I (F20’S) run into an ex (M20’s) and he took control of my vibrator to punish me for our break up (VANILLA, SOFT DOM/SUB) – Tess & Trevor

I haven’t seen Trevor in two years.
I told you this was gonna be a long story, remember? From the very first line I said you’d have to keep up cause a lot happened: “some of it was weird, but most of it was fun”, remember that? And then I said maybe it was over.
The second Trevor’s dad caught us, I knew we were done.
He never felt like a brother to me, not even for a second. We only knew each other a few months and my mom marrying his dad was more of a “wtf” than a “aww”. They were dating for less than a year. I don’t think they were even living together before the covid lockdown.
But how I felt didn’t matter. I know the stigma. Our parents are now married and for what it’s worth we are brother and sister. Doesn’t matter that we are self reliant grown ups who didn’t even know each other five months before… Mom would freak. His dad would freak. Anyone else in the family heard about it, they’d freak.
Trouble like that is only worth getting into if there’s a decent pay off.
In this situation, there wasn’t.
I mean sex was great.
And by “great” I mean the most amazing shake inducing eye roll worthy drool all night sex I’ve ever had.
But then what? I wasn’t gonna marry Trevor. Hell, I wasn’t even gonna date Trevor.
We had nothing in common but the fact we hated everything the other one stood for. We had no similar taste in movies, music or books. He liked Formula 1 and UFC, I saw no purpose in cars running around in circles or beating each other up for sports.
I was into jazz and running outdoors, Trevor was into metal and working out in a gym.
I was anti everything he was pro.
All it took for us to drive each other crazy was to not be having sex.
That’s not a healthy relationship. It was never ever ever EVER going to work. So why go through the trouble of having my entire family and friends calling me out for incest?
It was easier to end things and that’s what I did.
I still remember the look on his face when he was trying to convince me that we aren’t really related. He seemed sad. Disappointed.
The whole thing was so anticlimatic. Me and him. In the beginning we hated each other with a passion, then we hate fucked, then we passion fucked. Then we… hate passioned? I don’t know, I’m trying to be cute with words for your entertainment but it’s hard to feel witty when you haven’t been properly fucked in a while.
Have you ever tried honey lavander ice cream?
No, I’m not changing the topic. I have a point! Just… indulge me for a second?
Have you tried it? Cause I didn’t for a very long time.
I was into the traditional flavours… cookie dough, chocolate, strawberry… vanilla.
One day, I was at a friend’s and she offered me some honey lavander ice cream. I made a face and my first instinct was to say “no”, the damn thing was purple. And… lavander? That’s the kind of stuff that goes in perfume bottles, not in my mouth. A honey ice cream would already be weird enough without adding… flowers to it.
It was too exotic, too different, too out of the box. I’m sure it works for some people and I don’t judge them for it: by all means, eat whatever you want. But I’m an inside the box kind of person. Tie a bow around me and keep my lid closed, I’m good.
That day, however, I tried a scoop of it just because and my life changed.
Now, honey lavander is my favorite ice cream and I’ll be damned if I don’t miss it everytime I have any other flavour.
You see where I’m going with this, right?
Just in case you don’t, I’ll spell it out: sex with Trevor was honey lavander. Yes, I went full cliche with my analogy, sue me.
I never thought I’d be into the strong tattooed pro-gun idiot type who liked to be called daddy. Fuck, I never before even considered calling a man daddy. It was disgusting, right?
I also never considered trying any kind of kink. Sex was me and a man in my bed. Maybe I’d be on top every now and then, that’s it. I was embarrassed by the idea of it. I was specially embarrassed by the kinks I was curious about.
And yet, since day one with him I felt confortable enough to share. Confortable enough to try. I held him in such a low esteem (unlike most of the other men I dated) that I didn’t mind if he though poorly of me. I opened up.
I said “yes” to one scoop.
And for the past two years whenever another man fucked me, I missed Trevor.
I miss his unforgiving spankings. I miss the burn of leather clashing against my ass when he used his belt. I miss being roughed up so bad that even the light touch of my pajamas afterwards would be enough to irritate my skin.
