Sequel to my last post, dares among friends are fun [Group] [MF]

Since my last story was received so well, I thought I would share another.

In my late teens and early 20’s my parents weren’t around much so I threw a lot of parties and they had a tendency to get a little crazy. My house ended up gaining a bit of a reputation. Rumors had been circulating about crazy nights playing strip poker. I honestly don’t remember why this party was being thrown (not that we needed a reason). There were probably 15 people at this party. Not a huge party by any stretch.

We were in that school haze where we had all graduated but still lived at home. No one was 21 yet so our brains were constantly preoccupied with getting our hands on liquor, partying, and hooking up.

On this night we were partying in my basement. We were playing beer pong, playing video games, music was going, people were sneaking outside to smoke weed. We all know what parties are like lol. As the evening wore on, some people passed out, other people left, and around 1am there were about 7 of us left awake and hanging out.

There were three guys (me, my friend Anthony who showed up in my last story, and my friend Justin) and four girls (Carrie who showed up in my last story, Amanda P, Amanda C, and Sarah).

Justin was a little dumb and he used to hang around with me and Anthony a lot. Amanda P and Amanda C were best friends all through school and everyone differentiated them by calling them by their first name and the first initial of their last name.

Amanda C was the cuter of the two. She was short with a round face, a very pretty smile with dimples on her right side, curly brown hair, and what I assume were either large B cup boobs or small C’s. Amanda C was the more smiley and talkative of the two and she had a boyfriend named Chris who’d she’d been with all throughout high school. He wasn’t at the party because he was away on a family trip or something (I don’t remember).

Amanda P was the objectively hotter of the two. She was taller with straight, dirty blonde hair and an athletic build. She had flatter cheeks and wore glasses. She wasn’t as talkative so she seemed less approachable than Amanda C. Her boobs looked like full C’s if I had to guess.

Carrie was medium height and had shoulder length, dark brown hair. She was petite with small but perky boobs and when she smiled she had very cute dimples on both sides.

Sarah had dark hair and wore glasses. She was a little on the chubby side and was always pretty quiet.

Everyone had been drinking for a couple hours so it was safe to say no one was sober at this point except maybe Sarah. I don’t recall if she drank much.

People had started passing out on the couches in the main room so the 7 of us settled in a small office that was off the main room. We all sat in chairs around a little TV tray table. There was music being played from the computer and the only light in the room was the glow of the computer monitor.

“I got an idea,” Anthony said devilishly holding up a deck of cards.

“Oh my God. You really only have one thing on your mind, don’t you?” Carrie said as she scowled at Anthony.

“What?” Amanda C asked.

“He wants to play strip poker,” Carrie explained.

“Strip poker?!” Amanda C said, incredulously.

“It’s fun!” Anthony insisted, “Want to play?”

“I don’t know how,” Amanda C replied.

“It’s just like regular poker only instead of betting money you bet clothing,” I explained.

“I don’t know how to play regular poker,” Amanda C admitted.

“Yeah me neither,” Amanda P added

“I can teach you,” Anthony suggested.

“I don’t want to sit through a poker lesson. Just do high card,” Carrie said.

“Fine by me,” Anthony said happily, “Whoever draws the low card has to lose a piece of clothing. You guys want to play?”

“I’ll play,” Amanda C said.

“Sure, why not,” Amanda P shrugged.

“What about you, Sarah?” Anthony asked, ” You wanna play?”

“I think I’m good,” Sarah said from the corner of the room.

“Suit yourself,” Anthony shrugged as he dealt a round of cards.

Justin drew the first low card and enthusiastically took off his shirt.

“You know you could have just taken off your socks, right?” Carrie asked.

“Wait socks count?” Justin asked.

“Too late now!” Amanda C teased.

Anthony dealt another round of cards. We flipped them over and Anthony had the low card.

“Come on, boys! I don’t want to be just a couple naked dudes hanging out,” Anthony said jokingly as he took off his socks and then dealt another round of cards.

This time Amanda C drew the low card and she took off her socks.

“Now we’re getting somewhere,” Anthony celebrated.

