Meeting Lisa! [FF] and more…..

**Meeting Lisa!**

**Seeing her nipples through her shirt was a sign of a fun night.**

Last month I was packing for a quick 3-night business trip, as I packed all my clothing, hair products, makeup, and shoes into my suitcase, Rick was watching Monday night football in our bedroom. I always pack more than I need to take so my suitcase and was quite full and pretty heavy. To say I push the limits of a carry-on is an understatement, thank God they don’t weigh these things.

I was in the Airport Amex lounge having a drink and was a bit late getting to the plane by taking my middle seat between a man and a woman who were obviously not together. She was very attractive and He was very not. About 30 minutes into the flight with a drink in hand I was ready for a smartless podcast. I started to get a bit annoyed because every time I tried to put my headphones in, the woman next to me kept talking and asking me questions, she was obviously a nervous traveler. After about 30 minutes I knew she and I were staying at the same hotel the Taj, additionally, I think I had most of her life story. She was newly divorced and it was a messy one from the sounds of it. I thought to myself, looks to me like you made out just fine judging by her clothes, shoes, and handbag. Her name was Lisa, she had a sexy look about her. If I had to guess she was around 40 ish, the ish is because she could be 35 or 45 with a tiny bit of work. The thing I didn’t need to guess about is her body, she wore tight clothes and she was a hottie from head to toe. The guy next to us was attempting not to be a creeper but couldn’t help himself, he was checking us both out the entire flight and we both knew it and commented, the second he got up to use the bathroom. I swear he got up more than he had to so he could look down my shirt each time he came back to his seat. I said to Lisa I guess I should button my blouse up a little more and she said, please don’t. I thought that was a bit odd. Was she also liking my breast or was just telling me not to be uncomfortable or letting him make me uncomfortable? I asked if she was in town on business and she said sort of but for the last time. Lisa said she didn’t work anymore and she was in the city to sign some paperwork at one of her ex-husband’s businesses then the plan was to meet up with a college friend and take in a show.

Initially, I was annoyed because I planned on just listening to my podcast but actually enjoyed chatting for the entire flight. She was very nice and she really kept me entertained. When we arrived in Boston, we both just had carry-ons so we were walking through the terminal together and I said were going to the same place so do you want to split a cab? she said you’re going with me silly, I thought I said that already, my ex-husband’s business sends a driver when I’m in the city, and that’s in the divorce agreement as well as she laughed. We talked about Boston on the ride and I felt alright telling her about more of my life as we headed to our hotel. At the hotel Checking in we laughed about being old friends now and traveling together. I told her if you are bored and want to grab a drink later let me know. Lisa said, I definitely will do that and yes, I already want to so just text me I said. We exchanged numbers and were starting to say our goodbyes. (Something everyone learns about me very quickly is I’m a hugger if I’ve known you 10 minutes or forever if I feel a connection then I hug you goodbye.) This is where it gets a bit weird, we started to say our good goodbyes I leaned closer to her to give her a friendly hug and she hugged me back but then she looked right at me and said, I’m really glad we met and she kissed me, like on the mouth kissed me. I just smiled back at her, Honestly, I thought about it in the elevator and wondered if I looked surprised, shocked, or just smiled back.

I had some time to kill from the time I got into my room and when the afternoon meetings would begin. I decided to unpack my clothes. About that time Rick texted me and asked how the flight was and if I was at my hotel yet. I responded to him and informed him of the plane ride met a woman named Lisa and a guy that wouldn’t stop looking at my tits and was a bit Creepy. Were Creepy and Lisa together he asked. NO not even close, she got the creeps as well. BTW I put a few things in your suitcase he said and hoped I could get some pictures later on, like last time you were away. YOU KNOW I WILL BABY I said. God, I love the fact that my husband is obsessed with my naked body at 50-plus years old, the fact that he misses me is pretty awesome after 25 years.

As I opened my suitcase, I was surprised at seeing a dress in there I had worn on our last vacation. It did the trick and was on the floor the second we walked into our hotel room. I knew I hadn’t packed it; I also knew I wouldn’t be wearing something like that for this trip. I was wondering what other surprises I would find in there. I texted and said, I found his surprise, but I wouldn’t be wearing it this trip. His response ten minutes later was, he was trying to move a couple of things so he could come out on my last night and stay an extra day or so with me, so hey, he said, don’t be so sure you won’t need it don’t be so sure.

I instantly started imagining him with me and me wearing it for him, I don’t know why this is the dress for him but it does it for him, well maybe I do know why…. I continued unpacking until I thought I was done, but then I ran my hand along the side where there was a bulge in the side pocket and found the rest of his surprises. A mini stand for my iPhone to take selfies with a tiny Bluetooth remote and for reasons, I won’t get into here but I am very familiar with how to use it, but that is another story.

I changed took a quick shower and got dressed. I loved the new matching bra and thongs he purchased and put it on and sent a picture text to my bo and he replied WOW. I work in a male-dominated industry so there are just a few girls that go to these offsite meetings. To say I get offers would be an understatement, most men are professional but some are just sloppy with their obvious attack, add alcohol and multiply. I immediately found my team and we headed into meetings. At the end of the day 10 of us went out to dinner, I knew a couple of them outside my team of 4.

Heading back to the hotel I looked at my phone as I knew my husband had texted me a while ago, and answered him, told him

• Me-heading back to the hotel to have a drink before bed with Lisa.

• R- Great sound like you have a date with Lisa lol.

• Me-Well she did kiss me lol

• R-???

• Me-I’ll tell you about it later.