I miss how he would empty his balls inside me sometimes two or three times in a row, and how I would have his jizz leaking out of me all night, drenching my panties all over again.
I miss having his teeth on my jawline, that unreleting bite hurting so good when he’d refuse to let go. I miss the way he grabbed my tits and owned my orgasms. I miss being talked down to and humiliated.
I miss being denied.
But most of all, I really miss how he’d fuck me in my sleep.
That was it, wasn’t it?
If I had to choose one kink only until the end of my days, it would be sleep play.
Being fucked without permission while I am unconscious. Being used for his pleaseure and waking up with the aches of the aftermath.
I honestly don’t know why that is.
I can’t explain it.
But just the thought of it, makes me numb.
In hindsight, I should have begged Trevor to do that more. Cause he did it… maybe two or three times? He’d tease it a lot when we were doing other stuff cause he knew that could get me in the mood fast. But we hardly ever actually did it.
Now it was unlikely I’d have it again. Cause I mean… Have you ever tried going up to a boyfriend and explaining this kink? “Hey, babe, can you wait until I fall asleep, fuck me really hard, slap me around until I wake, then choke me and put your finger on my face commading me to be quiet until daddy is done?”
I tried explaining that.
Did not go well.
They freak out. They refuse. They see it as a red flag.
One guy thought I was setting him up to report him for domestic violence.
I can’t blame him, I’m sure that happens. But my point is: when you’re into non-con, it can be tricky to find someone who is sexually compatible. Because not only do they need to be into it as well, but you also need to trust them to stop if you safe word.
It was easier to give up.
We got caught, two years ago, and Trevor left the next morning.
We barely said goodbye cause his dad woke up super early to see him off. No matter how many times I tried to explain that it was all consensual, his dad was convinced Trevor was the one to blame. Trevor was the playboy. Trevor seduced me. Trevor tricked me.
We didn’t say goodbye.
He texted me from his brother’s the day after.
Maybe I was a bit cold? I don’t know. We were over, I saw no point in being sweet.
Here, I’ll show you the messages:
Him: “Hey. Just wanted to let you know I’m at Leo’s” (That’s his brother) “I’m gonna stay with him for a couple of days while I look for a place of my own”
Me: “Sounds good”
Him: “Any neighborhoods you’d suggest I look into?”
Me: “Not really”
Him: “k” (then he was silent for like two hours)
Him: “Tess?”
I didn’t reply.
Him: “I don’t like that we had to break things off like this. I don’t like that we had to break things off at all. You wanna meet me someplace so we can talk?”
Me: “Lockdown”
Him: “…”
Him: “That’s pretty much over”
Me: “There will be another wave soon”
Him: “Meet me before then?”
Me: “What do you wanna talk about?”
Him: “You know what I wanna talk about”
Me: “…”
Me: “Trevor, just drop it”
Him: “?”
Me: “If u wanna say something, say it. I’m not gonna meet and risk your dad telling my mom”
Him: “You’re a grown woman, what the hell are you being a purse for?”
Me: “A purse?”
Him: “A pussy. Fucking autocorrect”
Me: “So u wanna meet so u can be judgemental and call me a purse to my face?”
Him: “I wanna meet cause I think there was something between us and I would like to know if you agree”
Me: “Something?”
Him: “You gonna make me spell it out?”
Me: “I thought nobody could make you do anything”
Him: “I have a crush on you. Not just sex, alright? And if you feel the same, I wanna see where it goes. Either way I just wanna talk. I hate that we barely said goodbye.”
I didn’t answer.
The screen just sat there, quietly on his last message while I didn’t even try to type.
Pure visual silence. Which (some would say) is the worst kind of silence in modern life.
But what the hell would I even answer?
Yeah, baby, let’s run away together?
A relationship between the two of us is not gonna happen. And good sex by itself is not a reason to fuck every other aspect of your life!
Even if good sex is perfect sex.
I didn’t answer for almost half an hour.
