Caught – Part 1 [F/m] [self-bondage] [chastity] [F&M Late 20s]

[Part 1]( | [Part 2]( | [Part 3]( | [Part 4](

“Enjoy your night! I love you!” Lewis smiled to his wife Charlotte as she opened the front door and joined her two girlfriends for a much deserved night on the town.

Lewis had been waiting for tonight for the past few weeks himself and he had plans to make the most of it.

Checking that the front door was definitely locked, he grabbed a chair from the kitchen and positioned it below the hatch to the attic.

The attic was one of the few areas that his wife wouldn’t go in the house, she didn’t like the idea of any spiders surprising her but for Lewis, it was the perfect hiding spot.

Pushing the hatch open, he reached his right arm up into the darkness and felt around until he finally found what he was looking for, a large black gym bag.

Pulling the bag from the attic, he closed the hatch and stepped down from the chair carefully.

Ideas raced through his head as he rushed to the bedroom, unzipping the bag and unloading the contents on the bed.

Lewis had a secret that he’d kept from his wife ever since they’d met two years ago.

He was heavily into BDSM, specifically into bondage and being submissive.

He’d never told his wife, partly out of fear and party out of shame, and she had never expressed anything more than a fleeting interest whenever they talked about their kinks and desires. He figured it was best to just keep this his own little secret and indulge himself whenever he had the chance.

Tonight was one of those opportunities, Charlotte wouldn’t be home for at least another three hours, that was enough time to have some fun and get everything put back in the attic.

Lewis looked at the modest collection he’d gathered over the years that was strewn across the sheets. There were a couple of ball and ring gags, leather ankle and wrist cuffs, two different sizes lengths of rope, a small metal chastity cage, a leather blindfold, small combination padlock and a magic wand.

The first thing he did was plug the magic wand in and lie it on the bed, he didn’t want a repeat of the time where he’d into position only to realise he’d forgotten to plug in the vibrator. It was fun but not as fun as it should have been.

Stripping out of his clothes, Lewis climbed onto the bed and strapped the leather cuffs onto his ankles and wrists, the cool leather gripped to his skin and he could feel the excitement start to build deep inside himself.

Grabbing a length of rope, he moves to the bottom of the bed and fastens it to the left-hand leg of the bed before moving over with another piece and doing the same to the right-hand leg.

Taking the open end of rope on the left-hand side, he loops it through the d-ring on his left ankle cuffs and secures it tightly. Pulling on the rope with his left leg to make sure it holds, he quickly does the same with his right ankle cuff before scooting up towards the middle of the bed.

Lewis could feel the tense in the ankle cuffs, the rope had no more slack and he could no longer move any further up bed. Satisfied that he was secured and feeling the excitement building, Lewis grabbed the small chastity device and unlocked it.

He grasped the metal ring and held it against his scrotum. Carefully pulling the skin through the ring, he slowly adjusted the ring until he felt a sudden pop as one testicle slipped through the ring and then the other quickly followed suit.

Acting quickly, Lewis grabbed his cock and pushed it down and through the ring, his genitals now fully through the metal ring.

This was where he needed to breath slowly and focus on anything as the excitement and blood flow rushed straight down his pulsing dick. Continuing his breathing, he took the cage and placed it onto the head of his cock, slowly pushing it back towards his body until the ring and cage connected and then slid the lock in and turned the key. He could feel just how turned on he was as his member strained against the heavy, cold cage but there was no escape, his cock was truly trapped behind a layer of steel.

Placing the chastity keys onto the bedside table, he grabbed the bright red ballgag and pushed it into his mouth, his teeth biting down into the rubber as he buckled the straps together tightly.

He took the magic wand and turned it on to around 1/3 of its full strength, the vibration rattling through his hands as placed it down against his cage, the soft plastic head bouncing gently against the hard metal. The vibrations immediately made his erection push hard against the hard steel shell encasing it but there was no escape, it strained and strained to no avail but he could feel himself getting more and more turned on.

The magic wand wouldn’t vibrate enough to allow him to cum but it would keep him in a tortuous state of arousal. A state that would make him so horny that he would do anything to jerk off but also make him want to keep the cage on forever, to always have something bound away that he could do nothing about and always make him feel like the submissive he felt he truly was.

Lewis took the TV remote from the bedside table, flicked it on and went to the built-in internet browser. Typing in the address of his usual tube, he searched through the “femdom” videos until he found a familiar one.

“Latex-clad mistress dominates and denies helpless sub”

It was the usual viewing, big-breasted dominatrix pouring out of a tight and shiny latex outfit making a pathetic submissive grovel, worship, and beg for her pleasure but there was just something about it that he loved.

“Get down on your knees slave and worship me,” the dominatrix demanded in the video as the sub crawled towards her.

Lewis turned the volume up so that it was just loud enough to clear hear but not enough that the neighbours would be able to hear. He placed the remote back on the table and took the padlock, getting ready for the final part of his plan.

Opening the combination padlock, he placed his hands behind his back and felt his way through looping the open padlock hinge through the two d-rings on each wrist cuffs. Checking with a tug that they were linked together, Lewis snapped the lock shut and twisted the dials three times until they were an unknown combination.

This was just a small three-dial combination lock and usually only took around an hour to work out the combination but the feeling of helplessness was exhilarating and combined with the vibrations on the cage, made it a struggle to think clearly.

Lying back on the back, he started to try and play with the dials on the padlock, rotating them one at a time and giving a quick tug tongue if his freedom was close. So far, the padlock refused to release its victim and the rumbling wand was making it hard to focus, his cock throbbing against the cage, wanting to spring out but unable to do so.