“Yeah, yeah,” Amanda C said dismissively.

Anthony dealt another round of cards and when we turned them over Amanda C had the low card again.

“What?! No fair! How did I lose two in a row?!” Amanda said suspicious of Anthony.

“I’m not doing anything. You can deal if you want,” Anthony suggested.

Amanda C glowered at Anthony for a second then said, “Let Carrie deal,” as she took off her hoodie to reveal a tank top underneath.

“Fine by me,” Anthony agreed.

Carrie shuffled expertly then dealt another round of cards. This time I drew the low card and removed my shirt because I wasn’t wearing any socks.

“I’m starting to realize I’m at a disadvantage,” I complained.

“At least you didn’t lose two in a row,” Amanda C replied.

Carrie dealt another round of cards and that time she drew the low card. Carrie wasn’t wearing any socks and beyond that she only had on a tank top and jeans. She shrugged and pulled her tank top up over her head revealing her dark red bra.

Another round of cards came out and this time I drew the low card and lost my button down shirt. After that Anthony drew the low card again.

“Come on, guys. Get your heads in the game!” Anthony said laughing and he took off his shirt.

Carrie dealt again and Amanda P finally drew the low card and removed her socks. She rolled her eyes and she sarcastically twirled one of her socks around like a burlesque dancer before dropping it on the floor.

Justin lost the next two rounds so he lost his socks and then his jeans so he was sitting in his boxers.

After that, Carrie dealt another round of cards. We flipped over our cards and Amanda P and Amanda C both had the same low 4.

“So who loses? Is one color more valuable than the other?” Amanda C asked.

“No, they tie so you both lose,” Anthony said.

“No no no. Here…” Carrie said, dealing both Amanda’s a fresh card, “Whoever is lower loses.”

The Amanda’s looked at each other and prepared to flip. Then at the same time they flipped their cards and Amanda C drew the lower of the two.

“Damn it! She shouted in frustration.

Amanda P just shrugged her shoulders and sat back as Amanda C removed her tank top to reveal a light purple bra with white polka dots.

The next round, Carrie drew the low card. She stood up, unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied them down to the floor. Underneath she was wearing a matching dark red thong.

“You ok over there, Sarah?” Carrie asked.

“You guys are fucking nuts,” Sarah said laughing in disbelief.

Carrie sat back down and dealt another round of cards. This time Anthony and Amanda C both drew the low card. Carrie dealt them two new cards and to Anthony’s dismay, he drew the low card.

“Boooom!” Amanda C gloated as she slapped her card down on the table, “Read ’em and weep, sucka!”

“Oh I see how it is,” Anthony said as she dropped his jeans to the ground.

Carrie dealt another round of cards and Amanda P drew the low card. I felt my dick strain against my jeans. Amanda P was so fucking hot and miles out of my league. Without much reaction, Amanda P took her glasses off, pulled her arms out of the sleeves of her black and gray striped long sleeve tee, and pushed her shirt up and over her head revealing a lacy black bra. This girl had no business not being a model. She was tan, her stomach was toned, and her tits were pushed up to form perfect cleavage in her bra. She put her glasses back on and took a sip of her drink.

The next round of cards came around and Justin drew the low card.

“Uh oh!” Amanda C said knowing Justin only had his boxers left.

“Aw fuck,” Justin said as he threw his card down in frustration, “Do I have to?”

“Quit complaining and drop ’em,” Carrie demanded.

“Ugh, fine,” Justin said as he stood up and pulled his boxers down to his ankles revealing his flaccid dick. He then sat back down with his flushed red face buried in his hands trying to stifle his embarrassed laughter.

“Oh. My. God…” Sarah chimed in from the corner. She might as well have had a bowl of popcorn the way she was just watching the show.

Carrie dealt a new round of cards and I drew the low card which meant I had to lose my t-shirt and would only have my jeans and underwear left. Taking a page from Amanda P’s book, I took my shirt off while making the Tsss TT Tsss TT Tss sound of a drum set accompanying a sultry striptease. When I was done I tossed my shirt over to Sarah in the corner.