And then…
Him: “Is that your answer?”
Me: “That’s my answer”
Him: “k”
And that was it.
Two years and all I have from Trevor is that K.
Two years avoiding each other. Whenever I went to mom’s for a holiday or birthday or… whatever, he’d make sure to be some place else. And I did the same for him.
Two years and our paths did not cross, not even once.
My mom was upset over it. The poor ignorant woman thought we didn’t wanna meet anymore cause we hated each other, when in reality we didn’t wanna meet cause we’d likely hate fuck. “He’s your brother” she’d say “Don’t avoid him forever. You could be friends”. She’d beg for family union while I’d get sick to my stomach of him being refered to as my brother.
Two years.
I finished college.
I dated some guys.
I had sex.
In a way, I moved on.
I only ever think about Trevor these days when I’m too horny or sex was too mediocre.
I like to flick my clit thinking about him, even after two years he is still my favorite masturbation fantasy. The early days of lockdown when I’d hear him jerking off and moan through the thin walls… that always gets me in the mood. The day I shoved his mask in my pussy and made him wear it, I watched him go hard as he smelled me on it… that always gets me wet. The first time he hate fucked me after I walked in his room naked while he was on a work call… that always gets me rubbing my clit so hard I feel like I might pass out.
Two years later and the man is still owning my orgasms.
Anyway, my sister is getting married now.
She’s been trying to get married since 2020, but she didn’t want a small family wedding in a backyard during lockdown, you know? Natalie is the first born and a star, she wanted a week long destination wedding for 200 people and a cathedral. She didn’t get exactly that, but she got pretty close.
What does this have to do with anything?… You might ask
Why did I skip two years of my life in this story and chose to bring you back for the wedding of a sister I never even mentioned before?
Well, her fiance, as it turns out really fucking likes Formula 1 and UFC. He likes metal and working out in a gym.
So guess who he became fast friends with over the past two years?
Guess who he invited to be one of his groosmen?
The Universe hates me.
I think the Universe is a man. I think he is an incel who fell in love with me in high school and I turned him down. So now the Universe just sits there in his mother’s basement, stalking my social media and trying to find new ways to fuck my life over.
But it will be fine.
Honestly, I make it sound worst than it is. I’m not really thinking about Trevor that much anymore. It’s only when I masturbate. Or have sex. Or bathe.
It’s summer 2022, I land in Cancun and go straight to the hotel. A five star resort by the beach for two weeks of wedding shenanigangs leading up to the actual cerimony.
I’m gonna skip the check in, hugs and “hellos” cause I know you are not interested in the bride, my mom, or my aunt Claudia who is all about showing pictures of her new house in California.
He is there.
Natalie set up a welcome reception for the guests (mostly the wedding party and closer friends and family, the rest of her guests are only making it here for the actual wedding). There are drinks, a charcuterie & cheese table and Trevor.
Fuck, he looks good.
His dark hair is shorter. He has a new tattoo on his forearm, drawing even more attention to his large veiny arms. He is wearing a shirt that fits his muscles in a tasty way. A scruffy beard and that naughty smile of a man that knows not only how to lick pussy, but how to make a woman beg for it while she is repeatedely told no.
He looks really good.
Be chill, Tessa.
Be super fucking chill.
He might have a girlfriend.
He might hate you so much he won’t even say hello.
Be ready for anything.
My little sister Annie is talking to him and Leo. He hasn’t noticed me yet. I thought about keeping my distance, but Annie noticed me.
“Tessie!” she yells, shaking her hand in the air, asking me to join them.
That’s when he sees me.
His piercing eyes are on me and I… I can’t read his face.
Is he happy? Is he mad? Is he.. Indiferent?
“Hi” I say as she hugs me. Leo gives me a polite brotherly hug and asks how was my flight.
I give him a half answer cause his brother… the thick wall of a man that is Trevor leans in to give me a hug that makes me forget how words work.
