Golf Tournament Planners Have All the Fun [MF] [Slow Burn] [Creampie]

This is a longer story that finishes in the comment section. Enjoy!

It is the beginning of the tournament season at the golf course where I work. I have been the tournament director for 3 years, and love every aspect of my job. It gives me the opportunity to work with some very interesting people. Most of the people that hold tournaments at the course are usually either corporate people holding an outing for their business, or they are the charitable type of person. Generally speaking they are men in their forties. Occasionally the big wig will throw the tournament organization responsibilities to their secretary; this usually tends to be more of a pain in the ass, since the secretary doesn’t play golf and has no idea how to run a golf tournament. In any case, this is a story of a special person I met while running one of these tournaments and an encounter I will never forget.

I had just gotten into work and received a voicemail from a friendly voice wanting to organize a tournament that would run in late June. It is hard to tell what a person looks like by the sound of their voice but a person can definitely imagine. After receiving the voicemail my imagination was hard at work. Her name was Linda, from the sound of her voice she had to be 5 foot 8, blond with blue eyes, legs that go on for days, a perfect TEN. A person can fantasize right?

I called Linda back and set up a meeting for later that afternoon. Once the meeting was set, I did not really delve any further into the great body Linda had to have. I set out to the many tasks a tournament director has at the start of any busy golf season. I am no God by any means, I am 30 years old, 6 feet tall, fairly thin but not skin and bone. I keep in shape but do not work out to impress anyone, just to keep fit. I have blond hair and blue eyes. I have been a golf professional since graduating from college, giving me the tanned complexion that most people working in an office 5 days a week simply do not have. I wouldn’t say I am ugly but I am by no means a male model either. I have had a few girlfriends in my day; most of the relationships I have been in have fizzled away for some reason or other. Nothing overly traumatic just the usual fun and games.

Linda showed up to my office 5 minutes early, catching me on a phone call with an important contact for an event taking place the following week. I did not really notice to her coming in the door, looking back at it I definitely should have. Linda was everything I had dreamt of, she was the exact description of the person I had imagined her being except for the small detail of the color of her hair and eyes. Linda was a brunette, damn!

Linda looked very professional, she had on a skirt that may have been a little short for someone working, but could have been shorter for someone like myself. On top, she wore a sleeveless button down blouse that had some sort of pleat across her chest that did wonders for drawing attention to something that needed absolutely no help drawing attention. I am a sucker for legs making Linda the object of every wet dream I had as a teenager growing up.

The meeting went well, all the details were set, and the contract was signed and dated (most important part of my job). Linda needed to meet with one of our clothing reps to order some special merchandise for the event. The company she had decided on was a large company based on the other side of town. Linda worked at a large telecommunication company fairly close to the golf course. I told Linda I would set up a meeting with the rep, and let her know what needed to be done. By this time it was getting fairly late in the day so I sent Linda on her way so I could go home and continue with the imaginary relationship I was having with her. After Linda had left, I called the rep to set up a meeting for Linda’s event.

When I arrived home all I could think of was Linda and what she would look like naked. These thoughts did not go unnoticed by my penis. Apparently, he had the same thoughts of Linda. Before making dinner, I decided to take a shower to ease some of the tension Linda was unintentionally giving me. In the shower my mind kept slipping back to those legs, she had to have the most beautiful legs in the entire world. Of course, the shower did nothing to relieve the tension the tension down below. My friend is well shaped standing at least 6 inches from my crotch when he is excited. I have never had any complaints in the size department I have always figured him to be about average.

After getting out of the shower, I went into my bedroom to relax a bit. At this point my penis was straining against the towel I had wrapped around my waist. When I removed the towel I discovered just how much Linda had control over my mind and body. My cock stood swollen look very impressive I might add. The head was a purplish red color and was the hardest it has ever been. I began to think how Linda would love to experience my new found love for her and her body. I imagined her thin fingers wrapped around the shaft stroking it up and down.

The next thing I knew I was in a new world. My cock was shooting blasts of thick white cream 4 feet into the air and landing on my sweating chest. That night I skipped dinner and fell right to sleep, dreaming of Linda and my incredible love for her body.
The next day I woke up with an abnormally painful hard-on. It wasn’t from the best orgasm I have ever had the night before, it was from the thoughts of Linda throughout my dreams the previous night.

Unfortunately, I was running late and didn’t have time to put more focus into Linda’s expertise in stroking my cock. I would have to go though the day concealing the best hard-on known to man.

The day went as usual except for one small detail. The rep had called back and needed to hold the meeting on his end town, he was leaving early the next morning for a conference on the companies’ new line of clothing. I called Linda and set a time for the meeting, I told her I would drive us to the meeting. The rep had a hotel he reserved for all his showings. This isn’t unusual in his line of work. It seems to work best for showing so many different lines of clothing.

I picked Linda up around noon and began the treacherous drive across town. She looked stunning. She had on a tight low-neck sleeveless top that not only was giving me a sneak peak at a deep cleavage, but also showing the sides of her body just below her shoulder blade. She wore a skirt similar to the one she had on the day before. As she stepped into my car I also got a glimpse of those legs. Her legs were well toned but cannot be described as overly muscular, they were just right!

Finish in comments section.



