My Wife Got Fucked By A Rockstar After The Concert (M31, F30, M59) [hotwife, wife watching, threesome, cuckold, older man]

“Oh my god, that was soooooooo cool.” Danni was bouncing on her toes as we left the concert. It had been awesome, I had to admit. Jon DeMassi might be getting on in age, but he was still every bit the charismatic guitarist and mega-rockstar that he’d been throughout his youth. His sheer stage presence had the crowd glued to his every move and his electrifying guitar solos and soaring vocals had everyone dancing in their seats.

“He was amazing but it’s not over yet,” I teased her as we made our way out through the exits.

“What do you mean?”

“I have a surprise for you,” I said, taking her by the arm and guiding her towards the stage doors. “I got us tickets to the meet and greet after party.”

“No way!” she squealed, throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me enthusiastically. “You’re joking, right?”

“Nope,” I replied with a wide grin as I noticed the concert attendants standing by the stage door waiting for us. We weren’t alone. There were several other groups of people walking alongside us, who must have all paid for the same V.I.P. package.

“This is turning into the best birthday ever!” Danni’s blue eyes twinkled happily at me. She was gorgeous, but never more so than when she was happy. She had her reddish-brown hair down today, flowing in silky waves around her shoulders and she suddenly became self-conscious as we joined the queue to enter. “Do I look okay? Is my hair a mess? Oh, no, I don’t want him to see me looking a mess.”

“Quit worrying,” I reassured her. “You look fantastic.”

“My make-up,” she said, taking a hand mirror out of her pocket and gazing into it. “Is my make-up still good?”

“Danni, relax.” I shook my head in amusement. “Everything is fine. You look great. Chill out. You don’t want to embarrass yourself by being all flustered.”

“But I might meet him!” She almost squealed with excitement and squeezed my arm so hard it hurt. “I might get to meet Jon DeMassi!”

“You will meet him,” I correct her as we were finally waved through into the backstage area. “I paid for it, so it’s happening.”

“This is fantastic.” Danni was still clutching onto my arm as we looked around to see where to go. After a moment, I saw an entourage of bouncers and people with lanyards around their necks and then caught of a glimpse of the ageing rocker behind them.

“He’s over there,” I pointed.

“We’re so close to him,” Danni exclaimed. “Honestly, if he speaks to me, I might pass out. He was my absolute idol growing up. I had all his posters on my walls. I know he’s older now but he’s still really sexy. He’s got that thing about him, you know? That sexiness that only certain guys have.”

“I know.” I rolled my eyes. “You’ve told me a hundred times. This is the… what? The fourth concert of his you’ve been to?”

“Fifth,” she corrected me as we made our way over to the group of officials who were now assembling a row of tables for DeMassi to set behind. The other fans started to form a queue and I noticed several of them had brought albums and t-shirts with them.

“If I’d known, I‘d have brought all my merch for him to sign too,” Danni sighed, then immediately brightened up and bounced on her toes again to kiss me on the cheek. “But it’s okay. This is still amazing.”

We were midway down the queue, so we had a little wait until we finally reached the front, by which time, my wife was an excited, nervous mess of a woman.

“Hello there,” Jon DeMassi said as we stepped up to the table where he was sitting next to his drummer and another guy who I presumed to be his manager. Behind him were two burly, bald bouncers.

“Hi,” Danni said, her voice reaching an all-time high pitch. She cleared her throat. “Sorry. I’m so excited to meet you. I’ve been a fan since I was a teenager.”

“Cool,” the rockstar replied, taking a sip from the bottle of beer in his hand. I had to admit that, despite the creases that lined his tanned face, he was still a ridiculously handsome man. “What’s your name?”

“Danielle,” my wife beamed at him. “But everyone calls me Danni.”

“Well, Danni,” Jon said with a slight hint of a grin. “I have a special place in my heart for my longest serving fans. You know… you seem familiar. Did you come to my last show?”