His arm around my waist is heavy. His lips are on my cheek, giving me a tame hello kiss. I try not to touch his chest. He is all power and that fucking brat-spanking dominant atitude. I can smell it on him. The perfume he wears that night is the same he has everynight: Brat Spanker, by Dior or something. I can smell it all. The twitching hand, the leather in his belt… fuck I can smell the unspoken words dancing in his tongue “cross me and I’ll discipline you, babygirl”. He’d sound sweet. He’d sound rough. I am light headed.
The hello kiss on my cheek is very polite and appopriate, at least. He is about to let me go and I am happy I survived it when he… lingers. The kiss is over, but his nose is still on my hair.
And then he smells me.
It feels erotic.
Like he could fuck me with his nose and I’d cum all the same.
“Hi” I say to him as well, but he doesn’t reply.
He puts his hands under his armpits as soon as the hug ends, like he is afraid he’ll touch me again if he doesnt’t keep himself in check. His lips are pursed. He’s upset. He hates that he couldn’t fight the urge to smell me.
I should break the ice.
I was the one who broke it off and dismissed him.
I should…
“I’m gonna take the ladies with me now!” Nat says to the small crowd cause aparently there are separate events for the men and women this afternoon “We’ll meet again for dinner”.
I look back at Trevor for a second and it’s like his soul turned to stone. He stares at me for a second with ice in his eyes before turning away like I don’t matter.
So this is what the next two weeks will be like.
Glad I found out fast.
I’ll just enjoy the beach and my family like I planned to, and try my best to stay out of his way.
I won’t spend the next two weeks feeling his heavy arm on my waist. And I can’t even smell his twitching hand and his leather belt anymore, right? Just a little. Maybe.
Fuck… I can still smell him.
His perfume is on me.
His warmth.
I wanted to touch his chest so bad cause I know exactly how good it feels to scratch him. I know how numbing it is to hear him moan. And he moans so loud. Why the fuck don’t all men do that?
I stretch my back, take a deep breath and decide I won’t think about Trevor anymore.
I was doing mostly good for two years. I can keep my streak.
Natalie’s event is a bunch of silly sex-related games. Just some tame stuff like everyone got a box of sex toys, then played truth or dare over mimosas and such.
“What’s the best sex you ever had, Nat?”
There’s a lot of giggling. A lot of joking. A lot of oversharing.
“What about you, Annie?”
Giggles, laughter.
“And you, Sam?”
Joking. Oversharing.
“And you, Tessie?”
Oh fuck.
I take a big gulp of my mimosa and wish it was tequila.
The morning I woke up with my shorts around my ankles and Trevor’s load on my thighs. Easy first. Every other sex I had is fighting for seconds.
And I didn’t even cum.
Well… I did… after.
I woke up that morning and I don’t remember ever wanting a man that bad. I wanted him in my pussy, in my throat, in my soul.
“My first time was pretty sweet” I say with an innocent smile.
“Yeah” I lie “It wasn’t anything too exciting. But he took his time to make it sweet for me, so I’ll always remember that”
“I would have guessed it was Ryan” Annie sells me out.
“You were with Ryan?” my mom’s eyes go wide and I stare at my little sister with an absolute look of disbelief as she shuts her own mouth with her hands.
“Forgot ma was here, did ya?” I smile as do serial killers.
“Little bit” she has a face of regret and apology. But damage is done, specially cause Ryan is a groomsman who is currently present. Well, not in the room right now, but you know what I mean.
“Not Ryan. Though he was nice” I try to save face.
“Nice?” Natalie asks like she is saying oh, poor boy, you might as well say he has zero game.
“Very nice” I try to save poor Ryan. He was alright. We were barely together to be honest.
There’s some more giggles and what nots, but my head is elsewhere.
He fucked me in my sleep.
He really did it.
He walked into my room. Took my shorts down. Fucked my pussy with his rough cock. Spilled his load on my thighs. Left me there, used and undressed to wake up alone.
I clench my thighs so fucking hard, the women sitting besides me notice it.
My whole stomach goes rigid like my body has decided to orgasm in the next five seconds with or without my permission.
I can smell him.
