Maintenance [Gangbang] [F20, M20, M23, M21, M22] [Fantasy] [Robot Girl] [Little Bit of Everything] [HEAVY dialogue]

     Her hand slowly strokes the cock in her hand while she looks at a computer screen displaying various graphs and charts. It’s maintenance day for the troops, but Dee is grievously behind on her other duties. She needs to place orders for new vehicle parts, design a countermeasure for the latest enemy technology, and meet with the Commander about the state of the troops. 

    The gears and wires in her joints rhythmically shift up and down while the moaning man in her hand begins to breathe quickly and stutters out something or another about being close. She quickens her pace and before long the work is done. She hasn’t actually stopped to take in what he looks like, swamped as she is with actual work. Maintenance day is such a nuisance! She hastily activates the hatch in her palm that opens to dispense soap and water and cleans the dripping cum from the oozing dick. 

    He utters something along the line of thanks, dazed from the intense orgasm, and pulls his pants up. As he walks out the door, a small robot on the floor comes by and sucks up the mess left behind. This she does pay attention to, smiling and leaning down to pet the circular disk on its surface. She hasn’t decided on a name for the new cleaning bot, but she certainly appreciates the burden of cum that it carries for her. She cringes as she recalls the late nights of emptying her central storage. Gallons of cum flowing out of her stomach hatch after particularly long maintenance duties were not missed. 

     Straightening back up, she spins around in her rolling chair to face the door. 

    “Next! Come on people, we don’t have all day!” She hollers out the door, turning back to her computer as she hears the shuffling of feet outside in response and eventually the door opening. 

    “Uh, Dee? Look, I know you’re busy and we’re all real grateful for your work on…maintenance, but the Commander wants us to move the process along.” The voice of a nervous man only agitates her. Can’t they just sit down and pull their dicks out? She sighs heavily and spins back to where the man is standing, giving him an exasperated look. 

     Great, it’s Lance. He’s a frontline fighter, but somehow never shook that prepubescent nervousness around women. He’s occupying the doorway now, rubbing his wrists anxiously as he looks around the room instead of at her. The man can’t even handle being alone with an android, god forbid he ever bed an actual girl. 

    “Well you can tell the Commander that it’s not my problem that you idiots can’t function in the field without getting your rocks off. I don’t have time for you to stand there and waste my processing power with chit chat.” She huffs and spins back to her screen, extending her right hand out to the chair next to her and flexing her fingers in a fist. “Now get over here or get out.” 

    “Listen, Dee. What I’m trying to tell ya is that the Commander wants ya to do…sev’ral maintenance jobs at once.” There’s a moment of pause before he rushes out the latter half of the sentence, immediately looking down and sheepishly placing his hand on the back of his neck. 

     “Several at once? That’s not my protocol, Lance. Unless you’ve got a data disk for me, I can’t help you.” 

     “I, uh, I do.” He steps up and fishes a small circular disk out of his pocket. He gingerly offers it to her, flinching back when she snatches it from his hand and glowers at him. 

    “Isn’t this just what I need? Your jabbering AND a new protocol to integrate! It must be my birthday…” Lance winces as several loud clicks followed by a whirring noise come from Dee’s face. She opens her mouth and her jaw unhinges itself, revealing a device similar to a CD player in the back of her throat. Her mouth is now a gaping hole about 6 inches wide, and she easily places her hand in and inserts the disk. 

     Her eyes roll back as she enters Integration Mode, transferring the data from the disk into her own systems. She sees the standard model android performing maintenance procedures at first on two men at once, then three, and eventually even four. By the time the video lesson is finished, she feels like she’s gotten the concept pretty well. The disk slides out of her throat and she pulls it out, letting her mouth set back into place and rolling her eyes back to the front. 

    Lance is covering his eyes, unnerved by the display, and quickly tries to pretend he wasn’t. “D-did you get it, Dee? That didn’t look very comfortable…” 

    “I’m a robot, Lance. Nothing is uncomfortable. I’ve got the new protocol and it’s ready for implementation. Go get the next three men in line and bring them in.” 

