The Babysitter’s Tongue(ing). [FF/25-40] [Lesbian] [Fingering] [ Oral] [Cheating] [Age Gap]

“Hey Ella.”

A vaguely familiar face waved enthusiastically at me from across the coffee shop. I ducked, immediately ashamed of myself.

I’d popped over for a sneaky caffeine fix, leaving my boyfriend languishing in our hotel room. I wanted peace, so I ignored her, even when the corner of my eye recorded her approach.

“Ella? Is that you?”

She looked pleased to see me, so I racked my brain, desperately recalling old memories and then, boom!

“Oh god Sasha, I’m really sorry, I didn’t recognise you.”

I loved babysitting Sasha; she was always well behaved, went to bed when I asked and slept through till morning. Her parents paid me well, didn’t come home drunk, and her dad gave me a lift home, with no strings or wandering hands.

When I moved to college, we lost touch, so it was a pleasant surprise to bump in to her at Christmas while visiting my folks.

“Would you like to join me?”

“I can’t stay long. Mom and dad return from vacation tomorrow and I promised to decorate our home for Christmas.”

She sat down for a minute or more, as always happens.

I felt relaxed with the young woman I’d last known as a ten-year-old girl. The same innocent smile, inquisitive nature, and glowing warmth radiated from her beautiful soul.

She’d grown into a beautiful woman with a twinkle in her eye that cost me another hour and two more coffees. I messaged my boyfriend who told me to chill.

She seemed happy to see me, asked about my life, college, my job and boyfriends. She admitted to not having much interest in boys so far, but didn’t rule them all out.

“I’m keeping myself for someone special.”

“Do tell, Sasha.”

“I have a long-term love target. I don’t really have time to explain right now, I have to dash.”

“Do you need help?”

“Decorating? Oh yes please, Ella.”

Outside, we linked arms to stay on our feet, laughing when we slid across sidewalks caked with hard packed ice for the ten-minute walk home.

I froze before we got to Sasha’s family home, and was glad of the warmth of a roaring fire, spitting and crackling, full of Christmas cheer.

I tossed aside my warm jacket, leaving only a skirt and blouse I’d thrown on, appropriate for the hotel but not for a hike in the snow.


“Try stopping me.”

I smiled, shivered and stepped closer to the fire, rubbing hands and scanning a living room filled with boxes.

I unpacked gleaming baubles, twinkling lights and an enormous fairy to top their seven-foot tree while Sasha worked magic on a coffee capsule machine I heard steaming and squirting in the kitchen.

We laughed, drank coffee and assembled the tree expertly. Harrods window staging team couldn’t have done it better.

“I hate heights, can you do the fairy, please?”

It felt like I was back babysitting Sasha. Her wide eyes brimmed innocently with delight, knowing I would do anything for her.

I climbed a rickety stepladder, realising my skirt and thong left little to the imagination.

It’s Sasha, she won’t care.

I rocked precariously atop the ladder. Seven foot feels more like fifty when you’re up there.

When I slipped, Sasha grabbed my knees, steadying me.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

She smiled up at me, confidently tapping my legs while nodding, urging me to go on. I knew she must have a perfect view of my barely covered shaven snatch but didn’t seem phased so I carried on placing my life in her hands..

When I leaned forward too far and wobbled again, one of Sasha’s hands slid up, gripping higher on my thigh. I felt flushed and wondered if her gentle touch could achieve anything more than my arousal.

She won’t be able to stop my fall.

I stretched further, but still couldn’t reach the top of the tree. It was definitely getting warmer up there, particularly between my legs, and I longed to get back to my hotel room for the warm tongue waiting in bed.

“I need to reach further.”

“I’ll hold you, go on.”

I stretched, tensing my whole body so much that a trickle of lady cream escaped my thong, dribbling down my thigh. I felt a finger race to trap it, then track the slimy trail to its source, slip a digit in my hole, harvest some more, and then disappear, like a thief in the night.

Did that really fucking happen?

I froze, then heard a noisy lick and suck.


My head snapped around, and I saw Sasha grin like a cat that got her cream.

