My hoe phase origin story part 1 [FM]

This is one of those ones where the sex part is okay but the back story makes it suspenseful and cute and satisfying at the end. Part 1 is backstory I’m sorry.

It’s my first year of college, I’ve been super horny the whole year and I’ve had no where to put my sexual energy. I want to start my hoe phase and have sex with strangers, but I’m shy.

I’ve been on a lot of first dates this year. My litmus test to determine whether I like a guy has been to picture him on top of me. So far all of my first dates have given me icky mental images, but I continue my search.

After high school, my best friend Megan went to college 400 miles away. Every time we talk, she asks when I’m coming to visit her. The thing is, I’m so stressed with the transition from high school to college and balancing work and school. I’m really trying to get settled and adjusted, and I don’t want to disrupt that with a vacation right now.

This time I tell her, “I’ll come visit you if you find me some bomb dick.”

“My boyfriend Ethan has a cute roommate I can set you up with”

“Ok deal”

I book my flight, and a few months later I’m on my way to see my best friend and hopefully get something extra. We hug and squeal when I get to her apartment, and I start trying to fix myself up to meet the guy she told me about. She said he was nerdy, but he was attractive and friendly, and best of all also looking for some casual sex.

Then tragedy struck.

She tells me “the guy I was setting you up with had to go to an event tonight so he’s not going to be at the kickback.”

But, but what about the bomb dick I came here for?

The kickback is at her boyfriend Ethan’s apartment. I already know him well, and his friends Conner and Claire who are also here. The living room is a couch and 2 chairs around a tiny tv. All the seats are taken, so I perch my self on the arm of Claire’s chair.

There’s a third guy there, one of Ethan’s 4 roommates. He introduced himself and I immediately forgot his name because I honestly don’t really care. He’s not the guy I came here to see and I already know everyone else in the room.

We’re all drinking and I’ve had about 4 shots of vodka and I’m really feeling it. Maybe this is my very first time trying alcohol but I don’t want to admit it

All of a sudden, something clicks. I pull out my phone and struggle to text Megan “is that the guy????” She responds “what guy?” And my drunk brain explains “the one with the dick” she’s also drunk and doesn’t understand what I’m asking and says “yes he is a guy and he has a dick.” Eventually, she helps me reach the understanding that the guy who was supposed to go to some event ended up not going, and has been sitting right in front of me this whole time! My mind starts racing and my heart is beating so fast I’m sure everyone can tell how flustered I am. I’m totally caught off guard. Has this guy been sitting there this whole time thinking we were gonna fuck?? I’ve been totally blowing him off! Is he still interested?Am I getting sex tonight?!

I take a moment to assess whether I’m interested in this guy. Megan didn’t even show me a picture of him beforehand. I perform my litmus test and I picture him on top of me.

I think I just got super wet. And my clit feels really warm.

Ok so he passes. I want him.


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