“Oh thank you. I’ll treasure it always,” Sarah said sarcastically.

After that, Carrie dealt another round of cards. I was ecstatic to see that Amanda P had drawn the low card. She stood up and undid the button of her hip hugging jeans and slid them down her legs to the floor. She had on a black thong.

“I’m glad I decided to wear matching underwear today,” Amanda P said matter-of-factly.

The next round of cards came out and Amanda C had drawn the low card.

“Aw MAN!” Amanda C shouted in frustration. After a moment, Amanda C looked at Amanda P, “And I DIDN’T wear matching underwear today,” she said almost crying laughing.

Amanda C stood up and fidgeted nervously for a second, shifting her weight from one foot to the other as undid the button on her jeans. She unzipped her fly and peeled her jeans down over her butt and to the floor. She had on bright yellow boyshorts. She dropped back to her seat and buried her face in her hands in embarrassment.

“You guys ready?” Carrie asked before she dealt another round of cards. To Amanda C’s relief, she did not draw the low card. This time Anthony drew the low card.

“Uh oh!” Sarah chimed in from the peanut gallery.

“Hey I don’t mind sharing,” Anthony said as he stood up and dropped his boxers with confidence.

“Holy shit, dude,” Amanda C snorted in surprise.

“Duuuude,” Sarah said dramatically from the corner.

“What?” Anthony asked.

Anthony’s big dick hung only semi hard.

“That’s really fucking big,” Amanda C commented.

“Oh it’s only average,” Anthony said with a grin.

“Don’t feed his ego,” Carrie interjected while glowering at Anthony.

“Oh my god. I should NOT be doing this,” Amanda C laughed.

“Alright, alright. Settle down,” Carrie said as she dealt another round of cards. We turned over our cards and Carrie had drawn the low card, “Fuck!”

Carrie scooted forward on her seat, reached behind her back, unclasped her bra and let it fall down her shoulders. Carrie was pretty petite and though they weren’t very big, she had very perky little boobies and she enjoyed showing them. “Here you go, Sarah,” She said as she tossed her bra over her shoulder at Sarah.

“What am I the keeper of the clothes?!” Sarah protested.

“Yup,” Carrie replied with a wink as she sipped her drink and then dealt another round of cards.

I drew the low card again, “Fella’s we aren’t doing so well here,” I said as I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down. My dick was already fully hard and now there was no hiding it.

Carrie dealt again before I even finished sitting down.

Once again, poor Justin drew the low card.

“I’m already naked. I can’t get MORE naked!” Justin joked.

“Wait, who got the high card?” Carrie asked.

“I did, Why?” Said Amanda C.

“Because these pervs made a rule that if you draw the low card after you are naked, you have to do a dare of the high card holder’s choosing,” Carrie explained.

“Oh interesting,” Amanda C said devilishly.

“They made me do naked jumping jacks last time we played,” Carrie said, not mentioning she had done much more than jumping jacks last time.

“Oh that’s a good one! Ok, Justin, I dare you to do some jumping jacks,” Amanda C said with glee.

Justin stood up, covering his dick and balls with his hands. Then Justin started doing naked jumping jacks. His flaccid dick bouncing up and down gingerly. He could only get 3 jumps in before he was doubled over with laughter.

“Keep going. You gotta do at least 10,” Carrie insisted.

Justin powered through and did all 10 and sat back down still unable to control his laughter.

Carrie dealt another round of cards and this time both Amanda C and I got a low 3. We looked at each other, both knowing that whoever lost this round was going to show some serious skin. Carrie dealt us two more cards. I looked at my card without showing anyone. I had a queen of diamonds. I looked up at Amanda with a nervous smile.

“What?” Amanda C asked.

“I’ll make you a deal. We can turn our cards over and I’m probably going to beat you OR you can show me your boobs in the bathroom instead of showing everyone,” I offered.

“No way! If she loses she loses, fair and square,” Anthony protested the notion of missing out on seeing boobs.

“Shut up, Anthony,” Carrie said.

Amanda C was taken aback for a moment.

“I think he’s lying cuz he knows he is going to lose and doesn’t want to get naked,” Sarah suggested.

