Unequal treatment, part 1 [F18 F18 M18] [teasing] [tickling] [nc] [last year of high school] [humiliation] [voyeurism] [female gaze]

This is the first part of a multi-part story is set in an English grammar school in the late 1970s, and focuses on students in their final year, with all the main characters 18 years of age.

Adam let out a sigh as he looked at the grey sky out his form class’s window, already bored despite being only 2 minutes into the school day. Today Adam had a free period to start, then Maths, and Physics, then PE after lunch. PE and Games were compulsory for all students at Grange Farm Grammar School all the way to 18 – Adam would never have chosen that subject voluntarily. At least he could suffer though it with George and Lisa, his friends who were in his form and PE class, and disliked PE as much as he did. Their form teacher, Mr Suffolk, was just about to start taking the register when the school secretary came in and called out another student, Timothy, whose mother had just fallen ill meaning he needed to leave and visit her in hospital. He grabbed his things in a rush and ran out the classroom to his father in the car park.

It was only after Mr Suffolk had taken the register and read out the day’s announcements that Adam realised Timothy had accidentally taken not only his own PE kit, but Adam’s as well. Adam asked if he could try to catch up with Timothy, but Mr Suffolk said

“Timothy will be long gone by now, he was in a rush. You’ll just have to ask the PE teacher for some spare kit.”

Adam felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. Grange Farm School was a very old-fashioned school with an old fashioned uniform, including the strictly enforced PE kit. Boys wore polo shirts and shorts indoors, whilst girls wore leotards and leggings. For outdoor games lessons, which were gender segregated, boys wore rugby jerseys and shorts. The problem was that when students forgot their kit, they had to wear the embarrassing spare kit. This included a pair of ugly bright purple shorts which were invariably too small. But worst of all, the school kept no spare boys’ polo shirts, meaning if boys forgot their kit they had to do their indoor lessons shirtless. (Girls were naturally provided with spare gym blouses).

Adam had turned into a handsome young man, and many of the girls in the school fancied him, but he was also a shy and self-conscious person who never liked to display his body in front of others. Debbie, a flirtatious and confident girl who was also in Adam’s gym class, was sat in the row in front. She had always had a crush on Adam. She turned to him and said “I’ve forgotten my kit as well today. I suppose we’ll both be wearing the spare kit”, in a playful tone, with hungry eyes looking down at Adam’s chest, knowing in a few hours he’d be forced to show her his body. Adam blushed, whilst the prospect that he would be forced to expose himself in front of her was making Debbie a little wet. The imbalance in treatment only added to her fun.

George, who like Adam was a shy boy himself, saw how uncomfortable Adam was and sympathised with him. “It’s just ridiculous they won’t give us spare shirts. It’s so unfair that they treat us like this when the girls get to cover up. Hopefully they’ll let you wear a rugby jersey since this isn’t actually your fault”. Lisa also felt sorry for Adam, and embarrassed for him. But at the same time, she was curious to see his body. She sat there quietly in embarrassment and said nothing.

For the rest of the day, Adam felt extremely nervous about the possibility he’d have to take his shirt off in front of everyone, especially with the thought of girls like Debbie looking at his body. At break he saw her and a group of girls looking at him and giggling. It was often a topic of conversation amongst the girls when a slim or athletic guy in their class had forgotten his kit, as they knew they’d be about to see much more of him than usual. Being at the centre of attention in this way only made him more uncomfortable.

Just before the end of lunch, Lisa ran into George as she was heading to PE. “Hey Lisa, if you see George, can you give him this?” he said, handing her his PE kit. “I forgot I have the dentist this afternoon, so I don’t actually need my kit.”

“Sure,” Lisa replied. Though this would make Adam much more comfortable, Lisa felt a tinge of disappointment that she wouldn’t get to see Adam with his top off. She put the kit inside her own bag.

When she got to the PE department, she saw Adam standing awkwardly outside the PE office with Debbie and a couple of other girls who had forgotten their kits. Girls forgot their kit much more often than guys, unsurprisingly since the consequences for girls were not as severe. Adam was tall and slim, with dark brown hair and bright green eyes, which complimented his sharp facial bone structure. Though they were just friends, it had never escaped Lisa’s notice how good looking he was.

“Hi Adam, I have something for you.” Lisa said, approaching him.

“Oh yeah?” Adam asked.

