time comes to tease her.

“*Fill me up, daddy?”*

“Be quiet”

“I’m just quoting your panties” I laugh.

“It was a gag gift from Annie. Let it go.”

“*Fill me up, daddy?”*

“Oh, God” she rolls her eyes and I want to bite her a little bit. *She is so cute*. Even when she is naughty and hot, she is still so cute it makes me melt “This is why I didn’t want you to see it”

“I know you didn’t want me to see it. You went through all that trouble of getting trapped under my dresser and everything”

“*Trevor, shh”* she panics as my dad and her mom join us.

My father is still worried I might lure innocent little Tessa into my degenerate ways, so he is always trying to keep us apart.

Her mom is still worried we hated each other so bad during lockdown that we’ll never feel like family, so she is always trying to make us bond.

My dad is wrong when he thinks Tessa is innocent.

Her mom is wrong cause me and Tessa bond just fine.

A little *too* fine is the issue here.

“Where are we going today?” I ask even though I am the one driving. Natalie has so many different activities for her wedding week she’s got my head spinning. I just wanted to sit by the beach with my sunglasses on so I could stare at Tess in a bikini while pretending to be asleep. But instead I get to play driver for day number two.

“The Chichen Itza ruins” Tessa says, adding something on the GPS. At least she is riding with me this time (courtesy of her mom), though we are not alone (courtesy of my dad).

“You got room for me?” Lana smiles.

“Sure we do, hop on” my dad says. He’s been encouraging our *friendship*. I think he’d encourage my friendship with anyone who isn’t blood related to his wife “You can sit up front with Trev” he says.

That sucks.

I was looking forward to having Tessa by my side.

*Why is this upsetting me?*

I’m gonna fuck her tonight or tomorrow at some point. We are literally making lists of everything we wanna do with each other. I’ll have a lot of naked Tess before these two weeks are over.

So… *Why is this upsetting me?*

Why am I annoyed that I don’t get to sit by her side and casually hold her hand whenever the fuck I feel like it? Why do I hate this cloak and dagger bullshit?

*And she’s gonna have to pretend to be interested in Ryan*.

I’m in for a very long day.

“I already told Tessa she could ride shotgun, but we have room in the backseat” I say to Lana.

“Oh” she puts her hair behind her ear looking visibly upset.

“I don’t mind, I can sit in the back” Tessa smiles.

“Yeah, Tess can sit with us” dad sounds a little too excited over this new arrangement.

“No, she can’t” for a second I think I’m the one who said that, but it was actually Tessa’s mom “Tessie, you get car sick and this is a really long ride. You should sit in the front”

“Well then!” I shrug, before anyone else can object “Get in” I command Tessa before she comes up with some other crazy bet excuse involving sports she doesn’t follow.

Janet and Lana get in the back seat but my dad stays back and holds my arm.

There’s a parental urgency in the way he grabs me. Like I’m a little kid about to get in trouble.

He doesn’t say a word but he has a stern look that almost screams *You be careful now, boy, you be very careful*.

“What?” I say, fooling no one.

He never answers.

He gets in the car but I know he’ll be watching me like a hawk.

This is fine: I got two wins, right? I get to sit with Tessa and I get to fuck her later. I can pretend not to care about her for a day. I can totally pretend not to care about her for just one damn day!

That resolve lasts about seven seconds.

Cause Tessie sits by my side and she is so shy and nervous over my dad watching us that her cheeks have gone all rosey and perfect.

You ever look at a woman and think *I could cum just by pressing my dick on her cheek?* And I don’t even mean the fun *inside* part. I just mean I could rub the tip of my cock on that red embarrassed cheek of hers and cum.

*You are so pretty*.

Fuck me, you are beautiful.

Lana says something and pinches my arm and I was about to give her some attention, after all she is supposed to be my cover, right? But Tess is so stressed and afraid we’ll get caught that she can’t put her seat belt on. She tugs on it a bunch and it doesn’t come.

This gives me flashbacks to her trapped under my dresser, trying to tug her arm free and failing.

I think she is having the exact same flashback cause the pink-red cheeks are turning purple-blue.