“Maybe,” Amanda C said as she considered me.

“I’m not bluffing,” I insisted.

“Naaah, I think you are bluffing,” Amanda C decided, “Turn your card over.”

“Ooook,” I said as I turned over my card.

“SONOFABITCH,” Amanda C shouted as she turned over a jack of clubs.

“Sorry! I tried to give you an out,” I said.

“I was sure you were bluffing! Ugh,” She said, pausing for a moment. “Never say a word to Chris, he would KILL me,” Amanda C said to the room.

We all enthusiastically vowed secrecy.

“I should NOT be doing this,” Amanda C said as she unclasped her purple polka dot bra, holding it against her breasts while the straps fell down her arms. She paused and eyed the room for a moment then dropped her bra to the ground. She flapped her hands nervously for a second as she sat there exposed then jutted her arms to her sides in an effort to control her jitters. She didn’t try to cover her tits at all and I was surprised at just how nice they were. I think part of her wanted to be adventurous as I could tell she’d never done anything like this before. I doubt she’d ever even flashed her boobs.

Her tits were round and full with pale pink nipples. They were perky and perfectly proportioned for her frame. When she dropped her bra they stayed right where they were as if the bra was a mere formality. I’d known Amanda C all through high school so it was surreal to be seeing her naked boobs. My dick was fully erect and likely making a tent of my underwear.

“Alright, everyone get a good look?” Carrie asked.

“Oh my God, stop!” Amanda C said embarrassed.

“Ok here we go,” Carrie said as she dealt another round of cards.

We started laying down our cards and Justin turned over a 5 of hearts.

“Please don’t make me do anything too weird,” Justin pleaded.

“Don’t worry. You’re off the hook this time,” Carrie said as she turned over a 2 of spades.

“Uh oh! First girl naked. The guys are catching up!” Sarah said like a sportscaster.

“Yeah, yeah,” Carrie replied as she stood up and shimmied her panties to the floor revealing her fully shaved pussy. She then balled up her underwear and threw it at Sarah.

Carrie sat back down and dealt another round of cards and to everyone’s UH OH’s, Carrie again dealt herself the low card.

“Fuckin’ hell,” Carrie said as she threw her card up in the air.

What was worse was that Anthony had drawn the high card.

“I know what I want,” Anthony alluded.

“Oh I’m sure you do,” Carrie said as she glowered at Anthony.

“I think I want 20 bobs,” Anthony dared.

“Oh my God. Justin only had to do jumping jacks!” Carrie argued.

“What does ’20 bobs’ mean?” Amanda C asked.

“He wants me to give him head. 20 bobs up and down on his dick,” Carrie explained. “He gave me the same date last time.”

“You guys are crazy!” Amanda C replied.

“Yeah, well, he’s being greedy,” Carrie said.

Sensing Carrie was about to decline his dare, Anthony offered up an alternative.

“Alright. Here’s the dare. We will draw cards and whoever gets the high card gets 20 bobs from you in the bathroom,” Anthony proposed.

“Amanda Pas to deal the cards,” Carrie insisted to ensure there was no cheating.

“And Sarah has to be in the room,” Anthony added.

“What?!” Sarah shrieked, “Why do I have to be there?”

“You’re like the official judge. You gotta make sure the dare is completed,” Anthony explained.

“Oh my God, you’re sooo weird,” Sarah replied notably without objecting.

Amanda C shuffled the cards and dealt me, Anthony, and Justin new cards. We counted to 3 and turned them over. I did a double take and my heart skipped a beat when I realized no one had laid down a card higher than my 10 of spades.

Carrie blew a raspberry at Anthony to rub in his loss. “Alright, tonight’s your lucky night, kid. Let’s go,” Carrie said as she stood and walked past me towards the door.

“Oh my God. Do you really want ME to go too?” Sarah asked.

“Yup. You’re the official!” Anthony reiterated.

