I (33F), am dating a man (57M) that is 24 years older than me…and is also my ex’s dad [MF] – Part II

Condensed TLDR: Following a night of sex with my ex’s dad, I spent the night. The following morning, I continued my antics.

WARNING: Like my previous submission, THIS IS A LONGGGG POST!! For those who wish to read the background, and stages of the night, I have provided mini chapters below, so readers and “fast forward” to the part they are most interested in – as I understand that not everyone wants to read about the events prior! Happy Reading.

Please let me know if you would like me to post any additional stories! There are plenty more, and this carried over throughout the night/morning. If there is some interest, I would be more than happy to publish some on here. Happy reading!! Part I is included below:

[Part I: I (33F), am dating a man (57m) that is 24 years older than me…and is also my ex’s dad [MF]](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/114d5fx/i_33f_am_dating_a_man_57m_that_is_24_years_older/)








VII. SWEET NOTHINGS (…and everthings)

I. AFTERCARE: [continued…] I sarcastically responded “did I really just fuck my ex-boyfriend’s dad…?” Well the obvious answer, I absolutely did – and I had no reservations about it. One thing I will say, the old bull definitely fucked better than the calf in this situation. No contest.

He was stilted with his firm pillows supporting his back – my head burrowed into his chest/underarm area. Strong arms cloaking me, with his left hand resting on my left breast – which I relocate my hand to hold his. Hands so large that they enveloped mine. We both lay there in silence, just breathing (…and thinking). The entire time I am wondering if he enjoyed sharing each other as much as I did, or was he viewing me as a mistake? I have a history of being told this, so naturally I am self-conscious of his thoughts. One negative I would say about myself is that I definitely reflect in extremes (black-white thinking), which I am working on…or at least I think so.

Looking down, my heartbeat moving my left tit – attempting to slow down after intense lovemaking. After a few moments, I hear his voice:

Him: “You got anywhere to be tonight?”

Me: “Nowhere, Zo – my mom and dad are watching him for the night. I don’t need to pick him up until tomorrow afternoon…” (for reference, his name is Alonzo, and he likes me calling him Zo).

Him: joking tone “Good, because after that, I’m not letting you go anywhere…”

Again overthinking, my mind immediately goes into overdrive “is he joking that he doesn’t want me to stay?”, “is he serious about having me over for the night?” For the record, I was totally set on spending the night. There was no question.

I maneuver my right hand underneath his back and grasp the right side of his neck while pulling my face right into the left side of his neck, and start kissing under his jawline – very, very slowly. With each kiss, as my lips separate from his neck I hear climbing breaths. Finally, I stop and whisper to him flirtatiously “do I hear someone hinting that they want me to stay over…?” to which he replied leisurely, yet firmly “you’re staying over…”

I giggled blissfully, showcasing my absolute limerence for this man. Releasing my grip, and easing my anxiety – I was in complete comfort. I began tracing his chest with my fingers, motioning lightly around his nipples. Pressing him further (in jest), I respond “funny, I remember your son telling me that I couldn’t spend the night when we were dating, now look at you hypocrite…” Looking up, I was smiling like I told the next best comedy bit, and he was smiling in a jokingly sarcastic face. Following dueling smirks, we both burrowed into each other again.

It was the little things like this that made this evening so special. We were on so many levels together, and connecting flawlessly. It was almost too easy.

II. PREPARING FOR BED: At this point, the time was around midnight. Admittedly, I usually fall asleep around 10:30pm, and wake up around 5:30am-6:00am to run on the treadmill. The room was dimly lit, and we were snuggled underneath the warmest (yet comfortable) blanket. I look up admirably, and timidly ask “Zo, baby (took a chance with the pet names early), I had a wonderful night tonight – loved everything about it. But, I am exhausted – mind if we call this an evening and rest…?”

I move my hands stealthily under his covers, and grab the base of his now flaccid cock, and begin to caress its vast length.

