Older Black woman [F] says “yes” to a date with a younger white man [M].

I am a white male with red hair.

I tried to get this woman to go on a date for years. We worked in the same city, but not for the same organization. I met her at the some work function. We hit it off immediately. She was 20 years older than me and she used it as excuse not to date me. “My daughter is the same age as you.” She was.

I found her incredibly attractive. She was tall, curvy, and had very dark black skin. She exuded a sexual energy. Perhaps because she knew her vibe, she dressed very conservatively, but, to me, that just made her sexier.

I called her once a week. She always answered my call. She never missed it every Sunday night. We talked for years, but almost never met in person. Her kids were grown. She dated people, but never seriously. She worked out and somehow kept getting hotter with age. She would send me pictures, but never nudes. She had a breathy voice and my dick was usually hard our entire conversations, even if she was just talking about her trip to the supermarket.

Whenever we made plans, she usually cancelled for some health reason, grandkids, or she would honestly say that she did not want to meet up. I should have stopped calling her. But at this point, I considered her a great friend and was sorta infatuated with her.

I eventually wore her down and, after Covid died down, she agreed to meet, partially, I think, she was just bored. She worked in the city but lived outside of it, so she drove in. I lived and worked in the city. I picked a restaurant near a garage to make it easier for her.
Arriving early, we had a reservation, I took a booth so we had more privacy. I texted her the exact location. I sat facing the entrance, secretly hoping she that she would not wearing a baggy sweater and, looking like, well, a grandmother. I was shocked when she showed wearing a black animal print dress and looking definitely fuckable.

Our conversation was always easy and the time not meeting in person had not affected that; we immediately started talking. The conversation shifted to movies. We were planning on seeing one after dinner. She was more of a church lady and was not really up to date on pop culture. She insisted Matt Damon was not in Oceans 13. For some reason, I started getting annoyed. Knowing that I was right, I suggested we bet: if she was right I would pay for dinner and if I was right she would have to immediately go to bathroom, take off her panties, and place them in her purse. She did not hesitate in accepting the terms.

Instead of taking out our phones, we agreed to let the waitress settle it. She did. Without saying a word, she smiled, grabbed her purse, and headed to the bathroom. About five minutes later, she returned to the booth and placed her purse on the table. I took my time before unzipping it and looking in. On top were her lacy red panties. Part of me regretted the bet, because I now know she looks incredible in these panties (highlighting her ebony skin) and I wanted to slide them off her.

She did not pause her talking when I placed my hand inside the bag. Our drinks came and I made a point of dropping my napkin to the floor. I bent over to pick it up and she spread her legs at the same time, revealing her grey haired pussy.

“Are you still hungry”
“Yes, I am starving”
“Do you want to leave”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11ud8wn/older_black_woman_f_says_yes_to_a_date_with_a


  1. Did she really have gray pubic hair? I know you said she was a grandmother, but pubes are the very last hair to gray, and it sounds like she retained her youthfulness in every other area. Are you sure that bush was gray? Dimly lit restaurant (especially under a table)? Embellishment to play up the age issue?

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