“Here” I slide across to help her. I didn’t mean to be so slow about this, I was just gonna help her with her seatbelt… but as soon as I lean in and breathe her perfume, I’m *gone*. Everything feels slow. The reach of my arm over her, almost hugging and caressing her on the way to the seatbelt. The way she freezes and looks at me, locking warm eyes through what feels to be cold surroundings, makes me feel like we were alone.

Two years ago, when we first started fucking, whenever we were together, we were always *alone-together*. There was never really anyone else around, except on a couple of occasions.

Now, it feels like the opposite. There are *always* people around.

However, I reach out to put the seatbelt on her, our arms brush together as we are so close we are breathing in each other’s whispers, and everything else fades away. I forget there are other people in the car. I forget there are other people in the planet.

I lick my half smile so quickly that, unless you’re Tessa, you probably missed it. Her eyes drop to my lips. She is thinking about kissing me. I’m thinking about never letting go. I slowly put the seatbelt on until she is properly locked in before saying “There you go, baby”.

Her eyes widens. Her lips pressed together so tight they become a single line.


It was just a whisper though.

Odds are nobody heard me, right?

I take a quick peak over my shoulder and Janet is obliviously checking something on her phone. Unfortunately, she is the only one. Lana looks from me to Tessa and back to me with a hint of horror in her eyes. And my dad… I can’t really see him as he is sitting right behind me, but I’m quite sure I can hear him about to rip out his own hair.



Well, damage’s done.

I get us on the way, following the wedding party caravan all the way to the ruins. I try to pretend everything is fine. A little more than an hour goes by and I am convincing no one. The air inside the car is thick with tension from all sides except for darling Janet.

We make a quick stop half way there for a bathroom break and some snacks. As soon as Janet slips away my dad corners me in the store.

“*Stop it*”

“What?” I ask. But I know what. So it’s kinda funny that he says:

“You know what. Stay away from Tessa”

“Dad, God… That was two years ago. Drop it”

It’s a little offensive that he absolutely believes this is fully my fault. I know I don’t have the best track record when it comes to relationships but c’mon? Tessa is a grown woman.

“Tessa” he smiles when she passes us by. You see that? She gets a gentle smile and warm words, I get the stick “How are you feeling? Were you getting car sick?”

“No, thank you, Paul, I’m fine”

“Would you mind sitting in the back for the rest of the way? My legs are hurting me a bit”

She agrees with a smile and, after being extra sweet to her, my dad turns to me with the Face of Death.

*“Watch it”* he adds, just to me.


I’m the big bad wolf, it seems.

So on to the Chichen Itza ruins we go, with car sick Tessa starting to get car sick in the back because my father is an asshole.

“I told you to sit up front” her mom says.

“I’m fine” she whispers sounding very much not fine “Just keep the windows down”

“We should stop the car, let you go in the front seat”

“Mom, shh. I’m fine” she sounds in pain.

*Actual pain*.

I’ve spanked Tessa with nearly everything I had available to me and she always has a moan of pain, a clear sound of enjoyment. I never heard Tessa in *actual* pain before and I have to say: I do not like it.

“Tess” I keep looking at her through the rearview mirror. *She doesn’t wanna upset my dad* “If you don’t wanna make dad ride in the back seat, we can call Nat and ask her to pull over so you can ride with her again”

“Nat didn’t come” Janet says.

Excuse me, what?

Isn’t she the bride?

“She was supposed to, but they were getting some pictures taken… *Or having a fight*. I’m not sure” Janet shrugs.


“We can call someone else”

“We are almost there, can everybody calm down?” Tessa says “I’m fine”.

She doesn’t sound fine.

Not one bit.

I’m worried about her all the drive there and when he finally park, I run out of the car to open the door for her and she falls straight to my arms.

“I’m not feeling ok” she moans, in pain.

“Yeah, I know, baby” I stroke her hair and kiss the top of her head while she supports her own weight in my arms.

“I think I might throw up”

“That’s ok” I keep holding on to her as her knees seem very weak, and trust me: when it comes to Tessa’s knees going weak, I’m something of an expert.

“I shouldn’t have been so stubborn” she whines “I should have swapped places, I feel horrible”

“I know, honey. Your mom is getting some medicine with your sister” I take her hair out of her face when she sinks into my chest looking for comfort “She’ll be right back”.

She cuddles in my arms like a needy little kitten, grabbing my shirt and my arm, breathing slowly on my neck. I hug her really tight.

