[FM] Husbands Party

Recently I went to Damon’s, my husband’s work party, it was a good party however his boss spent too much time flirting with me, he even tried to hit on me a few times.
I could see Damon watching and it made me nervous but a little excited.

His boss got my mobile number I think from work records and called me a couple of days later, telling me he had to talk to me about something serious about Damon he suggested over coffee.

He told me Damon was due to be retrenched and went on about how important the role of wives was in the work dynamics and how he tried to foster a family environment, it slowly worked around to me saving Damon’s job.
A few days later Damon’s boss sent him interstate which would take him away overnight.
Damon’s boss called me that morning he was going to come over to talk more about Damon and the situation.
After about an hour of Damon’s job chat he told me if I didn’t go to bed with him my husband was gone.
I told him that wasn’t going to happen and that he should leave. He reminded me we had a mortgage, bills to pay and without a reference Damon would find it difficult to get a decent job.
I realised that I was being pushed into a corner and had no way out.

Damon’s boss smiled, told me to follow him into the bedroom. He told me to strip and while I reluctantly did he circled me, checking me out.
He then took all his clothes off and I could see he was fully erect, being bigger than Damon was disturbing I had never had a cock that size and was worried it would hurt.

When he had me on the bed he told me to bend my legs and spread them wide. He kneeled between my legs presumably admiring my body and what he had achieved.
He leaned forward over me and I could feel him trying to push the head of his cock into me.
I must have been squirming about to much because he just stopped told me to shut the fuck up and open my legs further.
When I stopped squirming and relaxed he pushed in a little deeper. It went on like this for some time, him feeding his cock into me.
When he was finally buried in my pussy he told me to lay perfectly still and not to speak. I remember he had this smile on his face and said I was so tight it had wound him up to much and he didn’t want to cum yet.
When he finally settled he just ploughed that cock of his in and out of me. I was thrashing about because it hurt but he didn’t care he just kept going
Damon’s boss wasn’t in any rush Damon wasn’t coming back he had seen to that, he had all the time he needed so kept working me, stopping then working me again.

I could see that he was about to cum and asked him to pull out as I wasn’t on any contraceptive. He told me he knew that Damon and I were trying for a baby and that he would make sure we had one.
As the final words came out of his mouth I could feel him pumping his seed into me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11odee5/fm_husbands_party


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