Sarah rolled her eyes, dropped the discarded clothes to the floor and followed us. We walked across the dark hallway to the bathroom. I walked in first and turned the light on. It was super bright after we’ve been sitting in a darkened room. I made my way to the opposite wall to the door. Carrie followed suit and Sarah awkwardly entered after and closed the door behind her. It was a small half bathroom and we were awkwardly cramped in there.

“You don’t HAVE to stay if you don’t want to,” I assured Sarah.

“Apparently I’m the official. It’s my job,” Sarah replied with a shrug as she slipped her drink and eyed us.

“Someone is ready to go,” Carrie commented on my erection.

“You know I can’t help it,” I said defensively.

“Eh, it’s better than the opposite problem,” Carrie said.

“Do you want me to sit or stand?” I asked.

“Standing is fine,” Carrie said as she crouched and, without hesitation, took my hard cock in her mouth and started sucking me.

“Holy shit,” Sarah said incredulously.

After 3 or 4 bobs, Carrie stopped and reminded Sarah she has to count.

“Oh right. Sorry. How many was that?” Sarah asked.

“Just start from 1,” Carrie instructed.

“Ok. 1… 2… 3…,” Sarah counted as Carrie returned to sucking my cock.

I stood there awkwardly listening to smacking sounds of Carrie giving me head. I looked up at Sarah and said,”Well this is… weird.”

“I know right?” Sarah said quickly then returned to counting.

When she reached 20, Carrie finished with a pronounced smack sound.

“I can’t believe what I just witnessed,” Sarah said.

“Believe me, last time was worse,” Carrie admitted, whispering, “They both made me and Tara suck their dicks.”

“We didn’t MAKE you,” I interjected.

“They didn’t MAKE me, make me,” Carrie said laughing as she rolled her eyes.

Sarah was just gobsmacked to be witnessing and hearing all of this. I tucked my hard dick, still wet with Carrie’s spit, back into my boxer briefs as Sarah to open the door to the bathroom. When she did there was a commotion. Apparently, Amanda C had been listening at the door and when Sarah opened it again, she scurried back to her seat.

“Don’t worry. As the official in these matters I can attest that the dare was completed,” Sarah declared as she walked back into the small office.

“Someone enjoyed themselves,” Amanda C commented as I walked by, alluding to my erection that strained against my underwear.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I joked, “We were just thumb wrestling.”

“Oh I’m sure,” Amanda C agreed sarcastically as she dealt another round of cards.

At this point Just, Anthony, and Carrie were all naked. Amanda C had relaxed into hanging out topless making no effort to obscure her tits, kind of like when you get in a cold pool, at a certain point your body adjusts and you get used to it. Amanda P still had her bra and panties on and I still had my underwear on.

We turned over our cards and Amanda P had drawn the low card. She looked over at Amanda C for approval. Amanda C just shrugged. The clasp for Amanda P’s bra was in the front and I remember thinking to myself that I didn’t realize they made them like that. My mind could not even process that I was about to see Amanda P’s tits. She was so hot she couldn’t actually be real. My heart raced as she unclasped her bra in the front and opened it to reveal tits so perfect I struggle put it into words. Her tits were big but not huge. A solid C cup and perfectly perky. She clearly tanned in the nude and the color change from her skin to her areola was almost undetectable. She didn’t seem nervous or reserved as she tossed her bra aside. She knew EXACTLY how fucking hot she was. We didn’t even try to hide our stares and she seemed entirely indifferent as if she was so used to being gawked at that it didn’t even faze her.

Amanda C dealt another round of cards and Anthony drew the low card. To the delight of everyone in the room, Carrie drew the high card so she got to tell Anthony what to do.

“Ok if you insist, I’ll go down on you,’ Anthony said, preempting Carrie’s dare.

“Oh no no no. You’d enjoy that too much,” Carrie said, “You have to give a lap dance toooo…”

She paused for dramatic effect.

“Sarah!” Carrie finally revealed.

“What? Why me?!” Sarah scoffed.

“Because I said so,” Carrie replied.

Sarah just threw her arms up as Anthony got up and walked over to her. She was the only one in the room fully dressed. She had on a green zip up hoodie, cargo pants, and glasses. On his way over, Anthony did comical pelvic thrust moves to the rhythm of whatever song was playing (I don’t remember), his big dick flopping with each thrust.