“Don’t worry, I won’t throw up on you” she whispers.

“If you have to, that’s ok too” I laugh.

She has a little smirk and I dip my head to her lips so whatever she says next can be just for me.

“That wouldn’t be very sexy” she blushes.

“My libido can survive” I promise, making her laugh.

*That’s good*. Maybe she’s starting to feel better now that we are off the car.

She keeps breathing slowly, holding on to my shirt. Her knees still seem to falter.

“Don’t let me go, ok?” she sounds so small.

I hug her even tighter, caressing her arms and back, keeping her head under my chin.

“I would never”.

You ever look at a woman and think *I could cum just by kissing her*? Plain prude kiss on the lips. No tongue. No hands running wild. Just a simple kiss. Just a simple taste of her. Just the thought that she truly belongs to you.

Something must be horribly wrong with me cause she is sick in my arms and I can’t stop thinking about kissing her. It’s like the last two years of intense *getting-over-Tess* never happened. My broken heart went right back to wanting her without skipping a beat.

I am almost disappointed when Janet runs back with some medicine and a bottle of water, taking Tess away from me.

“I’m starting to feel a little better” she refuses the medicine.

Her mom doesn’t look pleased.

“Take it anyway, Tessie” she says and… listen: she makes a good point, right? Tessa was feeling so sick she could throw up not two minutes ago. If we have a medicine that she usually takes for this… maybe just take it?

Problem is Tessa is a fucking brat 24/7 and that’s because we only have 7 days and 24 hours. If we had 8 days and 25 hours, Tessa would be a brat 25/8. *She is feeling sick*, but in five seconds, she got it in her head that she doesn’t need medicine. And when Tessa gets something in her head, it’s like trying to remove concrete from concrete. The two women are still arguing when Annie joins. And then there are three women arguing. My dad joins in. Ryan joins in. I scratch my forehead feeling the frustration overcome me.

“I don’t think I need it anymor…” Tessa is trying to say when I finally have enough.

“*Woman*” I growl “You were just saying you regret being stubborn before! *Take the damn medicine”*

I take the medicine and bottle of water from Janet’s hands cause I know most people don’t stand a chance against strong-willed Tessa, but I have a PhD on getting her to fall in line.

“You are gonna take this, right now, willingly. Or you’re gonna take this, right now, forcefully. Choose”

Tessa gulps and by now I can read her body so fucking well I know I turned her on.

*You like being told what to do, don’t you babygirl?*

You like your man to be in charge.

She takes the medicine like a good girl and I fight the urge to tell her *daddy is proud*.

Mission accomplished.

Or it would be.

But everyone around us is staring at me. *And at Tessa*.

It’s only now that I realise that, even though she is not in my arms anymore, I still have my hands on her waist like a worried boyfriend.

Let’s backtrack it for a second.

Here’s the list of people who suspect I want to fuck Tessa…

– … Last week: My dad.

– … Yesterday: My dad. My brother.

– … Today: My dad. My brother. Lana. Annie. Ryan.

If we keep this up, when we get to the wedding night, our sex tape will be on CNN.

And to think the whole plan was riding on us being discreet during the day so we could fuck during the night. Great plan, god-awful execution.

Ryan is caressing Tessa’s shoulder trying to be supportive and she looks at me for an instant before smiling to him, accepting his help.

*We’re back playing our parts, I guess*.

And we better play it well, cause now there is an even greater number of people watching us.

Ryan drapes his arm around her as we move towards the ruins and she leans into him, comfortably, in a way that makes my saliva turn bitter in my mouth.

*Breathe, Trevor*.


*I don’t like it*.

I don’t like Ryan. I don’t like Ryan’s arm around my girl.

And he seems to be *really* taking care of her. He is attentive and sweet. He is making her laugh, and it’s not even the fake laugh. It’s her *real* laugh.

*Breathe, Trevor*.

Fucking breathe.

*I really don’t like it.*

I really don’t like stupid Ryan making my girl laugh.

About an hour goes by, Tess and Ryan are so deeply engaged in their conversation that they drift away from the group.

And there is no breathing anymore.


Fucking Ryan took off with my girl.

I hate Ryan.

I try to stay back to wait for the two of them, but all eyes are on me lately. I try to focus on Lana. I’ve been hitting on her and being really fucking smooth. But now that Ryan took off with my girl, I gotta keep an eye on…

*What the fuck?*

Did you see that?