  1. The drive was fairly uneventful, the two of us chatting about our jobs, world events, and most importantly our social lives. As it turned out Linda was single and had been for quite some time. She was in a long relationship and engaged until she found the bastard pounding away at his secretary in their bed a month before the wedding. When I say pounding I think I may be blowing this a little out of proportion, I found out later that he was not well endowed and in fact had little to zero skill in the fun tactics of sex.

    This had the effect on her it would have on most sane people; she wanted absolutely nothing to do with anybody from the opposite sex. Needless to say Linda was still pissed and had had gone without loving for quite some time.

    Now, I know what you are thinking, “this poor guy has absolutely no chance of getting in this girls pants”. Unfortunately so was I.

    The meeting went very well; Linda got the merchandise on order and finished all the other small details associated with placing that type of order. The meeting also ran a little long; this meant that we finished around 4:30, just in time for rush hour. Rush hour in the town where we live is not something to deal with lightly. In other words, it is avoided at all costs. As was the case, I invited Linda for a bite to eat, not confident in the fact that she would accept.

    She did accept and mentioned that a very good Italian place was just around the corner from the hotel we were leaving.
    We arrived at dinner and ordered drinks. The conversation stayed light, my mind was racing on ways to get to know Linda better. Of course, since my mind was racing my penis was also inflating, making it difficult to sit comfortably in the small chair at the restaurant. I never wear underwear opting to go commando since I am out in the sun a lot with my profession it proves to be a lot cooler. The problem there lies in the fact that it is even harder to conceal an erection, especially in micro fiber pants that fit well. I began to fidget a little in my seat trying to get comfortable. Linda took notice to my fidgeting and asked if I was OK.

    I told her I needed to go the Men’s room to wash my hands thinking this was the ultimate solution to my problem. As I was standing up, I also realized the new predicament I had put upon myself. There was absolutely no way I could get up and go the restroom without Linda noticing the front of my pants. As I was thinking of a solution to my big problem, the waiter came and took our order. This gave me the perfect opportunity to escape unscathed.

    When I reached the men’s room, I contemplated going into a stall to relieve some tension. I pushed the idea aside as I wanted to get back to Linda as soon as possible. I rearranged my cock and strolled back to the table. As it turns out, my big problem didn’t go unnoticed by Linda, she asked me if I was going to make it the rest of the evening. She did not go into more detail leaving it at that. I did not give it much thought and tried to resume the conversation we were having before everything started going downhill.

    As we were talking, I began notice more features about Linda, which made her the most beautiful creature on this planet. She had the most unbelievable eyes. They seemed to sparkle every time she glanced in my direction. Hers lips were plump but fit her face perfectly. She had the most gorgeous white teeth. There is no doubt in my mind that Linda was perfect in every way.

    We finished dinner and had a glass of wine. By this time, it was getting somewhat late. We both needed to get back on our side of town so we could make it to work on time the next morning. I paid the bill and escorted Linda out to my car. As Linda stepped into the car I got another view of the legs that will never escape my mind. This woman was driving me nuts. As luck would have it my brand new car would not start. I pulled the jumper cables out and found someone to jump the car.

    Of course, that did not work either. The car seemed to have something terminally wrong. Linda suggested we take an Uber, she would drive me back across town to retrieve my car the next day. We ordered the Uber, the app said we wouldn’t have a ride for 45 minutes. I suggested to Linda that since we did not have to drive we should go back into the restaurant and have another drink while we wait.

    Once we were seated in the restaurant and had another drink in front of us we began to talk in more detail of our past and what we wanted from our future. We also started talking about our turn-ons. I had subtly mentioned that she was a huge turn on for me. Linda said she already knew. She said she knew the minute she saw the bulge in the front of my slacks before I went to the men’s room. She told me she thought I was attractive.

    At this point, I noticed that Linda’s skirt had begun to rise. All evening long, it seemed as though she kept pulling it down. Now it seemed pulled up. I could nearly see the tops of the insides of her thighs. This view along with our conversation put my quickly rising cock into overdrive. In no time at all I had the painful erection I woke up with that very morning. I saw Linda glance down into my lap as my inflated member twitched. She said nothing but every once in a while I would catch her taking a quick glance at my engorged member.

    The Uber finally arrived and we began our journey back to the other side of town. As were driving I could feel Linda’s leg touching my thigh. I pushed it to the back of my mind thinking it was just a cozy ride. Of course, my cock was telling me differently. It was still hard as a rock and showing no signs of shrinking. When we were about half way home Linda asked me if I would like to stop by her house for a nightcap. I had to accept the only problem was that I would have no way home. This is when Linda showed me the way. She informed me I would not need a ride home. She had room in her bed and definitely did not want to let my engorged cock get away from her sight. She said she hadn’t had a cock in over a year and was not letting this one slip away. Not only is this woman gorgeous, she is aggressive.

    Ladies, I know you think guys don’t like aggressive women but the secret is out, a woman that expresses what she wants is a major turn-on, especially when it involves me and my body.

    I leaned over and gave her a small kiss. It was the kind of kiss that stops time. My heart began to flutter just from the contact of her lips. We kissed most of the rest of the way home. The longer we remained in contact the more heated it became. As our kisses grew in passion, our hands began to wander across each other’s bodies. Exploring the things each of us had desired over the last 24 hours.

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