Welcome Back [Star Trek] [F38M37M37] [Group]

Doctor Alia Moon sat in the medical bay of the starship, her fingers tapping on the console as she worked tirelessly on different vaccines while she recorded her log.

“Chief Medical Officer’s log, Stardate 44374.2. The crew of the USS Horizon has been infected with an alien virus. The symptoms are unusual, causing everyone in the entire crew to fall unconscious. I am the only one who has not been affected for reasons still unknown to me, and I am currently working to find a cure.”

Alia took a breath.

“Computer pause recording,” she said.

“Recording paused.”

Alia stood from her work station and looked up at the rows of beds filled with her unconscious crewmates. The ship’s sickbay was eerily quiet, with only the hum of the ship’s engines and the soft beeps of the medical equipment filling the air.

“I wish you were awake Sussuk,” she said to her vulcan nurse who was passed out in bay 4, “I could really use that logic right now. Computer resume recording.”

The computer sounded an acknowledging beep.

“I have isolated the virus and I am running tests to determine its properties. It appears to be highly contagious, spreading rapidly throughout the ship’s ventilation system. For some reason the biofilters can’t detect it or screen for it. I tried to implement quarantine protocols to prevent further spread of the virus but by the time I realized what was happening, it was too late.”

She looked up and around at the omnipotent computer wondering who might hear this recording.

“I fear that time is running out. I have reached out to any other Federation starships but the closest is still four days away. If I don’t find a cure soon, nobody is going to survive this.”

Alia sighed and leaned back in her chair, her gaze drifting to the unconscious Captain who was first to fall ill.

“I’m sorry Danny,” she said. “You trusted me… and if I fail you–I’ll never forgive myself.”

She closed her eyes briefly, then straightened up and finished her recording.

“End log.”

For twenty hours she worked tirelessly trying to find out why she was immune and how she could exploit that to save her crew. And for twenty hours she failed. Eventually she got up and walked for the tenth time to the replicator.

“Coffee, hot.”

The cup materialized in the replicator and she walked back to her office and was astonished by what she saw. On the screen, the word, ‘match,’ blinked over and over. She dropped the coffee and ran over.

“Oh my god,” she thought and ran out of the sick bay and through the corridors of the ship until she ended up at her quarters. In her quarters she found on display a gift from her late husband. It was a Lumino from Xorba 7. The Lumino was a fascinating flowering plant with luminescence properties. Its stem was tall and slender, growing up to a half a meter in height, and it was covered in fine, iridescent hairs that shimmered only when the lights went out. The flower’s petals were a beautiful shade of deep purple and blue with hints of green. But what the Lumino was known for was its aphrodisiac qualities. On Xorba 7 it was part of the mating ritual to place one of the plants near the marital bed. The scent caused arousal to the point that two lovers could mate again and again ensuring a child would be conceived.

The effects were much more subdued in humans but not unnoticeable. Sometimes Alia would strip down to nothing, lock the door, and gently stroke her clit while sitting in the dark. The only light coming from Lumino. She thought of Paul. She thought of the day they met at the Academy. THe day they met for the second time onboard the Horizon. The day they had their first date, their first kiss, the day they were married. Then if she hadn’t come yet, she’d remember the day Danny came to her quarters and told her the bad news. That been a year ago. A long time in space. But not a long time in the heart. She wept then and she wept sitting there in her quarters naked.

When she arrived in sickbay she put the plant on the observation table. She ran test after test. She took vials of her blood and samples from the plant when she realized, it wasn’t the plant alone that was the cure. It was what the plant did in her blood. WIth the right dose of enzymes from the planet, her blood was the vaccine. But there wasn’t enough. What was she missing? She didn’t know.

As she worked she realized that two things had happened. Her blood samples were becoming a more powerful vaccine and she was getting more and more wet. The lips of her pussy felt so sensitive under her tight uniform. Her clit begged to be stroked. She thought about Paul and got wetter still.

“That’s the connection,” she said to herself. “I don’t just have to exposed for this to work, i gotta be turned on.”

Alia sighed.

“You sure know how to pick them, don’t you paul. But how am I–Computer.”

The computer sounded an acknowledging beep.

“Start program Paul 12 in holodeck 3.”

“Unable to comply, Medical protocols in effect. Holodeck systems are offline.”

“Jesus Christ,” she said exasperatedly. “Computer, override Medical protocols, alpha, alpha, zulu, charlie.”

“Override complete,” said the computer.

“Now for God’s sake,” she said, “Start program Paul 12 in holodeck 3.”

The computer sounded an acknowledging beep.

Alia grabbed the plant and again traveled. This time towards Holodeck 3. During the third month of weekly visits to the ship’s counselor, a Klingon name Grox, she had recommended Alia that she try saying goodbye to Paul in the holodeck. SInce the accident on the away mission that killed Paul had completely disintegrated him, Grox felt that the reason Alia couldn’t get closure was because she had no-body to say goodbye to. Alia took the suggestion and ran with it. For months after, she was in that holodeck 3 times a week making love to her dead husband. That’s not really what Grox had in mind, but she didn’t discourage it either. So when Alia made it into the holodeck she was not surprised to see her husband at their first Apartment at Jupitor station.

“Hey,” he said, cooking dinner at the stove top. “You’re late.”

Paul was probably the last man in the federation still using pots and pans… probably. Alia took the plant to the bedroom and immediately began to strip out of her uniform. Paul, somewhat confused, peaked his head and around the time her panties came off.

“What’s–what’s going on?” he asked.