As I toy with him I declare, “…I will make it up to you…I promise…” – an approving nod by him acknowledged the agreement.

Again, thanking him, I sit up and look at him – my entire torso exposed. As one last parting affirmation, I tell him “Hey, look, I just want you to know that I am really glad that we did this today.” I migrate closer to him, my right breast pressed against him – stare into his rousing brown eyes and lead my lips into his. I place my left hand on his right cheek and begin to French kiss him. Slowly, and sensually. With any more length of time or any more passion, it would lead to another session immediately.

Following a deescalating reprieve, I bite my lip and purr “…goodnight, Zo…” to which he reciprocated “goodnight, baby girl…” and got up from the bed to turn off the remaining lights in his home. In an adorned watch, I regarded everything he did. He turned to the side of the bed, and sat for a moment, I turned on my right side and placed my left hand on his back – lightly massaging him. As he stood, my hands drifted further down, meeting his ass cheeks which bounded my hands off of him. Walking towards the doorway, he exited left to turn off the living room lights, then returned – flicking the switch to the bedroom.

All that was illuminating now was the nightstand drawer light, that was the most relaxing tone of amber. Like he did earlier with, I watched him walk toward me. The soft lighting highlighting his rich, umber-toned body. Casting perfect bodily shadows. His immense dick swayed back and forth, side to side casting a shadow on both thighs as it moved. All I could think was “I can’t believe that impressive cock was completely in me…” He walked with such confidence. I had seen him self-assured before – but he seemed to walk like he was two inches taller. The conviction of his gait, and his broad shoulders swaying a little extra drew me in even further.

As he got under the covers again – I smiled at him, to which he responded, “what… (no answer from me)…what?” to which I simply responded “…I like it…” Here we go, I was turned on again – but I needed to sleep. Luckily he leaned in, and kissed me – and wished a final goodnight.

Repositioning to our left sides (thank goodness we are both side sleepers), he placed his right arm underneath mine, draping over my right breast – meeting my left shoulder. His left arm nestled between the bed and myself – on my abdomen (which he would lightly stroke and caress). He is so much larger than me (almost a foot taller), which made me feel completely encompassed and sheltered.

After we were comfortable, he pinned the front of his hips on my ass. Feeling the length of his warm, substantial penis trace the bottom of my ass cheeks, meeting the back of my thighs was certainly welcomed. I guarantee he felt residual wetness and heat radiating from my desiring pussy.

We both without issue, found asleep swiftly and soundly. It’s only been one night, but I think I could get used to this…

III. AROUSING PROMISE: Even in an unfamiliar environment, my internal clock appears to be an atomic one. Never missed a beat, and always awake at the same time. I look over at the digital clock on the nearby nightstand, and the green digits read 6:15am. Thank goodness it was Saturday and a rest day – no treadmill or workout this morning…

Zo is remains asleep and quiet, and I am slowly stirring to get some energy flowing. I lay there, holding his hand and just listening to his breath. We remain in a similar position that we fell asleep in, with our bodies externally complimenting each other – still completely nude, my exposed shoulders noticeably chiller than the rest of my body being heated by a 6’3” well-built man.

I move my hips and ass forward off his groin, and feel his soft penis creep off my left ass cheek onto the bed. The area under the head dividing the tip and the shaft sometimes clinging to my soft skin due to increased moisture. Closing my eyes, I reach behind me with my right hand towards his pubic area. I am met by his well-groomed bush, running my fingers and palm through his pubic hair, steadily descending over his lasting shaft to grab his cock. Reaching the summit with all five fingers surrounding his unstimulated head, I begin to stroke the tip with fluctuating firmness and tempo. Although I say firmness, my grasp is still as light as a feather.