• R-I might need to see Lisa

• Me-You wish I said – you dog

I got to the bar and there were about 15 people in a bar that could easily seat 50. Three other females mostly professionals working on iPad phones and laptops. I ordered a Cosmo rock on the side and looked at a couple of emails the bartender said all your drinks are on them, they pointed down the bar at a couple of nondescript guys, who raised their glasses and went back to talking. I told the bartender no I’m good and put out my key but he said it was already paid. Within 5 minutes one of the men who paid for my drink was behind me introducing himself and asking my name. I said politely just one second, I have to get this email out in 2 minutes and started typing on my phone. It wasn’t an email it was a text to Lisa saying I’m at the hotel bar and I might need a rescue sooner than later. Two things she said, do you know the person that is hitting on you and what are you wearing? I typed back NO and Skirt and TOP LOL….

Lisa was at the bar in 15 minutes and I saw her walk in. I thought to myself well this solves everything, I could see her bra and possibly her nipples through her blouse, so I just went from a 10 to a 6 in the blink of an eye as I laughed to myself. She approached me stepped in front of who I now knew as Dan and said do you work with anyone here? I said no. She said good, she then leaned in held my face, and kissed me like oh my god kissed me it lasted about 5 seconds and she just smiled at me. Lisa then said I’m pretty sure from the rest of the week your safe and he thinks your gay laughing. I started laughing and said or did we just make his cock hard and we will never get rid of him. She was right Dan started to find someone else to hit on and Lisa and I grabbed a little half-circle booth to sit and talk. The light was a little dim at our table which is normally great at 50 but I kind of wanted to see if I was seeing Lisa’s nipples through her blouse and bra or if was it just her bra that had me captivated. After about an hour and two more cosmos each, I told Lisa, I need to send my husband a photo of my date tonight as I’m sure he was hoping for phone sex tonight and was not getting it. We both laughed as I held out the phone as far as I could and grabbed three shots of us smiling. I just grabbed all three and sent them without looking or giving any explanation. I never look at my phone while I’m enjoying others so I just grabbed the photos and sent them to Rick.

Lisa excused herself and went to the ladies’ room and I looked at my husband’s text. All it said wow I think I know those nipples. I immediately looked at my photos and with the miracle of iPhones it fixed my poor lighting issue, lol. I now could see what I had been struggling to do all night, it was not the lines on Lisa’s bra it was the outline of Lisa’s nipples. I zoomed in and studied the photo longer than I should have but realized Lisa and I had almost identical breasts, hers were just ten years younger than mine. We talked about everything as women do but things really got interesting when sex became the topic and our sex lives with our husbands were like night and day. She was the adventurist one like Rick was in our marriage. Eventually, I told her that Rick and I had had a threesome once. Actually, we have had 4 but 3 were with the same person and I really didn’t know how fucking freaked out she would get with me telling her we had one. She just said oh my god that’s awesome that you could do that and you are still so close. She told me her husband was so not into sex and he and his entire family were complete prudes. We talked for about an hour more about everything imaginable but mostly sex. She kept asking about the details of our threesome. Finally, she said OK I’m going to stop but only tonight. Trust me she said I’m getting myself off tonight thinking about your sex life and not mine and how fucking sad it that. We both started laughing because of the way she said it.

Lisa paid the check with a room key and we walked to the elevator together. I was on 12 and she had the top floor. I cannot imagine what that cost was as my company paid $850 for my room which was beautiful. We hit 12 and she said ill walk with you but only because you told your husband I was your date so that makes me responsible for getting you home. We got to my door and I told Lisa I had such a good time and that these offsite meetings were not normally like this. I’m glad, Lisa said, I’ve felt connected to you since you sat next to me on the plane. Can I kiss you goodnight seeing how this is our first date laughing, and, I saved you from God know what, she asked smiling. Laughing I said now you’re going to ask if it’s okay to kiss me, I think you did twice already? I’m okay with it and when I tell my husband, I’m sure he will be okay with it. Lisa kissed me way better than the bar, it felt like when I kissed Jennifer good. I had my hands on her hips and raised them to meet the sides of her breast as she bit and sucked on my neck a bit. Oh my god I said, this is a lot for a night, Lisa said, I agree, we should go to bed we are drunk. I just said good night and your right and went into my room.

For the first time in my married life, I felt like I wanted to have sex regardless if my husband was there or not. I honestly felt like if I just said to Lisa, can you wait a minute, I need to phone a friend and called Rick he would have said just do it and enjoy. We both have been 100 % honest in our relationship regardless of good and bad, I texted Rick and said home safe and sound. I intended to tell him everything about Lisa and how we got a little carried away in the hall tomorrow. He texted back great! I thought he was already sleeping by his response but it didn’t stop me from texting him, want to see what I’m wearing before bed? He said yes!!!!!!! Okay so now he was awake I laughed. I knew I was getting myself off after that kiss in the hall, even if rick was snoring on his end. If he was sleeping, he would eventually read it and make himself cum. The phone went Ding and I said good, I have him and we can get off together. I took a few photos and hit send, several more photos and hit send, and within 15 minutes I had probably sent 20 pictures of me getting myself off with my fingers buried in my wet pussy. I came really hard was my last text with a close-up of my wet soaking pussy.

I was so caught up in getting myself off that I had not realized Rick had not responded in a while. So, when I opened up my text from the beginning.


The text wasn’t from Rick it was from Lisa telling me she had so much fun tonight. She went on to say if we can go out again you can tell your husband, ill promise to keep my hand off you.

I had just realized sent Lisa not Rick more than 20 pictures of myself in various positions of undress.

Oh, my fucking god I said to myself as I stared at the phone not believe I just did this.

5 minutes went by ten minutes went by without a response and then Ding Lisa said I’m glad you got off and so did I for the first time in a while.

Then a photo of her getting herself off with a purple vibrator.

To be continued………..



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