“Who do you serve?” the mistress asked the sub in the video, Lewis could see that she had a full grasp on the sub’s face with her rubber-covered hands.

“You Mistress, always You,” the submissive replied, his eyes fixated on her.

“Good, now serve me,” the mistress smiled as she spread her legs and pulled the submissive forward, moving her hand towards the back of his head as his head partially disappeared under the black latex skirt.

Lewis moaned into the rubber ball, the vibrations from the wand radiating through the cage and the action on screen were making it a struggle to focus on the lock, he kept getting distracted by how aroused he felt. It had been a couple of months since his last session and he really wanted to make the most of it.

“What the fuck?!”

Lewis’s heated haze shattered in an instant as he recognised that familiar voice.

He looked over to the left-hand side of the bedroom and saw a visibly shocked Charlotte standing in the doorway staring at him. All thoughts blanked from his mind, he wanted the bed to just swallow him whole as he closed his eyes, hoping this was just an illusion.

As he opened them, he could see it was not an illusion, his wife was still stood in the doorway, looking down at her bound and gagged husband.

“I’m so sorry,” Lewis said, or at least that’s what it sounded like in his head but realistically it was more just a number of unintelligible noises due to the rubber gag.

“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said there,” Charlotte sharply replied as she walked over to the bed, looking closer at the situation he had gotten himself into.

“I said I…” his nonsense noises were stopped by a swift hand over the mouth as

Charlotte pressed down over the gag, muting him even further.

“Is this what you do whenever I leave the house, tie yourself up and have some fun?” she asked, keeping her hand pressed down on his mouth, “I want you to just nod, don’t try and speak,” she calmly explained.

Lewis just slowly nodded up and down, he felt scared and ashamed but at the same time, her hand gagging him further made him feel excited though he tried not to show it.

“And why do you think you should have all this fun by yourself, what makes you deserve it?” Charlotte questioned, her face was now inches from his and her eyes were staring directly into his and they had a look that he hadn’t seen before.

Lewis honestly didn’t know how to answer, this had been a big secret he’d kept from her, one that ideally he would have never revealed but she wasn’t reacting quite how he expected. He didn’t know if it was just his brain trying to rationalise the situation or just blind hope but she seemed like she was into it.

Out of nowhere, a sting pain started emanating upwards as he realised that Charlotte had sharply slapped her other hand on the inside of his left thigh.

“Oh sorry was I just talking to myself?” she snapped as she struck her hand back down on his thigh again, “what makes you think you deserve to have all this fun?” she aggressively asked again.

He didn’t know how to answer but just started shaking his head, he could feel himself getting flustered and turning red.

Charlotte released her grip over his mouth and smiled slyly, tracing her finger across his chest as she walked down the side of the bed, her finger following before stopping just above the cage.

“Now just what have you gotten yourself into here?” she asked, tapping on the steel dome between his legs.

Lewis squirmed as she kept tapping, he was trying to stay composed but he could feel the muscles in his groin trying to push his erection upwards and

Charlotte had definitely noticed, moving her fingertip slowly over the exposed slit in the cage.

“It seems like you’re struggling, what a shame that is,” she laughed while lifting her finger from the exposed slot and wiping the pre-cum on his stomach, “I don’t think this will be helping either.”

He felt the vibrations against the cage stop and looked down to see she had removed the magic wand and was holding it in her hand.

“Now I think I can find a better use for this,” she grinned as she sat down on the bed, swung her leg over and sat down his chest, facing the TV and away from him.

Charlotte held the wand tightly as she jumped the speed up a couple of clicks and pressed it against her mound, breathing quicker as she focused on the TV.

“You know,” she said somewhat breathlessly as she kept the wand pressed tightly against her body, “I loved this movie as well when I last watched it, and you have no idea how many ideas I have running through my mind.”

Lewis could hear her soft moaning, feeling her body moving back and forth on top of him when it struck him. His wife was masturbating on his bound body, and he was loving it.

“But I can’t stay, I promised the girls I’d be back,” she announced, swinging her legs back over the edge of the bed and placing the vibrating wand back down on the bed, “but we will definitely be having a little chat we I get back.”

Lewis watched as she picked up the leather blindfold and moved towards him, lifting his head from the top and sliding the band around the back before sliding the blindfold down over his eyes.

“I will leave you a little gift, though I’m taking one of my own,” she whispered into his ear.

He could hear the sound of the key sliding along the table and he knew that she’d taken the chastity key so even if he got out of his current situation, he’d still be locked down in one area.

Suddenly he felt something warm and wet pressed against his nose with a scent that was familiar. He felt the twang of elastic against his head and realised she taken off her pants and placed them on his face, to remind him of her when she was out.

“I hope you enjoy those while knowing that I will be out dancing and drinking without any on,” she softly moaned into his ear, “and I hope you’re ready for what’s next, because I have some big plans.”

The cage started to rattle again, Lewis could feel the wand had been put back though it felt much stronger this time and he felt his pulsing member pushing hard against the steel holding it. He tried to calm his breathing but instead, just found himself inhaling her scent and making himself even more turned on.

He could hear Charlotte let out a laugh, her footsteps getting further and further away.

“I can’t wait to tell the girls what I found tonight,” she shouted back before she closed the front door and locked it again.

Lewis just lay there, trying to wrap his head around what had just happened. He felt scared and embarrassed but there was a sense of excitement as well. He never knew that this was something she would be into as well and he felt stupid for the secrets he’d kept but he also remembered her words and couldn’t wait to find out what plans she had.

One thing was for sure, he was in no hurry to figure out that combination to his cuffs. Hell, he might just stay like this until she came back home.