“Yes. I was right at the front.”

“I’m sure I saw you,” he looked her up and down, making me feel momentarily uncomfortable when his eyes rested on the shape of her breasts through her ‘DeMassi’ t-shirt for a moment. He was wearing a pair of dark, round sunglasses but I could tell where he was staring.

Danni was thirty but Jon DeMassi was in — at a minimum — in his late fifties so perhaps I couldn’t blame him for openly admiring a younger the way he did, especially as Danni was so attractive. She often had men checking her out, something that made me feel jealous sometimes but also oddly flattered.

He shook his head, tossing his long greying-black curls back over his shoulder and touched his gold nose ring briefly with a tattooed hand. “Is there anything you want me to sign?”

He waved a black sharpie at Danni when she didn’t answer right away.

“I don’t have anything…” she said slowly.

“What about the ticket?” I helped her out, reaching into my pocket and passing her the stubs which I’d kept.

“Yes,” she said, grateful for the idea and snatched it from me to pass to her idol before he could change his mind. “My ticket. If that’s okay?”

“Sure is,” Jon replied, writing his signature on it with a flourish before handing it back. A waft of opulent cologne drifted into my nostrils as he moved. He even smelled good. “It’s been cool to talk to you, Danni. I hope we meet again.”

“Thank you,” she gushed, “Thank you so much.”

We were ushered away by one of the rockstar’s entourage so the next people in the queue could take their turn and once we were a few yards away, Danni pounced on me and gave me another bear-like hug.

“That was the best experience ever,” she said, looking over my shoulder at Jon, who was now signing a t-shirt for the woman who’d been behind us. “I just talked to the sexiest Man on the planet and I didn’t faint. I love you so much for this.”

“I love you too,” I replied, happy that I’d made her thirtieth birthday so special for her. There were complimentary drinks and snacks at a makeshift bar at the far side of the room and a couple of merchants selling badges and other merchandise, so we got something to eat and drink and perused the stalls until the queue finally died and DeMassi made a brief speech to the assembled throng of die-hard fans about how much he loved and appreciated them before disappearing through a door to the rear, shadowed by most of his entourage.

But just when we thought the night was ended and we were walking towards the exits to make our way home, one of the two burly bouncers that I’d noticed earlier stepped in front of us.

“Danni?” he asked, his small, deep-set eyes looking at my wife from beneath heavy brows. “Are you Danni?”

“I am,” she said, glancing at me nervously. “Is there something wrong?”

“No,” the big man shifted his shoulders, frowning at me for a moment before continuing. “Mr DeMassi has invited you to his dressing room for a drink with him.”

“Wow,” she breathed, then gulped. “Are you sure you’ve got the right person?”

“Short. Reddish-brown hair, wearing a pink DeMassi t-shirt and a denim skirt.” The bouncer looked her up and down. “Name of Danni. That’s you. Right?”

“That’s me but… come on… Is this some sort of joke?” Danni seemed sceptical, glancing at me again for guidance.

“I don’t see why he’d be making it up,” I shrugged. “If he’s inviting us to the dressing rooms, then that’s pretty special, right? We should go.”

“He invites a few people back,” the bouncer grunted. “You’re not the only one if that makes it seem more believable. So, look, I don’t have a lot of time. Are you coming or not?”

“Why not?” Danni said and clapped her hands together excitedly. “Today just keeps getting better and better.”

The bouncer led us back to where we’d met Jon and then through the door that he’d left through. A corridor led beyond it but as we approached a set of doors that were marked ‘Dressing Room 1’ and ‘Dressing Room 2’ the bouncer suddenly put a hand across my chest.

“You have to wait out here,” he said abruptly.


“Why?” Danni asked when the bouncer didn’t repeat himself.

“The dressing rooms are small,” the burly man shrugged. “Plus, it’s just the rules, only one person allowed. Mr DeMassi always says that husbands are trouble anyway. They get defensive or jealous or whatever.”