    “W-wow, Dee. Four already?!” Lance’s brown eyes widen as he stares dumbly at her. 

    “Are you going to do it or not? Or would you rather I exclude you and make it three?” 

    “Oh! Y-yes ma’am! I mean, no ma’am! Sorry ma’am!” 

    Dee sighs and rolls her eyes as she stands up from her computer and pushes the chair in while Lance rushes out. The new protocol is going to require the use of several of her components, so she needs to get undressed. 

     She only actually wears clothes in the first place to make the men feel more at ease. Many of them find it hard to concentrate with the feminine form on display, metallic seams or not. She makes no show of pulling off the tight black tank top and yanking down the matching black jeans. The Commander had insisted on her wearing underwear to make the display more believable. A lacy black bra barely constrains her sizable synthetic breasts, matched below by a silky pair of black panties. She isn’t one for color. 

     She hears a deep chuckling and the sound of a rougher voice as Lance reenters with the three men she requested. 

    “Well, well, well! Didn’t realize we were doing group therapy these days! You sure look mighty nice there, Dee.” The man speaking gives her a sultry look, flashing a toothy grin at her as he looks her up and down. He’s a rough looking soldier, having spent long days in deep trenches defending outposts and storming enemy bases. Such is the life of a breacher. He loves to give Dee hell whenever he can, but secretly she prefers that to the timid nature of Lance.

    “The Commander decided you morons were too disturbed to be left alone, Kranz. You’re taking me from my work, so let’s get a move on.” 

    “Nothing new here, boys. Just another woman who’s eager to see me undress! Hahahaha!” Kranz laughs raucously as he slaps Lance on the back, causing Lance to actually stumble forward a bit. The others chuckle lightly, nervously eyeing Dee to see if she was going to pull some new gadgetry out on Kranz. One of the men, slightly skinnier than Lance or Kranz, rolls his eyes and begins to step forwards towards Dee.

    “Now, Kranz,” he starts, mockery obvious in his voice, “I’d be shocked if you’ve even seen a woman in the last five years. Excluding lovely Dee, of course~” Dee recognizes that devilishly smooth voice and charming smile- the trademarks of Ferdie. His beguiling demeanor doesn’t work on her, of course, but she does appreciate the way he torments Kranz. He draws up her to, taking her elbows in his hands and planting a soft kiss against her lips.

     “How’s it happening, gorgeous? Maintenance day really can’t come soon enough~” He whispers the words against her lips, his flowery scent registering in her nose. She scoffs at the affection, pulling away quickly and leaving him frowning. 

     “Another good try, Ferdie. You need to ask for your own model to fall in love with.” She pushes him to the side, holding his shoulders off to the left as she looks behind him at the final participant. He has been silent thus far, fidgeting slightly but obviously trying not to draw attention to himself. Dee, much to her surprise, doesn’t find a match when she runs a facial scan on him. 

     “And who are you? You’re not registered in my database yet.” She points at the stranger, her pupils shining red as she scans him for vitals and other miscellaneous info. 

    Kranz speaks up, placing a hand on the stranger’s back and traveling forward with him. Kranz presents the man with a hearty smile. “This is Greene! It’s his first day on site! What luck, right?” The man looks confused and almost a little afraid, but takes a breath and extends a hand towards Dee. 

     “Yeah, I’m Greene. Do you…normally walk around in your underwear?” The other men laugh, all a little more comfortable now having gotten to talking. Ferdie, still being firmly held at arm’s length by Dee’s unoccupied hand, shifts to slide up her arm and wrap himself around her from behind. 

     “Actually, this is something of a new treat! Did we do something special to deserve this, Dee~” He lets his hands travel up her stomach and hefts her heavy tits in his hands. The others get a little quieter, remembering what they’re here for as lust begins to fill their eyes. Dee doesn’t react to his touch, maintaining eye contact with Greene as Ferdie fondles her.

