My gym crush, pt. 1 [MM] [femboy] [20s] [masturbation] [straight to gay]

Dylan had never done this before, but while he pretended to check his phone, he opened up his camera app and took a picture.

He was a regular at his college’s gym, never missing a session or skipping leg day. He had his sets planned out, and he compulsively kept a record in his phone of the details of every workout. The rush of people at the start of the New Year was dwindling now, but one of the new girls he’d noticed was still around. She kept to herself, to the point that she still wore a mask, but Dylan thought he had caught her eye at least once.

He took another photo, then recorded a 15 second video.

It was cowardly and creepy, but her legs and ass looked unbelievable in her powder-blue leggings, especially while she did squats. With a cropped tank top that was little more than a sports bra, he had a clear view of the pale skin of her back, and with the aid of the mirror, he zoomed in on her tight tummy. As creepy as this was, he thought it was better than hitting on her while she was working out. At least, that’s what he told himself. Really he was worried that she’d go the way of all the other resolutioners, and he’d never get a glimpse of that round ass again.

He took one more photo before turning the camera on himself.

Dylan had never loved anyone or anything as much as he loved a gym selfie. It was the heart of his daily routine: straining his muscles, lining up the optimal angles, flexing into the perfect poses to look his best for the camera. His social media feeds overflowed with gym selfies and videos, the same clips plastered on every platform he could find.

That day he took a series of selfies showing off his biceps. His favorite was a picture where he coyly lifted his shirt just enough to tease his rippling abs. He posted that one before he hit the showers.

And now, home from the gym, he sat on his bed and obsessively monitored every interaction on the day’s posts. Every “viewer,” every “like,” and every “save,” though the numbers of each were dwindling day by day. None of the women he’d liked in high school or the women he was crushing on now liked his posts anymore. Hardly any of them even saw his stories anymore. Even though they were still his “followers,” he suspected they’d muted him.

He watched the video of his deadlift again. It was a full-body view, and he’d never looked better. You could see the bulk of his thighs and the power in his arms. His dirty blond hair was stylishly messy, and his tan was even and deep, even in February.

He frowned. How did a video like this not get him any attention? He realized it had only been an hour since he’d posted. He’d give it some time.

He opened his camera reel and swiped through the photos and video he’d taken of the girl. The pics weren’t as hot as real life, but she was still hot enough to get him hard. His left hand slipped into his sweatpants, where he casually stroked himself as he watched her squat again and again.

He double checked his Instagram post to make sure he’d tagged the college gym. He went back to his video of her and fantasized that she’d found his account through the geo tag. He bit his lip as he imagined her scrolling through his feed, rubbing her pussy as she stared at shots of his bare chest.

By now he’d seen all there was to see of her ass, at least all his video had to offer. He went back and checked his posts on Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok.

Nothing. One guy he’d gone to school with put a thumbs up emoji on his Instagram story. That was it.

He was horny and frustrated. He knew where he could post and get some attention, but it wasn’t exactly the type of attention he wanted.

He opened Reddit, switched to his alt account and posted chin-down selfies of his bare chest. He wasn’t gay, but he posted in several LGBT+ subs with post titles like, “Be honest, how bad do you want to see what I’m packing?”

After only a few minutes his phone started to buzz.

“Yes daddy!”

“Only if you let me suck it”


“Me me! Pick me!”

He smiled for the first time that day. They were pathetic—no question about that—but at least these men appreciated what he had to offer.

He watched the upvotes come in with the desperate comments, and he felt something like satisfaction. Even more pathetic were the DMs.

“Would love to cover those abs in cum. Check my profile.” He stroked himself, thinking of how someone out there was jacking off to *him* right now.

Then came one unusual chat:

>Hey, I saw your gym post. I’m pretty sure we both go to the same college. Go Wolves, lol Ps I think you’re cute

(Sorry, I meant for this to be much longer, but Reddit won’t let me post the full chapter 1)