She grabbed him by the hands, pulled him into the room and bent forward to make sure she had his full attention.

“I don’t have time to explain,” she said. “I need you to fuck me right now or a lot of our friends are gonna die.”

“Alia!” he scolded.

She didn’t normally talk that way.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “We really don’t have time for this.”

“What about dinner first? I’ve been cooking–”

“Computer, delete dinner!”

“Hey,” he said. “I was working really hard at that.”

“Damn it,” she said, “This isn’t working. Computer, make dan permanently aroused, horny as fuck, and make him recover immediately after coming.”

“Command unrecognized,” said the computer. “Please redefine hornyness level.”

“Really horny,” she said.

The computer sounded an acknowledging beep.

Paul’s entire personality changed. He grabbed Alia and pulled her close, kissing her hard. His soft tongue explored her mouth while his hands immediately went down to her ass and cupped her bare cheeks picking her up. Alia wrapped her legs around her husband and breathed hard as she kissed him. Paul carried her over the bed and threw her there then began to peel off his clothes.

“Computer,” she said. “Monitor hemoglobin in my system matching the parameters of the vaccine sequence on the sick bay computers. When I reach 8000 parts per `, create a nurse that will come over and take vials of my blood. Do this until there are 20 full vials. And yes, override safety protocols by older of the ship’s chief medical officers.

The computer sounded an acknowledging beep.

By the time she was done talking, paul had already joined her on the bed. He grabbed a handful of thigh meat in each hand and spread Alia’s legs apart. His mouth met her lips and he simply licked her. From base to clit, base to clit, over and over until she was screaming in pleasure. As he passed her clit, he lingered, encircling it with his tongue then going back down again and starting over. Alia reached down and grabbed a handful of thick greek hair and pulled it until she knew it hurt. She guided him where she wanted him to be. Used her legs to trap him when she wanted him to continue was he was doing and pulled him close enough to suffocate. It wasn’t long before a starfleet nurse appeared in the bedroom and took the first vial.

She let him continue eating her pussy until five vials were full and then she begged for him to fuck her. He needed no additional encouragement. Unknown to the doctor, a small puddle of cum was already on the floor from where he had stroked his cock to orgasm once. The real Paul loved to Eat Alia’s pussy. He would do it until his face was drenched and then he would fuck her and kiss her and let her taste himself on his lips. And that’s what he did now. Before sliding in his cock however, he slowly rubbed the head up and down her soaking pussy just as he had done with his tongue. She arched her back, desperate to feel him enter but he held back. He did this until she was completely mad with desire, then he relented. Pushing it in slowly until he was completely inside of her and the meat of her thighs pressed firmly against his torso. He loved that feeling, at least the real Paul did. He loved it so much that sometimes he would just stay that way until finally pulling back and pushing in again. After that, he kissed her and fucked her slowly, gently. It drove her wild.

And while she did love it. It wasn’t enough. She had a time limit. Fuck me, she said. Fuck me hard. He obeyed. His loving strokes became punishing stabs. He plunged into her and the sound echoed in the room. It didn’t take long for him to tab deeply, and she felt him tighten up. His orgasm was coming and that brought her to the brink as well. They came together hard. He pumped two more times then just held her. But a curious thing happened. He didn’t feel dumb or sensitive or weak. He felt, horny as fuck. He started pumping again hard and fast. She tried to push him away because it was too much. After all she didn’t have immunity or the effects of an orgasm but he wouldn’t be stopped and she found herself coming again. The nurse during this time was able to fill many more vials.

By the time they had reached 17 vials, it seemed to be going slower. She was aroused but it just wasn’t enough. At this time, she was on her knees and he was standing on the floor fucking her doggy style. She had a thought, she didn’t know if it would work, but in desperate times…”

“Computer,” she said breathlessly. “Create a second Paul. Same as this one, but position him in front of me with his cock in my face.”

The computer complied. The horny as fuck Paul appeared on the bed in front of her with his legs spread around her arms. He had his arms around his head and seemed to be so relaxed. But that quickly changed. He grabbed a hand full of alia’s hair and brought her down to his cock. It always surprised her when the sweet, salty, humanity of a human penis could be so accurately replicated by a holodeck. As Paul fucked her pussy with wild abandon, she took the other pauls head into her mouth and just sucked. She felt the nurse take a vial as she did this.

Paul grabbed his own cock while she did this. Holding it steady for her while her arms remained occupied putting resistance against the paul who was fucking her harder now. She had very little control. She took him in and by mistake, he slipped all the way into her mouth and touched her throat but didn’t quite pass into it. She knew what was coming. Paul couldn’t hold his cum when getting his dick sucked. That’ why she almost never did it. A quick blow job and he was out for the night. Snoring while she either came alone or didn’t cum at all. But this time it was different. When he came, he filled her mouth. Most of it spilled out but some of it she managed to swallow. But his cock remained hard. He made no effort to take it from her. So she kept sucking. She never realized how much she loved sucking his dick until this moment.

The last vial was taken and the doctor ended the program. She wanted to collapse asleep. She might have woken up in a tomb if she hadn’t forced herself back to sickbay and given herself a chemical stimulant.

“Computer, transport the vials from holodeck 3 to sickbay and extract the parameters of the vaccine sequence.”

It didn’t take long before she was releasing the vaccine through the ship’s ventilation system. She sat by Danny’s bed and waited. He slowly began to open his eyes along with the rest of the crew hours later.

“Welcome back,” she said.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11ntte4/welcome_back_star_trek_f38m37m37_group



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