     “Let me welcome you to camp then, Greene. As Kranz has no doubt told you, it is maintenance day. The frontline is treacherous, and the Commander has decreed that the troops need to be at their best in every way possible. To that end, I perform maintenance on the men here in order to keep their minds clear in the field.” 

     “Okay, that all makes sense. How does that translate to you being here half-naked?” Greene looks uncomfortably at Ferdie, confused at Dee’s total ignorance of his touch. Lance wrings his wrists again, whispering into Greene’s ear as a blush runs across his face.

     “Well, you know, she, um, she…helps us find release. If you know what I’m saying.” Lance gestures at Ferdie, who is now completely lost in Dee’s tits, and makes a jerking motion with his hand.” 

     Dee nods at Lance, and then looks back at Greene. “Precisely. If a soldier wants to opt out of maintenance, he may. None have so far. Today there will be a change in the normal procedure. Rather than individually stroking you to climax, I will be instead servicing all four of you at once.” 

    A series of reactions come from the men. Lance’s face turns tomato red as she lays out the process so candidly. Greene raises an eyebrow and looks to the others for some sort of signal or punchline. Ferdie’s eyes light up as he bites his lip in anticipation. Kranz laughs even louder than before and pulls the two men next to him into his arms. 

    “Hear that, boys? Poor ol’ Dee is bored of jacking us off one by one! Hahahaha!” He throws his head back in laughter, squeezing the breath out of Greene and Lance. Lance, still mortified, looks up at the tower that is Kranz and then back to Dee. 

     Dee continues. “The Commander also believes that the activity of collective orgasm may strengthen the bonds between the troops. Now I’m really running short on time and you four are not the only group I need to do this with. Undress.” 

    Ferdie has already pulled his cock out by the time she finishes her sentence. His tool is slender and long and already rock hard. He eagerly presses it’s curved shape against the back of Dee’s thighs until she parts them, letting him slide his head between. She closes her legs back around him and he immediately begins to thrust. Small holes in her inner thighs dispense a skin-safe lubricant that makes his cock slick and shiny. “Mmm, there’s my beautiful girl. They engineered perfection when they made you, Dee~” 

     The others are a little slower, but seeing Ferdie’s ecstatic face prompts them to action. Unsurprisingly, Kranz is the next to have his dick out. His cock is the opposite of balanced; it is massive and thicker than any other Dee has seen. His darker color almost hides the throbbing veins that struggle to supply enough blood to bring him to a full erection. His face beams with pride as the others can’t help but stare for a moment at his hulking member, but Dee is unimpressed. She beckons him forward and takes him in her hand. He’s not immediately lost in pleasure like Ferdie, instead letting out a low groan as her fingers lengthen to grip his entire girth. “Damn, Dee! They really built you to do anything, huh?” 

     Greene turns to Lance, still in disbelief about what’s happening. Lance shrugs and they both watch for a minute while Dee strokes Kranz and Ferdie fucks her thighs. Counting available spots, they both realize that she only has one more hand. Greene is quicker. “Sorry, Lance! This is weird as shit but I’m not passing.” 

     Greene quickly pushes past the remaining man and whips his cock out. Dee looks down to see the quintessential dick. Greene is right around average size, with a singular vein running in a spiral around his cock. She doesn’t need to adjust her hand size to get a firm grip on him, and his eyes flutter as she begins to stroke him as well. His hips occasionally buck in response. “Oh wow! God you’re…really good at that! You guys do this every week?!” 

     Lance is the poor outlier. With Dee totally occupied, he settles for pulling his pants down and stroking his own cock. The squelching sound of three cocks using Dee’s body at once arouses him to no end, and he eagerly watches her tits bounce as he masturbates. His cock is a little on the small side, which normally he would be embarrased about. Thankfully, Kranz is making everybody look small by comparison. 

     All the bells and whistles of Dee’s programming are in full swing. She can sense the overall status of each man by their heartbeat, their breathing, and even the way their individual muscles spasm and twitch. She can tell Ferdie is already close, and that Kranz is just getting started. In her head, she formulates a battle plan for getting each of them to the end simultaneously. Were it not for this team bonding business, she would just kick her stimulatory systems into full gear and make Ferdie cum in ten seconds. Instead, she has to make some careful adjustments. 

