She didn’t just take my virginity, she tore it away [M23/F22] [fdom] [first time]

I was a virgin at 23. Unlike just about most people that age who still had yet to pop the cherry, I was very much okay with being a virgin. It had little bearing on my life, and I was actually grateful that I didn’t really have to deal with all the drama that so often comes with sex (though perhaps that was a rather pessimistic attitude.) At the time, I didn’t know if I was just saying that as a means of damage limitation, but I can now say without a doubt that I genuinely felt that way. Don’t get me wrong, I did want to lose it, but evidently not so much that I was ever willing to exert more than a soupçon of energy in its pursuit, and that rings true throughout this story. I was very much the object of pursuit, and the whole affair made me realise that secretly, that was precisely how I had always wanted my first experience to be.

To begin with, it was a night not dissimilar from many I’ve had. I was headed to an event with some friends, nothing too extraordinary. We danced away, spoke about whatever it is moderately drunk Zillennials talk about (yes, I’m too young to be a millennial but I’m also too embarrassed by today’s teenagers to call myself a Gen Z, so Zillennial it is.) It must’ve been around 2 a.m. at this point, so still pretty early. That’s when she came up to me. It was quite dark in the venue but, at risk of sounding incredibly clichéd and vomit-inducing, she stuck out like a diamond in the mud. She was short, around 5’2″, with shoulder-length, messy brown curly hair (for which I’m a sucker,) and the most emotive face. Her mouth and eyes truly worked in tandem, as if they had a mind of their own, to form the most alluring micro-expressions. She immediately had this knowing smile coupled with a piercing stare when she appeared in front of me, as if she had already decided exactly what she was going to do with me. I suppose she had.

At this point, I didn’t really think much of it, despite her beauty. Okay, that’s a slight fib. My mind was already flickering through a wealth of scenarios. But I made no move, because what I thought was happening had happened to me innumerable times: a girl would come up to me and then expect me to do the legwork. Excuse me??? Either make your move or leave me to dance in peace, but don’t walk up to me expecting me to make a move when it is clearly you who should be making said move! At that point, I would remain staunchly immobile purely out of principle (and spite.) Mini-rant over but I really had to get that one off the chest. Anyhow, it quickly became apparent that that wasn’t the situation here. The girl started dancing with me and I was very much happy to reciprocate. The song had barely finished before she was already dragging me to the bar. My friends gave me the how-have-you-managed-that look as I passed them.

Away from the music, we now had the possibility of actually hearing one another. I got her name: Ella. She was extremely flirty right from the go, and she actually bought me a drink. She was wooing me and not even attempting to be subtle about it, which I found both very attractive and emasculating in the best possible way. Yes, that is my way of saying my subby side was kinda loving this.

She was very quick to pry into my dating life, and after a few questions, discerned that I have never had a girlfriend. Then came the question,

“You’ve had sex though, right?”

Wrong! And I wasn’t shy to admit it. Like I said, I wasn’t ashamed to be a virgin, so I had no problem telling her. I think she picked up on this straight away because she immediately started teasing me about it, which I’m sure she wouldn’t have done if I hadn’t been so nonchalant in my response. She told me I was missing out, that I’m a “cute little sunflower,” and what a crying shame it was that I had never had the pleasure of experiencing the pinnacle of human sensorial endeavours. Well I thought I’d be bold, so I simply said, “why don’t you show me what I’m missing?” Instead of a straight response, she just started teasing me more. “Oh, you’d like that wouldn’t you?” and the such. I was actually beginning to get quite worked up, and not in the angry way. It must’ve permeated my countenance because she was no sooner dragging me back to the dance floor, and no sooner after that shoving her tongue down my throat. I hadn’t ever experienced a girl treat me in such a commanding, purposeful manner; she was just having her way with me, and it was incredibly attractive. I’m not sure how long we made out for – some mild fondling notwithstanding – but she eventually told me “I want you now,” and led me out by the hand.

We Ubered to her place (she paid again) and thankfully it wasn’t too far from the venue. I’m sure the Uber driver was similarly grateful. We were hardly through her door before she had already pounced me, locking her legs around my torso. She was ripping off what little clothing she had on and somehow simultaneously ruffling up my hair with fervour while I stumbled around in the dark. It was clear I wasn’t getting anywhere so she had to dismount and drag me by my belt to her bedroom. She looked at me in a way that somehow essentially called me an idiot, or at the very least a buffoon, for whom she’s going to teach a lesson. It turned me on even more than I already was. She told me “I’m going to give you a night you’ll never forget,” before pushing me onto the bed, and boy did she mean it.

