[MF] How my wife transformed from a low libido stay-at-home mom into a submissive cum slut and I from a passive nerdy dad into an assertive dom. [Part 2]

Link to [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/119hka9/mf_how_my_wife_transformed_from_a_low_libido/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

As it turns out, the budding return of my lovely wife’s body confidence made it “feel right” sooner than I ever would have expected. I work long, boring twelve hour shifts in a little office by myself – plenty of time and opportunity for the mind to meander – and the next day my mind was thoroughly meandering over every inch of Sadie’s body. The passion with which she was embracing her renewed sexual empowerment was intoxicating and I wanted – no, I needed her to have more.

Given convention, one would assume that what followed was a raging internal debate within my own mind about the consequences, emotions, and complex dynamics of posting pictures of my wife’s nude body – which until very recently she had been hesitant to even show me – for public consumption.

Convention would be mistaken.

It truly “felt right” as I dug into my phone to find a picture of her in the shower, rivulets of soapy water running down her curves and accentuating the fullness of her breasts. I took just a moment to enjoy my wife’s soapy body and smiled to myself. A few minutes of creating a throwaway reddit account later, and those curves and fantastic tits were now available for everyone to enjoy.

The notifications came like the first drops of rain before a thunderstorm. Slowly at first. Rhythmic. Then faster. As the post gained popularity and the dribbling rain broke into a thunderous torrent of upvotes, comments, and chat requests, my heartbeat quickened as if marching in lockstep with the pings of each new affirmation for Sadie. The workday slowed to a crawl as the anticipation of telling my wife of nearly twenty years how desperately hundreds of internet strangers wanted to worship her body – before doing any number of other things to it – swelled inside me to the point of bursting.

Driving home I readied myself for the evening. As parents, our first priority is always our family; telling my wife that several thousand people had seen her nude – and several hundred had made it explicitly clear they wanted to fuck her brains out – would have to wait just a little bit longer. The night played out like so many before and so many since; family dinner, chatting, playing with the kids, getting them to bed, but there was a unique and unmistakable electricity in the air – and I knew she could feel it. Our kisses lingered longer, our gazes delved deeper, our touches ventured further, and once the kids were tucked into their beds for the evening, we sat together on the couch, her head on my shoulder and my hand softly stroking her gorgeous salt-and-pepper hair.

“So,” I began coyly, “what would be your gut reaction if I told you that I did, in fact, post a nude picture of you on reddit?”

She jolted up to a sitting position and turned to me. “Did you?’ she asked, her freckled upper cheeks beginning to flush red.

“I don’t know,” I smiled, “why don’t you tell me what your reaction would be and we’ll go from there.”

Her soft, rose colored lips curled upward at the edges in a slightly embarrassed smirk as she gave the question a few seconds of thought before saying, “I think it would be exciting? As long as you looked through it first to make sure there were no shitty comments.”

Her eyes widened and the redness of her cheeks intensified as I pulled my phone from my pocket. I chuckled a bit as I handed it to her. “There are some very interesting comments – but believe me, love, no shitty ones.”

Her hands trembled ever so slightly as she took my phone, reddit app open, and sunk back into the comfort and security of my embrace. Together we began to read all the comments her post had earned. As we started, I could feel the fluttering of her heart and the quickening of its beat and the heat from the flushness of her face was radiant against my cheek. After a few minutes, she began to fidget slightly as I held her, shifting her body against mine and readjusting her hips and legs. She continued reading, but my eyes wandered away from the phone – down her arms, the curve of her breast, her stomach, searching for what I knew I would find.

Her arousal was so complete from the praise and hungry desire of hundreds of anonymous redditors that the wetness of her pussy had soaked completely through her panties and thin pajama bottoms. Always the considerate husband, and figuring wet pants and panties were not comfortable reading apparel, I reached my hands beneath her waistband and slowly slid them down her thighs, her calves, and as they slid to the floor she moaned a soft “yes” while my hands began to softly work their way back up.

She turned to kiss me. I took her lips softly, deeply, then pulled back just far enough to whisper “keep reading”. Her eyes fluttered closed for the slightest moment before she said, “Yes, sir” and began to read the comments again. As she did, my fingers slid across the juices now covering her upper thighs and plunged themselves into their work. While my fingers caressed her dripping wet lips, before slipping in and out of her as they curled themselves up to fill her and tease her, she read. I leaned in close to her ear, kissing it softly and letting my tongue trace a trail down her neck before I whispered to her again, “Out loud.”

And as my wife read aloud all the perverse thoughts her nude body fueled, and all the primal things the thinkers of those perverse thoughts wanted to do to that body, I allowed my fingers to find their way to Sadie’s clit. Gentle circles at first, then firmer as she continued to read. Her voice was nearly a whisper now as she read to her husband a comment from a man she had never met who wanted to pull her soapy body from the shower, bend her over the bathroom sink and fuck her until she was filled with his cum. Her eyes yearned to close and her voice was nearly gone, but still she read as my fingers flicked faster and her hips began to move in rhythm with her pleasure. One more comment was all she could manage before her eyes closed, her reading became nothing but the repeated moaning “oh, god, yes”, and the phone fell from her hand as the intensity of her orgasm captured every part of her.