Then in a moment of madness, Lisa acted in a way most out of character. “Well I’m sorry, I did, but I don’t anymore. George gave me his kit for you since he’s going to the dentist, but I put it down on a bench on the field and someone must have picked it up by mistake. I’m really sorry!” she added before awkwardly walking off. Lisa was usually a quiet and well-behaved girl, and she couldn’t believe what she’d just done. She felt instantly guilty.

The whole class had gathered and Mr Travis, the PE teacher, instructed them to go and change, and for students who’d forgotten their kit to report to him.

“Debbie and co, why am I not surprised you’ve forgotten your kits again.” He said to the girls. “This is a mark on your records – if you’re not careful you’ll get your third kit detention this term. Now I’m surprised at you Adam.”

“It wasn’t my fault, sir,” Adam began, explaining what had happened this morning.

“Ok then, I won’t put a mark on you record” the teacher said with a sigh. “Now go to the spare kit cupboard all of you and get ready for class.”.

“Sir, since it wasn’t my fault…” Adam began, about to ask if he could wear a spare rugby jersey, but the teacher rushed off suddenly, before Adam could finish his question. So he just hoped the answer would be yes, and helped himself to full kit.

The class got changed and gathered in the gym. Various pieces of gym equipment were arranged across the large hall, the class would be gymnastics and fitness training, and the students would be rotating around different activities in groups. Adam had put on the spare purple pe shorts and a rugby jersey. He’d picked the biggest shorts available but they were still far too small, coming down only to his mid-thigh. Many of the girls noticed his muscular, hairy legs on display, but were disappointed that it appeared Adam had been allowed to wear a shirt. Mr Travis came in and settled the class down in front of the horizontal bars, explaining what they’d be doing in the lesson. At first it appeared Adam had gotten away with it, but then Mr Travis spotted him, and said

“Adam, to the front please.” Adam gulped, suspecting he knew why he’d been singled out. “That jersey is not appropriate for gymnastics lessons, it’s far too baggy and thick. Take it off immediately.”

“But sir, it’s not my fault I don’t have my kit…” Adam began to protest.

“QUIET!” Mr Travis shouted. He recognised Adam felt uncomfortable with having to take his shirt off, as boys usually did when they forgot their kits. But he knew that he had to be strict with the boys, and that a little bit of discomfort was probably good to toughen them up. Their modesty didn’t need protecting like the girls’ did. “Take it off, no arguments.”.

Adam took of the jersey with the entire class watching, and Debbie let out a whistle, which the teacher chose to ignore. Adam went bright red, and covered his chest with his arms. Lisa went red too, feeling really bad, though she couldn’t help but enjoy the view. “Just for answering back, you can hold yourself up on the parallel bar for 60 seconds.” Adam felt extremely vulnerable as he reached up at the bar and pulled himself up. The whole class could see his slim, defined torso and biceps, as well as his hairy armpits and a distinct treasure trail under his belly button. His nipples were erect due to the coldness of the gym.

He was beautiful, and all the girls were enjoying the themselves watching him, especially Debbie and Lisa, who were both wet. It wasn’t just the sight of Adam, but the ritual humiliation he’d been made to suffer in front of them. None of them had seen Adam’s body before as he was so shy, but they liked what they saw. As soon as he had survived the 60 seconds, he sat down, embarrassed and sore.

Mr Travis proceeded to split the class into groups of four for the rotations. Most of the groups were single sex, as usual, but he saw how awkward Adam looked, and thought that to toughen him up, he’d treat him differently. “You four without kit, you can be a group” he gestured at the half naked Adam and the three girls wearing the spare leotard and leggings. All three girls were thrilled that they’d be able to see Adam up close, and Debbie in particular was looking forward to getting an excuse to touch his body.

After the groups were allocated to a station each, Adam walked over awkwardly with his arms crossed, feeling extremely exposed in just a tiny pair of shorts. Debbie crept up behind him and tickled the smooth skin of his bare sides, leading him to scream and the other girls to giggle. They looked at their almost-naked guy in his cute little shorts, knowing he was theirs to play with. Adam went even redder, feeling extremely embarrassed to be surrounded by girls almost entirely covered up by long-sleeved leotards and leggings while he was so undressed. It was going to be a long two hours…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11curan/unequal_treatment_part_1_f18_f18_m18_teasing