Alice’s Wonderland: Chapter 7: Showered With Love [F/M 20s, femdom]

“Is it still far?” I asked. We had been walking for nearly twenty minutes. Thankfully, we had not run into any familiar faces along the way. My awkward small-step movements made it obvious that something was bothering me and causing me to involuntarily move the way I did. At least, the few passersby that we did come across, certainly noticed.

“We’re almost there,” Alice said. “Although I do need to drop by a store real quick.”

“Can’t it wait?” I pleaded. “I would really like to visit a bathroom, so I can remove this plug and get this stuff out of me. It’s getting uncomfortable.”

“It won’t take long, besides, I need you to be with me,” Alice said.

With a sense of defeat, I accepted that, for my own sake, it was better not to argue with Alice too much. We continued our journey and eventually came to a halt in front of The Pet Palace, a pet supplies store.

“So what do you need me for?” I asked. “Are you getting things for your pets which I’ll need to carry?”

“Something like that,” Alice giggled as she opened the door and stepped inside. I obediently followed in her footsteps. She made a beeline for the dog section of the store, where she then started wandering around aimlessly, seemingly not knowing what she was looking for. An employee noticed Alice’s searching behavior and approached her.

“Welcome to The Pet Palace, how may I help you?” he asked.

“I just got a new pet, and I’m looking for some necessities, but I’m having trouble finding them,” Alice replied. She glanced at me when she mentioned ‘pet’, displaying a nefarious look, before turning back to the employee with an innocent smile.

“What are you looking for?” the employee asked. “Maybe I can help you find it.”

“Well,” Alice started. “I’m looking for a shock collar. I want to train my dog and I don’t feel like using sprays. It’s not effective enough.”

“What is the dog’s size?” The employee replied. “Due to safety concerns, we don’t have shock collars for small dogs, but bigger dogs handle it better, so we only carry shock collars in bigger sizes.”

“That should be alright,” Alice replied. “Sandra is an adult dog, not a puppy. Which is why I insist on a shock collar. It’s a lot harder to teach adult dogs the correct behavior without using a shock collar, and I don’t have the time to play nice.” Alice pointed at me and continued, “Sandra is a big dog too, she has roughly the same neck size as my friend. You can try to fit it on him.” She had trouble hiding her wicked smile. But unlike me, the employee did not notice that ‘Sandra’ referred to me.

“Hmm,” the employee hummed thoughtfully. “A medium collar should do then. Let’s have a look.” He grabbed a collar and attached it to my neck. “Yeah, if your dog has roughly the same size, then it should be alright,” he concluded.

“Does the collar need batteries?” Alice asked.

“No, just the remote. The collar is charged on a power outlet,” the employee replied. “Collars generally have a near-empty charge, so it’s best to charge it first thing when you get home.” He pressed the power button on the collar. To my horror, it turned on. The LED power indicator lit up yellow. “This one seems to have anywhere between one and six hours of charge left,” he said. “Yellow generally means it’s nearing emptiness and a charge is advised. When it turns red, the charge is less than an hour, though, on a full charge, it can last two to three days.”

“Does this collar have a function to zap automatically on barks?” Alice asked intrigued. “Or would I have to do that manually?”

“There is a mode for that, but you can also trigger shocks manually if it is not registering the barking,” the employee said, handing Alice a small remote. A small plastic strip was sticking out from the back of the remote.

*Oh, no.* I thought. *The batteries are included… I just hope Alice doesn’t realize it too…*

Gripping the remote, Alice instantly felt the plastic strip. She grinned and turned to the employee again, saying, “I’m also looking for a metal crate cage for Sandra to sleep in overnight. I don’t want to risk her damaging my furniture until I’m sure she’s well-behaved.”

The employee quickly lost his trail of thoughts. “Oh, yeah, of course,” he replied. “Follow me.” He turned around and started to lead us toward another aisle. Alice’s plan had worked. Distracting the employee had made him forget to take the collar off of my neck or even just turn it off. Following behind the employee, Alice flipped the remote over and pulled out the plastic strip, connecting the batteries to the remote’s electric circuit.

Looking over her shoulder, she grinned and started pressing buttons on the remote. I was expecting her to shock me as we walked, I anxiously awaited the jolt, but to both my relief and surprise, nothing happened.

Arriving at the dog crates, Alice wasted no time thanking the employee, “Thank you! I’ll browse for a bit if that’s okay. I’ll let you know if I need anything else!”

“Of course,” he replied in a friendly manner and walked off.

Alice turned towards me, looking at me with an expecting gaze, but remaining quiet.

