Meeting Lisa! #2 [FF] and more…..

**The dilemma**

To say I was getting nothing done at work the next day would be a fucking understatement. We had meetings all morning, but in my head, I was barely there for them. Thank God I have a great team, I couldn’t stop replaying last night in my head and how quickly things could’ve gotten out of hand. That was of course before the pictures got out of hand. Oh my God, the pictures, when I re-looked at what I sent Lisa I couldn’t fucking believe it, like 25 of them in total like a few every minutes of various stages of me getting myself undressed, and then getting myself off.

So, the dilemma all morning was what the fuck was I going to tell my husband, equally weighing on me. What do I say to Lisa? I clearly could tell her I was trying to send those pictures to my husband and when I got her text, I didn’t realize I was replying to her, instead of him that would be an easy explanation and after all, we just spent two hours at the table talking about sex. The second dilemma, I could have pulled off that excuse had I just said that as soon as I realized what I had done. But dummy me just sat there frozen looking at the typing bubbles waiting to see what she was going to reply. Had I just acted sooner and then deliver it, we will have both been laughing about this tonight over a drink. For today what else can I do?

I just buried myself in the project and was going to make the best of this and deal with straightening everything else out afterward. By noon time 50 emails and 25 texts later the project was back on track. There were two texts, that I had not responded to one for my husband and one from Lisa. They brought in food for us at lunch and instead of eating I took a walk set on a bench outside.

Focus I said as typed what was too long of a text to my husband. His text said how was your date with Lisa? Lol. So, this was my reply. I decided to change my entire message and see how it played out. There’s no chance I wouldn’t admit everything to him, but I just thought maybe I can take him into this slowly, and it might be better than ripping the Band-Aid off. Next, I read the text from Lisa. She told me that she and her girlfriend Nancy got tickets to the matinee because the later show was sold out. Are you free to grab dinner or are you going out with your company? This was an easy reply, not sure yet but I’ll get back to you as soon as I know. I replied to Rick, well honey the date with Lisa got a little complicated… Was she crazy? Rick asked she looked hot so I started to think maybe she was crazy he texted. I replied back, NO, and Not anything like that but I’d rather talk at some point about it in person.

I have to get some work done today and I can’t without telling you she kissed me, well, that’s not exactly fair we kissed. messaging bubbles for about 10 seconds and I was biting my lip then the message from Rick said Well that’s fucking hot lol. Rick then said when it was 11 o’clock and I didn’t get my photos you promised I figured you two were having fun. So, you’re not pissed at me for kissing her? Taking responsibility for it. Are you sure? Rick typed back SURE in capital letters, but this isn’t what we agreed to, I typed, and we DO NOT have an open marriage. I just kind of got caught up in it.

Rick typed my God baby don’t worry about it I know who you are. About a minute had passed and I typed there’s a little bit more I need to tell you… Rick typed the three pictures I got of you two last night we’re fucking hot so if what you’re going to tell me is going to leave with me with my hand around my cock, please tell me now and I’ll go upstairs. He was joking of course; he knows I would never let things go that far. It’s not like that I typed. Dammit! Rick typed lol, the truth is you were supposed to get pictures last night, 25 of them except I was texting with Lisa and you but accidentally sent them to her, three pictures at a time from beginning to end. I will send them to you in a minute but they were bad, I mean you know what I mean. I’ll send them all to you, the last one said baby I just came. I hope you did too. It was a picture of my wet pussy. Rick typed back, that’s awkward lol.

Did you freak Lisa out? No, I said not by a long shot. This is what she sent me back. I sent Rick the picture of Lisa in the caption, and so did I. Wow Rick typed, WHAT A FUCKING BODY, next text said you could be twins. Nice save, I said, or attempt at one I wrote. I hit call and he answered 1st ring, you can’t believe how relieved I am that you find this all entertaining and are amused. I’m a little annoyed actually because I’ve been completely tied in knots since this happened. I slept about 4 hours I’ve got next to nothing accomplished this morning. I finally took a break and laughed a bit. I dreaded telling you this all morning. It’s really okay baby you make great decisions and you keep yourself safe, you always have. I’m not worried about you, Rick said. It’s not looking like I can come out tomorrow night but I wish I could, I’d love to meet your twin, yes you would, I said to myself… I told Rick that Lisa wants me to go to dinner with her tonight, but I haven’t answered her yet. I promise you, if I do, I will make it clear to her beforehand that yesterday we got a little carried away, but it can’t happen again and you know what, if I do, she might not be interested in dinner anymore. Rick had several questions for me about Lisa but ultimately, he just said, Hun look, just be careful, but I’m OK with whatever you decide. Rick said If it were another couple, I wouldn’t be okay with it unless I was there, do you agree, he asked. You already know the answer to that, I said. I told him about the bar and how she got rid of Dan and he laughed and said, that could have gone badly. I’ll call you later but I need to get back and make up for my nonproductive morning. Love you I said and thank you for loving me so much. Forever he said bye.