I just stared at him unblinking.

“She’s not in any danger,” the bouncer met my stare, unfazed. “Your wife will be quite safe with Mr DeMassi, I assure you.”

“I’m literally on the other side of a door,” Danni reassured me. “If I need you, I’ll just shout. I know you’re protective, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

Right then, the door to the first dressing room swung open and the world-famous face of Jon DeMassi looked out at us through the gap.

“Ah, you’re here,” he grinned at my wife, a glowing-ended cigar gripped between his perfect white teeth. “Come in. I have Champagne.”

Danni put her hand on mine, sliding it up my arm and patting me on the shoulder as she walked past me. “I’ll be fine,” she whispered in my ear and then the bouncer stepped aside and she entered the dressing room, Jon closing the door behind her after giving me a — what I presumed to be — reassuring nod.

“Does he do this a lot?” I asked the bouncer but he only shrugged. I tried to make light conversation with him again a moment later but he answered everything I said with a nod, a grunt or a shake of his head.

“You’re not much of a conversationalist, are you? So… what I meant to do?” I said, frustration creeping through me. “Am I expected to just hang around until she comes out? I mean, what are they even doing?”

I went to walk past him and knock on the door, but he stepped sideways, blocking me off. When I tried to go the other way around him, he did the same again, then sighed when I frowned at him, anger bubbling inside.

“Dressing Room 2 is empty,” he said in a low voice. “The walls are thin. Just don’t blame me if you hear something you didn’t want to.”

“What?” I was going to say more but realised he was baiting me when I saw the corners of his mouth twitch upwards. “Fine.”

I pushed the door to Dressing Room 2 open, and seeing it was empty as described, I entered and closed the door on the smirking bouncer. Inside was a plain and simple area with a table and chair, an illuminated mirror, a small TV and sound system and a fridge stocked with bottled drinks.

“Jesus Christ,” I heard Danni’s voice through the wall, just as I whether to sit down, turn the TV on or steal a drink while I was here. The sound was muffled but it was clearly her. I squeezed myself between the dressing table and fridge and pressed my ear to the wall.

“That’s where my stage name came from,” I heard Jon say. “My nickname was Jon The Massive, because of my cock. When we got our big break, management wouldn’t let me use ‘The Massive,’ so it got shortened to DeMassi. They thought the whole Italian thing was cool too. I just think it’s funny.”

His… what? His name came from his cock?

“I’ve never seen one that big before,” I heard Danni say after a long pause. My mind was spinning. Was he… was he showing his cock? I wanted to rush out, push the bouncer out of the way and burst in to punch the perverted old rocker in the face but I didn’t. Perhaps I’d misheard. Plus, Danni wouldn’t cheat on me. Even with a world-famous music superstar.

I kept my ear pressed to the wall, trying to ascertain that I’d heard right. I could make out low voices, both Jon’s and Danni’s but couldn’t quite pick out the words.

I remembered a conversation we’d once had, about how if we ever had a chance with a celebrity, would we give each other a ‘pass’ to have sex? I’d brought up Angelina Jolie and Danni had said ‘sure, I’d let you fuck her, she’s cute,’ and then, if I recalled correctly, she’d mentioned Jon DeMassi. I’d said ‘yes,’ to her as well, never thinking that the situation would actually happen one day.

Was the situation happening? I kept my head to the wall.

“You want me?” I heard her ask.

“Why do you think I asked you back to my dressing room, Danni?” Jon said.

“I need…” Danni replied, her voice sounding strange. “My husband is outside. I know this sounds weird, but I need to talk to him.”

“He was quite happy to let you come into your idol’s dressing room. I don’t hear him knocking on the door.”

My fists bunched involuntarily and I almost banged on the wall at the brazenness of the guy but I didn’t. I’d heard enough. It was time to tell this guy to fuck off to his face, not just hammer on the other side of the wall from the adjacent dressing room.