I opened my mouth to ask her if she wanted me to see which cage fit my size, “Do-”

An electric jolt instantly hit my neck. It was much more painful than I had imagined it would be. Alice had likely turned the intensity to one of the higher settings. The sudden pain was enough to make me jump. “Ah!” I exclaimed. Another shock followed. I cursed myself. Noise-activated shock collars on humans certainly didn’t play fair.

Alice looked on in delight as I couldn’t stop myself from getting shocked multiple times in a row until I finally managed to keep my mouth closed and keep my groan quiet enough to not trigger another shock.

“Awh, so the cute puppy can whine after all!” Alice said in a heightened voice as if talking to a puppy. She walked up to me. “Good girl,” she said, as she patted me.

I crossed my arms and pouted, letting out a frustrated hum as I forcefully exhaled through my nose.

“You’re lucky I’d have to take it off of you before we make our way over to the cashier anyway,” Alice responded and turned off the remote. “If you behave well, I’ll lower the intensity back home,” she said, as she now also turned the collar off and removed it from my neck.

“I’ll be good,” I said.

“You’ll be a good ‘what’?” Alice asked.

“A good dog, Alice,” I whined.

“Good girl,” Alice said as she patted me again. “Now, go see which cage you’d like to sleep in tonight.”

“Are you serious?” I asked anxiously.

“Of course! After your shower, you’re staying for the night!” Alice answered.

I shivered. *Sleeping in a dog cage? I hope it’d only be a one-time kind of thing,* I thought to myself. All the zapping certainly hadn’t helped my need for the bathroom. If anything, it had made it worse. So instead of carefully assessing the cages to see which I’d like to stay in, I simply pointed at one instinctively. “That one seems big enough,” I said.

“It does…” Alice said. “So, just like with your little cage down there, I’m deciding we should go for a smaller size.” She giggled, pointed at a cage that was roughly half the size of the cage I picked, and laughingly said, “You can sleep curled up, and don’t worry, I’ll have a small doggy bed added to it, so it’ll be nice and cozy!”

I felt like Alice was just playing a game with me. Always giving the illusion that I had an option, only to reveal she had already made her choice before even asking me, just to confirm that her choice was still enough of a challenge to me for her to enjoy making me go through it… Classic Alice…

“Is that all?” I asked. “Can we pay and go home now?” I shifted my balance from one leg to another, indicating my need to visit the bathroom. Not that I needed to pee, but the sensation of the cum that was still trapped inside me, sealed by Alice’s butt plug, was becoming increasingly bothersome, and at this point, it was just begging to get out.

“Not yet, pet,” Alice said. “It’s still early! I’ll have to feed you dinner too!” She giggled and walked off to another aisle within the store.

I anxiously followed. I really hoped she wasn’t referring to dog food. Though I didn’t exclude the very real possibility of that being exactly the case.

Arriving at the aisle, Alice took a look around and quickly made a choice. “This one!” she exclaimed excitedly. She kneeled to pick up a feeding bowl. “Now you can eat your food in the right mindset too!” she explained and giggled.

Holding the bowl, the collar, and its remote, Alice approached the cashier. “We’re ready to pay,” Alice said.

“Found everything you were looking for?” the cashier asked.

“Yes,” Alice said. “I also wanted to buy a dog cage and a fitting doggy bed, but it’d be a bit bothersome to carry it home with us. Could you possibly deliver it?”

“Of course!” the cashier said. “Just leave the address, and we’ll deliver it at the end of the day!” Looking at the feeding bowl, the cashier asked, “Would you like to have that bowl engraved with your pet’s name? We have a machine here that can do it at no additional charge! The only downside is that we don’t take back personalized items.”

“That’s not a problem!” Alice said excitedly. “Could you write ‘Sandra’ on it?

“Of course,” the cashier said. He placed the bowl in the machine and programmed a small laser to burn the name into the bowl.

When the bowl had finished its engraving process, Alice pointed out the cage she wanted, paid for the items, left her address, and said her goodbyes as she left the store, with me following close behind her.

“You may have noticed I didn’t buy a leash,” Alice remarked. “That is because I already have enough ‘incentives’ to ensure you’ll behave well enough for me not to have to use one on you.”

“But then, what’s with the shock collar?” I asked.

“Oh, that?” Alice replied. “That’s just for fun! Although, if you really want me to use a leash, I have one at home. I don’t think I’d hold onto it, though… More likely, I’d just tie it to your cage.” She chuckled at the thought of it.

I spent the remainder of the walk to Alice’s apartment quietly following her.