“OH. MY. GOD,” Sarah said, her eyes wide with shock.

“Shhh, just let it happen,” Anthony teased in his best faux seductive voice as he angled up beside her.

I don’t know how well I can adequately describe how cheesy and awkward this lap dance was. Anthony basically gyrated in Sarah’s general space for like 3 minutes with his dick flopping around while Sarah turned beet red in embarrassment and laughed so hard she couldn’t draw breath.

One thing of note is that towards the end of the song, Anthony sat on Sarah’s lap. Sarah decided to play along a little and started pretending like she was smacking Anthony’s ass from behind. When Anthony noticed he grabbed her hands with his and placed them on the outer parts of his thighs and guided them up and down the length of his thighs and butt. Then Anthony got bold and pulled both of Sarah’s hands in towards the center and placed them on his dick.

“What the fuck?!” Sarah exclaimed through surprised laughter. Anthony took his hands away and held them up like he was at gunpoint and while he did Sarah grabbed the base of his cock with her right hand and flipped it around like she was scolding us with his dick.

“Sarah!” Amanda C shouted in playful disapproval.

“Alright. You’re done,” Sarah said, still stifling laughter as she patted Anthony on the butt.

“Ok one more round and then I want to go smoke some more,” Amanda P said, referring to weed, not cigarettes.

Amanda C dealt the cards and Amanda P happened to draw the low card.

“Might as well go out with a bang,” Amanda P said as she stood up, turned around and pulled her thong down to moon us, “That’s all you get.”

Amanda P put her bra back in then pulled her jeans back on and walked out with her shirt draped on her arm.

“I wanna smoke,” Justin said as he followed Amanda P, pulling in his boxers as he went. Maybe he thought he could get lucky with her if he had some one on one time. He was also a huge pothead.

“Well I think I’ve had about all the excitement I can handle for one evening,” Sarah said as she made a quick exit leaving me, Anthony, Carrie, and Amanda C.

“So is the game over?” Amanda C asked disappointedly.

“You can keep dealing if you want,” Anthony said.

“Maybe one or two more rounds,” Amanda C said as she dealt us a new set of cards.

Amanda C ended up dealing Anthony a 7, Carrie a 5, and a 10 to herself and to me.

“Well how does THAT work?” Amanda C asked.

“We have to decide together what Carrie’s dare will be,” I explained, making it up as I went along.

Amanda C and I stepped out into the hallway to discuss. The hall was dimly lit by light spilling in from other rooms. It was such a strange experience to be standing there talking to Amanda C while in my underwear and her boobs were completely out. I couldn’t help staring as my eyes adjusted to the lower light. At this point she did not even care. I wanted to reach out and touch her naked breasts but somehow I found the discipline not to.

“I’m terrible at thinking of dares,” Amanda C said, “All I keep thinking is naked jumping jacks.”

“Well we gotta do something better than that. How about 7 minutes in heaven with Anthony?” I said. I figured I would volunteer Anthony instead of putting myself in the running and seeming like a perv.

“Well that’s more of a prize for him than a dare for her,” Amanda C commented.

“Ok what if we say she has to do 7 minutes in heaven but only if Anthony runs to the end of the street and back, naked?” I suggested. It was after 2am at this point and not a very long street.

“Oooooh, I like that.” Amanda C said enthusiastically..

“Ok so we agree?” I asked.

“Agreed,” Amanda C said officially and offered her hand to shake on it.

We shook hands, went back in the room, and presented our dare.

Pssshh, Carrie guffawed at the notion of Anthony streaking down the street.

“Are you crazy?! You’re going to get me arrested!” Anthony protested, “Not to mention it is fucking cold.”

“Worried about shrinkage?” Carrie teased.

“That’s the deal. Take it or leave it?” Amanda C asked.

Anthony considered for a moment, “…Fuck it.”

We all filed out the laundry room door which emptied out into a concrete patio close to the side of the house. Amanda P and Justin were sitting outside smoking a bowl. Sarah was sitting with them but I couldn’t tell if she was partaking. Amanda P had put her shirt back on but Justin was still in his boxers.

