Research questions

Hi, I was just have a couple of questions that I was hoping you could help with for research purposes.

Do you guys only read erotica on here, or do you also pay to read stuff on amazon or somewhere similar?

Is what you read on reddit the same as what you pay for? Or do you have different standards depending on the platform.

And what kind of thing do you look for in your erotica? Not necessarily kinks, although I would be curious to see if you think there are any that are any currently unrepresented, but if you have a preference with things like POV, tenses, or general writing styles.

Sorry if this isn’t allowed on her, and thank you in advance.



  1. Read it on many platforms.

    Don’t pay to read it.

    Reddit seems similar to the other sites I read erotica.

    I’m not picky on standards as far as the story’s quality or grammar. I’ve tried writing stories of my own and had them rejected for minor format issues etc. So, I know it’s hard to compose a well written story.

    I like true stories.

  2. If you want some good source material check out chyoa on any browser, has thousands of ‘stories’ to read as well as lots of different categories. Its laid up as an interactive story where the user can chose how the story progresses but you can just make it single branch. Lots of these different stories have discord and such where other discuss where the story could go next

  3. Read on many groups/sites.

    Don’t pay for it.

    Quality, grammar and story telling are important.

    Like stories that folks tell of their real world experience.

  4. I like Audible. I read on here as well but it’s not comfortable on a phone.

    I think a variations of styles is great. From POV of captor to woman abducted, even one that was like a plan of how to force submission.

  5. Literotica seems to be the best I’ve found and while I don’t pay sites I have found a girl who will read any story I like for a fee.

  6. Reddit has been a nice addition but I have been reading on literotica for about a decade

  7. I’ve used literotica for a long time and just recently started reading here.

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