The blankets begin to reorganize as he stirs and rouses. He transfers to his back with his cock still in my hand. Feeling the resistance from my grip (although light), he looks down inquiring half-awake, “what are we doing here…?” I wait for a few seconds before responding to him, as I pull myself onto him, my chest rests on his. Lifting my head confidently as he looks down at me from his pillow-buttressed head, I directly (yet seductively) respond “keeping a promise…” reaffirming my guarantee from the night before. I begin to slowly slither and wind down his body. I feel his body rub against mine – his chest hair brushing my nipples – and his cock crawl against my already enlarged clit, stomach, and between my full tits before reaching near wanting mouth.

On the bed, I relocate to his right (my left) and prop myself up on my knees, and the rest of my bodyweight resting on my elbows/forearms. In a final adjustment before implementing my commitment, I grab a handful of my hair and relocate it all to rest over my left shoulder. I want him to be able to see my face, and the physical manifestation of how inspirited and blessed I feel to be able to please him unselfishly.

His balls appeared be only millimeters from the sheets, hanging low – but I could tell they were teeming with concupiscence. His cock is long, thick, and a uniform dark brown complexion that lightened just slightly around the head. I observe his cock hanging low, with a tendency to rest straight down – but due to his curve, eventually falling right. In order to make an impression, the aim was to make this undertaking as long and as pleasurable for him as he (and I) could muster. I aspired to make him feel something that he has not felt in a long, long time…

IV. SKIN:SKIN: I begin lightly kneading the loose skin on his scrotum with my right hand, and holding onto the base of his shaft with my left, propping his dangling cock away to the side. Although his cock was away from his sack, it still draped and folded over my grasping, slender fingers. I see his head lean back and enjoy the light rubbing on his brimming and now enlivened scrotum. It started to shift and change, as if it had a mind of its own. As he leans back I give him small bouts of reassurance. How I appreciate the shape, texture, and size of his balls, and how much I needed to feel how they felt in my mouth. Through the light friction on his dark, hanging sack – I saw noticed his skin tightening, but not too much. Quickly dipping and turning my head low, I positioned his right ball in my mouth. Due to the proportion of his balls, I could only fit one in at a time. Able to wrap my lips completely around the far end of his sphere, I lightly tugged (not too hard) and moaned onto it. All the while, my small pale hand continuing to secure his slack, yet abundant cock above my head.

I continue to the other side of his scrotum, as it would be cruel and unfair to abandon another. I now defer cock-holding duties to my right hand, and hold his sack closer to my mouth and face with my left hand. Lightly stroking the back of his scrotum with my fingertips, I then wrapped my mouth and lips around his left. I now have my head tilted right near sideways, my face near his taint due to the physical logistics. I test the waters, and advance my fingers towards his taint to see if he appreciates this type of play. I move my fingers further past his scrotum, as if they were walking towards a mission. Giving him a light brush, I can see he positively responds – his cock flexes in my hand, his scrotum shifts in my mouth. I know what to do now…

I lower my head lower, and drape his cumbersome cock and balls on my left cheek and neck, settling in between his sack and asshole. He does have a cradle of hair on his perineum, but nothing that I am not able to part and press apart. After gaining some clearance, I begin to slowing tongue his taint. Again, I hear a rustling of the sheets, and a light approving moan from above. The angle that I am performing in is not the best, so I elect to guide myself in between his legs. I sit up and move one knee after another in between his sprawled legs, and remove the hair tie from my wrist, and create a tight pony tail. As I temporarily adjust me hair, with my arms above my head I slowly sway back and forth from my hips – flaunting my breasts in front of him. My lips pursed, with a seductive glare. My hair is now about mid-shoulder and out of the way – no distractions.

After my restyling, I then descend (leading with my mouth) towards his lap. Reaching out, I hoist his cock and balls above my head momentarily, I drop below his scrotum, assuring my position – and then letting loose his package to rest on my left cheek/face. No longer parting his hair as I was before, I use my right hand to give him a complimentary handjob. I lick in a soft, yet demanding rhythm, every so often looking up at him with my non-covered light green eye. 70% of the time I looked up, his face was facing the ceiling with his eyes closed and mouth agape. It was evident that he was not used to this type, or level of attention to pleasure.