The belt. The warmth. The words. How is it possible to smell someone’s words? But I swear I can.
You do as your told, hm? Or daddy will punish you. It was sweet. His threats always smelled of apples and lime. Fresh and delicious. Tasty as all fuck.
“Next question” Nat anounces “What is something sexual you love but were always ashamed to admit it?”
Have you ever been fucked by a beer bottle, Tessie?
I’m gonna fuck your ass tonight while you sleep, you whore.
Open your mouth wide, baby, so daddy can fuck your throat.
I press my temples. I press my eyes.
Think of something else. Think of something else. Thing of somet…
I can see him in my head. His finger on my face, clamping my tits and telling me they were gonna stay on for thirty seconds. If you brat, that’s another minute.
Laughs, Giggles & Co. around me are having the time of their life.
But I cannot get this fucking man out of my fucking head.
I grab the first vibrator in my gift box and excuse myself.
If I can’t keep him out through breathing, I will rip him out through rubbing.
I lock myself in the bathroom and I am so fucking wet the dildo slides in likes I measured it twice. It’s small though. I almost feel like I should call this a big bullet instead of a small dildo. But as long as it vibrated, it will get the job done. And it does vibrate! I tested it earlier on my hand… it has twelve speeds which go from “yeah, whatever I guess” to “oh god, please kill me now”. So, you know… not bad!
My thighs are pressing against each other like they want to bed and scream. I try to find the button to turn the damn thing on but there’s none.
And it hits me.
This is one of those remotely controled vibrators.
The remote must be inside the box.
Fuck my life all the way, right?
The Universe must be laughing his ass off in front of his computer right now.
I run out of the bathroom to get the thing quickly before anyone notices my behavior.
But the Universe… listen, I think I bullied the Universe in high school. I think I called it names and spat on it’s face. Cause when I get out of the bathroom, the two parties have just joined back together.
The boys are here.
Nat is saying something about going for dinner and ushering us to another room. My mom is talking to Trevor who seems to be in his best gentleman behavior. While I’m a whore with a vibrator up my pussy. I go for the box as one of the women on the couch gets up, she tilts the box a little and some items spill out. She catches most of them with a smile before leaving the box in place.
But the remote…
The fucking remote rolls over the floor like something out of a cartoon and lands right by Trevor’s feet. I am praying that Wile E. Coyote will pop up, press the button and blow me up, but instead Trevor picks it up.
He has furrowed brows and a confused look when he inspects it. But he is the kind of man with electrostimulation sex toys in his repertoire, so it takes him two full seconds to understand what it is. He has an innocent smile as well as he understand what the ladies event was, and he would have dropped it and paid it no mind… if only I could chill.
He raises his head back to the crown and we lock eyes. There must be despair in my face. There must be agony and panic and dread. Cause his innocent smile becomes a confused look again. He lowers his hand (still focused on me) but my eyes follow his hand and the remote inside it.
That’s when it happens.
That’s when he understands.
His sholders go down explicitly.
His jaw drops just a little.
His eyes are bright with happiness, but his smile is wicked.
Oh, no you didn’t. That’s what he is saying to me. Without using a single word, that is exactly what his eyes are saying to me.
I gesture towards him for a split second, about to ask for the remote back. But he quickly puts it in his pocket.
I hurry and hold his arm.
“Give it back” I whisper as we fall behind from the group.
“You have it in, don’t you?” he smiles like a little kid being told Christmas this year will be at Disney World.
“No, I don’t”
He turns it on.
Remember when I said the vibrator speed started at “yeah, whatever I guess”? That’s because I was trying it on my hand. Inside my pussy and by surprise, it feels more like “Oh, fuck, yes please”, and that’s what my entire body says as soon as he turns it on.
I grab his arm so hard I sink my nails in.
“Yeah, sure you don’t” he turns it back off.
“Give it back”
“You know better than this, Tess. There’s only one word I’ll obey” he whispers “You know what that word is?”
Our safe word.
He smiles.
“You remember it, don’t you?”
“Give it back” I say again.
“Say the word and it’s yours”
I should say it.
