My old student Chloe, part 1 [F18, 30M]

The bell rang and in an instant a room full of hardworking students had disappeared into thin air. It had been a long day with no time for lunch, but thankfully it was a Friday, the last Friday of what had been the longest term I could remember. “Thank fuck that one is over and one with” I thought, packing up the equipment around the room. I looked over to my desk and saw a stack of exam papers that needed marking and grading during my week off. Great, there goes the 2 days I thought as I picked them up and dumped them in my bag. I got to my car, unlocked it and put my stuff in the boot. I took my jacket off and left that in the boot too – it was a sunny day, so why not I thought to myself. I started up the car, put the windows down and drove home. I live a few towns away, so I’m close enough to school that it was a quick commute, but far enough away that I wouldn’t bump into any students or parents when I was out running errands or at the pub with friends. I pulled up in the car park and went into the shop and bought my classic Friday night “I’m Single Dinner for 1” – a microwave burger, some fries and a chocolate bar. I looked at the beer and was tempted, but went for a 4 pack of energy drinks instead. I thought I’d have a gaming session tonight and crack on with the marking tomorrow. When I got to the checkout I put my shopping on the belt and started looking through my phone, walking down the belt and not paying attention to the world. I noticed the person in front had walked off with their shopping, so I walked past the till worker without a glance and asked for a bag.

“Tut tut sir, you always confiscated these off me” I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw one of my ex students Chloe scanning the shopping. I dropped my phone into my coat pocket so I could go and pack my shopping.

“Well, I don’t always practice what I preach. How are you doing Chloe?”

“Yeah I’m fine, just finished college and off to university in a few months. Had my 18th Birthday party at the weekend and had far too much fun!! You still at school?”

“Yeah, still working away! You know how it can be”

“School wasn’t that great, but your lessons were always the highlight of my day”

I blushed a little when she said that. I never thought of myself as a fun or popular teacher, far from it. I was quiet but firm with the students, and they always got good grades, so no-one complained.

“That will be £4.50 please, sir”

I felt around for my wallet. Shit, I’d left it in my car on the front seat. What a way to show that you’re an organised teacher!

“I’m so sorry Chloe, but I’ve left my wallet in my car – can I go and grab it? You can see where my car is parked” as I pointed through the window.

“I did think that was your car when I saw it pull in. I’m not really allowed to let you do that but I’ll let it slide as I know you”

“Thank you so much, I’ll be quick!”

I put my coat in the shopping area headed for my car. As I walked back to my car I thought how beautiful Chloe was. I’d never thought of a shopworkers uniform as sexy before, but from what I saw she wore it well. I opened the boot, grabbed my wallet and went back into the shop to pay.

“Good luck for University Chloe, I know you’ll do well” I said as I finished paying. She was smiling at the compliment I gave her. I put my coat back on, checked my wallet and phone and headed back to my car and started up the engine and drove home. The entire drive home I kept thinking about my encounter with Chloe, how her uniform hugged her body and showed off curves and before I knew it, I was doing 70mph with a hard on, lusting over an ex-student.

When I got home, I took the shopping out of the boot and looked at the pile of exams. “Not tonight” I thought as I closed the boot and walked in. I kicked off my shoes and sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. My phone started ringing. It was Steve, my line manager, who was already drinking more alcohol than he probably should do. He was asking me something about exams, so I just said that he was breaking up and I couldn’t hear him. I heard Steve’s girlfriend in the background telling him to get her another drink and the call cut off. Lucky git I thought to myself as I took the phone away from my ear. Steve’s girlfriend was stunning – she had the most amazing tits, eyes which you could get lost in and an ass that you could spank all night long. I put my phone down and took the remote and found a movie to watch. After an hour I noticed I had a notification from someone called “Guess Who” on my phone

“Hey, guess who this is” was all the message read.

I opened up a can of energy drink and I replied with a simple “Who?”. After a moment I put the phone down, but as soon as I had done that, the phone pinged again. I clicked on the notification and a photo loaded up – it was a name badge with “Hello, my name is Chloe, how can I help you?” written on it. Shit, I must have left my phone unlocked when I dropped my coat earlier and she put her number on it! I hurriedly checked the call list and sure enough, a call was made at the same time I was going to get my wallet.

“Very clever of you Chloe taking my number” I replied.

I saw as soon as it was sent, the message had been read and she was already replying.

“Well, I couldn’t exactly ask you straight out for your number, could I sir? So I thought this was the best way for us to keep in touch” she replied. She wanted to stay in touch? Suddenly I thought about keeping in touch with her in a special way and felt my cock twinge a little.

“Aw, that would be great to stay in touch Chloe, thank you. What are you upto tonight?” I asked her. Again, the message was read and she was replying straight away

“Not much, my parents are away for the weekend so I’ve got a bottle of wine with Netflix open – classy aren’t I?”. I read the message and instead of replying straight away, I watched some more of the movie and then replied 10 mins later with

“I’m doing much the same, just with the energy drink instead of wine. Any suggestions for movies?”. I expected her to not be still on her phone, so I put mine down. Within 30 seconds it pinged

“Drinking energy drink this late in the evening? Who’s the lucky lady?”. I laughed at the message, who would put up with me I thought.

“No lucky lady here for me, just planning on playing some video games later and pulling a late one. If your parents aren’t home, why don’t you go to your boyfriends?”. No instant reply for that message, so I put my phone down and carried on with the movie. After it had finished, there was no reply still from Chloe, but she had read the message. I went out to the kitchen, made my microwave dinner and ate it at the side board. I put the rubbish in the bin and went back in and turned on the PlayStation. “Great, the servers are down, no gaming for me tonight” I thought, resigned to a quiet night with no gaming. My phone then went off again – when I saw it was from Chloe, my heart skipped a bit.

