Part 1, The Woman in the Window [F, FF. STALKER, 18+ , NSFW]

She was in the kitchen cooking when he came up to the back door. It was a sliding glass door and he could hear the music playing. She was at the stove, in what looked like nothing but a long t-shirt and nothing else. The shirt was dark blue, made her long strawberry blonde hair stand out. It was straight, and shiny, kind of like what you would expect in a shampoo commercial. He could smell what was cooking- spaghetti. She was moving around at the stove, swaying her hips from side to side. She must be only around 5’4 maybe 5’5 , he thought. She’s one of those medium heavy people, probably aroubd 170, nothing he couldnt handle. He’d been watching her. Every day. She wakes up at 530 every morning. He watches as she leaves to go workout, stops by Dutch coffee afterwards for her soy latte, and comes home to work. At 3pm she walks her dog, a golden retriever puppy. They walk around the block 4 times and after that, she hardly leaves her home. She doesn’t get visitors and she doesn’t go out. She’s absolutely perfect. The type of woman he would want to date, if “dating” was what he was in to. His favorite time of day though was at 730PM. Like clock work, 730 she stands with her back to the window and undresses. Gets ready for her bath. On the 4th branch of the large oak tree in her yard, he can watch with no problems.

She would turn on her TV, then start to undress. It’s like she knew I was watching. Swaying those hips, bending over all the way to take off her panties. She was always smooth, as he knew she got waxed every 3 weeks. He even knew the place and her aesthetician. He’s always wanted to steal one of her used strips. He’s dreamed of her smell, always making him hard. When she’s bent over he can see her pussy lips for just a moment. Then his favorite favorite part, when she takes off her top. She hardly wears bras, which is surprising because of the size. At least a DD, and her small pink nipples. Always erect. Most days she plays with them. I swear she knows I’m watching, the way she runs her palms over them. Looking down, watching them get harder and harder. Licking her palm and furiously rubbing it up and down on the tips of her nipples. Those are the best days, because he knows why she does it.

He knows it makes her so horny, she’s going to have to use her “favorite” pillow. She straddles the pillow, the corner covering her clit, moving her hips back and forth. Taking her nipple in her own mouth, sucking, even biting! The first time he saw this, he came in his pants. Didn’t even have to touch himself, he was already rock hard, and he came. All down his leg. What he wouldn’t give to see that all over her. Watch it drip down her thighs, out of her freshly fucked pussy, make her taste both of them together.

One day he’ll get the courage to approach. Make her see what fun they could have, make her see how much he could make her cum, make her fall in love with him.

It’s all he could think about, until one day, he was watching when at 730 instead of his favorite part of the day, she was getting dressed up. She even put make up on. And a dress. A very revealing dress. She didn’t look comfortable at all, no he had to save her. She was going on a date. After she left, he waited. She better not come home with someone else, he thought. He stewed all night. 830, 930, 1030… but as he waited, he stroked himself. Maybe she’s fucking him right now… oh god. That beautiful pussy taking a thick cock. Getting what she deserved. Thinking of a tongue against her pussy. Mm god , he could almost imagine her taste. He’s always enjoyed going down. He loves the taste, the smell, he especially loved when they would squirt. Oh god, I’m gonna cum, he thought. When all of a sudden she was home. But not alone. Ughhhh , he thought. This is terrible. But, the passenger wasn’t a man, it was a woman. Hmm.. maybe just friends. He felt silly for getting mad at her, and watched. The friend was sexy, not as beautiful as his woman, but she was sexy. That’s when he noticed it. The woman of his dreams had her hand up this other womans dress!!! She had her friend pinned against the front door, kissing her, hand up her dress.

Hmm.. maybe tonight is the night I should introduce myself… he thought…