As I walked back I replayed in my head what Rick said to me. He said, if I was with another couple he would want to be there, was he saying he wanted to try that, or and I just reading into his every word? I might ask him at some point when I get home.

Before walking into the building texted Lisa, we’re on for dinner you still available? If you are, talk about where and when later…. Great, she replied, I have some ideas. I thought to myself, I bet you do. Walking back to the conference room I said to myself, very nice job putting the no-sex rule out there to Lisa, I see that just went out the fucking window.

So, from everything I gathered I just was given the hall pass from my husband to fuck Lisa if I wanted to and if we had just texted, I wouldn’t be sure of it but I could tell by his voice, he was good. I might text him again later today to see if he changed his mind. I remember telling myself I would not be okay with this if the situation was reversed not even close. It didn’t bother me to watch my husband with other women but it was sex and we all know that going into it, like an agreement.

My day just got 1000% better so back to work without the guilt and craziness in my head every 15 seconds I said to myself, now I can get shit done.

At about 6 o’clock Lisa texted me and said I hope we are still on for dinner I said yes but sorry I’m still 45 minutes out and I still have to shower and change. I called her and said, Hey maybe we should just eat in the Hotel. They have an awesome sushi and steak place and I’m good with either I have eaten at both before, but also, depending on where we go, I might need to borrow a top. Lisa said I’ll take care of it just text me when you are in your room and ill have it figured out.

Just as a side note: Driving in Boston is fucked up! NYC makes complete logic but this is a fucked mess. It feels like it was designed by kids that struggled in math and became engineers anyway.

Back at the hotel, I’m ready to get in the shower so I text Lisa. I’m here, getting into the shower… where are we going and what am I wearing because seriously depending on what you found, I might need to borrow clothes from you.

Lisa said you had a long day so you don’t need to worry, we are having dinner catered here. Wow, I said great, Lisa said to wear whatever you want although I’m disappointed I don’t get to see your husband’s favorite dress you told me about Maybe another time she laughed. Just come up when you’re ready, push 29 and it will ask you for a code, hit 29310 and just come in. I feel guilty not bringing anything I said can I send up some wine? I have everything we need here Lisa said just bring you.

As I got out of the shower Ding! Text from Lisa, I’m sorry I forgot to ask, was your husband upset about our date night? I know you share everything. I know we got a bit carried away. If you want, we can call him later tonight and I’ll tell him it was my fault and blame my actions on the booze and your tits if it helps LOL.

Suffice it to say, I think I was safe because of the photos of us I sent earlier in the evening. He said we look like sisters and god only knows but I’m sure that’s another one of the bizarre fantasies he has in his head. I laughed and said, see you in 45. Lisa said If you want, you could bring your little selfie stand we could take a couple of photos and tease him a bit. I will, I said, just in case, see you in a bit.

Lisa didn’t have a suite like mine, she had a penthouse apartment with a waiter. Oh my god, I said, as I walked in, are we staying in the same hotel? The place was beautiful and if I was paying $800 a night this had to be 5 K. We kissed hello and immediately she said, how was that? Not out of line this time, she laughed. Lisa had on skin-tight jeans and a tan Crocheted top without a bra. I thought to myself does she own anything that I can’t see her nipples through? I knew what I was going to be looking at during dinner. I thought I’d really taken more of an interest in women’s bodies since I had some.

This is Sam Lisa said, she is helping us tonight. I thought it was cool that she didn’t call her a waiter, or butler or reduce her for her position in any way, in fact, she just made her feel like we were lucky to be spending time with her tonight. I just liked Lisa more…. We had a wonderful meal that was brought up in courses from the different hotel restaurants and served to us as we sat in the living room. We tried different wines from all over the world so it was really a magical night. I told Lisa my god this must have cost a fortune and I really felt a bit guilty you should let me pay for something I said. Lisa laughed and said, this is a business expense for my asshole husband it almost sucks but I’m doing him a favor as we both laughed. There were black Iron spiral stairs leading up to a rooftop deck so we took our drinks and went up to the deck. It was almost completely private and had seating and a hot tub. I say it was almost private only because there were taller buildings in Boston that could clearly see the hot tub.

We sat drank wine and looked out over Boston. After about an hour and two more glasses of wine, Lisa pointed to the tub and said what do you think? Wonderful I said, also it would make a great selfie to send my husband. WISH YOU WERE HERE…. Lol. Oh my god, it would kill him she said. Great, she said let’s get in. There was a little changing room with white robes hanging and we both walked in, we both started to disrobe and Lisa said to me if you feel uncomfortable, we can wear our underwear but I have none on she said laughing. I’m pretty sure with the photos I sent we both know what we look like naked, already so that ship has sailed. Watching her undress and try to wiggle out of her jeans I said we have identical bodies, yours is just ten years younger and way tighter, as I laughed. We both put on robes and headed to the tub with towels. The view was spectacular as we walked up the stairs to the hot tub. We both disrobed and stepped in.