I stop walking and lean back a little.

Was that Peter just now? Over there, by those columns. Did you see?

Annie is over there. She looks around like she is checking for security before robbing a bank and walks into the sea of old columns.

I could swear I saw Peter.

“So” Lana says with a *I-want-you-to-fuck-me* smile “You wanna have dinner with me toni…”

“Was that Peter?” I ask “Just now?”

“Huh? No. Peter stayed back at the hotel with Natalie, they were…” she holds her own tongue “Uh… taking pictures” she nods.


So weird.

I could swear I saw him.

“So” she says “Dinner?”

“Yeah, sure” I stare at the columns.

I quickly forget about Peter (or not-Peter) cause I notice Tessa and Ryan have been gone for ages. Ages! Where the fuck did he take her? It’s been at least eight hours. I check my watch and… it’s actually been more like ten minutes? No. This watch is broken.

When they finally come back, they are arm in arm. He is whispering something to her. His lips really close to her cheeks. *My cheeks*.

I don’t think I can take this.

You ever look at a woman and think *I could cum just by spanking her ass?*

No grinding. No touching yourself. No fucking her. Nothing.

Just spank her ass until you get hard. And then keep spanking her until you cum.

That wonderful feeling of having your palm burn and ache, after being unceremoniously slammed against a deserving little cunt.

Ryan is all over her and I *really* don’t think I can take this.

Then he gets distracted with something and Tessa wonders off. *My turn*. I go after her like a lion on a hunt. I think I left Lana in the middle of her sentence, not entirely sure… I just said *excuse me* and didn’t really wait for a reply.

I catch up to Tess away from everyone, in the middle of some trees. I grab her wrist and bring her back to me so hard, I slam us both against a tree.


“I’m done” and just as I say those words, I know they are true “I have a lot of kinks, Tess. Cuckolding is not one of them. I’m done”

“You mean…” she shrinks “You don’t wanna fuck me anymore?”

“I wanna fuck you everyday, that’s the problem. And then I don’t want you to leave. Last night, when you left before I could give aftercare, I just…

“I didn’t mind, Trev…”

“I do! That’s not how you do these things, Tess, we should just come clean”

“Are you insane? Even if whatever this is was worth fighting for… which I don’t think it is. This week would not be the time to do it! I’m not gonna risk drawing attention away from Nat! It’s her *wedding*. She is crazy and God knows she’s tried to kill the whole family in the wilderness a few times, but she is a good person and a great sister and I love her. And I would never drop a bomb like this to ruin her wedding. She’s been dreaming about this forever”

“I don’t think people will care about this as much as you think”

“You don’t think people will care about *incest?”*

*“It’s not incest!”* I am shaking my fists in the air, I am so done with this “Will everybody please get a reality check?”

“It will feel like incest to the whole family, Trevor. And I will not do that to my sister”

“Great. But I can’t do this anymore. I can’t have you in my arms one second and then have to stare at you and Ryan all day while I pretend to care for some other woman. It’s not fair to me. To you. Or to Lana and Ryan for that matter”

“So you don’t fuck me anymore” she tenses up.

“Are those the only two options? I either don’t fuck you or I gotta jump through hoops?”


“Since when are you in charge?”

“Since right now”

“Well, I know you don’t like that, baby” I sound fucking pissed and fucking cocky. I have my arms on each side of her body and as soon as I say that, all my muscles get hungry as fuck. I lean in until we’re nose on nose “*Tell me, Tessie*. Who did you fuck in the past two years?” I sing, sliding my thumb over her neck “Did you miss me while some other guy was giving you dick?”

“Trevor…” she warns me, but she is panting a little.

“Did you miss me when you had your thighs spread open and some other cock inside you? Did you miss me because they couldn’t please you like I do?” I run my nose on her neck “Did you miss me cause despite all your bratting, I do hit *very* hard? Hm?” I grind her against the tree and her hands move up my chest “Did you miss me, baby? Did you miss my belt? Did you miss waking up with your shorts gone and my cum all over your pussy? Tell me. Did you miss *daddy?*”

“We’re gonna get caught” she whimpers.

“Yeah, and you’re gonna be fucking naked when we do”

“Please, don’t” she panics.

