[M] Lucky teacher’s adventures (2)

Hey it’s your friendly teacher again, here to tell you more fun stories.

You probably want to read my previous post for some background but this standalone is fun to read too.

Disclaimer: all my students in these stories are 18+.


So there’s this one time when I sort of have this intellectual click with this girl in my class. She always sits in the front, though she’s not your typical teacher’s pet that is always attentive and answers all your questions. On the contrary, she reads her own book in my class, and just half pays attention. She can answer things fluently though if I ask her on the spot.

Outside our lesson she would often ask me questions about the course matters and we would engage in clever debates that almost always amounted to something substantial. That’s when I started to find her attractive.

Many say that teachers want to fuck students because of their bodies: no. Teachers love students’ brains too. Only that sometimes we also want to fuck their brains out.

So this girl started coming to my office often and usually if a conversation goes long or if it gets serious I close the office door and no one minds. This one time she came in and just closed the door without even asking me. That already was a weird beginning.

“Is there something you need from me?”

She sat down, looking a bit uneasy. “Well, sir,” she began, “I don’t know how to say this, but I think I’m attracted to you and I think it’s wrong but it’s also not. I just thought you should know that.”

We looked at each other for what must have been a whole minute, and I felt we were both waiting for the other one to speak.

Finally I broke the silence. “Okay… Let’s explore this together.” By this time of my career I had already gotten my way with several of my students so the prospect of actually doing things with her was not far from me.

We talked for a long time: on a fairly philosophical level, nothing too seductive… about our relationship and how we valued each other. We talked about the things we liked about each other, and if the universe were a bit different maybe we would actually be boyfriend girlfriend. But she knew I was married and she wouldn’t want to be in the middle of it.

After that honest conversation the two of us kept texting each other. She loves to work on studies and assignments late at night so I ended up discussing many intellectual things with her after my wife was asleep. I’m between she would raise breaks from using her head muscle and we would chat about things from life to love and eventually to sex. We would exchange sex tips (she had a partner then) and report to each other our results.

Fast forward a few months later: she was about to graduate and she came in my office on almost the last day of the semester and we talked again. At this stage our conversations had turned so flirty that we might as well just fuck. And so one thing led to another, she ended up sitting on my cock while I’m on my chair.

We must have fucked like three times in my office and I came in her twice. It was phenomenal.

I guess we put our sex tips to practice too.

Some time later it was graduation ceremony and I met her again in person. We talked, exchanged our respects for each other, and she went on overseas for something else.

And that was the last time I’ve seen her in person. We still text now and the passion between us kind of died down because of distance, but I will always treasure the time we had together.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11xj20b/m_lucky_teachers_adventures_2