“Here we are, home,” Alice eventually said, reaching for her keys in her pocket.

“Thank God, finally” I sighed with relief. “Where’s the bathroom?” I asked.

“Firstly, the only ‘God’ you should be thanking, is the goddess opening this door for you,” Alice sarcastically replied. “And secondly,” her attitude became friendlier again. “The bathroom is at the end of the hallway, the final door on your right side.”

Alice slowly opened the door, but, instead of going in, she stepped aside and motioned for me to pass. Without hesitation, I quickly got in and made my way to the bathroom. Closing the bathroom door behind me, I heard Alice say, “You’d better not make a mess. Anything you make dirty, you’re cleaning up yourself!”

I quickly dropped my pants to sit down. Bending over forwards, I carefully removed the plug, gripping it tightly to not accidentally drop it once it dislodged itself from the grip of my body. The sound that followed was not particularly pleasant, and it felt weird, too. Nevertheless, I was relieved that I was finally freed of Alice’s mystery donator’s cum.

After I had wiped myself clean of any remaining remnants of cum and lube, I flushed the toilet, washed the butt plug and my hands in the sink, and set out to find Alice. To my surprise, I found her standing in the living room. The surprise was that she was in the living room, entirely naked.

“Like what you see?” Alice teased. “I figured I’d tease you a bit before we shower, for my own amusement. Is it working?” Her movements and gestures were very over-the-top, drawing extra attention to her jiggling breasts and buttcheeks.

“Yes,” I said. My cheeks flustered and my stance showed discomfort as my penis strained against its cage.

“Imagine,” Alice said provocatively. “Tonight you’ll get an upgrade. You’ll go from having one tight cage, to two tight cages.” She chuckled.

*Knowing how the day is going, she’s probably right*, I thought… holding the butt plug up high to draw Alice’s attention to it, I asked, “Where do I put this?”

“Back where it came from, of course! Silly pet!” Alice replied. She walked up to me and grabbed it out of my hands. “I’ll apply some new lube to it for you. I wouldn’t want it to be uncomfortable! I’ll be right back.” She walked off into the bedroom.

With Alice being otherwise occupied, I looked around and found that she had already started recharging the shock collar’s battery. I still couldn’t believe she was actually serious about using it on me. Though, I did consider myself lucky that she hadn’t bought any dog food to go along with the bowl…

“There we are!” Alice said proudly, holding up a lubed-up butt plug.

“Alice, that’s definitely not the same plug as the one I gave you,” I replied.

“Oh, isn’t it?” Alice responded with a fake surprise. She examined the plug. It was both longer and thicker, although the biggest giveaway was that it even had the shape of a hairless, rubber tail sticking out from its back. “Oh well,” Alice said matter-of-factly. “It’s already lubed up now, so drop those pants and bend over.”

Arguing was pointless, I knew that already, so I simply did as Alice asked. She inserted the plug, which required only a little bit of force initially. All the walking with the smaller butt plug had certainly helped with preparing my anal cavity to accept this new challenge.

“There you go,” Alice cheered. “One step closer to being a cute lil’ doggie!”

I was about to pull my pants back up when Alice stopped me.

“You can leave those off,” she said. “Dogs don’t wear clothes.” Her tone became more sensual as she continued, “Also, we should go take that shower. Come on!” After making me fully undo my shoes, socks, pants, and underwear, she took my hand and led me into the shower. “Take off your shirt too, you won’t need that either,” she said as she turned on the shower, staying outside to let the water reach the right temperature.

Alice’s shower was a big cabin shower, it could easily fit three people and felt rather luxurious. It even had a second showerhead that could be enabled by flipping a lever handle between the two showerheads. Being naked for a while already, Alice entered the shower first when she saw the steam forming from the shower cabin. “Ah, nice and warm,” she said as she let the water run down her body.

I, however, remained outside. “What are you waiting for?” Alice asked teasingly, pressing her breasts against the cabin glass. “I could’ve sworn it was your choice to be rewarded with this opportunity.”

I still hesitated. Alice was a very good-looking woman, and it wasn’t like we hadn’t ever gotten ‘up close and personal’ before. But this didn’t feel like I was being subjected to anything. If I stepped into that shower, I’d be doing so out of my own choice. There would be no more excuses to say I wasn’t cheating on Laura. Part of me wished Alice just pulled me in, so I could tell myself it wasn’t my choice. And although Alice was teasing me to get in, she was in no way being forceful.

