The rookie 32[M] in Sacramento with a redditor 23[F] Part 2

See here for part 1: [](

Not wanting to finish too early, we switch to doggy. She backs her deliciously large booty to me and I enter from behind. It takes us a second to sync up our rhythms, but we do. It’s now been 4 months since I last had sex, so I know I’m not going to last long. Then, to make matters worse, and by worse I mean much better, she begins twerking back on to me. Within minutes I’m beginning to cum, now, if you watched the ( on my profile, you’ll know what this sounds like. I don’t hold back in the vocal department. I groan and moan as I cum while deep inside her from behind. Finally finished, I lean all the way forward on her, spooning her from doggy and begin kissing the back of her neck. I fully pull out and climb on top of her, now passionately kissing on the back of her neck. My body slides to the right, my left hand downward. My kisses on her neck and shoulders evoke shudders while my left middle finger slides inside her. I’m not the jack hammering type with my fingers, instead, I slide them around while inside, pressing on all different sides. I want her to feel the pressure deep within her. My fingers continue responding to her body language. Each time she moans, I press harder in the same spot.

After continuing for several minutes she tells me to put my thumb in her ass. I’m never done this before, but who am I to say no to the woman surrendering her body to me? I begin sliding my thumb in, the resistance is powerful, but we slowly persevere. My thumb fully submerges offering brand new feelings to me. I press my thumb up against the interior thin layers of Nevani pinching with my middle finger inside her pussy. Then I slide my middle finger and thumb back and forth creating alternating pressure inside her ass and pussy. She submits to my hands’ affections, all the while I continue to kiss and suck with my lips. I feel the goosebumps on her skin as they press up against and rub against my body. To be honest, I don’t remember how many times she quivered in orgasms, but it didn’t matter, as long as she had another one in her, I was going to extract it. We continued like this for what felt like hours, but in actuality was probably only 15 minutes or so. After removing my fingers from her, we cuddled and I continued to kiss all over her. She would lean back into my kisses and my hands would eventually wander back to her warmth to again bring her pleasure.

This process stretched out over minutes, then hours. At some point Nevani finally opened her eyes and looked at me, asking “What the fuck were you doing with your fingers?” “Whatever felt right in the moment,” I replied. She then asks what’s something I’ve always wanted to try. My response, dear readers, shocked her and will likely shock you. “I’ve never had a blow job before.” Both with disbelief and pity, Nevani replied, “Oh you poor, poor man of course I’ll give you a blow job!” A second later she added, “I thought it was going to be something hard you were going to ask of me!” I stood up on the bed and Nevani knelt down in front of me to take me in her mouth. I’m not a monster in the downstairs department, but I am above average in size. Being confronted by my member now at eye level she said, “I didn’t realize how large you were.” This did not stop her from taking me deep in her mouth and trying her best to deep throat me. Now, dear readers, this truly was the first blow job in my life. I wish I could say it was life altering, but this is a true story, not fan fiction. I certainly did enjoy it, but I did not cum from my first blow job. Still, her enthusiasm and gusto added to the enjoyment of the first-time sensations. After this we tried various different positions and cuddles, each time my hands finding their way back down to her pussy where I would begin gently rubbing only for it to again drive us both into full vigor.

We finally finished our revelry around 12:30. After nearly 2 hours of passion. I asked if she wanted to spend the night. She told me she couldn’t. But she said she would take a nap and set her alarm for 2:30. We cuddled together, my hands again finding their way south and I fell asleep to us rocking back and forth on each other. My next memory was her alarm going off at 2:30 and again my fingers finding their way inside her to bring another orgasm. Thankfully this was enough to convince her to fall back asleep. My next memory was when we both woke up at 5 AM, after her not intending to spend the night with me. She stood up, her full body on display for me. The body that had given itself to me all night long. She started to get dressed, but I paused her asking, “Will you come give me one last hug?” Wordlessly, Nevani came back to the bed, climbed on it still nude, then on me and leaned down with her weight on me and kissed me deeply on the lips. My arms held her tight before you straighten and got dressed. I lay in bed watching the whole time. After she dressed, she came back and kissed me again before whispering, “goodbye.” “Goodbye Nevani.” With these last words, she left my room and it was over. Just like that, the last 7 hours with Nevani were now but a memory, one slowly fading into the rear view mirror. Dear readers, you have now heard the tale of how I lost my second virginity (an inside joke to some of you who have chatted with me).

To those who don’t believe that hookups through Reddit can exist, I don’t either. And yet, as is the case often with my job, truth is stranger than fiction and one happened to me. To Nevani, should you ever read this, I hope I did you justice, both that night and in this story. To my readers, thank you for traveling this journey with me as you read about only the second woman I’ve ever been with.

-A Lawyer Next Door



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