Just as I swung the door open, however, Danni walked through, pushing me back inside and kissing me fiercely on the lips. As the door swung shut behind her, she pulled away and looked me dead in the eye.

“This is going to sound crazy, but Jon DeMassi just tried it on with me,” she said, sounding short of breath. Her eyes were glittering with excitement and something else… something akin to… panic? Fear? Arousal? I couldn’t tell as she continued rambling about what had just happened.

“I let him kiss me,” she confessed, almost incoherently, more and more words tumbling out of her mouth. “I’m sorry but… like, wow… He’s so fucking sexy and I just kind of… I melted, I guess. My knees went. He got his dick out and I couldn’t help myself. I feel terrible.”

“You couldn’t help yourself?” I managed to squeeze a few words in when she paused to take a breath. “What did you do?”

“I wanked him off,” she said, then dismissed it with a wave of her hand as if it were nothing. “Look, he wants to fuck me. Jon DeMassi wants to fuck me! Me! As in right now, in his dressing room.”

“But you didn’t fuck him,” I said, equally as breathless as my wife now simply because I was trying to keep up with her.

“I said I had to talk to you first,” she said, her face changing almost as if the reality of what she was about to ask was only just sinking in as she spoke. “He’s waiting for me to go back.”

“You want me to say okay to you fucking Jon DeMassi?”

“Yes. It’s Jon fucking DeMassi. If you had the chance to fuck… I dunno… Angelina Jolie, I’d let you.”

So she also remembered the conversation from that night.

“I want to come with you,” I replied, a weird sensation creeping through my body, seeming to fill my bones from the feet upwards; a warm buzz heating the blood in my groin and stirring me up inside until it reached my head. I could feel the pulse in my neck. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

“I don’t think he’ll allow that,” she said, doubt clouding her eagerness.

“He can fuck you but only if I’m there to make sure you’re okay and that’s my final offer,” I said. I didn’t even know why I said it. My cock was rock-hard in my pants. What the fuck was happening to me?

“Shit,” she cursed, then took my hand and let me outside, walking to the door until the bouncer stopped me again with a burly arm across my chest.

“He wants to watch,” Danni said. I did. I didn’t know until she said it, but she was right. I did.

“Oh.” The bouncer’s eyes rolled and he sighed again and then turned around, pushing the door behind him open a crack. “The husband wants to watch,” he called through, as though it was normal.

“For fuck’s sake,” we heard DeMassi’s voice grumble from through the gap. “Send them in.”

The bouncer stepped aside and I followed Danni into Jon’s room, which was much larger than the one I’d been waiting in. It still wasn’t a particularly big room but unlike next door, it had room for a sofa and a wardrobe.

“So you’re a cuck, huh?” the rockstar said once we were inside.

“I’m a what?” I questioned, hovering around the closed door next to my wife, not knowing what was expected of me.

“A cuck.” DeMassi lowered his sunglasses to the tip of his nose and looked over them at me. “Cuckold. Someone who likes watching their wives with other guys. Or are you just a voyeur who likes watching sex in general?”

“I don’t know,” I answered truthfully. Was I a cuckold? Or a voyeur? I liked watching porn but didn’t all guys? “I’m just here to make sure Danni is okay with… well, you know.”

“Ah, yeah,” DeMassi gave me another long look, his mouth twisting into a wry grin. “Whatever. Anyway, Danni why don’t you come over here and sit on my knee for a second while I do something?”

Danni was still holding my hand and she squeezed it hard while smiling at me before finally letting go and walking slowly over to where Jon was sitting at his dressing table. As she positioned herself on his lap, he tipped some white powder from a small pill box onto the table and divided it up into three thin lines. Then he put an arm around my wife to steady her while leaning forwards and snorting one of them.

“Your turn,” he said, his eyebrows raising above the frames of his glasses but Danni shook her head.