If I don’t, he’ll have that remote during dinner.
He wouldn’t use it during dinner though. But he might. So why do I want him to have it?
“Oh, it’s so good that you kids are talking” mom approaches us, linking arms with the two of us. Kids she call us. I’m acbout 25 and Trevor is pretty close to 30. “I hate to think that you two don’t get along. Lockdown was hard on everyone, you two should try to bond. We are family!” she shrugs after five too many mimosas.
“That’s a wonderful idea, Janet. Tess, come sit with me for dinner”
“No, I…
“Go, honey” mom asks “Unless you wanna sit with Ryan”
I’m gonna kill Anna. I’m gonna kill her with a machete, set fire to the pieces and bury them at a garbage dump.
“Mom, please let that go. Annie was just…
“I’m sorry…” Trevor has a little homicidal smile and then I realise he also heard that “Who is Ryan?”
“Nobody” I say.
“Oh, nobody” mom makes a face and laughs “We were just ladies talking about lady things. And boys.” She winks.
“Oh?” he asks looking very curious.
“Enough mimosas for you, ok ma?”
She strolls away leaving me behind to deal with the post-nuclear disaster.
I know he is gonna ask who Ryan is, so I walk away.
We find a table with Annie, Leo and some others. About three minutes go by before a message pings on my phone.
I unlock the screen and… Trevor.
He has his phone by his side, I see.
I check the message log, and the K is no longer sitting in silence.
There is another message now.
Right under the K from two years ago.
-> So, who’s Ryan?
I lock my phone back, blantantly ignoring him.
Trevor types something else and my phone pings another time.
-> Tessa… who is Ryan?
-> None of your business
He turn it on again. This time I was ready, but I guess he antecipated that. Instead of turning it on speed 1, he goes straight to 3 or 4, making me jump up so suddenly Annie looks at me funny.
“Tess?” Annie holds my arm.
“Hm?” Fuck, can you hear it? Can you hear it vibrating inside me?
Trevor makes it go faster. It’s 5 now. Definetly a 5.
I grab the table cloth and pant hard.
“You ok?” Annie asks me.
“Hm… Hmmhm” I nod with a horrible smile of agony.
“You sure?” Trevor asks me like a little bitch “You seem in pain”
Look at that fucking smirk. He is brushing his fingertips over his pretentious fucking smile.
“N-no. I… I’m… I…” fuck, this is good.
Pleasure this hard usually takes a hold of your body. It makes everything move. It makes everything tight. It makes everything numb.
Eyelids are the first to go. Those fucking traitors. They just wanna drop down and surrender, but that is as telling as it gets, so I make a point to keep my eyes open wide which, to be honest, is probably making me look even crazier.
“You’re… you’re…?” Trevor will not let me free. This is punishment.
I press my thighs really hard but all that does is make it so the vibe teases me even better.
I can hear it buzzing through my whole body.
“I had a thing with Ryan” I blurt out and he increases the speed to 6. Half way between a yes-please speed and a “oh-god-kill-me-now” speed “That’s it!” I beg “We had sex”.
The vibration stops and the whole table goes dead quiet.
Besides me and Trevor, there’s five more people with us. Annie, Leo and three cousind. They all stare at me an absolute shock. Well… not Trevor. Trevor still has a smirk.
“Tessa, are you alright?” Annie whispers “Is this… about Ryan? You wanna go sit with him, maybe?”
“Ryan is here?” Trevor asks and I stare at him with death in my eyes.
“Enough” I say, catching my breath.
He doesn’t care.
That’s the thing about dominants (and specially sadistic ones): they don’t care. They will own you. They will do whatever they want to you. And you will fucking like it and say thank you.
That’s the look on Trevor’s face right now. The look of a man who is about to say “C’mon, cunt. Disobey me again. Do it”.
“I think Tess had a little too much to drink, I’m sorry” Annie jokes with a little laugh, imediately lightening the mood, bless her.
Trevor is making a move for something in his pocket and I hold his arm under the table.
“I said enough” I whisper to him, urgently.