I held her. Pulled her close and stroked her hair while she recovered. After a few minutes I reached down and retrieved my phone from the floor. “You haven’t even gotten to the best part, love.” I said with a smile.

Opening up the chat requests, I handed the phone back to my wife. Flushed again she turned, “Chat? Really?”

“Of course, love.” I responded. “What could be hotter than real-time praise?”

We smiled at each other and laughed… then began to sort through all the men who wanted so desperately to sext my wife. Some requests made us laugh, some made us cringe, but a select few seemed promising. “Go ahead” I reassured her as she typed a response to some random redditor who we both knew just wanted her to help him get off. I slid myself to the other side of the couch as she chatted so I could bask in her confidence and enjoy the full breadth of her sexual empowerment. Who would have imagined feeling such contentment watching your wife in a sexually charged chat with another man?

She was smiling, laughing, absolutely glowing. But, as content as I was in that moment, I’m also an early riser and my bedtime was far too long past. Just as I kissed her goodnight and began to head to bed, she stopped me. “He wants another picture… in the chat” she said, half aroused, half embarrassed. I took her by the hand, kissed her again, looked into her eyes and said,

“Then be a good girl and give the man what he wants.”

As I headed downstairs to bed I looked back just as she was beginning to pull off her shirt.

Like I mentioned, I’m an early riser. Up at 4 am every day. Sadie on the other hand is a bit of a night owl and certainly not a morning person. So you can imagine my surprise when I awoke the next day to find Sadie already up and in the kitchen getting me something ready to take to work for lunch.

“What are you doing up so early?” I asked her as leaned in for a kiss. She draped her arms around my neck and kissed me back – before turning just a bit to hide the enormous grin that had crept across her face.

“I may have never actually went to sleep” she said through lips tight with joy and cheeks blushing red.

My wife of nineteen years, the mother of my children, a woman who not so long ago had not even wanted to sext with her husband, had stayed up the entire night sexting in reddit chat – and I couldn’t have been happier or more proud of her. I had about an hour before work so we sat and talked about her experiences, reread the chats together – less the ones where she did all the work getting these dudes off just for them to go silent after they came – but concentrating on the good ones, the redditors who gave her the respect and attention she deserved and made sure she got off as well.

It was a fruitful, honest, open talk. Communication is so essential in a relationship, and we were firing on all cylinders. Of course, the comfort and trust level to which we had gotten in our relationship and communication, and our renewed and quickly intensifying lust for one another meant that our “fruitful, honest, open talk” ended with her naked on the kitchen table as I fucked two orgasms out of her and then came deep in her pussy – but it was a fulfilling end to such a deeply connected and emotional talk. Content, happy, and very curious to continue to explore the path down which we had started, I began packing up to head out for work. When I was nearly finished, she grabbed my hand, handed me my phone and kissed me.

“I think maybe I’ll make my own reddit account?” she said with half playful timidness and half seeking of genuine approval.

I smiled. “I really think you should. You wouldn’t want to leave your new admirers wanting”. I laughed as we pressed our bodies close together, wrapped our arms around each other in an embrace, and allowed ourselves to be enveloped in the safety and security we had worked so hard to build. As I pulled away and headed out the door she asked “What should I post?”

A mischievous grin danced to the corners of my mouth. “Probably your tits.”

She laughed. “Obviously. By the way, you’re off this weekend, so I just thought I’d tell you that I’ve already arranged for the kids to go to friends houses Saturday and Sunday night. A whole weekend, just us.”

It had probably been damn near a decade since the two of us had an entire weekend to ourselves. My heart leapt into my throat and my imagination began to run wild with possibilities, but I just gave her a wink and a smile.

“Good… I’ll need a whole weekend to do all the things I want to do to you. That’s what a good girl deserves, after all.”

As I drove to work my imagination went into overdrive… but my imagination couldn’t scratch the surface of the reality, or the pleasure, that weekend would hold.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11a1ola/mf_how_my_wife_transformed_from_a_low_libido


  1. What excellent write ups! I was reading this while curled up in bed waiting for my gf to come to bed and it’s the middle of the day! So much fun and you’re giving us ideas… 🤪

  2. Hahaha, dat poor woman! It’s unfair! She deserves better, it should be you who is submissive, and she should be your domina! /just joking/

  3. As much as I’d like to ogle your wife, I would suggest you avoid linking your wife’s account. Most people are chill but you mentioned she really doesn’t want to see negative comments and there are plenty of fucked up people that would say mean things just to get a reaction out of her.

  4. I absolutely loved this and you guys’ relationship!!
    This is me rn! I’m exploring Reddit with my otter (😉) half. He’s enjoying the show and encouraging me along the way! It has definitely helped boost my confidence in ways I didn’t expect!

  5. This is very erotic! My girlfriend and I have been talking about sharing pics on here, I may have to have her read this account and see what she thinks

  6. This is very wholesome, I love how you enjoy her happiness but still act dominant ☺️

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