My [F] husband [M] picked up a guy [M] at the gym and watched him fuck me on tv

For context, see my previous post! I promised him and some of you I would report back, so here I am ;)

Hubby laid out my spandex and sports bra and told me to get ready. As I went to get a pair of underwear, he cleared his throat and told me no, in no uncertain terms. So, I did as I was told, including posting here while I waited for him to tell me it was time to go. I was so nervous, but mostly at the potential of a visibly growing wet spot down below.

After what felt like an eternity, we got in the car and headed to our local gym. It’s a big gym and I actually haven’t gone to this one in some time because I prefer my yoga/Pilates studio recently. When we parked, hubby leaned in and kissed me and told me I could stretch but then had to stay on the stair machine or elliptical until he told me it was time to go. I did as he asked, trying to listen to music while I scanned the room trying to keep an eye on him. I saw him lifting weights and occasionally chatting with other guys but kept losing track of him as I started to work up a sweat.

Then, after I lost him once more I saw in the reflection of the mirror on the front wall my husband next to the free weights talking to a guy that looked to be enormous. Not typically my type, but we’ll statured, tattooed and looked to be twice the size of my husband, towering over him. They were both staring at me from behind, and my husband had a smirk on his face I knew well. I kept watching trying not to make it obvious until I saw them shake hands and my husband walked away. About 10 minutes went by before he came over to me and asked me to finish up and meet him at the car. When I did, I laughingly teased him for striking out on his plan and got in the car. To which he laughed and said “far from it…patience Libs”.

We made our way home in silence and when we got home, he told me to go up to our bedroom. He followed me upstairs, made me undress and blindfolded me, telling me to hand him my phone and wait on the edge of the bed and under no circumstances leave that spot or remove my blindfold. I heard some things being moved and then footsteps and the door close.

I waited there for what felt like an eternity but was probably about 10 minutes. I heard our doorbell ring, some muffled voices and then nothing. My heart was thudding in my chest and I could feel my wetness but resisted the urge to take off my blindfold. Then came the footsteps. Heavier than my husbands. The door opened and I said “hello?” Nothing. I could feel someone was present and go goosebumps when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Then another on my other shoulder. They lightly pushed me back so my back was on the bed with my legs and bare pussy hanging over the edge. I felt hands on my ankles. Enormous, rough hands. Then kisses traveling up my legs. Rough at first and then a tongue on my inner thighs. I squirmed as that tongue reached and parted my pussy and a deep groan from an unknown man’s throat as he began to lap at me and tease my clit. The same big hands reached up and groped at my tits and I was in ecstasy. I came quickly, feeling my wetness against what must have been his chin and then he stopped. I was in darkness waiting. Those hands gently sat me upright, lifted the blindfold off to reveal a naked hulk of a guy. His soft cock at my eye level and he just smiled at me.

He was chisled and big. Haha. Did I mention he was big already?! What I also noticed was a camera and I tripod. And his tripod. I took him my mouth (or attempted to…he was so thick I’m sure I did a terrible job). Before I knew it he lay me on my back and split me open. Stretching me as I gasped. He proceeded with deep strokes while I gripped his muscular ass pulling him into me. We continued like that until I felt myself throb, my stomach tightening and he came deep in my womb.

We went two more rounds while my husband watched on tv downstairs. Needless to say, I was sore walking into work today but have more than that as a keepsake.



  1. So hot! Which gym was it btw? Y’know… asking for a friend… 😉

  2. That made me hard! I want to see my wife get fucked and she’s very sexy and fit. Check our profile. Great story a

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