[F] It’s been fun, but it’s time for filly_folly [F47] to log off

I haven’t posted for a while, though I have been writing–a lot. I have been loosening up as a writer and exploring more of my fantasies in addition to some of the stories I hadn’t thought about in a while. This includes some experiences that Keith reminded me of after reading my saga about our affair (yes, I sent him the whole thing, slightly edited, he didn’t need to know I thought he was a boring conversationalist). He loved it and sent back some notes: “what about that time when we ….?” I had forgotten some pretty sexy moments!

But anyway, I want to thank those who responded to positively to my writing. You gave me much needed encouragement about my skills as a writer of erotica.

And, finally, I want to flip the bird to all those who exploited the anonymity of reddit to threaten, insult, demean or otherwise shame me. Up yours.

Bye bye reddit. I’ll delete my account in a week.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11j97kr/f_its_been_fun_but_its_time_for_filly_folly_f47

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