She tore my trousers off while I was equal parts fearfully helpless and helplessly aroused. She seemed pleased to see what met her eyes in that she hardly gave herself a chance to savour it before she was enthusiastically taking it in her mouth. She rarely broke eye contact, but I couldn’t help intermittently letting my head fall back as her tongue danced over my frenulum, sending shockwaves of ecstasy through my spine. As if by telepathy, she’d deduced that I far prefer tongue play on the sensitive areas rather than deepthroating or throat fucking. I had to push her off pretty quickly because I wasn’t going to last two seconds the way she was going. The only reason I even lasted that long in the first place was probably the alcohol in my system. I tried to sit up and take up an active role, but she pushed me down and held me there. What made it especially hot was the fact that her height severely contrasted her controlling behaviour, not to mention the irony that I was being dominated by someone half a foot shorter than me.

The next thing Ella did was climb onto my face, probably the course I was most excited for. My biggest turn on is pleasuring my partner, so I was more than happy to dig into her neatly trimmed pussy. Despite being a virgin, I did still know a thing or two. I teased her as long as I could, biting her thighs and avoiding her clit, before she grabbed me by the hair and literally directed me herself. I have quite long hair so there was a lot to hold onto, and I found it ridiculously hot. I felt like little more than a toy solely for her pleasure. Ella was grinding against my mouth and moaning with the crazed frustration of someone who physically can’t get enough (thank goodness she lives alone.) She came once, hard, and pushed me off for a few seconds before the sensitivity had died down enough to let me devour her once more. It wasn’t long before her sweet juices were running down my face for a second time, and honestly I would’ve been so happy to just stay under her and let her use my face all night long, but she had other ideas. I wasn’t opposed.

Until now, Ella had been quite tight-lipped, focused on more immediate release. Now that she had that, she switched seamlessly from a fervid frenzy into a vocal sadist as she climbed on top of me. One thing she had done very proficiently since the moment I met her, was subtly create a disparity of power that always placed her above me. Now that her orgasms had been fulfilled, it was me left wanting, and she knew it. She was straight back to teasing me, rubbing her wetness against my cock but not going further. She was equal to any attempt I made to have some kind of say, finding my helplessness highly amusing. She told me that I’m still technically a virgin, and she has all the power over me in this situation. She was right.

“Beg me to take your virginity.”

That was her ultimatum. I had no choice. Honestly, humiliation and degradation isn’t usually my thing, and I’m more of a bratty sub, but Ella somehow managed to put me in this headspace where I would’ve done just about anything. So I pleaded with her, and pleaded until she was sufficiently convinced that I meant it. In the end, she was actually quite merciful because she absolutely could’ve exploited her power far more than she did.

Save for some last minute teasing, she did eventually place herself onto me. With one hand on my shoulder and the other finding its way to the back of my head, grabbing another tuft of my hair and yanking my head back, she rode me without restraint. She moaned with far more gruff than anyone her height had any business having, and I couldn’t hold back my moans either. She kept complimenting me which I found really hot because she said it in this way that kind of implied ownership, and I was loving feeling like I was her own personal fuck toy. She also kept rubbing her hand across my torso which feels like quite a small thing but I really love that kind of sensual gesture. It’s like everything she did was so calculated and targeted and it did make me realise that her actions were very much geared towards my pleasure despite how it looked. It just made me want to please her even more.

Ella told me to moan her name, and entranced as I was, I obeyed. Moaning her name just made her moan more, and that in turn made me moan more. Soon enough, we were building to a spellbinding climax. She pushed me onto my back one last time and put both hands around my neck and squeezed hard. I could barely breathe, and I was loving it. She kept saying things like I’m hers, and my virginity belongs to her which was so hot. I couldn’t even formulate anything beyond a word at a time, I was that overwhelmed (and asphyxiated.)

At this point, she had certainly woken at least someone up with the sound of her deafening moans and her cheeks crashing against my thighs as she desperately bounced on my cock. Before we knew it, we were both seeing stars. Not that I regret wearing a condom, but I really wish I hadn’t been wearing a condom because lord knows it was incredible enough with one on. Ella collapsed on top of me and we made out while I was still inside her. We passed out soon after that.

That morning, we went at it again but it was a far quicker affair as we were both busy that day. She asked me if the previous night had been everything I hoped it would be, and words honesty couldn’t sufficiently affirm just how perfect it was, but I tried anyway. She’s one in a million and I told her so. I don’t think there’s anyone on this planet I would have rather lost it to.



  1. This was so damn hot. I’d love to read more if there is more to tell

  2. So very hit. Please tell me u have more about the both of u.
    Did u become her sub?

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