“I don’t do stuff like that,” she said and when Jon looked at me, I said the same.

“Fair enough,” he shrugged, nostril-hoovering up the two remaining lines, before wiping his top lip with the back of one of his tattooed hands. “More for me, I guess.”

Then without any warning, he pulled Danni towards her with the hand that was around her shoulders and kissed her firmly on the mouth for a long minute, before eventually breaking their lip-lock. I could see that Danni was breathless as DeMassi turned to me.

“Over there,” he said, pointing with a diamond-encrusted-ringed finger towards the corner of the room away from the door. “Stand back there. No funny business, all right? I’m not gay or into any sort of bisexual shit. Watch as long as you want, but don’t get your dick out or try anything or I’ll have my man outside kick you the fuck out. Do you understand?”

“I’m not gay,” I glared at him but did as I was told for Danni’s sake, resting my back against the wall they began to kiss again. It was weird, watching my wife make out with someone else. I felt a wrenching sensation in my gut like my body was telling me this was wrong but my dick was saying the opposite, growing harder by the second.

“Are you okay?” Danni said when they stopped kissing for a second time. I saw Jon’s hands feeling and squeezing one of her breasts through her pink DeMassi t-shirt as she leaned to the side to look at me.

“He’s fine, sweetheart,” the rocker said, pulling Danni’s attention back towards him as he lifted the front of the shirt to admire her cleavage in her plum-coloured half-cup bra. “Fucking hell, nice. What bra size are you, Danni?”

“36C,” she said softly and I noticed her cheeks were flushed bright red with embarrassment. Or was it arousal? I couldn’t tell. “Do you like them?”

“Yeah, I fucking do. Let’s take this off,” he said, lifting the shirt further, up and over her head as Danni’s raised her arms for him. Then he reached around and unclasped the bra, letting it fall to the floor so that he could have a good look at her breasts. It wasn’t cold in the dressing room but I could see goosebumps on her exposed skin and her small, dark nipples were erect, standing out proudly as he skimmed a hand over them before cupping and groping her openly in front of me.

I couldn’t quite get my head around what I was seeing. Danni and I were happily married. This was her birthday. Nothing like this was meant to happen but I couldn’t move to stop them. I felt almost paralysed as Jon lifted Danni from his knee and sat her on the edge of the dressing table in front of him, then pushed her denim mini skirt up around her hips before easing her thighs open and pulling her black panties to one side.

“Shaved,” he commented, looking at my wife’s bald pussy. “Perfect. Right, let’s get down to business, eh?”

He stood up, shoving the chair back and I noticed then that his pants were still undone. He slipped them down and I found myself staring at the massive appendage hanging down in front of him. It reached midway down his thighs and was almost as thick as my wrist. I’d seen guys with penises as big as this in porn movies but never in real life and I couldn’t take my eyes off it as Danni hopped down from the dressing table and knelt before him.

“Are you okay?” she repeated, looking at me as she wrapped a hand around it. I noticed her fingers barely made it around the thickest part of his shaft.

“Stop asking him if he’s okay and get your mouth around it, baby,” DeMassi instructed her and she complied after saying ‘Sorry’ in a quiet voice.

It was hard to watch but I had to out of pure curiosity, simply to see whether she could even open her jaw wide enough but she did. She took as much of him into her mouth as she could and I saw the base of his dick swell as he started to get harder.

“Ah yeah,” the rockstar sighed, scooping my wife’s reddish hair to one side so he could look down at her pretty face and his cock pushing in and out between her lips. I saw traces of her dark pink lipstick around the shaft as she pulled away slightly, concentrating more on the thick, flared end of him for a moment, licking around it with her tongue.

“Did she tell you?” he said, looking over at me in the corner. “That I saw her at the last concert we played here? She was at the front and I remember thinking, ‘wow, she’s cute.’ I sent my team out looking for her after the gig — I wanted to fuck her that night — but they couldn’t find her.”