     She turns her head to the left, gazing at Ferdie’s closed eyes. His head is resting on her left shoulder, and she slowly parts her thighs again and leans into a deep kiss with him. His eyes widen as they fly open in surprise before becoming hooded as he kisses back. Below, he stops thrusting, instead focused on making out with her. Perfect. Kranz sees this and chuckles. 

    “Jeez, Ferdie. If I didn’t know better I’d say you were in love with Dee!” 

   “Mmmf, shut up, meathead.” 

     Kranz is ready to retort when Dee suddenly tightens her grip on him and begins to secrete lube onto his shaft. She runs her hand up and down his cock, lightly massaging his balls when she moves down and palming his tip when she comes back up. Soon, his whole cock is coated in a thin layer of white. The increased intensity makes him choke on his words as his veins bulge against her hand. “Oh sweet Jesus, Dee…” 

     Dee chuckles, a rare sound by most metrics, and shakes her head as she observes her handiwork. “I pray that I’m the only woman who ever has to deal with you four at once.” 

     In the back, Lance lets out a high pitched giggle before covering his mouth. Dee looks up at him, finally noticing his exclusion. Running her sensors over him, she finds that he’s way behind the others. Damn it, she’s going to need to change this position. 

    All at once, she releases Kranz and Greene and pulls away from Ferdie. The men look at her in confusion. Ferdie speaks up first. 

    “Oh, see Kranz? You made her stop.” He glares at Kranz, throwing his arms around Dee’s shoulders and fake whispering in her ear. “You can kick him out, you know? I’ll defend you if he reports it.” 

    “Can it, string bean, she obviously just needs a break. Handling this guy isn’t easy!” He hefts his cock in the air, causing Ferdie to look away in a mix of shame and disgust. Dee stops them both, pushing Ferdie off of her and pulling a desk from the side of the room into the center. She clears the space and lays down, spreading her legs and pulling away her panties. The men immediately begin to move, but are stopped by Dee.

    “Ah ah ah! Calm down! I’ll be assigning your spots.” The men groan but stand at attention, waiting for their opportunity. Lance perks up, finally joining the group. 

     “Lance, you’ll be here.” She swings an arm into the air and above her head, gesturing at a spot at the head of the desk. Lance eagerly pushes past the other and taps his cock against the hardwood. 
     “Greene and Ferdie are here and here.” She motions to the sides of the desk where her hands are. Both men are a little disappointed, especially Ferdie, but Greene pipes up.

     “A handjob is still a handjob, right?” 

    “Not when it could be that beautiful pussy, Greene…” 

     Before Dee can assign him there, Kranz takes his spot at her pussy, leaning down over the desk and taking her legs in his burly hands. “Haha! Sorry boys, but you’re in the field now. Biggest gets the sweetest spot!” 

    They waste no time in their new positions. Kranz is the first to partake, starting suprisingly gently with his tip. He presses an inch in at a time, savoring the feeling of Dee’s synthetic pussy molding itself to match his shape. She squeezes around him, already wet and beginning to gush juices onto his balls as he begins to thrust. He rests her legs on his shoulders, pulling her close and locking her thighs in his arms. “That’s the kind of tightness you have to build! God damn, Dee!” 

     Dee rolls her eyes and smiles down at him. “Are you this eloquent all the time?” They both laugh a little as Dee leans her head back over the edge of the desk. Hanging upside down now, she sees Lance’s cock pulsing in anticipation. She opens her mouth wide, letting her tongue stick out. He shuffled forwards and places his tip on her tongue, moaning at the sensation as he guides each inch into her mouth. He doesn’t quite reach her throat, but she immediately gets to work lashing his cock with her tongue. Her dexterity is unparalleled, and she is able to sense and exploit every sensitive spot on Lance’s shaft. Her tongue, much like the rest of her appendages, is able to extend to wrap around his member in a spiral and even reach out of her mouth. She uses it to trace lines along his sack, teasing his balls and licking his taint while he thrusts in her mouth. “Oh, oh, oh my god Dee! D-d-don’t lick me there! Fuck!” She ignores his cries, sensing his pleasure spiking. 

