I (19) [F] spent an entire week bottomless

I had last week off of work, and my boyfriend had a wonderful idea to make this fun. He took all of my pants, shorts, skirts, panties, and even dresses and locked them in this pretty big lockbox he bought that’s meant for people to like store their electronics in for a set period of time, like for people who try to quit technology. And then he set the timer for a week. He could’ve just locked it in a safe but this way no amount of me begging, pleading, or bargaining would get me my bottoms back. I’m going to put this in sections of each day this week, but just btw not every day is an adventure.

Now as terrifying as this is I highly recommend it. It’s so thrilling. It was last Sunday he locked it up so I spent that day basically just lounging around the house. I spent the day naked cause if I can’t wear bottoms at home might as well not wear anything It feels so demeaning to not have the privilege of any sort of bottoms. I did finger myself a lot though cause when your pussy is hanging out it’s too accessible to not masturbate constantly.

This wouldn’t be fun if I just sat at home the whole time, so my boyfriend planned for us to go shopping today. Now I know you’re hoping I went shopping with my ass and pussy on full display, but no. I put on a bigger hoodie I have that reaches far enough to cover both. I don’t have any massive shirts but I have some big enough that they’ll cover my bottom half good enough as long as I don’t reach up. So my bf asked me to grab some chips off a higher shelf. I waited until the coast was clear in the isle and I quickly reach up and grabbed them. I could feel the immediate air exposure on my ass but I got away with it. The chip bag was the only exposure thing we had on Monday, the rest was just bottomless shopping.

The day was spent mostly at home up until 11pm when my bf thought it would be an amazing idea to go on a walk. He decided that I *only* get to wear a jacket with the front unzipped though. I do have shirts and bras I can wear but just because only my bottoms are locked up doesn’t mean he can’t make me go topless. This walk was exciting as hell but terrifying as fuck. At one point we had a car drive past but they came from behind, and from behind I look like I’m wearing short shorts and jacket, when I’m reality my boobs and pussy were on full display. During the walk we stopped at a park and sat on a bench. I tried sitting on part of the jacket to avoid sitting on the cold bench but he made me sit on it bare assed. He then fingered me on the bench. After I came he forced me to get up and walk back home, I had to use him as a crutch for part of the way cause my legs were so shaky.

Neither of us felt like doing anything, we watched TV and played games and stayed home the whole day. We did fuck a lot though. And I was the instigator of the fucking. It’s hard not to be horny when you’re not wearing pants

We went out for lunch, and since we just went through the drive through he only let me wear a regular sized T-shirt. When we got to the window of the wendys I just pulled part of my shirt down to cover my pussy and leaned over to hide the side of my asscheek that would’ve made it obvious I was naked from the waste down. He also ordered himself both a drink and a frosty, which isn’t crazy but he normally orders the same thing every time. Turns out the reasoning for this is because he’s a sadistic motherfucker and by putting his 2 drinks in the middle cup holders I had no choice but to place my freezing cold drink between my legs. I couldn’t even put it in the door cup holder cause it’s full of garbage and shit. Now obviously this is a weak plan since I could just hold my drink, but when I told him that he threatened to make me walk home. So I placed the drink between my bare legs as we drove home. If my pussy started to get too cold I picked it up and took a drink to give my pussy some sort of rest.

We went out to dinner at Olive Garden. I wore a big enough shirt to cover my ass and pussy well. It all went pretty well. He made me sit my bare ass on the seat but other than that no risk of exposure aside from slight winds outdoors but I held it down well enough. He didn’t let me cum at all that night though, said he wanted me horny for the next day.

We went to the mall. I wore the same large hoodie I did on Monday. We went shopping in a bunch of the different stores but of course he wouldn’t let me buy any cute pants I found. We’ll have to go buy those another time. Now we were out for about an hour and I was extremely horny which is when I found out why he didn’t want me to cum the night before. While walking through the mall I noticed I was literally dripping from my pussy down my legs. We worked our way to the bathrooms hoping nobody would notice the wetness running down my legs and as soon as I got in a stall I wiped my legs down. I also had to use the bathroom so good timing anyway. Let me tell you it feels super weird to use the bathroom and walk out without wearing anything beneath your waist. But also it feels extremely weird to have not worn anything beneath my waist in a week. We shopped some more and as we walked out to the car my pussy was dripping down my leg again so I was almost running to the car at this point but not too fast cause then my hoodie would’ve flown up. When we got in the car I practically begged him to let me cum. He said he only would let me if I took the hoodie off for the whole ride home. Im a slut, so I took the hoodie off and gave it to him and he chucked it in the back. I was not wearing a bra underneath so I’m completely naked now. So I was sitting in his car as we drove out of the parking lot, completely naked, trying to duck so nobody could see me while fingering myself wildly. Took me only like 10 minutes before I was cumming. I couldn’t put my hoodie back on without sticking my ass in the air so I slumped down in the seat and covered my boobs with my hands the rest of the way home.

Sunday (today):
We’re not religious but we had planned on going to church. Kinda upset we didn’t get too because he locked my dresses up. Oh well, maybe another time. We didn’t do much. Had sex of course. Box unlocked about an hour ago and holy shit I miss wearing bottoms. It feels so weird to finally have my pussy and ass not flying in the wind.

This was super fun and I’ll have to do it again. We’ve talked about doing the same thing with all my shirts and bras but it’s a lot harder to cover my boobs with big pants than it is to cover my pussy with big shirts, but we’ll find some way to make it work even if it’s through loopholes.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11jn5bf/i_19_f_spent_an_entire_week_bottomless


  1. God damn your boyfriend is lucky, that’s a candaulist’s wet dream right there

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