He leans in casually, until his lips are on my ear. His voice is hoarse, like he is hard himself, longing for my mouth or my pussy.
“You’ll have enough” he moans in that delicious voice of his “when daddy says you’ve had enough”
He turns the fucking thing back on… he has the remote in his hand, discreetly over the table. He clicks it like he is fingering me. All the way up to 7.
“Trev, please” I beg “My whole family is here”.
“I know” he fake-whimpers “And you went ahead and shoved a vibrator in your pussy”.
Click. 8.
I grab his thigh. He moans. In my fucking ear.
That moan.
I am so fucking good to go.
Click. 9.
“I missed you, baby” he grins “I missed your moaning, I missed your bratting… I missed your pussy”.
Every muscle in my body tenses up. I am panting so hard it’s getting hard to disguise. I’m gonna cum in the middle of the room, surrounded by my family.
Click. 10.
“Tell me, did it miss me too?”
Yes. Yes, it fucking missed you.
Oh my God, yes, please, fuck. This is sex. Everything else is a pathetic joke.
Click. 11.
My cheeks must be extremely blushed, because I feel them on fire.
My nipples are so hard they are gonna cur through my dress.
I have my elbows on the table so I can hide my face behing my hands.
“You gonna cum in front of your family, Tess?”
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuuuuuuck.
I am so close. I know it… but worst: he knows it. He’s watched me cum a million times, he knows exactly how close I am. He could snap his fingers and have my orgasm.
I feel the wave right there. That numbing sensation of release that spread through your groins to every cell in your body. I feel it building up. I feel the dam about to break.
Then he shut it down.
Turns it off. Gone. Over. Zero. Nada.
Frustration is so powerful I sigh out loud.
I grab on to the table cloth so hard all the plates get dragged.
“Hey, wow, are you ok?” I male hand is on my nape. Now, let me be clear: I have NO idea who that hand belongs to, but I was about to cum and that means every nerve in my body has the sensitive dialed up to a million. And I wasn’t about to cum like you’d say a kid walking on ice is about to slip. I was about to cum as a car with the air bags being set off is about to crash. There was maybe a fraction of a second between Tessa before and after her next orgasm. Trevor knows me so fucking well he stopped my climax the very second it was about to break.
So when I tell you that the man’s hand on my nape made me moan a little, it’s just about the touch.
However, we already discussed how the Universe cares very deeply about me, right?
“Hey, Ryan” Annie says and I freeze. But more importantly, Trevor freezes.
“Hey Tess, I came to say hello” he kisses my forehead. So let’s add it up, ok? I moaned when he touched me, he is the Ryan I had sex with and now he is giving me forehead kisses (which are my weakness and Trevor knows it).
Trevor clenches his hands so fast I fear he’ll break the remote.
“Ry, did you know we were talking about you?” Natalie joins us and the only thing worst than a tispy mom is a tipsy bride.
“How so?” he asks with a smile.
“Ladies afternoon! We were talking about… you know… the best ones we’ve ever had?”
“And Tessa named him?” Trevor can’t hold it in. He must be frustrated as fuck to let that escape like that.
“Yeah” Natalie says and I’m gonna have to kill her right after I’m done with Annie. Ryan smiles saying something about being honored and I swear I was about to be embarassed, I swear. But Trevor decided it was punishing time. Back on it goes.
It’s still on 11.
Click. 12.
I bite my lip so hard I choke.
“Does anyone hear that?” Ryan asks “A buzzing something sound?”
“Excuse me” I get up before any more enquiries are made.
I hold on to my dress and stumble out of the room. I think my sisters asked me for something, but I am tripping into the foyer trying to find a private place.
I need this thing off my pussy.
The foyer and the lounge of the resort are huge. I don’t know where the bathrooms are so I just half run and half trip to a corner. The place is a bar that doesn’t work during the night time, I think. Everything is dark so I just press myself between the wall and some curtains, away from curious eyes and lift my dress. I take my panties out of the way in my resolve to remove the vibrator before it kills me.