I couldn’t believe he was talking to me, almost conversationally, while my wife sucked his cock. This was fucked up.

“Yeah, you said you thought you recognised her or something,” I replied, feeling incredibly weird talking back to him while Danni continued to give him head just a couple of yards away from me.

“I wanted her from the moment I saw her and it’s funny how things work out so I always get what I want,” he grinned, a single gold tooth glinting in the yellowish lights glowing from around the dressing room mirror. “It took a year or two but I got her in the end. I fucking love groupies, especially the married ones.”

Danni’s eyes looked sideways at me but she didn’t take her mouth from around his cock, continuing to suck him. ‘I’m okay,’ I mouthed at her and I saw her eyes glimmer as she smiled around his thick girth.

“She sucks cock good,” he complimented her while still talking to me. “You’re a lucky fucker if you get this every night. I’d love to just shoot my load down her throat but I also want to fuck her and we don’t have all night. The tour bus leaves in an hour.”

“Yes. I want you to fuck me now,” Danni gasped as she took him out of her mouth and jerked his wet length with her hand instead. She was staring up at him, biting her lip while waiting for him to reply. Her big blue eyes were wide and her cheeks and upper chest were flushed with excitement.

“Are you wet enough to take The Massive?” he grinned, hauling her to a standing position in front of him, then reaching down between her legs and putting his hand under her skirt, which had slid back down her thighs during the blow job.

“I’m soaking wet,” Danni said, her eyes closing, presumably as his fingers went inside her. “Oh, Jon. Don’t. You’ll make me…”

She didn’t finish her sentence because right then, her legs gave way and a shuddering orgasm rippled through her. The rocker had to catch her with a hand in the small of her back while the other hand stayed under her skirt, doing whatever he was doing.

He’d made my wife cum. I’d just watched another man make my wife orgasm and he’d done it with the slightest touch of his fingers. I felt like pinching myself to make sure this wasn’t some sort of weird sex dream.

Danni slumped forward against his chest, but after a moment, she straightened and he pushed her skirt upwards until it was around her waist, then tugged her panties down for her to kick off onto the plush dressing room carpet.

He turned her around and bent her forward, across the dressing table, then kicked her ankles apart so he could position his monster of a penis with his shiny purple head pressed against her sticky pussy lips.

“Get ready,” he said in a low, growly voice and then I saw Danni stiffen as he pushed it in. She put a hand behind her, placing it on his lower abdomen and holding him to slow him down but he pushed again, shoving more of his dick in.

“You’re too big,” she complained but he pushed her hand away and kept sliding his cock inside, withdrawing slightly and then pushing a little deeper.

“Hush,” he said, continuing to work his length into her inch by inch. “I’ve never found a woman who couldn’t take it and I’ve had a lot of women in my time. Thousands. And every single one has taken it fine in the end. You just need to get warmed up properly.”

“Ungh,” my wife grunted as he pushed it deeper. I wondered if he was hurting her and if I should stop them but I stopped as soon as I started moving towards them because she suddenly cried out and then flopped forward onto the dressing table as another shuddering orgasm surged through her.

“There we go,” he grinned at me as he managed to ease the last inch inside her while she was just quivering on the table in front of him. “She’s cum twice already. Her pussy might never be the same for you after this, buddy.”

Then he put his hands on her hips, gripped them hard and began to pound her.

I’d never witnessed anything like it. Jon DeMassi’s ass cheeks clenched as he began to ram his intimidating cock in and out of my wife like she was just some cheap whore that he’d picked up off the street. There was no finesse or anything. He just fucked her fast and hard until she had another — her third — orgasm of the night. This time she screamed out loud, thrashing around on the wooden surface in front of him but he held her in place and continued to plough her pussy mercilessly.

“On the sofa,” DeMassi said shortly after that and a tired-looking Danni followed him as he led her to the leather couch right next to where I was standing. He sat down and guided her into straddling him, her black heels digging into the soft brown leather. “Let’s give hubby a show, eh?”