We continued for approximately a couple minutes, where his conduct shifted. Nothing negative, but a definite shift. Throughout our night (and now morning) together, he remained relatively reserved and sometimes restrained in his actions. I don’t know if this was due to the fact that he was distinguishing a new lover, or being considerate. The first sign of this is when he forcefully grabbed my ponytail and lifted my head upwards and above his pelvis. I did not consider this selfish, it rather turned me on. It was apparent that he was getting comfortable with me, and beginning to express his wants – and knew I could satisfy them…

V. HEAD: Still laying on his back (yet completely in charge), I get the hint that he wanted that big cock sucked. I was more than ready, as this was my ultimate vision when I made this promise the night before. Remaining in the same area as I was when I was working his taint, I simply shift in a face down, ass down stance while still looking up at him with my head tilted sideways. I grab his cock, my slight fingers not able to wrap completely around his penis. Shifting his rod towards his stomach, I begin sucking on his balls again to hopefully get him harder. I take a quick break in order to reestablish my hair again and he begins shaking his flaccid dick, as if tempting me to keep sucking. He didn’t need to tempt me to do that…

Still soft, I put as much as his flaccid cock as in my mouth as I could, and simply let it rest in the compact, and wet refuge of my mouth – with an added sensation of my tight, sealing lips. I move my head up and down, and pivot as I get closer to the base of his dick. Through time, I slowly feel his cock growing in my mouth – demanding more and more space…

As he grows, and is properly lubed with ample spit from the back of my tight throat – I start to jerk him at a moderate pace. Enough of a pace where my tits sway with the motion of my hands and wrists. I hear a “ohhh, ohhh…” as I continued to stroke him. Deciding to combine methods, as I jerk him off – I also begin sucking and licking his teeming sack. Staring elegantly, and with pronounced blinking.

At this point he is about halfway-hard. His cock is maintaining a stronger shape, but still has some softness that errs to being somewhat slack. I prop up his cock with both hands, my left on bottom – right on top with the tip of my long fingers slowly caressing his mid-shaft. I move my head to my right (his left), and the weight of his soft cock lead itself down and to the left – I was able to stop his cock from falling to the sheets – kissing and licking it on its way to being propped up.

Our faces are now completely facing each other. Only holding his penis with one hand, I then start to wrap my soft pink lips around his pronounced head. As soon as I am established, I remove my hand and begin sucking and supporting his cock with my mouth and a strong suction. Every so often introducing my hand again in order to brace his dick, and make pronounced sucking and sensuous kissing noises. Moaning assuredly, out of my further stretched jaw. Now transitioning to sucking and stroking with my right hand. His breaths more pronounced and deliberate. Between sucks I will let out endearing statements/questions such as “…you like your promise…? [kisses cock]”, “…bet you never thought I was like this…[strongly sucks tip], and “look at this big…[kisses cock]…big…[kisses cock]…dick [sucks tip]…”

After enough time, he is fully erect – which causes some complications with me. Full disclosure, I have a narrow throat – so my deep throat game is not as good as I am sure others are. Due to this, I have to put a lot of effort into precision, and technique. Since he is so thick and long, I am able to get maybe a little over 1/3 of the way down his cock. Like before, I saw maybe ½ of his cock with moisture on it, due to me extending my lips as far down his shaft as I could and spit working its way down. With a stark upward curve, the positions I were in simply were not accommodating to a deep throat – that can be for another day…

Sitting up, I temporarily abandon my post (pardon the pun) to get in a more comfortable sucking stance – as he now has a complete erection. He holds his cock at the base, and slides to the edge of the bed, keeping his dick placed upright – where I then take control back after establishing myself on my knees. I throat as far as I can, and drip spit slowly from my lips onto the full head of his cock and start to stroke downward.