I am drooling and moaning and tearing up.
I reach out to the base of the vibrator but as I am about to pull it out, he reaches me.
“Oh, I don’t think so”
“Stop it” I push him away with all my strenght. But all my strenght is nothing to the huge block of muscles that he is.
We fight in the dark for control of my pussy and he wins. I can’t take the thing out. I’m pinned against the wall, my pussy leaking it’s juices with the vibrator still shoved all the way in. Still on 12. At least I’ll cum in a second… then it will be over.
I just need to rub my thighs together, but Trevor keeps them open with his knee.
“Ryan is the best sex you ever had?” he sounds pissed. Livid. “You said that?”
He spreads my pussy lips open with two fingers and cold air hits my clit.
“I did” I moan out in a whimper.
“Why?” he is so close I can taste his breath. I can taste his desire.
“Because he is” I lie because fuck Trevor.
“You still fucking him?”
“And others” I lie again.
He laughs.
“See, baby, I think you’re lying” he lowers the speed back to 1.
“Fuck you”
“I think you’re just bratting to piss me off”
He slams his palm against my clit and I moan rubbing myself on it.
“But there is one way to find out”
He takes his free hand to his belt and unbuckles it real… fucking… slow.
My eyes shoot down to it.
Yes, oh fuck, yes.
I haven’t been spanked with a belt in two years. I move my legs around him, eager.
“Oh, you want this?” he teases me, the asshole. Then he start taking it off, rolling it around his fists. Slow and deliberate “Answer me, or you don’t get the belt” he has the whole thing rolled up on his fists and he brushes it on my inner thigh. The leather feels so fucking perfect, I didn’t think you could get more turned on than I already was without cumming, but alas “C’mon…” he sings like the devil “You know you want it”
“I’m not fucking him anymore”
“Good girl” he brings the belts higher and higher up my inner thigh “And was he your best fuck?”
“Who was?”
“You, asshole”
He pinches my fucking clit so hard I see spots of light.
“That’s disrespectful. Try again. Who was your best fuck, Tess?”
“You… you were, sir”
“Ohh, fuck” you can tell he didnt mean to say that, but it came out anyway. I feel so good having this power over him. I feel so fucking hot “That’s better” he says “That’s much better”
Click. 2
“Thank you, sir” I lick my lips like a whore and he smiles, pleased.
Click and click.
He knows how to push my buttons and I know how to push his.
“Here” he rubs the belt on my clit and I close my eyes “You can fuck the belt, baby”
And I do just that. I grind that fucking thing so hard I am panting.
The vibrator in my pussy.
The belt on my clit.
The man around me.
I scratch his chest and bite his shoulder to stop me from screaming.
He takes it.
Without moving an inche while I rub myself on his belt and hand like a fucking dog.
Click, click. He increases it. Clickclickclick, so fast I lose count.
It’s too strong. But this time he doesn’t stop it. Nothing interrupts us.
I bite his sholder, muffling my screams while he pants as if he was fucking me.
I’m gonna cum. One more second and I’m there.
One last click. My eyes roll back.
I lose control of my body as I orgasm. I feel it shake. I feel it drop. It takes me a couple of minutes to be able to stand on my own legs again.
I push him away, fulling aware of how large his bulge looks.
“Since I had to rub it myself, you can do the same” I catch my breath.
“I was planning to” he looks so hot. He looks so hot. So hot.
“Good” I’m starting to walk away when he says:
“Hey Tess? When you go to sleep tonight” he has a grin, but the smile never reaches his eyes “Leave your door open for me, will you?”
This story will be updated on Reddit every thursday.
Patreon is one chapter ahead (early access with updates every tuesday and thursday).
More coming soon! <3 You can check my profile for other parts of this story!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11g8ky3/i_f20s_run_into_an_ex_m20s_and_he_took_control_of


  1. I’m sorry about the format! I tried posting with better paragraphs but Reddit won’t let me because of the size of the text… =(

  2. This is quite simply the best series I think I’ve ever read

    What a masterpiece

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