It was as though Danni had forgotten I was there. She didn’t look my way at all, even though I was only a few feet away. She reached down to hold his dick and then lowered herself down onto him. I saw it slide in, her reddened labia splaying apart and stretching out around his thick, veiny shaft.

“Good,” he said in a satisfied tone as she slid all the way down, taking every inch of him. Then he dipped his neck and sucked her nipple as she began to ride him.

I blinked several times, reminding myself that this was real and not some sort of weird hallucination. My beautiful wife was riding the cock of an internationally famous rock star and I was standing by, letting it happen.

“What a body,” the old man said in between slobbering all over her tits, which were bouncing sexily in front of him as Danni rocked her hips up and down atop him. “God, I love being a singer. I get so much fucking pussy, I can’t even begin to tell you.”

He was taunting me, I knew that, but what could I do? If I punched the guy in the face, I’d probably end up getting my ass sued and if I dragged Danni away from him, I’d end up upsetting her and ruining her birthday. This was so fucking surreal — and also, incredibly horny.

Why was I so turned on by watching my wife fuck someone else? It was all fucked up and wrong but at the same time, my dick was so hard it was throbbing in my pants, demanding a turn at fucking Danni but he’d forbidden me to even think about getting it out.

My wife’s hand was between her legs, rubbing her clit as she rode him. I’d never seen anything so erotic in my entire life and gave up questioning why this was happening and why I was enjoying it. Instead, I just watched like it was some sort of sex show in a seedy back street club, the only strange thing being that the female performer was my wife.

“I could do this all night,” DeMassi said after several minutes of Danni riding him, “But time is money. Are you gonna let me cum inside? Don’t worry. I’m clean, no diseases here and I had the snip years ago.”

“I want you to cum inside,” she moaned. Her voice was thick with desire and breathy like a phone sex worker.

“On your back, spread your legs,” he instructed and Danni complied, rolling away from him as he got up, lying full length on the sofa and opening her thighs wide.

Her pussy was puffy and slick with her juices but I didn’t get much time to look before Jon positioned himself on top of her and rammed his famous dick inside her again.

“Oh my god,” she wailed as he began to thrust into her, his ass cheeks clenching and relaxing in front of my eyes as he fucked her. “Fuck me, Jon. Give me your cum. Please. Give it to me.”

I’d never heard her talk like that during sex before, not even with me.

“Your cock is so fucking big,” she groaned. “You’re going to make me cum again.”

“Yeah, go on,” he encouraged her, starting to sound out of breath himself now. “Cum for me, Danni. Your husband wants to see you cum on my cock again.”

I saw her head lift and her eyes met mine as she looked at me over his shoulder while he continued to fuck her. “Watch me cum,” she moaned to me. “Don’t stop watching. Oh, fuck. I’m cumming.”

This time, her back arched beneath her as the orgasm hit and her legs shook as she kicked out in an orgasmic spasm. Her shoes had both fallen off and I saw her toes curling as she cried out. “Oh, fuuuuuuuck,” she screamed.

“Boss?” The bouncer came walking through the door and then stood there waiting for DeMassi to reply as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening. My first instinct was to step between them to block his view of my wife getting screwed on the sofa but there was no point. He’d seen everything the moment he entered the room. “You’re short on time, boss. The rest of the band are waiting for you.”

“Yeah, I’m just finishing,” the rockstar said, not even pausing. He just kept screwing Danni, who was now holding on to him for dear life, her hands digging into his back as he sped up. “Hold on there, one minute. I’m almost done.”

The bouncer waited and watched with me as Jon gave Danni a few final, hard thrusts of her cock, the final one making her moan out loud as he went extra-deep before finally, the muscles in his ass and lower back bunched up and he grunted deeply.

“Oh, yeah, there we go,” he said, his voice tight. “Fuck, that was good.”