“What’s going on?” Justin asked.

“Anthony is going streaking!” Carrie proclaimed with joy.

“Of course he is,” Sarah said, rolling her eyes.

“Sarah, be the judge and make sure he runs to the end of the street and back,” I said, not wanting to stand mostly naked in the cold air.

“Whatever you say,” Sarah replied with a sigh.

Anthony mustered his courage, opened the side gate, covered his dick and balls, and took off running. Amanda C and I stayed inside where it was warm but Carrie couldn’t resist watching so she did her best to cover herself and ran out to peek over the gate. She stayed for a second and then rushed back inside.

“Fuck it’s cold!” Carrie said as she ran back in shivering.

I stood there for a minute in my underwear with a fully naked Carrie and a topless Amanda C.

“Well, you can’t say he won’t have earned it,” I said jokingly.

“The things guys will do for…” Carrie trailed off.

“For what exactly?” I asked.

Carrie just raised an eyebrow and smiled.

True to her word, Sarah kept an eye out and made sure Anthony completed the dare. Then we heard a commotion. A few seconds later Anthony came back in, shivering.

“Sarah tried to lock me out!” Anthony explained.

“Aw, poor baby,” Carrie teased.

“Mhmm, keep talking,” Anthony joked back.

The four of us walked back to the bathroom where Anthony went right in and pulled Carrie by the hand. Anthony hurriedly closed the door behind himself.

“We’ll be back to get you in 7 minutes!” Amanda C advised through the door.

I went back to the room and found my drink. Amanda C followed suit and sat back in her chair.

“No one can EVER tell Chris about this. I’m serious,” She implored.

“You don’t have to worry about me. My lips are sealed,” I assured her.

“I’ve never even flashed someone before,” She explained.

“Not even Chris?” I asked.

“I mean, he’s seen me naked, but I’ve never done ANYTHING like this,” Amanda clarified, gesturing to her naked breasts and to my being in my underwear.

“Are you not having fun? Cuz you know you don’t have to play,” I said, hoping she wasn’t uncomfortable.

“Oh no! This is fucking wild. I love it,” She insisted, “I just can’t believe I’m doing it.”

“I know. It’s crazy,” I agreed.

“Easy for YOU to say!” Amanda C accused.

“What?!” I replied defensively.

“You never had to get naked!” She pointed out.

“Neither did you!” I answered.

“It’s different for girls. I had to show my boobs. You didn’t have to show anything private,” Amanda C argued as she stood up.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Shhh,” She said, putting a finger to her mouth as she walked towards the hallway again.

There was more light in that hallway because the bathroom light spilled out from under the door. I watched as Amanda C crept up to the bathroom door and put her ear against it.

“Do you hear anything?” I whispered as I got up to join her.

Amanda C gestured for me to put my ear against the door. I didn’t hear anything at first but a moment later I heard an unmistakable moan.

Oh my God! Amanda C mouthed as she tried to stifle her laughter.

We stood there listening for another minute and the moans became more frequent. I had a better view of Amanda C’s naked boobs from the light under the bathroom door and I could see her nipples were stiff. She was clearly excited by listening in on what was going on.

“As far as I’m concerned, we are even,” I whispered, continuing the conversation from before.

“No way! You got to see boobs and didn’t have to show anything,” Amanda C whispered back.

“Ok fine,” I said as I crept back to the room and grabbed the deck of cards and hurried back to Amanda C. “One last hand. Winner takes all.”

Amanda C considered for a moment.

“I get to deal,” Amanda C insisted.

She shuffled the cards in her hands for a moment. Then she handed me the top card, kept the second card for herself, and set the deck on a small table in the hallway. I turned to show her I had a 3. Amanda smiled while sticking her tongue out and revealing she had an Ace.

“I win,” she whispered.

“Damnit,” I said under my breath, “Are you ready?”

“I’m ready. Are YOU ready?” She whispered back.

“Oh I’m ready,” I replied.

“Yeah I can see that,” Amanda C said, eyeing my erection.

