She wanted to write her name in the snow [MF]

We had gone hiking after a fresh snow. There were several trails out in the forest preserve we were exploring, some are pretty deserted in the winter, particularly the side trails, and there are a lot of hills, so it makes for challenging hiking once it starts snowing. We didn’t have snowshoes, but due to the fresh snow, we figured it wouldn’t be too icy. And it wasn’t too cold, that sweet spot just cold enough to snow but not enough to be frigid. And fortunately, sunny and no wind. Beautiful day.

So we’re hiking and every once in a while stop to make out and play a little grab ass. The weather meant she was was wearing tights and yoga pants over them, and several layers of thin but warm sweaters, I was wearing jeans and similar layering on top. Thanks to modern day technology, we were both plenty warm without any of the bulky gear from years ago. And both in hiking boots, it’s warm enough to be a little slushy and messy, gym shoes definitely wouldn’t have worked.

So as we were making out vertically, there wasn’t much air left between our bodies, I could feel her chest press against me, she could feel the ridge in my jeans press against her, and we would pull each other closer as our mouths explored each other.

We do this several times, and each time we pulled each other even closer than the time before. Maybe a little bit of grinding against each other, even.

In parts of the trail where it’s narrow, I would let her go first, and particularly when we go up hills, so I got to watch her ass wiggle in those snug yoga pants in front of me. That did nothing to relieve the pressure I felt under my zipper.

We had been for a while, it’s still a good half hour or hour back to the parking lot and restrooms, and I’m needing to stop for a moment. A little embarrassed, we’d not encountered that situation out in the wild before, not together, but I explain I have to pee, if she’d give me a moment. I make a motion to walk off the trail a bit, but she mischievously asked if I needed any help.

“With???” I asked, not quite understanding immediately.

“Oh, you know, unzipping, holding him, writing your name in the snow…” She giggled.

I was taken aback for a second, but then caught on, and suggested, “Or your name?”

“Sure!” she responded. “I’ve always wanted to try that!”

“Well, ok….” I feigned reluctance.

I stepped to the side of the trail, to where there was a patch of unbroken snow, and she moved next to me, putting her one arm around my waist, and then reached for my zipper with her other hand. Fumbled a bit, but with my help unzipped me all the way. I unbuttoned the waistband so she could spread the fly apart. Rubbing her hand against the ridge in my boxers, “He feels so good!” as she squeezed me. “Are you sure you’re not too hard to go?”

She tugged my boxers down, hooking the waistband under my balls. “Don’t want them to snap back up!” Then she pointed my cock out towards the unbroken snow. By now I was completely stiff, and said, “Yeah, maybe I’m too hard, we might need to give me a minute to settle down.”

She reached up and kissed me, with my cock still in her hand, and I felt her slowly move her hand up and down. “Or maybe we’ll have to take care of your hardness first!”

She started stroking firmly, pointing it up and out into the crisp air. After a little bit, she looked around, making sure we weren’t going to be surprised. Not a sound anywhere.

She started stroking faster and faster, I felt my balls jiggle with her motions. The cool air felt invigorating and erotic. I started to groan, and without warning me, she bent over and starting to kiss and lick the head, then swallowing me completely.

I could feel her tongue wrap around my knob, her lips pressing against my shaft.

That sent me over the edge, and I planted my feet really firmly, locking my legs, and holding her close to me. “I’m going to come!” I stage whispered, aware of how sound travels in the woods. I heard her coo, and squeeze my balls as I started to explode. She turned her head so that I could see her move her head back and forth, my cock disappearing and appearing. Out of sight, I felt her tugging my balls, trying to drain them. I brushed her hair back behind her ear so that it didn’t fall in her face and block my view. lol

She kept sucking, pulling every drop out of me. I stood there, legs planted, muscles locked.

Finally I was done, and as she pulled off, I felt myself begin to shake. She looked up at me with her sparkling eyes. “Want to see?” she murmured, and then opened her mouth to show me that she hadn’t swallowed yet. I broke out into a big smile, and pulled her head up to mine, so we could kiss and share. That took her by surprise, but she willingly fooled around with me, our tongues burying into each other.

I could feel her take my cock in your hand again, squeezing and tugging it as we devoured each other. I felt almost lightheaded. We swapped spit and cum back and forth for a minute, until some of it was gone, and then we both simultaneously swallowed what was left in each of our mouths.

“Oh my god, that was naughty!!!!” I said to her, shocked. Her eyes sparkled more, “it was!” she agreed. “Do you still have to pee?” as she held my cock.

“More than ever!” I laughed.

I was still mostly hard, but not too hard anymore. “Then have at it. Do you have enough to write my whole name?” She giggled. “Hope I remember how to write in cursive!” I relaxed and after a moment felt the stream begin.

“Oooooo, there it goes!!!” she squealed, momentarily taking her by surprise. She spelled her name out loud as she aimed and drew each letter. I tried to time my release to match her motions, and we finished just about at the same time.

The design in the snow didn’t really look much like a written word, but we didn’t care. “Don’t forget to shake!” I reminded her. She shook my cock a couple of times, then a third for good measure. “Is that enough?” “Once or twice more would be good,” I suggested. As she kept shaking, I felt myself perk up a bit.

“As you sure you want me to stop shaking?” she laughed. “Do you think you’ve got enough for a second round?” “Maybe not so soon…” I admitted. She shook me one more time, then pulled my boxers up, zipped me up, and we were on our way.

As I watched her ass ahead of me, I thought to myself about whether or not I could get worked up again before we got to the car…



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