Analyzing my hesitation, Alice’s attitude changed. “Is it about Laura?” she asked. I nodded in silence. Alice took a moment to think before a metaphorical lightbulb appeared above her head. “I have an idea,” she said. “Remember when you told me earlier today that you didn’t have much to show for to explain your silence to Laura?” I nodded in response.

“Well,” Alice continued. “What if you called her to reveal that the ‘surprise’ you were working so hard on, was arranging a threesome? That way, you won’t have to feel guilty about being close with me. I promise I’ll treat her with respect and put her needs first. The threesome would be a gift for her, after all.”

*Any other day, that would have been a very risky idea to reveal out of the blue, but in my case… There might actually be a shot for that to work*, I thought. *After all, Laura did want me to surprise her for Valentine’s Day, and this certainly would be a surprise that’d need time to set up…*

“Alright,” I said. A long-drawn sigh escaped my body as I calmed myself down.

“Call her after we finish showering, though. We’re wasting water here!” Alice urged.

Feeling somewhat reassured, I finally started to feel comfortable enough to join Alice in the shower. The water was nice and warm, the cabin was very spacious, and Alice’s soaps, shampoos, and even her conditioner smelled amazing. Alice was also being suspiciously friendly and helpful, helping soap me up, wash my hair, and even offering me her facial scrub to exfoliate my face and make it feel smoother.

*In a way, I guess you could say Alice showered me with love*, I thought to myself and chuckled at the literal implementation of the expression.

“What’s so funny?” Alice asked with a smile.

“Just a pun that came to mind,” I said. “I’m happy I get to see this side of you, too.”

“What can I say?” Alice replied. “I just love showers!” A realization came to her mind and she chuckled. “Not just golden showers, mind you. Not ‘everything’ is about kink to me! I love regular showers too! The warm water, the fragrant soaps… It just feels so good and relaxing to lather myself in it…” Alice said, rubbing soap over her breasts in circular motions. A soft moan escaped her lips as she had begun to lustfully stare into my eyes.

“It’s a good thing you’re still in that cage and that I took off the key already,” Alice said, glancing at my chastity cage. “I might have unlocked you otherwise, and we wouldn’t want that to happen before you’ve had the chance to call Laura, now would we?”

I blushed. The idea of Alice mentioning ‘normal’ sex, with me, and actually meaning it? I was at a loss for words. It was like the shower had truly changed her into another person entirely.

The thought had not ended there for Alice, though. Her stare had become fixated on my cage. “The fact I’ve been denying and playing with you for so long, but never allowing you to actually fuck me…” Alice moaned under her breath. “Fuck. Sorry, I just can’t help it anymore,” she said. She moved one of her hands down to her clitoris and started massaging and groping her breast with the other, all while keeping her eyes locked on me.

Quiet moaning turned louder and louder as Alice’s breathing sped up, along with the speed at which she rubbed her clit. She seemed to be approaching climax all by herself. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Another moan erupted, louder than the others. I thought she had reached a climax, but just as I dropped my guard, her eyes locked on mine again.

Eyes like a predator, she reached for my hand and pulled me close. Still gripping onto my hand, she then guided it to her vagina. “Finger me,” she commanded me. She briefly guided my fingers before deciding it wasn’t enough. Holding my fingers in place, Alice started rocking her hips back and forth against me.

*Was she fucking my fingers? Alice’s desire for control truly displayed itself in many ways,* I thought to myself. With her own hands, Alice went back to playing with her clitoris with one hand, while the other hand moved up to her breasts at first, but shortly thereafter, Alice instead grabbed the back of my head with it and pulled me in to make out with me.

We didn’t have to kiss for long for Alice to tighten her grip on my head and moan in ecstasy as her body shook heavily and she orgasmed (again? I still wasn’t sure). “Thanks, I needed that,” Alice said after she recovered from her orgasm. “Wasn’t expecting to get this horny all of a sudden, sorry.” She smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

“It’s fine,” I said. “We should finish up here though, Any longer and I’ll grow gills to adapt to all this water.”

Alice laughed. “Alright, alright,” she said, stepping out of the shower cabin. “Go dry yourself off and I’ll see you in the living room in a bit. You’ll likely be done before me, so feel free to call Laura while you wait for me!”

My heartbeat increased again, I would indeed have to call Laura. Keeping this ‘surprise’ a surprise until Valentine’s Day was too risky. I really had no other option but to call her about it…

Alice interrupted my trail of thoughts, saying, “Stay naked, by the way. I have more appropriate clothing for you, I just need to get it out of my fetish supplies first, and trust me, you’ll want to leave that to me.” She giggled.
