[FM] My [19F] young and fiery first encounter with a friend I was wildly attracted to [20M]

Full disclaimer this is not so much of a “gone wild” story, but something that felt extremely passionate for me at the time, and I wanted to get down in writing.

My first very intense and toxic relationship, at 18 years of age, was coming to an end after my then boyfriend cheated on me while he was on a trip abroad. As it happens with first relationships, my world came crashing down, and I handled the situation badly. I was hurt, but I wanted to keep trying to save the relationship.

We “took a break” to think things through, but it was agreed that we wouldn’t be with other people during the break.

During that time I got really really close to a friend who constantly made me laugh, who I flirted with shamelessly, and who was just refreshing and there for me at a really hard time. He was also 100% what I would later label as “my type”. He probably defined what my type would later be. He had a no bullshit approach to my relationship situation and encouraged me to just dump the guy. He was totally right, but I was blind to it at the time.

We went bar hopping one night with our group of friends. We got really really drunk, we got quite hands-y, a slight touch here, a slight touch there. He gave me a piggyback ride on the street. It was fun, arousing, and carefree. I realized I was extremely attracted to him, and the way he made me feel. He threw compliments at me, made me laugh, flirted… it was just so easy to be around him.

We kept on talking every day. We dialed up the flirting, and the constant compliments back and forth.

We went out with the same group of friends another night. We were at this really nice bar on a terrace, it had a great setting with plants and low night lights. It was summer and I felt young and sexy, being the center of his attention. Our friends clearly saw something was going on, but no one said a thing. He encouraged me to try sake for the first time, he handed me drink after drink. At one point I broke free of our group of friends with the excuse to catch some air at the railing of the terrace. It was a move, obviously, to see if he would follow me. He did.

For a couple of minutes we just stood there, looking over at the sky and the road below. He turned to look at me and smirked. He had also had a couple of drinks. He reached out and circled my waist with his arms, and drew me closer to him. He did this with no hesitation at all, as if he knew I would not resist. As if there was nothing else to do but this. I felt so alive at the time, my whole body started tingling. He started whispering sweet nothings in my ear, burying his face in my hair. He drew me closer still, and I could feel his hard on. It turned the moment from something sweet to something so fiery and passionate that I could barely contain myself.

My mind was still struggling with being committed to my boyfriend. But, in reality, I had already accepted that something was going to happen between us that night. And in the middle of me thinking things over, he started kissing my neck.

Fuck… he started kissing my neck.

I was young, I was naive, I had only had one man do things like these to me before, and experiencing it with someone new was unbearably hot, even if it was just neck kisses.

His short beard left goosebumps on my neck, on my collarbone, as he drew a path of kisses up and down my skin. His tongue grazed my ear, and I had to hold back a moan. People were watching, we were not supposed to be doing this. I buried my face in the crook of his neck, embarrassed about my body’s reaction to such an innocent action. He knew I was still mind-blocked from doing anything else at this point, and he seemed so happy to just continue kissing my neck like this, as if he needed nothing else, and as if we had all the time in the world. Somehow this made me even more attracted to him than before. My heart was pounding, I was gasping, and I was getting wet from freaking neck kisses. Oh, how I miss being young and turned on so easily now.

Eventually we drew apart, and our friends wanted to go to another bar, so we went.

We walked into the other bar, much smaller and cozier. We ended up getting a table with few chairs and one bench. My friend and I sat together, pressed against each other on the bench that could barely fit one person, let alone two. By now everyone knew what was happening between us, but I didn’t care at all. My mind was zeroed in on the side of my body pressed up against his, and when he placed his hand on my lap, I looked up and to the side, where his face was mere inches away from mine. And then he just leaned in, and there was nowhere to go, and he finally kissed me. It was a soft kiss, gentle, but not shy. He knew what he wanted and didn’t hesitate. His hand gripped my thigh when I returned the kiss, as if he was trying to control it from roaming up my leg. I wish he had let it, I wish he had touched me anywhere he wanted, I wish he had known how much at his mercy I was at that point.

But he didn’t, he respected me and my still messed up “post toxic relationship brain” too much. So, things were kept PG-13, even though I was so stupidly wet and aroused that I could have jumped him right then and there. I would have excused myself from the table, shooting him a look that forced him to follow me. I would have found a tight corridor in that small, dark bar. He would have pushed me up against the wall, pinning my arms on top of my head and kissing my neck again, licking my ear, whispering to me how turned on he was by me, how the endless teasing had him on the edge and how much he wanted to be inside me. I would have struggled to get out of his grip and turned around, facing the wall and enjoyed so much the surprise in his eyes turning into raw hunger at me doing that. He would have undone his pants, and lifted up my skirt, and taken me from behind then and there.

“Fuck… god, you are so wet…” he would have whispered in my ear while he moved against me, in short strokes because of the tight space, but powerful nonetheless.

All of that would have happened if I had been a tad more mature, a tad less scared. But I wasn’t and it didn’t, we just kissed, enjoyed each other’s mouths and tongues and hands as much as we could. I don’t think I will ever forget that night, and what could have been.

We had a couple other encounters, clearly it was hard for us to keep ourselves apart. In my mind those are a bit tainted with what would later be a very messy break up with my ex boyfriend. I will always wish I could have given this guy a proper chance, but our timing ended up being pretty bad. We now remain friends who are attracted to each other.

PG-13, right? Right…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11gkc6d/fm_my_19f_young_and_fiery_first_encounter_with_a

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