The rooftop was dimly lit but definitely light enough if someone was trying to see us with binoculars or a good camera from another build they could. We could have Sam get your phone and take a couple or bring up your phone holder. Will you really do that I asked her, Lisa said I already told you I’m good with it. Lisa pushed the intercom and said, Sam at some point can you grab Janes’s phone on the coffee table and bring it up with more wine? Be up in a bit Sam said do you want the same wine or something different Lisa down at me and I said surprise me, Sam said OKAY. We were once again like old friends talking about everything marriage children family sex lives everything and then some. Lisa finally offered that her college friend was actually someone who she had sex with in college and she has seen every year and it ultimately ends up with them in bed again. Her friend was an extremely prominent figure and successful and could never come out. Instead, she lived her life as a secret lesbian woman. Lisa told me she could never have told her husband because he was a prude but she loved her weekends with her. Lisa then said it’s one of the reasons I know I’d love your husband. He clearly doesn’t control you and trusts you and from what you have told me you both have no hang-ups.

Sam was watering plants on the lower deck and Lisa said to Sam can you take our photo she said of course. We raised our wine glasses sitting next to each other like it was a cheer to you photo. We were both completely covered with bubbles and steam. Okay one more I said, I told Lisa to get in front of me, Lisa was up against my breast with her back and our heads next to each other and we were smiling. I think he will like that one better I said. Click click click Sam took several.

Sam handed me the phone and asked if these were ok and trust me, they were more than okay I said. Lisa looked at the photos and said this one is good to send it to him. I never text while I’m out with others so I just put the phone down but Lisa picked it up and handed it to me. I looked at the photos and showed them again to Lisa and asked if this one was okay to send. It’s better of both of us but you can see a little of your nipple. Lisa looked and then said, Jane, everyone has nipples, do you think he thinks we’re in bathing suits in here? I said, last chance before I send this, are you sure you are okay with this because it’s pretty clear we’re not wearing suits in the picture? Lisa a bit drunk started laughing and said it’s the least I can do for Rick, after all, I tried to jump his wife last night. Is that what you were doing, I said laughing. We were in the tub for about 5 more minutes and Sam came up with more wine for us just what we needed.

Ding within 15 seconds. Rick said are you fucking kidding me, was dinner served outdoors in a hot tub. On second look with his glasses, he said it look more like dessert. Omg, I have to ask though who took the photo? It was Sam, Lisa apparently has a butler of sorts, typed. I looked at Lisa who was now sitting on the edge of the tub to cool down and as I studied, her body and it was flawless. Rick said I could be Lisa’s butler, after all, I only work a few days a week. Sam is a woman, I texted to Rick so you couldn’t, you might be missing parts. I showed Lisa his text and she laughed.

I told Lisa I’m pretty sure my husband is in bed with a kickstand at the moment. Can I take one of just you I asked. Because you look …oh forget it, can I take it I asked. She was laughing and covered her nipples with her hands, she said to take it, now he won’t know we are naked in here laughing at me. I sent the photo and Ding. looks like you guys are doing fine is that Lisa’s place? Yes, I typed Ding what a dump. Lisa was next to me reading and laughing. Call him I want to talk to him. I laughed and was also a little drunk and said oh my god where will this go. Possibly the 5 glasses of wine or the hot tub but I just said Sri call Rick and handed her the phone.

So, Rick is how Lisa started the call. I’d like to introduce myself, I’m Lisa Davenport and I’m on a rooftop deck in Boston in a tub with your gorgeous wife. So your wife is wonderful but you already know that. I’m telling you this be I want you to know, I annoyed her for more than two hours on our flight yesterday. So, I am repaying her by having dinner brought in tonight for us. I know possibly, no probably, she told you I was a bit crazy but I’m not, I just hate flying. Also, full disclosure, we had drinks last night and because your wife is fucking hot, I might have tried to hit on her.

Okay well, I did hit on her. Lisa and I were both laughing at this point and we both agreed, Lisa was hilarious. Anyway, last night was a complete failure for me she told Rick, at the hotel room I tried to put a move on her and I ended up walking away with a lame kiss. Lame I yelled? So anyway, Rick I’d love to barter with you if we could….. Lisa put it on speaker now and shut off the bubbles. What I was thinking was if you give your wife a pass tonight, then the three of us could meet sometime in Boston in the next six months and go out. Rick finally spoke, you’re going to fly again he asked, yes that’s part of the bargain. I was shaking my head at this point. Lisa said so what do you think about that Rick, we could do a do-over. Your wife and I could redo our sad attempt to have sex without you. Lisa hit mute and looked at the phone and we were both wondering what would happen. A pause, and then Rick said, Lisa, you’re barter sounds wonderful and obviously, you already know we have somewhat of an alternative lifestyle. What is most important to me is my wife is completely comfortable and you are both on the same page. I’ve told my wife to trust her judgment and you look and sound wonderful. Lisa was silent for a few moments and said I can’t wait to meet you and your wife is beautiful beyond words. Rick said, yes beyond words. Have fun girls as he dropped the call.