A second later, he got up, his long cock swinging between his legs with sticky white cum still dripping from the tip. I gazed down at my wife who was breathing hard on the sofa, lying there with her legs open, sperm oozing from her ravaged slit, exposed to everyone including the bouncer.

“Okay, so I hate to rush you,” DeMassi said to me, pulling his pants up his legs, “But the cleaners will be here soon to tidy up. I have to get moving or the band is going to descend on us and see your wife and knowing my drummer, he’s going to want a go on her too. So, if I were you, I’d help her get dressed.”

I blinked at him, stunned at his bluntness, then shook myself into action.

“Danni?” I said, sitting on the sofa next to her. “You okay? We have to go. The cleaners will be here in a minute.”

“Oh, my God,” she said in a dreamy, spaced-out tone of voice before opening her eyes and looking at me. “That was fucking amazing.”

“It looked that way,” I nodded. “Did you hear what I said about the cleaners?”

“Yes, I heard.” She pushed herself up into a sitting position and I noticed that she had a thick sheen of sweat all over her body, a trickle of which ran down between her breasts and over her belly as I looked her over to make sure she was okay. “I’m just trying to get my breath back for a moment.”

“Thank you for a fun time, Danni,” Jon said. The bouncer had left, so it was just the three of us. “Here’s some tissues. Get cleaned up.”

She took the box he offered her and wiped the cum that was dribbling down the inside of her thigh, then began to get dressed.

“Thank you,” she said, smiling shyly at him. Once she’d put her clothes back on, creased from being on the floor, he took her hand and pulled her into another, long, passionate kiss that left her breathless again.

“Give me your number,” he said quietly. “Next time I’m in town, we should get together. You can come to my hotel room and we’ll do this properly. You can even bring hubby again if you want.”

As Danni picked up a pen and paper from the dressing room table and wrote down her number, the rockstar turned to me and looked me up and down. “I like you,” he said, giving me a short nod. “Your wife is something else. Thanks for letting me have some fun with her.”

Danni handed him the paper, which he stuffed into his jeans pocket. “You better call me,” she said. “Don’t leave me waiting forever.”

“Soon, I promise,” the rockstar grinned, his gold tooth glinting again.

The two of them finished tidying themselves up, Jon even signing the t-shirt she was wearing before we left, right over the top of her left breast. “One more thing,” Danni said, as we prepared to go our separate ways down the corridor.

“Name it,” Jon shrugged.

“Do you have Angelina Jolie’s number, by any chance?” my wife asked, casting a smile my way. “I owe my husband a huge favour now.”

“Hmmm, yeah, I think so,” DeMassi laughed. “I’ll text it to you. Don’t go getting your hopes up though.” He looked at me. “And don’t be disappointed when she turns you down, your wife is a better fuck than her anyway.”

With that, the world-famous rock star walked away to join up with the band that was waiting at the far end of the corridor and we headed back out into the backstage area and through the exit doors outside.

“Best birthday ever,” Danni said, looping her arm through mine. She smelled of sweat and sex. My cock was still throbbing in my pants.

“You just fucked Jon DeMassi,” I said, still coming to terms with what had happened.

“I sure did,” she said, waving a taxi down. “And I’ll always love you for letting me. You do know I’m going to want sex every single night now because the memory of what we did tonight is always going to be on my mind? I’ll never forget this. That was the most incredible sex ever.”

We got into the taxi that stopped for us and she cuddled up alongside me in the backseat, resting her head on my shoulder. I could feel how damp her hair was.

“Now let’s get home. I owe you the best fuck of your life — if my poor little pussy can manage it, that is.”

“Where to?” The taxi driver said, looking over his shoulder, a grin on his face. He’d heard all of that.

Danni gave him our address and we set off, ready to enjoy whatever came next.





  1. I love this story. You bring a super kinky scenario I had never considered and you really pull it off from every little detail to the big o. I look forward to reading the rest of your work!

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