“Sorry for the reply, I’ve had a bit to drink and didn’t want to message you when I was drinking, but here I am, all yours”. For a minute I thought about what hid under her work uniform.

“Well the game servers are down, so I am all yours tonight too! How’s the wine bottle going?” I asked.

She read it straight away and she sent a photo of her finishing the bottle of wine by drinking straight from it. I started to imagine how it would feel with her lips wrapped around my cock, instead of that wine bottle. I felt my cock start to harden, and I had another message come through

“Can I tell you something sir?”. I thought of all the wild things she could say

“Go for it, and you don’t have to call me sir, you know my name”

“Well, I like calling your sir, so I’ll keep calling you sir. Anyway, I wanted to say that I wanted you for so long, and well seeing you today, now I want you even more. What did you think of the picture? Be honest!”. Shit, is she offering herself to me I thought. I wrote a message, deleted it, wrote another one, deleted it.

“I won’t tell anyone, it can be our little secret” she messaged again. That sealed the deal for me. I wrote back to her that I was thinking about how it would be amazing for you to have my cock in your mouth instead of that wine bottle and clicked send. My heart was racing, this is the most “action” I had in a while. I saw and felt that my cock was now hard as I saw she was replying.

“I wish you were here, you should see where the wine bottle is now” she wrote as my mind exploded. I replied back, telling her to show me. After a short pause, a picture loaded on the screen of the wine bottle pressed softly against her pussy. Fuck me I thought, she had an amazing pussy and I really wanted to be the wine bottle right now!

“Now what are you thinking? ”

Without thinking, I replied asking if she would you want that bottle to be my finger, my tongue or my cock? She replied back simply with “All 3”. I took my top off, and pulled my cock out of my trousers, through my boxers and started stroking it, wanting Chloe to be sat on it, bouncing up and down, watching her tits and tugging on them whilst she straddles me. I got another message from her asking why I had gone quiet. Shit, I hadn’t messaged her back. I finally replied with one hand, whilst the other hand was stroking my cock up and down saying what did she think I was doing. “Hopefully you are doing what I’m doing” she said, and then a video loaded of her fingering herself, moaning my name out. I gulped and stroked faster and realised I was way out of my depth. I admitted that she had caught me out and that she wanted to see me. Shit, she wants to see my cock I thought. I asked her if she wanted a pic of video, and when I clicked send my phone then started ringing, and Chloe was trying to Facetime with me. I nervously answered and the first thing I heard was her moaning and biting on her lip. I thought about how her face would look even better covered in my cum. She then tilted her phone down her body, showing her amazing tits and curves. I thought her tits would look amazing, but these were something else. She tilted the camera down more, showing that she was still fingering herself. She was totally naked. I turned the camera round so she could see my cock and that I was playing with it.

“What an amazing cock you’ve got sir” she said between the moan. I stroked faster and said back to her “You have an extremely beautiful body Chloe, I’m glad you sent me that message earlier”. “Me too, I’ve always had a thing for you” – I started to stroke faster once she said that. “I’ve still got my school uniform too in my wardrobe, I know you liked me in my work uniform too”. I stroked even faster. “I can see that you like that sir, would you want me to fuck me whilst I wear one of them one day?”. I felt my cock feeling harder as I stroked “Of course I would, who wouldn’t want to fuck you?”

She giggled and said “I’ve had some fun and some experiences, but now I’m looking for a real man’s cock and I think I’ve found one.” I replied back “It’s all yours Chloe, ready and waiting”. I heard her moan more as she played with her pussy more and I was trying to enjoy myself and the view. “Well OK, you got the chance to tell me what to do for years, now I’m going to tell you precisely what I want you to do. Understood?” she said. I said that’s fair, what did she want me to do. “I want you to tell me what you would do it to me if I were there and I had an energy drink you had to confiscate as I’ve been a bad girl”. I gulped as a my desires were coming to life in this phonecall as I kept my eyes transfixed on her body. “I’d take you over my knee and spank your ass, before making you drink your energy drink in one go and then bend you over my sofa and fuck you hard until I cum deep inside your pussy”. As I said that I could see her getting more and more pleasure before she started moaning “Sir, fuck me, fuck me sir, fuuuuck” as she orgasmed. She went quiet before she said “Fuck me, that was a great orgasm sir, thank you. Now it’s your turn. Now I want you to cum. And to help you with that, I’m going to tell you a little secret. I’ve always wanted your cock, I’ve wanted to feel you inside me and have you take advantage of me. I want you to suck on my tits whilst you fill me up with your cum, I want you to tie me to a chair and have your way with me. I want to become your sex slave and fulfil all your desires. And in return, I want you to be my slave for one night, too”

As soon as she finished my cock exploded, with cum shooting out and going everywhere. She said that she wanted to lick the cum off my body, to which I said she wasn’t the only one. I lied back on the sofa, my eyes fixed on my phone and her face and thought shit, 4 hours ago she was just a former student, and now she’s my sex slave? Surely she didn’t mean that?

“Right sir, I’ve got an early shift tomorrow at work, but I’m free at 1pm if you want to chat again?” she asked “I’d like that a lot, in fact that’s given me an idea” I said with a grin. “Oh really?” she replied. “Yes, you’ll see, goodbye Chloe, sleep well” I said.

“You too, Master”

She hung up the call and I looked down at my cock and my chest covered in cum. I went into the shower and cleaned myself up and got into bed. Just as I put my phone on silent, I saw Chloe sent me a photo. It was her phonebook, and she had changed my contact name to “Master”.

Time to have some fun this weekend I thought as I fell asleep.



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