Now with a full erection, both of my hands are able to work his entire shaft with no difficulty. I probably had enough room for another hand – to be honest. With the extra size, I have no problem sucking his length while stroking with no issue. There are moments where I shift to only using one hand, and rotating my grip so the top of my right hand was facing him, and twisting as I swiftly move my hand up and down his huge cock. Other times I would my mouth off and simply adore his cock, showering him with simple compliments.

VI. CLIMAX: This scene goes on for about 10-15 minutes, where I start to close with some calculated slow neck. A strong grip at the base with a rotating stroke, and a mouth and head motion with a defined and mixed rhythm head bob. I start to see signs that he is close. Repositioning, further thrusting, shallow breaths, a retreating scrotum – it was almost time…

I take my mouth off his cock again and start to breathe through my teeth while smiling. There was more than enough spit on his cock, so I decided to finish him off through stroking his essence out of him. I grasp one last time, strong grip with my left hand on the base – and a warm embrace around his tip – slowly rotating indiscriminately around the head. I encourage him “come on baby…come for me…” and “I want your cum all over me…” His body slowly giving into my verbal requests, I hear him muster “I’m going to cum…” to which I place his cock strategically towards my mouth – but far enough to only reach a little bit of his load on my face – judging by his last cumshot that nestled on my stomach the night before.

“Uhhh, uhhhhh, uhhhhhh!” I hear him roar from the bed. Cum flies straight at me in multiple bursts. The first load landing on the area between my lips and my nose, the second on my chin, and the rest tapering down further and further down my body – most resting on my chest and covering my breasts. I moan in approval as more and more ropes reach my skin. Looking at him, I lick the semen above my lips and below my chin and swallow. Then observing the blitz of cum on my chest and tits, and pale pink nipples, I press them together with my arms and smile at him. After letting loose the press, I raise my right finger, gather his cum on my fingertips and take him in – load by load. Not wasting a drop of his essence that I craved. As an extra measure, I grabbed his cock again, squeezed upward to ensure all the cum was out of his him – slurped the remaining spirit that gathered at his pinnacle – and gave it once last kiss with a lively giggle.

VII. SWEET NOTHINGS (…and everythings): After this, I could tell that he was physically spent. We spent more and more time cuddling, and must have conversed for a couple hours after he orgasmed all over me. Some remnants of his orgasm still remained on my tits, and dried because I never made it to the bathroom – despite me attempting to ingest all of him. I immediately wanted to seek refuge with him.

He confided in me, and told me many things that he enjoyed about the evening. Both socially, but a majority of the conversation led to the sexual encounters we had over the last evening/that morning. He confessed that despite being the initial night of encounters with me, I was many of his firsts. First stating that he had never been in an interracial sexual encounter. He did not place much emphasis on this, but stated that this was different than he was used to, due to his wife being one of only two partners that he had prior. I was his third partner, he was my…well, he was one of my (many) partners, hahaha. He also indicated that never had he had a partner that was so willing to please him sexually without any prompt – he called it “sexual freedom.” Never had his taint worked, never had blowjob that was as enthusiastic and complimentary, and never had a woman request to have him cum on them – and still utilize his cum. He confessed that his wife – whether blowjob or handjob – would always have him cum into a rag or tissue and throw it away, and that made him feel that the sexual engagement was disposable.

With me, he felt everything about the session was craved, respected, and desired. I admit, I was putting in extra effort, but I didn’t know that I was performing extraordinary – to the point where it was perspective-changing. Since this event, we have been dating for near six months, and I am expecting my second child (first with him). I was so nervous when I found out we were pregnant, but despite his age – he indicated that he was more than excited to be a parent again, and we are looking forward to continuing our adventure. We have been together for six months, and we are as happy as ever (I am at least…).

I think that is what makes this relationship so special to, we are able to complement each other everyday – and most of the time we don’t even know we are doing so…

This was my (continued) GoneWild story…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11sibs5/i_33f_am_dating_a_man_57m_that_is_24_years_older


  1. Congratulations on the mixed race baby! Did it result from the first time y’all had sex, when he didn’t pull out in time?

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