Marissa & Romario, pt 1: The clothing store prank gone too far [18f][59M][MF][older M younger F][sex]

Marissa had just turned 18 and is a high school senior. She was often the focus of a lot of teasing amongst her friend group because she had the least experience with boys. She had a boyfriend and they had fooled around and even had sex 2 times but he ended up breaking up with her because she had very strict parents and would often say she wasn’t fun. Of all her friends she was the only one not on birth control.

The weekend after her birthday, all her friends were hanging out and talking about a clothing store in the old mall that had great deals because no one ever went there. Somehow the conversation was turned to Marissa and the teasing started up like normal. Marissa told them to stop and one of her friends (a girl she knew since they were 6) spoke up and said “ok, if you do a dare then we will stop giving you a hard time the rest of senior year.”

Marissa listened up. Her friend said she had to go to the store they were just discussing and asked the store manager, an older kind latino man Romario, for a bunch of different items and while he was getting them for her and jse was waiting in the dressing room, she needed to strip completely naked.”. Marissa asked if that was all. She had been to the store before and had met Romario and he always seemed like a very respectful person and had no fear that anything bad would happen. As far as things her friends thought up this seemed to be extremely mild by comparison and so she agreed.

They all were really excited. They all got up and got ready to go to the old mall. Marissa was wearing a soft blue dress as this highlighted her blue eyes and long wavy blonde hair. She went into the store as her friends sat outside on benches waiting for her.

As she walked into the dead store she was greeted by Romario and began asking about different dresses and outfits and sizes. Romario attentively made a mental note of all the items Marissa wanted to see. When they had finished talking Romario directed Marissa to the dressing room and asked her to wait as he got all the clothes and sizes she asked for. As Romario walked away Marissa closed the curtain and her heart began to race. She quickly kicked off her flip flops and removed her panties then pulled her dress over her head leaving herself completely naked. She looked at herself in the mirror and then began to wait for Romario to come back. It seemed like she was waiting forever.

Romario was quickly gathering up all the items Marissa requested from the store front and then quickly headed to the back to pull what was needed from inventory. With everything in hand he quickly went to the changing room Marissa was in, the only one with the curtain drawn. He walked up with his hands full and quickly swung the curtain open to find a beautiful young woman standing naked in front of him.

Marissa was waiting when all of sudden she heard the ripping noise of the curtain being thrown and her heart jumped out of her trust and she gave a sharp peep as Romario stood in front of her in complete shock. Panicking, Marissa grabbed Romario and pulled him into the changing room and slid the curtain closed just as quickly as Romario had pulled it open. Marissa began to scold Romario for pulling the curtain completely open and exposing her to the entire mall. Romario was embarrassed and confused by what was happening. He kept apologizing frantically. Marissa took the clothes and asked him how she knew he wasn’t going to pull the curtain completely open again while she was trying on the clothes. Romario continued to apologize and Marissa really didn’t understand what she was doing as she was so out of her element.

She tried to think quickly about what would be equal to ask Romario. She told Romario that he needed to strip naked while she tried on the clothes and so she knew he wouldn’t do anything to embarrass her. Romario was confused and asked if she was certain. Marissa responded yes, he did and folded his clothes neatly and sat on the opposite side of the changing room making sure to not make Marissa feel threatened or uncomfortable. What he couldn’t hide was his large throbbing erection. Romario had been widowed for 3 years and he loved his wife and missed her dearly. It had been a very long time since Romario had seen a young beautiful woman like Marissa naked in front of him. His body couldn’t resist reacting.

Marissa took the clothes and hung them up and when she turned around to look at Romario make sure he had done what she asked she noticed him sitting on the bench with his cock fully erect. She knew he wasn’t much bigger than average but to her Romario looked huge. She tried not to stare and instead just focus on trying on the clothes. She put the first dress on and asked Romario what he thought. He said she looked very beautiful and he meant it. She smiled and blushed and both of them began to feel more comfortable as the rush of emotion had seemed to calm.

Marissa continued trying on the clothes and outfits. After trying on another dress, to which Romario again commented how beautiful she was she decided to try on a pair of pants. They were tight which was rare considering Marissa’s slender build. As she went to take the pants off they got bunched up and were tight around his calves. She tried lifting her one leg and pulling off the pant while jumping on one leg and it worked. She employed the same approach to the second leg and while she was hoping on her one leg she lost her balance and fell backwards towards Romario. Romario was caught off guard and Marissa’s butt landed just below his chest and he tried to grab her but she slid down his body and miraculously his rock hard cock made contact with the opening of her vagina and as she slid slightly down his body his cock penetrated her body. Both Marissa and Romario let out a moan and his cock filled her up. It felt much bigger than her ex-boyfriend’s.

When Marissa had finally stopped falling and Romario had caught her, his massive cock was completely inserted inside of her. Almost simultaneously as the last part was inserted into her body Romario began to feel the rush of orgasm build so quickly there was nothing he could do to stop it and he came harder than he had come in any time he remembered. Marissa felt Romario throbbing underneath her and immediately began panicking. She had not been paying much attention to her natural family planning calendar but having tracked it since she was 14 her immediate fear was that she was ovulating as this time of the month was typically her peak fertility.

Neither could move, Marissa out of shock for what just happened and fear of what could be occurring inside her body now. Romario was frozen with slight embarrassment as well with the ecstasy of what just happened.

They sat together and connected for a few minutes both not saying anything perfectly still. Finally, with Marissa’s legs shaking she stood up. She took off the pant leg that had just resulted in the recent incident and slowly got dressed. She grabbed her purse and walked out of the changing room. Her friends weren’t at the benches where she last saw them. She checked her phone and the group chat had blown up with congratulations for her completing the dare. She was relieved no one was there for what happened after. They told her to come to the car once she had bought what she wanted because everyone wanted Starbucks.

She went on with the rest of her day like nothing had happened. Eventually after hanging out and having dinner, Marissa’s friends dropped her off at home. Her parents were sitting in the family room watching a movie and asked Marissa to join them. She sat with them and finished the movie and talked to her parents a bit before finally going to her room and showering.

After the shower, she skipped getting into her comfy PJ’s part of her night time routine and just laid in bed naked thinking about what had happened. She couldn’t deny that she had only been thinking of Romario. After she left the changing room he was the only thing on her mind. She tried to forget about and get some sleep but she couldn’t and instead tried to remember how he felt inside of her.

Part 2 coming soon