Lisa said Oh my god your fucking husband is awesome. Two more things, I’m going to fuck your brains out and he is getting pictures of everything.

Lisa started kissing me and asking me if I was sure this is what I wanted. Small bites on my neck are what had me saying YES oh my god yes. I started thinking, my husband had given me more than a pass and because of that, I was ready for whatever happened next. We both spent the next 15 minutes both being the aggressor back and forth. I stopped only when Sam popped up to check on us, and I would ask Lisa if this was okay. Obviously, it was because she took over at that point and was not only kissing me but had me out of the water on the deck licking and sucking my nipples. Sam without a step poured us wine and disappeared periodically. The amazing thing was Lisa never seemed to be phased when Sam walked into several different acts of sex every 10 minutes. Lisa said Sam could you take a few more photos for me? If you are uncomfortable, I’ll understand. Sam just said no my goodness Lisa anything you need. Lisa had her take several shots of her licking my tits and me licking and sucking her identical nipples.

Lisa then had me get up and lay on my back. Lisa got between my legs and started licking my bare pussy almost getting me off several times but stopping just short and she knew it. I was so turned on. First, my husband was going to see these photos, second, Sam who was a cute 22-year-old hottie was taking photos of us and seemed to enjoy it and lastly, and possibly the most I felt we were being watched by several other buildings. As Lisa was sucking my clit and pinching my nipples Sam walked into the dressing room and grabbed some towels and put them under my head. She was clearly unphased by this and possibly had just seen it all, working as a butler for this high-end place.

At some point, we moved over to the couch and our bodies were intertwined as we kissed. Lisa reached over pushed the intercom and said Sam can you bring me the lubricant and the purple vibrator out of my drawer. Purple I said smiling, Lisa said I have a couple, I have not lived your life she said, as we both laughed. I had Lisa on her back now and I was sucking and biting her nipples my right hand was rubbing her clit. Sam opened the door and I stopped quickly like she had not seen everything already. Seen it I thought, she took photos of IT….. Sam asked if we needed anything else and Lisa said no but check on us in a bit. Would you like more pictures she asked and Lisa said several. Lisa looked at me and said I am getting a copy of all of these right? I told her after I do some editing my body isn’t as good as yours. I sat up a bit grabbed the lube and with some, in my hand, I put two fingers into Lisa. Her pussy was fucking beautiful and I just kept working at hitting her g spot. I was lost in everything going on and had forgotten that Sam was still moving around the deck still taking photos. She must have silenced the phone as I couldn’t hear it clicking. I was kissing Lisa’s neck when I asked her, how do you want to cum baby? Lisa whispered we may have to use the vibrator I’m a tough nut to crack as she grinned. Want me to suck on your little clit I whispered to her. God YES, she said.

As I kissed and made my way down to her pink clit, I thought about a couple of years back during our first threesome and how scared I was. I was so nervous then about another woman getting me off never mind me licking another woman. A lot has changed since then and I couldn’t wait to taste her but wanted her to beg me for it first. I loved this newfound power I have over women, knowing I can get them off in minutes. I thought to myself vibrator my ass I’ll get you off. I licked her lips and slowly brushed my tongue from side to side. I continued to reach in a cupping motion towards her g spot with two fingers. Lisa was squirming whenever I swirled my tongue so I kept doing it. Lisa started to lift her hips after a couple of minutes and she lightly put her hand on my head. Lisa was moaning loudly at this point and if the other rooftop was occupied, they could definitely hear us over the music. The wall between the deck was for privacy but with the slates, it wasn’t too private. Lisa kept pushing her hips higher to me so I slipped my fingers out of her pussy.

I put my thumb in her soaking pussy and slipped my wet middle finger in her ass. I started pressing my fingers together rubbing back and forth when Lisa pulled my mouth onto her clit hard within five seconds of me sucking her clit she was screaming oh my god I’m cumming. 30 seconds later she released me and collapsed on the couch covered in towels. I kissed my way back up to her, I started kissing her and whispered Vibrator huh really you sure you need it as I smiled at her. Lisa just smiled and said you’re next and if Sam pops up at the right time I might have her help me.

**To Be continued ……**


1 comment

  1. Amazing and incredible story! (Oh, and now I want to be your husband…LOL.) You are one lucky woman, and I can’t wait to read the next installment.


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