     The men in her hands are, admittedly, having a less exciting time. Her hands are deft, able to poke and prod right where they’re most sensitive. She slowly circles a finger around Ferdie’s tip, teasing his urethra with her long but dull nails. He moans loudly as she nears the small hole, and his whole body spasms when she gently inserts her thin nail inside. She pulls it out slowly, causing him buckle and nearly fall to his knees as his face burns brightly. “Fuuuuck, just like that Dee! You’re so…ngh…so beautiful…” 

     Greene opts to take a different route to the traditional handjob. Dee holds her hand still as he thrusts in and out of her tight fist. Inside her fist, her artificial skin blows up like bubble wrap to form an on-the-fly fleshlight. The soft material causes his cock to throb in her hand, and she senses that he’s very close to the edge. She lets go of his cock, dragging her hand down his balls and massaging them instead. He groans and throws his head back, his cock begging to cum but her stoutly denying it. When he’s finally come down to manageable levels, she goes back to letting him fuck her hand. 

     The cacophony of moans and wet slapping reverberates throughout the room. Each man is lost in his own world of pleasure, Dee simultaneously managing all of their favorite kinks without even really thinking of it. She’s still designing new cars in her head. Before long, she senses that all four of the men are getting close. She had been edging Greene for a while now, but now his torment was coming to an end. She spits Lance’s cock out, the saliva trail running down her forehead and getting in her hair. 

     “I can tell you’re all about to cum. Please don’t make me clean myself internally again. That’s why I built that little guy.” 

     The men mutter in agreement, acknowledging the little bot and pulling out of Dee. Kranz’s cock has almost doubled in size, a weekend’s worth of cum from that monster just waiting to erupt. He rubs his cock against her stomach, slowly masturbating as he prepares to drench her. The other do the same, each breaking free and jacking themselves off to the very edge on her body. Greene and Ferdie occupy her sides, nearly touching Kranz, and Lance rests his cock over her left eye. Lance is the one to voice what they all want.

    “Um, Dee? Could you…open your mouth?” His face is beet red as he asks, but the other man look hungrily at her in agreement. She sighs and silently agrees, sticking her tongue out and making little peace signs with her hands. The gesture is enough cue in and of itself.

    All four men explode at once in a veritable tsunami of cum. Kranz in the primary offender, spraying rope after rope all over her body. Even from his position at the bottom, he manages to hit her tongue and face. Greene and Ferdie paint her tits, aiming at her supple boobs as Ferdie reaches over her to tear her bra down and finally expose her perky nipples. She figured he would enjoy doing that. The big shocker is Lance, who rivals even Kranz with the amount of semen that he deposits onto her face. He cums for a solid 15 seconds, oozing cum all over both of her eyes and directly onto her tongue, letting his tip rest on it as it sits outstretched. 

     After the flood of cum is finished flowing, Dee sits up and very matter-of-factly looks down at herself and at the men. They’ve all stumbled back and are sitting in various positions around the room, stunned by overwhelming orgasms. 

     “Your maintenance is complete now. I must say, that was an excellent test trial of this new protocol. I’ll have to implement this permanently.” 

    And with that, she picks each man up and dusts them off with her tremendous strength. Each one gives her a farewell as they pull their pants up and stumble out the door.

    “Thanks again, Dee! Let me know if you ever want to see the big guy one on one! Hahaha!” 

     “Always lovely to do this with you, Dee~ see you next week!” 

    “I think I’m gonna like this camp after all. Good to meet you, Dee!” 

     “Ummmm, thank you Dee! Sorry again for wasting your time before! Uh, ok, bye!” 

    When she’s finally alone, she beckons her little bot over and has it spray her with one of its hoses until shes clean. It faithfully sucks up the cum and motors away. She looks around and, satisfied with her surroundings, calls out to the door. 

     “Next! Let’s go, people! New protocol!” 