“Be quiet” I grab her jaw “You know I missed you?” I confess, pressing my forehead so hard against hers it almost feels like punishment itself “I missed the way you moan while you kiss me. You have this little fucking moan that made me want to kiss you all the time. I missed your tits, and the way your nipples get really hard when I blow on them. I missed the way your pussy tightens up when I mention my belt. You’re like a trained dog, you are. One word and you could cum on command”

“Oh my God” she pants, leaning her head back “We’re… we’re gonna get caught”

“You wanna make it worth it?” I grab her pussy over her dress.

“Trevor, no! Don’t!”

“Say red, bitch”


“No? Ok, then” I put my hand under her dress and finger her over her panties, or bikini, or whatever the fuck it is she has on.

“You can’t”

“Why the fuck not? Let’s just say this is on my list.”

“Yeah?” she moans like a bratting whore and I know I’m about to get what I deserve “You wanna hear my list?”

“You have it already?”

“Oh, baby, I’ve had it *for two years*”

I pull her dress up and I’m gonna fuck her right now.

I am so hot for this fucking woman I can barely think.

“If you fuck me here, this is all you get” she says.

“What the fuck did you say?” I grab her by the neck and keep her pinned against the tree.

“I said” she licks me and growls like a wild animal “That I am not ruining my sister’s wedding. And you can’t control yourself, so we’re done”.

“*Done?”* I choke her so hard she gasps “Shut up, cunt. We’ll be done when I say we’re don…”

“TREVOR! Get your hands off her!”

Oh fuck.

I jolt back, letting her go.

I feel panic take over my body so fucking quickly my whole face burns.

My father is standing there in the middle of the trees. Staring at me about to choke Tessa while having her pinned against the tree.

“Dad, look…”

“You be quiet! Step away from her right now”

“Paul, you misunderstood things” she tries to intervene cause it looks like I was assaulting her when we both know I really really wasn’t.

“Tessa, I heard everything! You were saying *you were done* and he told you to shut up and called you a… he called you a… HOW DARE you, boy? I taught you better than this”

“Dad, you severely misunderstood everything you just saw”


“Paul, listen to me” She tries to stand between the two of us, but it’s hopeless “Trevor was not hurting me. There’s something going on here that you don’t understand, ok? I need you to just…”

“He had his hand on your throat. Tessa, don’t feel like you need to protect him just to save your sister wedding”

“That’s not it, at all” she promises “Something happened between us a long time ago, you know this. And now he was just… He was doing that because I…” *Because she likes it when I treat her like a cheap whore and fuck her with my belt wrapped around my fist.* That’s what she wants to say. But it’s humiliating. And *private*.

And… pointless.

What was it that she said? *Even if whatever we have was worth fighting for, and I don’t believe that it is*. She doesn’t wanna fight for it, so I won’t let her ruin herself.

“No. Don’t” I say and she looks at me like I’m answering a question she never made out loud “You don’t have to, Tess. It’s none of his business”

“You’re gonna stay away from her” my dad says.

“Ok, I will” I raise my hands a little like I’m surrendering and take three steps back “I won’t touch her anymore” and just like before, as soon as I say those words, I know they are true.

Tessa looks at me like she could cry.

*We’re done*.


“We should have waited” she whispers so low my dad can’t hear “We should have done five things on the list so we could get over each other”

I shrug.

“There’s no amount of things that would make me get over you. If this ends with me not having you, then I might as well not have you already”

She nods and I hate that it always has to be like this. We always have to say goodbye with my father threatening me on the background.

“Paul… he really didn’t hurt me”

“Fine. I believe you” he says, but it doesn’t sound true.

“It’s alright” I say to her cause she looks hurt and guilty. Not for what I did to her, but for what my father is doing to us. *She is still so ashamed of her kinks*. It’s alright, baby, I’ll take the heat.

Dad grabs my shoulder and pulls me away from Tess.

“I’m gonna watch you, boy. I’m gonna watch you all week” he growls.

Well… I don’t care anymore.

“Yeah” I sigh “You do that”.

This story will be updated on Reddit every thursday.
Patreon is a few chapters ahead (early access with updates every tuesday and thursday).
More coming soon! <3 You can check my profile for other parts of this story!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11zy5ai/i_m20s_have_a_crush_on_this_woman_f20s_whos_kinda


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