My cream… technical it’s hers now.

“No Sasha! You fucking didn’t… did you?”

“Fucking too right I did.”


“Don’t ‘Sasha’ me when you’re the one dribbling with ‘please fuck me’ juice.”

“Sorry, umm.”

“Don’t give me ‘sorry umm’ either. Get down here so I can lick you properly.”

I descended the ladder unsteadily, step by step, while she tore down my thong. I went foggy with desire, heavy with arousal, and felt determined to fuck the girl I’d babysat a hundred times.

Fuck her, Ella, she’s old enough now.

Oh, that sounds so fucking wrong, Ella!


Sasha was already naked and lay down, guiding me in. She tore my knees apart, rubbing them violently on the carpet for the access she rabidly wanted.

She spread me wide so that I could straddle her perfectly with my pouting labia filled with promise and flavour.

I descended at both ends, lapping her pussy at one, spilling my cream into her mouth at the other.

Oh, Sasha, I want you so much.

She tasted divine, and licked me with a fervour as I watered in her mouth and she in mine.

I felt deliciously disgraced, piling in to Sasha, sucking the clitoris her parents had paid me to protect for so many years.

I fingered her, gently exploring her pussy, lips, clit, hole and immediately inside her soaking love tunnel. I desperately indulged my finger in the taboo that felt so right exactly where she felt so tight, pressing lightly inside her anus.

I harvested copious juices from inside Sasha’s tight, pulsating pussy hole, sucking my fingers clean, then returning for more.

I used my elbows to lever her thighs back further, to immerse my face deeper, licking and sucking her clit while nose fucking her pussy.

I rode the stormy wave of an orgasm while she licked me higher on its crest. When she plunged a finger inside my puckered anus, fingering my rectum, feasting on my clit while moaning like a whore, I exploded.

I felt hedonistic, wanted to scream with joy and never stop licking Sasha’s perfect pussy. One she’d preserved for a special person.

Then it hit me.

Because it is me!

The desperation of her tongue signaled her carnal desire, driving me totally off the edge of an orgasmic cliff. I screamed, muffled among her labia, driving her wild as her petals vibrated in my vigorous scream.

I descended from the cliffs, controlled by her tongue, dashing delightfully on the rocks below, preparing for the next pleasure wave Sasha would hit me with.

I stretched her labia wide, then gently flicked the slimy pearl nub with my tongue, from side to side, increasing speed and pressure the more she moaned until she bucked, riding a blissful climactic ridge on the end of my tongue.

I plunged two fingers inside her pussy, coordinating my tongue-flicking with hers, and we rose to orgasm together, shuddering like lovers who’d fucked each other for years.

We devoured each other’s pussy, cleaning and savouring while my head went crazy with desire and guilt. It had been so long since I’d felt so much incendiary passion.

When we eventually disengaged and stood up, recovering composure, I collected our clothes from the floor, passing hers and getting back into mine.

“Do you feel weird, Sasha?”

“Not even slightly.”

“I was your babysitter.”

“And a damn good one, too.”

She jumped into my arms, like the child I remembered, kissing me gently and lovingly but now with tongues and lips ablaze, passion exploding and opportunity knocking.

We looked at each other, giggling, with no awkwardness. I scanned the room, noticing our romp had set our work back and felt guilty.

“We’d better get this tree finished.”

“There’s no rush. Mom and dad are away for the whole Christmas break, skiing.”

I eyed Sasha suspiciously as her grin widened.

“What? I’ve wanted to make love to you for years.”

“Oh, you planned all of this?”

“Only from the moment I saw you in the coffee shop.”

“You’re so much naughtier these days, Sasha!”

“Perhaps you should do something about that. I still have my homework, wooden ruler.”

“I really must.”

“Can you stay for Christmas? Babysit me for a couple of weeks?”

“I have a boyfriend at the hotel.”

“Can he stay too?”

“Yes, but let’s get that ruler before collecting him.”

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  1. Really enjoyed this! So easy to follow and the details are so vivid. Looking forward to enjoying more of your work :)

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