I leaned over and pulled my underwear down to the floor and then straightened back up. I made no effort to hide my fully hard cock pointing straight up at her. Now, I’m not super well endowed like Anthony. I have average length but above average thickness and my dick has a slight curve up and to the left when it’s hard.

“Well hello,” Amanda C said softly, eyeing my dick.

“Happy? You’re the official winner.” I asked.

“Go me!” Amanda C whisper-shouted, pumping her fist. “I’ve never seen one curved like that,” She commented.

“You can touch it if you want,” I offered.

She silently considered my offer for a few seconds.

“I shouldn’t,” She said as she reached her hand out and wrapped it around my dick.

I felt my adrenaline going into overdrive. I felt huge in her small hand.

“Wow, this is really thick,” Amanda C commented as she lightly began to stroke me.

“Want to play another hand?” I asked.

“Why? Do you want ’20 bobs’?” She asked sarcastically, referencing Anthony’s dare from earlier.

“Maybe,” I admitted.

“Yeah, no,” Amanda C said as she continued to lightly stroke me.

“How about just a kiss on the tip?” I suggested.

“Just a kiss?” She asked, eyeing me.

“Sure,” I said smiling.

Amanda C took my cock in her hand and leaned down and lightly kissed my swollen head.

“Happy?” She asked, looking up at me.

“10 bobs?” I asked.

“Nope,” She said, smiling back at me.

“5 bobs?” I tried to bargain.

“Just 5,” She replied.

Amanda C closed her eyes and the next thing I knew she had taken my cock in her mouth. Her mouth felt so warm and wet. She used long pronounced strokes in and out of her mouth until she completed 5 full strokes.

“That’s all you get,” She said as she stood back up.

“That’s just cruel,” I said as I stood there hard as a rock with the cold air tingling the spit she left on me.

At this point we could hear the moaning without pressing our ears to the door. Still we both leaned in. With our ears pressed to the door we could hear the thrusting sound off fucking. We stood there quietly listening, neither of us keeping track of how long it had been. We couldn’t hear Anthony’s voice at all but we could hear Carrie trying to stifle the volume of her moans and the rhythmic pounding she was receiving.

“You guys having fun?” Amanda C said as she knocked on the door.

“Go awaaaay,” Carrie replied through the door in a sing-songy kind of way.

“Well I think that’s enough fun for one night,” Amanda C said as she went back into the room and started putting her clothes back on. I followed suit and when we were dressed we went back out into the main room to find everyone sitting on couches.

Amanda P had fallen asleep and Sarah and Justin were just talking and drinking.

“Where are Carrie and Anthony?” Sarah asked.

“Having some fun in the bathroom,” Amanda C replied quietly to not disturb Amanda P.

Everyone had drunk too much or came with someone who drank too much to drive so they all found spots on the couches and went to sleep.

I didn’t see Anthony or Carrie for the rest of the evening. The next morning I got up in time to see the Amanda’s leave. Justin, Sarah, and Carrie were already gone. Anthony was on my couch so I woke him up and we went and got breakfast where he told me what happened. Apparently he fucked Carrie doggie style on the floor and then busted in her mouth when they were done.

I didn’t tell him what happened with Amanda C. Later Amanda C told me that she told her boyfriend about playing strip poker but nothing else. They are married now. I felt a little bad about it back then but chalked it up to being young and dumb.

Sorry if this wasn’t as raunchy as my last story but I hope you enjoyed the ride! I have more stories so let me know if I should post more. Some may get repetitive because strip poker and dares became a very common thing but I’ll type them up if people want to read them.

I have a brief borderline mild story about Amanda C and Amanda P that happened after this.

I have a few stories that feature Tara from my previous post.

And I have a few more that feature Carrie.



  1. I literally never comment on anything so when I say this and the last story we’re too good not to I mean it. You’re one hell of a writer, It feels as if i’m in the room almost.

    Any more stories with Carrie would be great to read, her whole attitude and Vibe just feels so fun and hot, especially with how she seemed to not like Anthony but both times ended up sleeping with him.

    Keep up the good work

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